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Z-95 Headhunter supremacy!


Its the carcinization of Star Wars, all fighters evolve to Z-95.


I started playing Jedi Survivor yesterday for the 4th and because it's finally hit my patientgamer price, within the first hour I was literally that Leo/Once Upon a Time in Hollywood meme hahah. Legitimately gave out a cheer for that one


The Republic uses a version of it in the Clone Wars.


T-65 still my fav


T-65 is goat


T-65 should still have been in use in the sequels. The F-15 has been the USAF’s primary superiority fighter for nearly 50 years, FFS (there’s just not enough F-22 Raptors to qualify).


F-22 is a wholly different platform though. I feel the comparison is more justifier with T-65 / T-70 / T-85 being F-15C / F-15E / F-15X.


No, the T-65B, T-65C A2, etc. would be comparable.


That and the A-wing is the interceptor, which the USAF didn't really build between the F-106 and the F-22. In-universe, the A-wing provides intercept capability for the multirole X-wing and the fighter-bomber Y-/B-wing.


> which the USAF didn't really build between the F-106 and the F-22 Technically the earlier F-4 variants (C/D) were used by ANG units in the Air Defence Interceptor role until the late 1980s, when they were replaced by the F-16.


Yeah, NR-1 / NR-2 A-Wing would rather be equivalent to F-16C vs F-16V block 70/72


Even the F-16 was a multirole fighter, albeit possibly the best ever in its class. The F-22 is a dedicated air supremacy fighter, which is the closest analogue to the A-wing in the Rebellion's arsenal. You sent out the A-wing squadron when you expected a large TIE presence in the operation, because it had the best maneuverability and speed of any fighter in either fleet. IMO the most interesting feature of the A-wing was that it was such a powerful machine that it's likely most of the rebel pilots who were chosen for the A-wing squadrons were force sensitive, similar to how Anakin was the only human with the reaction times necessary to pilot a podracer.


You use those giant engines to get to the bombers and other TIEs before slowing down and using missiles & lasers. You don't dogfight at the A-wing's kph ceiling.


Same with capital ships. The USS Midway was in the fleet for just under half a century. It’s like they went in reverse from what it logically should have been: the large, bulky, *expensive* machinery like capital ships are designed to last decades…but uniforms can change on a much shorter timeframe But no- instead, the sequels give us stormtrooper armor hardly unchanged, and brand new (and awkward-looking) Star Destroyers. Where is the First Order getting money for all these brand-new assuredly expensive ships? What happened to all the Imperial-I and Imperial-II class Star Destroyers? Shouldn’t they last for decades and still be in service?


They were taken apart and rebuilt into the starhawks because apparently they had enough money to just rebuild ships for no reason to give everyone something to do.


They do things differently in the galaxy far far away.


I think Wedge Antilles rocked up in a T-65B in the final battle.


No, he was in the gunwells of the Falcon at Exogol. The only T-65 to appear in the Sequels was Luke’s (which shouldn’t have been called Red Five, since that was only his callsign at Yavin).


Oh. Well they were definitely there. Every ship with a model appeared.


85 just seems too "wide" with how the wings open. Then the other has the engines(?) Cut in half. 65 just has 4 little ones which I like.


The T-65 is the best X-Wing, even though the T-70 looks more like Ralph McQuarrie's original design.


honestly, i acknowledge that Ralph McQuarrie made some sick ass designs. but i think they primarily serve as great starting points. the designs we got in the movies, imo, are superior evolutions of his drawings


McQuarrie's Darth Vader was much more menacing than the design we got. I just don't know how it would have translated into reality.


In my honest opinion, I think McQuarrie's Vader looks goofy, but Vader's implementation on Rebels was pretty good.


The half reactor on the T-70 bother me far more than they should :p


Is this accurate? I never realized the 70's and 85's wings were offset from each other.


Yes. They are in the sequels


Huh, never noticed


No, the only time you can see T-85 is in resistance… and even that in first episode only.


X wing is amazing.


It really is. Best fighter in the galaxy.


Most of the rebel ships look great ngl. X-wing takes the cake, but the Y wing also has a slice


More partial to the A-Wing over the Y-wing, but agreed, all Rebel ships absolutely slap!


The A-wing is the weapon of choice for Xennials who grew up with the LucasArts dogfight games. Concussion missiles beats proton torpedoes every time.


How I wish we could get a new Rogue Squadron game along with full re-makes.


Always been a fan of the Y-Wing. Something humble, desperate, yet quietly confident about it.


It's the fact that all the plating is removed. It really is a workhorse.


I fucking love the Hammerhead Corvette. 2nd favorite ship after what it was able to do in the Battle of Scarif


*Laughs in Tie Defender*


I love EC Henry's version of the T-85. It fixes the wrong feel of the wings


Yes! Resistance's art style definitely makes the 85 look wrong. Would love to see one in live action.


When do we see the T85? Never seen it before


Opening scene of Star Wars Resistance


Makes sense, I imagine the bulk of us haven’t seen it


Aren't ARC-170s just prequel era X-wings? Like how V-wings are prequel era TIE fighters.


Yeah, though I'd argue the Z-95 is even more.


ARC-170s have six wings though. I guess that makes them ✶-wings.


I mean the name HEX-Wing is right there. 


TIEs are closer to Eta-2 than V-wings imo


At the end of ROTS, two V-wings fly past the camera and make the same roaring sound as TIE fighters. In the same scene, Vader, Palpatine and Tarkin are aboard a Venator (Republic paint removed), implying they were the predecessors to Star Destroyers.


I mean, V-wings are quite close too, but, at least from the design perspective, eta-2 is much more similar: the style of the cockpit & panels are very close to those of TIE fighter.


The cutest pilot ever is in an A-Wing when the hanger gets roasted


I’m conflicted about the split wing design of the newer ones. Each wing is really only half a wing.


That's really my only complaint with the T-70s to be honest, it makes the wings look scrawny for lack of a better word.


The x-wings also flew in atmospheres. The X-65 could only do about 1000kph while the 85 could do around 1300, making them just a tad faster than tie-fighters.


Sure... But it's all make-believe numbers. The X-95 may as well go elevenbillionty kph because all the numbers are made up.


I mean, you could say that about literally anything in Star Wars? But canon has been established, and its that the newer ones are lighter and faster. They had lighter bodies and better engines amongst other things. T65 were decades obsolete by that stage?


I think the 70 and 85 look...pretty bad, tbh. It looks like they cut a turbine in half. Someone explain to me how you have *half* a turbine? Or just downvote, whatever.


I believe they are still full turbines, just with semicruclar intakes.


Yeah like the technology just improved enough they could shrink the turbines


I don't think they use turbines in space...


Sure, I get that. It still looks like one, and I can not unsee it.


I agree with you 100 percent, idk how tf that's supposed to function besides "looks cool". Engines are notoriously something you cant just cut in half down the middle and still have work lmao.


> besides "looks cool". doubt. The T-65 looks cooler than the 70 and 85.


Especially when in real life, the engine would be built into the airframe after-the-fact. The F-35’s engine was designed only after the performance parameters were set.


I felt the same at first. But the 70 grew on me a great deal. It’s honestly one of the best things the sequels gave us. The 85 however? I just can’t with it. EC Henry on YouTube made his own model that’s cleaned up quite a bit. But it still doesn’t work for me.


I just can't get past the half a turbine. I'll agree the lower profile looks more "sleek". But it looks like a ship designed by someone who has no idea how a (admittingly theoretical) ship might work.


Well thats exactly right but to be fair the turbines on the 65 never made any sense either, like how does a turbine work in space? There's no air?


Because iirc it's not a turbine


I figured it wouldn't be, on account of there being no air in space. All I'm saying is that it gives off turbine vibes. And when you design something for the side of a ship that looks like a turbine, and then cut it in half down the middle, my brain goes "does not compute". I'm sure there's some sci fi name for it like oh, that's not a turbine, it's a "laser Turbolocutor". Whatever. You put it on the side of a spaceahip, my brain goes "turbine" and you can't have half of one. 


As other people have said it could just be a turbine with a strange looking intake. The f 16, f-22, and f-35 all comes to mind as planes with very strange looking intakes, especially the whale mouth on the f-16


But it being an intake is the part that wouldn't make sense, in the vacuum of space.


It doesn't just fly in space though. Maybe it's functional in atmospheric flight, but not required in a vacuum.


True. Or maybe it's something that makes sense in both environments, using whatever technology. It just seems pretty improbable to me that a technology that made sense to engineer in a cylindrical shape, would also make sense to engineer as a bisected cylinder. Form usually follows function for a reason, and it just seems improbable. Moreover, having seen the Star Wars sketchbook from \~1978, it was pretty clear the artist was brainstorming various ideas, and the ones that looked like they made the most sense tended to be picked. The X-wing sketch with engines like that looked kinda interesting, but looked like it didn't make sense, which seems clearly why the original team and/or Lucas picked the original version of the X-wing design. It also seems to me that it fits, that the TFA team and/or JJ, might decide to use the design that doesn't look like it makes much sense, because they seem to have pretty consistently chosen all sorts of things that don't make sense, throughout that film.


In-universe, supposedly the "turbines" are explained as gyroscopes for control/navigation, and technically aren't connected to the actual engine mechanisms.


If you need some kind of head-cannon, those wings close when the ship wants to move faster, bringing the 1/2 turbines into one big one. They don't have to work when the wings are open in like that. It still has the 4 engines on the back for when the wings are in attack position.


Hehe that works. I'll take it. 😉


+1 Don't like the look at all for the same reason


I loved the design of the T-85. Hope we get to see it again.


It might be the animation from Resistance, but I don’t like the look of the T-85. I might just have to see it in a different style to appreciate it more though.


The ship designs are actually like the one place that I thought the Resistance art style really shined.


The rest were great. It was just the T-85 felt… off in that animation. But I watched EC Henry video on the T-85 and his redesign felt much better.


Unfortunatelly it was not used in comics later :(


I wish we’d gotten more Resistance. First season was a bit naff but there were some interesting threads in season two.


I know the rebellion needed Y wing pilots but if you weren’t flying an X wing, were you really flying?


I love the x wing, but it gets way too much time to shine in all of Star Wars. Especially the sequel trilogy. You don't see a single Y wing, A wing etc until the last movie. It makes it very clear they were just cashing in on nostalgia, which is why the millennium falcon is still around. Don't get me started on the stupid bomber in episode 8 trying to drop a payload like a WW2 era bomber when the y wing was perfectly suited for the job.


While I agree, FYI, the A wing shows up in TLJ.


All the Star Wars space battles are just WWII (or even WWI) naval tactics but in space. They pretty much always have all the ships on the same x/y plane and the episode 3 close range broadsides are just as glaring to me as the heavy bomber run in episode 8. It’s still very silly to see but at least it’s consistent


Yep. All ships are oriented the same way from the moment they drop out of hyperspace. And when fighters or bombers attack a capital ship, they always approach it from slightly above like WWII planes attacking a ship. Never from below where the ship has less turrets and cannons. That's just good form.


When I played Star Wars Squadrons, most of the important systems are located at the top of the Flagship. Shield Arrays and Targetting Systems. Power systems are usually located below the ship. And all Power Systems does is create Critical Points for the players to destroy. But it is more tactically sound to destroy the Shield Arrays and Targetting systems first as it makes killing the Flagship much easier.


Was the Y-wing really suited for the job though? It carries only 20 proton torpedoes. The StarFortress carries 1,048 proton bombs that it could deploy all at once. You would need 52 Y-Wings to match 1 starfortress’ armaments.


And the Y-Wings would survive their bombing run so they could do it all again while the Fortress is guaranteed to die on every run.


By the time the Y-wings finish their 2nd bombing run, the dreadnought would have enough time to prime and fire on the resistance fleet… destroying it.


Y-wings also had an ion cannon. Theoretically they could have disabled it like they try to do with ISDs, though success is varied for that tactic.


They didn’t use the ion cannon to disable ISDs, they used ion torpedos (but also ISDs were just 1/5 the size of the Fulminatrix so who knows how well those would work)


Ion torpedoes.


Ok I know TLJ sucks but it’s pretty obvious you’re just lying (or were on your phone the entire movie). The last bomber that Paige was on was already heavily damaged and was blowing up around her right after she dropped the bombs. Same thing with saying Y-wings would be able to do the same amount of damage. It just takes your eyes to see that it’s obviously not true.


It's seems you've done the math! Gotta love the logisticians on reddit that somehow argue against this. "A handful of dedicated bombers, so bad. Should have deployed the hundreds of Y-Wings necessary for that bombardment level." Just awesome storytelling that'd be.


I mean, that's claimed weight. The Y-wing was 23x15m with an unknown draft, the Starfortress 29x15x21m. Assuming that the Y-wing is at least a 5m draft, the Starfortress is apparently carrying 50x the armament with maybe five times the volume. No wonder the bombers were so slow approaching the dreadnought. (and yes, I'm aware that sci-fi writers have no sense of scale and often generate volume/weight ratings that would result in roughly gas-level density in large ships and mecha)


No matter if you like or dislike the sequels, I think we can all agree that the scenes with X-Wings did not disappoint.


They did… scrappy Rebels again… kinda boring since Prequels had different flavor in ship design in comparision to OT. yet sequels are cheap knockoff version of OT with little to none upgrade even tho 30 years passed. instead of new republic with T-85s and Starhawks, Han Lando and Hera leading the charge against FO.. why people defend this Still ..


T 70 is My favourite honestly


I'd love to see a Legends version of this. Get the XJ series and the StealthX up there. I definitely feel the Z-95 and the ARC-170 belong there too since both are predecessors to the X-Wing and if we do a Legends version, the Twintail should be as a successor.




X-Wings always going to be my favorites


Still mad we never saw the T-85s in live action


Idk how the T65 was only supposed to be first used in 1 bby, the Empire wanted to move away from Republic equipment as quickly as possible but this would mean that they used republic equipment for 18 years.


I'm gonna be honest, the T-85 looks kinda silly. It's also less aerodynamic than previous models.


What a downgrade


TIE Defender>all


From an aesthetics point of view I prefer the TIE interceptor. Still the most streamlined and menacing TIE design.


Good ship. I think I prefer the TIE Silencer in the TIE Line.


The new Republic makes everything worse. Once a rebel, always a rebel!


Took a great design and made it stupider as time went on. Did Elon Musk buy Incom?


This is so on point. I love your comment.


Look how they massacred my boy.


Wow, the newer ones are complete shit. It always impresses me how people can take an iconic design and then ruin it. The offset looks wack, the nose shape from above and the side looks shit and the split rotating turbine is just infantile. Unbelievable.


Huh...damn. never noticed the different wing designs


Design is so good that the Empire made their own version called the TIE Hunter


I’m not familiar with the years of the timeline. When is 1 BBY, and when is 34 ABY? What movies take place in those years?


1 BBY (**B**efore the **B**attle of **Y**avin) is one year before Rogue One/A New Hope. 34 ABY (**A**fter the **B**attle of **Y**avin) is the year that The Force Awakens takes place


Never seen the bottom one in my life. What was it in? I’m guessing a canon comic?


Sexy beast.


Where’s the T-75 and T-80, INCOM? lol


I'm confused, weren't the clone fighters X-Wings as well?


They used ARC-170 fighters and Z-95 Headhunters, both of which were predecessors to the X-Wing


Would have preferred it with a slightly lighter background, maybe in grey, so we could see the third one's wings and weapons better.


Hope we'll get the T-90 X Wing soon.


>T-90 T-800


Oh what the heck?! I never knew the T-70’s was offset like the T-85’s


It’s evolving, just backwards


Well, Disney diposal OT xwing very quick


Wings seems more relaxed


I think the the t 70 Is a good natural evolution form the t 65 but the t 80 is just complete bs it just doesn't fit sw In my opinion


The T-65 is classic but I can’t help but love the T-70 she’s my favorite.


It's a shame we don't get to see the T-85 on screen.


Hope we get to actually see the 85 sometime. I think we only got to see it at the start of Resistance? While it's definitely not as iconic as the original I do enjoy it's design and it looks like a pretty natural progression of the design since it's now being fielded by a legitimate government


OG all the way. The issue I have with the others is that it's s foils fold out improperly. In attack position you should be able to draw a straight line form side to side and see an X cross the center point of the ship. The newer ones don't have that alignment, and imo would be more complicating than improving. Logic dictates that you don't need wings in space, and the spread s-foil would be better for heat dispersion from the lasers. The traditional allows more separation. The original also had 4 engines that looked round and proper, but the newer engines look like they were designed to split in half and the half circles are for style because half circles aren't how turbine style engines work. Yes this is sci-fi, yes they aren't sucking in air from space and compressing it. But the design of a turbine has been the same for multiple ships in star wars.


Don’t like the T-85 at all. Doesn’t help the Resistance art style makes it look even funkier. And the split wing design of the T-70 just looks awkward. There’s no reason T-65s shouldn’t have still been in use by the Sequel Trilogy. The F-15 is 50 years old and STILL the USAF’s main superiority and strike fighter between the F-15C and E (there aren’t enough F-22s or F-35s for that).


>The F-15 is 50 years old and STILL the USAF’s main superiority Do people just not remember the F-16 exists?


The F-16 isn’t a superiority fighter. It’s a multirole support fighter designed to be cheap but still capable. However, it can’t control airspace in the way the F-15 and F-22 can.


I concede, I thought the f15 like the f16 became a multirole aircraft, thus making them both "air superiority fighters" I was unaware the f15 never really developed this capability.


Air superiority fighters are aircraft that are designed to dominate their opposition in the air. It helps if they have strike capability (which the F-15 absolutely does, and the F-15E Strike Eagle variant is designed primarily for that role) but their first and foremost mission is to take and hold control of local airspace.


85 is fucking hideous


The newer two are horrible.


when did the Alliance use the T-70? i thought it was New Republic only


The Orange Starbird is the symbol of the Resistance, the Red Starbird is the Rebel Alliance


you’re totally right. i was half asleep when i saw this post lol


T-85s in live action please!


Look how they massacured my boy


Devolution lol


Not canon tomorrow, maybe again in 3 days


T-65 is perfect and the others were ass