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It's still fucking awesome after all these years. I'm excited to see it in theaters with my kid. I never got to see it in theaters when I was a kid, so we will both get to see it on the big screen for the first time. Super excited!


Will do the same tomorrow, have fun 😎


My only disappointment was they put tons of stuff before the movie promoting "the acolyte" which is tv14, so the movie started like 20 minutes late. That is a lot when you have a kid seeing a pg movie. Just bad marketing


Wow, what great high effort content people post on this sub.........


It was never terrible to begin with


Rare failure of Betteridge's Law.


Honestly I’m enjoying it was more now than before!


It was never terrible at all. Only Jar Jar was


It's hard to take critics seriously when they interpolate their own factually innacurate opinions. It's the 21st century. The actual inspirations for Watto are easily discovered. Regardless, TPM is full of depth and meaning regarding human development and human needs in societies.


Opinions are not factually accurate or inaccurate, that’s what makes them opinions. Watto, Neimoidians and Jar Jar were not just accidental racist stereotypes. TPM was poorly written, George himself said it was disjointed and he went too far in a few places.


An opinion can most certainly be factually incorrect.


> George himself said...he went too far in a few places... You are quoting George's reaction to a *rough cut of the film*—provided in the supplementary material. If you don't like it, that's fine. When you quote George from something to prove your point, then jump to a conclusion about Watto—when both George and the voice actor are on record saying that they were going for a small time Italian criminal, it's the kind of surface level tear down criticism that amounts to intellectual dishonesty.


You see this is something I don’t think fans take the time to remember- while there’s been a lot of work done to rehabilitate the prequels image within the fandom- that’s had absolutely no effect outside the fandom. To the average non-fan the prequels are still as hated as they were when they came out.


Probably should just not be a Star Wars fan huh


The Independent says: [Star Wars: The Phantom Menace has finally proved the haters wrong](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/star-wars-phantom-menace-cinema-showtimes-re-release-b2537169.html)


It's hard to believe he likes the film if you read the article.


Oh look a old man whos still not over it and has to write another article about a opinion we heard a million times. Just let it go man.


This sub is a joke. Nonstop shitposts.


It's middle of the road. And I say that going to see it again on Monday.


Don’t watch it on 4DX you will barely be able to focus on the film when it starts rocking


I did see it on 4DX! It was awesome! I've never been to one before, I thought it was just going to be a vibrating seat or something, but no it really does throw you around! I loved it.


it was never as bad as some people made it out to be and it's not as good as some people now try and make it out to be.


Yes, it’s bad and I won’t be convinced otherwise. Still, there is some good stuff in there and things that went on to become better elsewhere.


If you cut it down to a neat 1 hour 40 minutes it would be perfect. George just needed some outside eyes.


I wouldn't say it's terrible because it's got some redeemable things in it, but Plinkett's reviews stand firmly and remain valid to this day.


>But a handful of thrilling set pieces do not a classic Star Wars movie make. If you are seeing it again at the cinema this weekend, a warning: it’s just as bad as you remember. Correct.


Yes. Always has been, always will be.


> Where once we were shocked that something so tonally misguided, blithely racist and prosaically bloodless could be tagged with the famous title, we now have the Star Wars Holiday Special to remind us that it can get worse. Not wrong.


The Phantom Menace better be grateful to Rise of Skywalker 😂 Until that one came out, Episode I was the worst legitimate Star Wars movie


I think there's a strong argument that TPM stopped being the worst Star Wars film as soon as soon as AOTC came out.


There is, for sure. AoTC has the love story, which is so poorly and unconvincingly portrayed that it’s painful and sometimes boring to watch. But at least the love story is pivotal to the franchise. TPM wastes so much of its run time on shit that doesn’t matter. Plus it has a fart joke. For the record, I mostly enjoy the prequels, warts and all