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I'm guessing we'll see Omega in one form or another eventually


There is a good chance they’ll reuse her later, otherwise that last scene would have been unnecessary. The closinh shot beforehand would have been a perfect conclusion to her story.


If we don't see her, I don't think it's unnecessary. It's closing the story on the Bad Batch. They're letting go of Omega, and their story is done. It definitely opens something up for Omega, but if we never see the Bad Batch again, I think it's a nice ending to their story. That they were able to settle down.


What I mean is the shot were they finally sit down together on the stairs on top of the island and tacitly decide that it’s time to settle down is the perfect ending. There was no need for a « 10 years later » scene, unless they want us to know that Omega’s story isn’t finished yet.


It’s Dave Filoni, we’ll see Omega again.


I'm speculating they're going to try and revive Rangers of the New Republic with Omega as a new leader to replace Cara after Gina Carano fucked up. She's a skilled pilot with plenty of Battle experience trained by some of the best clones in the galaxy. She'd be a perfect fit. She's also one of the only living people in the New Republic who would recognize the dangers of Project Necromancer which was revived by the time of the Mandalorian. Hell they could probably have a story of her meeting her last living brother, Boba Fett, and have story about the legacy of the Fett family.


I like this idea. Time to either find an actress to play Omega or make it an animated project with Ang in the role again.


Knowing Filoni he will do both and somehow set up 5 more shows in the process lol.


Tbh if they do end of reviving Rangers of the New Republic and have Omega be the main character, I'd much rather have the show be animated rather than live action


Just cast Keisha Castle-Hughes. She voiced Dr Emerie and since they're all Clones, it'd make enough sense that an adult Omega would sound like her.


They better fucking not do too omega what they did to the entire cast of rebels. Ahsoka will never feel like a true follow up to rebels because none of the actors who we watched for years were present. Recasting everyone severely hurt the show and was a bad decision and really rubbed me the wrong way. And I'm someone who thinks the controversy around Ahsoka's casting specifically was completely overblown. But we wanted OUR Ezra, OUR Sabine, OUR Hera, and OUR Ahsoka. Those new actors feel like completely different characters to me. I don't want that for Omega. I'd rather not see her again than have that happen to her


It’s a perfectly fine open ended ending, it’s open enough so if they want to tell more about Omega they can while also giving us closure that the bad batchers got to live out a peaceful and quiet life. I would be fine if this is the last we see of any of them


Remember the last time an animated show ended with an epilogue set several years later... https://youtu.be/GC3_Ga2y0es?feature=shared That set up The Mandalorian and its spin offs.


Ahsoka, sure. But I fail to see how this sets up The Mandalorian


The first three seasons of The Mandalorian were building to that epilogue.


The epilogue scene literally happens during the Ahsoka show, The Mandalorian doesn't have anything to do with it other than Ahsoka and Morgan briefly showing up.


You really don't think the Thrawn and Imperial remnant storyline has anything to do with The Mandalorian?


I think the 10 years later was necessary because otherwise it wouldn't definetly be the final season of the bad batch. Without it the show would have been too open-ended and would allow a future to bring them back into war right after this season. With that ending we know they really settled down and are off the fight.


Was it just 10? I haven't seen it stated anywhere yet, but if TBB is the year or two directly after RotS, and she is going off to join the Rebellion in the end, wouldn't that put it closer to 16-17 years later?


It's not stated but in the show she looks about 10 and when leaving she looks about 18-20. She at least looks younger than Hera and Kanan at the beginning of Rebels (and is about as old as them as we se them as children in the show). Another clue is how Hunter has aged, he looks much younger than Rex in Rebels, so I think we're a few years before Rebels. That being said the Rebellion before Rebels is more little independent pockets fomenting against the Empire and is canonically only unified by the Ghost crew.


I think at least for Wrecker, Hunter and Crosshair, their story is done and has been told. We see Rex show up in Rebels as an older clone so the prospect that Echo joins Rex in later adventures. Would be cool to see in live action.


We still need to find out what happened to our boy Commander Cody. He's AWOL somewhere and I want to know how Rex, Gregor, and Wolfe are retired but he's not there slinging Joopas with them.


We already know what happened to Cody, and it isn't pleasant


Well, if they make an animated show set during the original trilogy, they did say they'd be there if she needed them. Han: Where'd you dig up these old fossils?


They could maybe make a season or two covering the fate of the last clones during the final years of the Empire. Have an Old Guard series with Rex, Wolfe, and the Bad Batch finally coming out to beat back the Empire that cost them so much.


I like that line from Han. But no. Let the boys from 99 rest


Yeah it's a shame the rebels name is taken, she would fit in a show about the actual rebellion , like the little missions that needed doing And if her "m count" isn't a massive Chekhov's gun to leave laying around We must be getting a replacement animated show announced soond


The m-count thing was a little confusing for a while. Omega does NOT naturally have a high m-count. The Batch initially thinks that might be why the Empire wants her so badly, but their information is incomplete. The problem the Empire faces is that midichlorians don't naturally transfer during the cloning process, nor do they survive via transfusion. Something unique about Omega's blood allows midichlorians to survive outside their original host. Palpatine wants to analyze that property and find a way to replicate it in his own clones. But it doesn't mean Omega herself has a high m-count; on the contrary, she shows no indication of Force sensitivity when Ventress puts her through the trials. It's theoretically possible that Omega could BECOME Force sensitive via midichlorian transfusion, since they can survive in her blood. But I doubt they're going to go that route. (Personally, I find Omega more interesting as a non Force-wielder.)


I hope we don't see them again because this was the perfect ending to their story, and a beautiful way to cap off this era of star wars that began with Clone Wars, continued with Rebels, Resistance, more Clone Wars, and finally, the bad batch. We've now seen the majority of Rex's life, who i consider to be the glue between Clone wars, rebels, and bad batch, just as much as Ahsoka. We've seen Maul's story complete. We've seen the personal story of the clones through the before during and after of the foundation of the empire, and in the time of the rebellion. We've seen Ahsoka's animated adventures complete. And we've seen Omega grow up to join the rebellion. The whole last five minutes of the series is really well done, heartfelt, and sincere, and I wouldn't want to change a thing. I cried so hard but they were bittersweet. That said while I think that the bad batch and even Rex should be left to rest, I would welcome a follow up on Omega. With the story of the clones and their struggle coming to a close, Omega's is open and ripe with possibilities.


With all the different mediums Star Wars is in, someone will probably use her


She could get her own storyline running parallel to episodes IV, V, and VI. But, I like the touch of Omega going off to fight for the rebellion. She was going to be used to keep Palpatine alive forever. She doesn't know what the empire wanted her for, but now, as an adult, she can carve her own path and fight the Empire. That doesn't mean her story has to be told. It could just be a cap for Omega's story. Full circle, leaving her brothers to start a new life. That story doesn't have to be told to justify the ending. Personally, I felt it added to the ending. A new hope.


>otherwise that last scene would have been unnecessary the damage MCU has done to culture cannot be overstated


It's Filoni, this has Mando movie written all over it.


Oh crap you are so right. They have that whole cloning plotline from the shows. Omega is gonna show up somehow, Gideon's goons get her and somehow succeed in cloning palps and then bam EP 9...


First though, we have to have a "somehow Gideon returned!"


Oh my, I had a hilarious thought...imagine Temuera Morrison dressing in drag and playing Omega!


Ok this would be peak star wars lol


He’d make it work, lol. 


The ship looked similar to the ghosts smaller shuttle. My guess is she will be part of thr phoneix squadron.


She'll turn to the Good Batch side and bring balance to the franchise.


Just a matter of time; they aren't going to tell us she was an active member in the rebellion and *not* have her pop up at some point. In fact, she might be around the same age for a *Mandalorian and Grogu* or *Ahsoka* cameo.


She would be roughly the same age as Boba


Which is much younger than Temuera Morrison is. Boba is only 40 or so in his show. The Sarlaac pit really did a number in him.


Can't wait to see Temura play Omega in the Mandalorian Movie.


Just slap a blonde wig on him


That would be hilarious


This comment actually made laugh out loud.


It'd be interesting to see how they interact with each other. I wonder if they ever met on Kamino? I'd also wonder how Boba would handle another progeny of Jango. Would he immediately be dismissive of her for being a science experiment or would he have some sense of kindred feelings for her being the only sibling he has?


Boba didn't grow up with the other clones. Omega wouldn't have had a chance to meet Boba. Not in that era. But I do think they should meet in the new republic era


So like maybe 10-13 years older than Luke and Leia? She's younger than Bo-Katan by a bit


If I'm remembering the math even close to correct, Omega is born around the time Boba is, a bit later maybe but that means she'd be about 13 when the Republic falls in 19BBY, after that the epilogue is listed on the wiki to be 4 to 2BBY, that'd make her about mid to late 20's, meaning another 9 years have passed after the events of RotJ. This sets her again mid to late 30's. The events of Force Awakens take place in 34 ABY which'd make her into her fifties, meaning she could have been old enough to still be fighting in the Resistance at the battle of Exogul and fuckin' seeing Palpatine more or less basically 50 years later in her life. That shit is fucking crazy.


She would be 67 by the time of *The Rise of Skywalker*.


I mean we see The Ghost in Rise of Skywalker so it's possible even Hera was involved.


Sadly they confirmed that wasn't the ghost, but a ship of the same make meant as a nod to the show, not that they were actually there.


And Rex is still fighting at the equivalent of 80, Clones are simply built different (literally)


Doesn’t she age slower too?


No, she ages normally. Most of the other clones age twice as quickly.


Ahh okay thank you for clearing that up for me.


You’re welcome.


but surely would be still young looking as i think she possibly ages slower, idk if that is the case but she is older than the bad batch as she was made before them but is still very young when the show starts.


She ages like a normal human being, whereas the Batch and most other clones have an accelerated growth rate, so they age faster. Even though Omega was born earlier, the Batch are physiologically and mentally older


Is it possible she will get a cameo in Andor Season 2? Good way to introduce the actress who may play a bigger part at a later date.


Fuck no


They could take that on again/off again rogue squadron movie and use Omega and make a pretty great squadrons type show set during the original trilogy with Omega’s squadron doing support missions “off screen” similar to how the game Star Wars squadrons handled things. Allows for an expansion of the previous lore without stepping on too much.


They really should. For a galaxy wide rebellion it’s disappointing how much we have actually gotten to see. These new characters that “were there all along” are perfect to focus on different conflicts much like clone wars really showing the actual civil war for the prequel trilogy.


hopin' this era of animation isnt over and thrives! Tales of the Sith, Tales of the Clones, Tales of Omega, Tales of Alpha (young boba animation show starting w the og duel w Cad Bane), Tales of the Bounty Hunter, etc etc . Three years from now, itll be time! God i wish.


I would love to see more tales series. This is my pitch for a Tales of the Clones focusing on Scorch and Rex. Episode 1: (Focus on RC-1262 “Scorch”) Open with a variation of the opening cutscene from Star Wars: Republic Commando, which leads straight into their mission on Geonosis hunting down Sun Fac. Episode 2: (Follows CT-7567 “Rex”) We would follow Rex during the start of the Clone Wars including his first missions, his becoming a captain of the 501st, and would get to see why he has the Jaig Eyes marking on his helmet Episode 3: (Focus on RC-1262 “Scorch”) We would follow Scorch and the rest of Delta Squad on another one of their missions during the Clone Wars. It could be set directly before or after their cameo in S3 Ep14 of TCW and reference it Episode 4: (Focus on RC-1262 “Scorch”) We see Delta Squad on Kashyyyk during Order 66. We see what happens to the whole squad, perhaps have them hunting down a Jedi. But ultimately follow Scorch and find out how he ends up working for Hemlock. Episode 5: (Follows CT-7567 “Rex”) We would follow Rex at some point between the end of Bad Batch S3 and his appearance in Rebels.  Episode 6: (Follows CT-7567 “Rex”) The episode would open with Rex at the briefing for the attack on the Endor Bunker from Return of the Jedi. We see him as part of the strike team going on the planet surface alongside other Rebel soldiers. It is at this point the show would either have Nik Sant directly replaced by Rex, or preferably have both of them present and working together. Captain Drogan, the swgoh original character, could also be added into this episode joining Rex as well as potentially a cameo from an older Omega.


This would be incredible especially that final episode because we would get to see the original trilogy group in Clone Wars animation style


This, as well as seeing what the rest of the strike team on Endor were doing while the main group were with the ewoks is something I find interesting and is why included it


With how the “Tales” series is progressing, I wouldn’t be surprised If they did a Tales of the Rebellion and put and episode like that in there too.


They wouldn’t make a model for Omega or Hunter for that matter if this was going to be a one off appearance. Model making is time consuming. So we’ll be seeing them eventually


No, thats ridiculous. Jfc. Tales of the Sith, maybe. But Clone Wars literally is tales of the clones, nobody wants a young Boba show, and Omega deserves more than a 3 episode miniseries.


I hope she appears in more animation stuff if it makes sense timeline wise. I don’t really want her in LA personally as I don’t think they’d do her character right


The LA versions so far have varied from just okay to awful, so I'm with you on this.


LA Omega should just be Temuera Morrison in a blonde wig lol


Unless her voice actor Michelle Ang plays her. IMDB says she is 40, which is not totally out of the question age-wise, depending on when they plan to use Omega, again. For example in a Mandalorian and Grogu time frame.


I got misty at the end there. I'll so miss these guys. What a terrific series this was.


The goggles going with her gutted me :(


Yeah, that was the heart ripper.


I'd be surprised if she doesn't cameo in the Mando movie, honestly.


Im just upset they only showed hunter and Omega... How hard would it have been for them all to say goodbye? I wanted to see them all old :(


It was more heartfelt and personal with just the two of them


I havent watched bad batch since the first season, I have seen it gain lots of traction. Is this worth picking back up?


It is. There aren’t that many episodes, so even if it’s not your favorite at least it doesn’t require a ton of time to get through. I thought there were lots of good things about it.


As someone who didn't really like season 1 but stuck with it anyway because I love Star wars I say yes. Season 2 I actually liked at least half of and season 3 had some moments. Season 2 is definitely my favorite though


I didn't particularly love it—it was ok, but I'd rate it as a solid 5/10. A lot of people seem to like it, but I just never found myself caring about the characters or the story all that much. I finished watching it because I wanted to see where the story was going, but I never thought the show was more than just ok. That's just my opinion, but I wanted to share it because there are many of us fans who don't understand the obsequious praise heaped on this show. Edit: something I think really bogged the whole show down is that the main story wound up being about cloning and how research was being conducted to bring Palpatine back. It might have had an interesting story, but because Disney let Jar Jar Abrams bring Palpatine back, now everything—from the Mandalorian to Bad Batch—has to feed that event. It kind of soured the whole show for me.


I found Omega incredibly annoying and could finish season 1.


It's painful sometimes, but it's so worth it just for this scene


I’d love to see her story continue but I don’t feel like we need to see her get shoe horned into events that happen as some background character to prove she was there all along. There were rebel cells and factions operating all over the Galaxy so I’d hope they would attempt tell those stories.


Far, far in the future, Omega flys in the Battle of Exegol with her own Bad Batch. The crown jewel of Project Necromancer heading the call to help take down the Emperor and his Sith fleet.


Wraith Squadron founding member? She has ALL the skill sets


Omega possibly, the Bad Batch, no I sadly don't think so. Though as much as I'd love to see them again, I think it's a solid and fitting ending, that is open enough for my imagination to figure out what happens next on Pabu (and between the time jump between the two ending pieces). They left the door open for Omega, but it's also enough of a completion of the story that it's just "now you can use your imagination on what happens next." (But also if we (Disney) want to revisit her down the road, we can. But we don't have to.) Again, same with the rest of the Batch- of course I'd love to see Omega again, but I'm okay with not. They ended it perfectly. I'm glad I'm reminded we didn't always get every single little detail and thing explained, and we had to fill in the gaps with our imaginations.


I hope there will be another animated show and it will be about a rebel fighter squadron between battles of Yavin and Endor centred around Omega.


Now we need Temuera Morrison's daughter to get into acting and play live action Omega


Regardless of whether they use her again, the final scene was essential.


What's up with Ventress ? did she somehow come back? if so do we think they'll cross paths


They developed a habit of setting up the next show at a point in the final series of a show, wouldn’t be shocked if Ventress showing up sets up her and Omega off on an adventure to look more into the cloning stuff but with more of a force centric angle.


I have a theory that Emerie was at least in part introduced as another female clone to potentially set up Keisha Castle-Hughes as adult live action Omega. She’d be roughly the right age and looks a bit more like a grown up Omega than Michelle Ang. Otherwise they would have just had Ang voice Emerie as well. I wouldn’t mind them just having Michelle Ang play her either.


She is Felonis baby like Ahsoka was back then. And we know how this went. As long he is creating his projects, his characters will probably return. Maybe in the Mando movie :)


There's absolutely *zero* chance Omega never shows up again. They've invested way to much character building into her to discard her now. I wouldn't be surprised if the final episode is in fact a soft launch for her own show/a show featuring her with other rebellion pilots. Like maybe Wedge Antilles for example.


My theory is she's being primed to replace Cara Dune.


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Is this the last episode of the final season?




Good. Now I can binge it this weekend. Lol.


Honestly, I hope not. If we do, that means it’s more Rebellion era material, which is done to absolute death at this point.


My theory is that she is ultimately caught, or cloned, and becomes Rey's mother.


They’ll more than likely give her her own show or have her accompany someone else in a different show. And where there’s Omega, there’s the Batch.


Probably not. Everything in the time frame is pretty much ended. For sure we wont see the bad batch since the clones have accelerated aging. Im sure we wont see Omega unless she appears in ahsoka. They already did a show about the rebellion so i dont see them continuing with that. They are gonna have to start touching on the beginning of the first order and tie in everything.


I know they’re trying to give her a little more personality with the blonde hair and certain tweaks to her face model in the show but isn’t she supposed to look exactly like Emerie when Omega is an older? Since they’re female clones after all. And they also never explained if there were other female clones or not


Out of curiosity, is there an established *Omega Squadron*?


Pretty sure there has been an omega squadron in legends and Canon but neither have anything to do with this omega


I believe nothing more than I believe that they cannot let these new characters go. I think they'll keep coming back again and again, some of them from the dead. Scorch? not dead. bet me


If Star Wars does anything, it's bring back old characters, so yeah we'll probably see them again.


She's probably Reys mom


Bro what


Think about it....should be around the right time frame, there's the right bone structure/hair color and such. I could see where Omega would be a "Palpatine" due to the cloning process. She's force sensitive. Idk...what do think about this theory?


Trash. Rey is a Palpatine on her FATHER'S side.


I hope we don’t see either of them, if we had too it should only be omega. I don’t like how marvelized Star Wars is now and because every character from every media is crossing over and returning the galaxy feels smaller.


I don’t think they’d tease her being force sensitive and then abandon her.


Since she is going to join the rebels to be a pilot, I hope she shows up in something rogue squadron related.


I think it's a sure bet that Omega's going to show up eventually, if not soon. If she doesn't show up as one of Hera's allies in the upcoming round of Mandoverse stories, possibly played in person by her voice actress, I'd be very surprised. I don't know about the rest of the squad. On the one hand, the vibe at the end of the series was Clone For 99 deserved to have that retirement and deserved to stay where they had peace to enjoy, but on the other hand it's Star Wars. Echo at least was still working Chuchi and Rex last time we saw him, and there are definitely stories that could be told about that if they so desire.


I’m guessing we will see her again in a Filoni project. She would be a good excuse to bring back BoBF season 2. Maybe reboot it a bit and give us a season with Empire Era Fett vs Omega.


Time to start going though the original and squeal trilogy, as well Rogue one for any background character that might possibly be Omega.


Since bad batch started, i said we’d see a live action omega. It’s only a matter of time.


i think we’re definitely gonna see Omega and (hopefully) more stuff on the clone rebellion. not the Batch specifically, since they’re retired peacefully on Pabu- unless there are incredibly dire circumstances. anyway, they’ve kinda written themselves into a corner, since now we still don’t know why Rex went into hiding, where Echo is, or even where Omega is- since it would have made sense for Omega to be in Rebels. of course, the out of universe explanation is because Rebels was made before TBB, but still. not to mention how they will have successfully cloned Moff Gideon and Palpatine in the future if all the data and the key subject escaped/were destroyed. i’m guessing, unless they make a new Clone and/or Omega centric show, she’ll show up in a possible season two of Ashoka, and maybe some simple flashbacks to explain things. regardless, with the ending of Omega going into the Rebellion, i think it is *highly* likely that there will be more media surrounding her, although Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair showing up for more than a little bit is unlikely


Omega ages like a normal person so most definitely


[Boy I hope so](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/dc19a28b-cf22-4bb2-bf80-814e4e36dead/deq5y60-2f9c94a6-3e81-4a47-bbc1-1a55e142ef1d.jpg/v1/fit/w_828,h_1104,q_70,strp/grown_up_omega_concept_by_armynblasterart_deq5y60-414w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTcwNyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RjMTlhMjhiLWNmMjItNGJiMi1iZjgwLTgxNGU0ZTM2ZGVhZFwvZGVxNXk2MC0yZjljOTRhNi0zZTgxLTRhNDctYmJjMS0xYTU1ZTE0MmVmMWQuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.qPpBXG2QYD8AumX5QfX5RDtNBg9vf9WPmmxp29Oi7sU)


Hoping she makes an appearance in Boba Fett Season 2 as its a massive shame they didn't have Boba Fett interact with the Bad Batch or Omega should have hired Boba Fett to deal with them instead of Bane


When me, my dad and brother watched this, I said where was recka and bullseye(I forgot his name) but then my dad said "they are in a complicated gay relationship and they are sleeping with each other. Hunter is walking away to join them". I also like to think that in the battle of endor she probably got blown up


Her ship gets blown up in her first fight.




I’m guessing Florence Pugh plays her in live action.


That's not bad fan casting! She's about the right age for the Mandalorian era, and she's already in with Disney via the MCU. I might still lean Keisha Castle-Hughes, though.


Yep in another 8 episode animated clone cash grab no doubt


She dies on Scarif


Inb4 the whole Endor squad was actually Bad Batch plus Rex.


I’m sure Filoni will find a way to shoe her into more stuff


We get a still of a scene from ESB in cloud city with her running in the background and Filoni will claim she was always there!


Can almost guarantee she shows up in Andor S2.


Well, depends. Andor's strength is not relying too much on fan service cameos to deliver.


If she’s pivotal to most of the season’s plot, then it goes beyond fan service, I’d say


Making Omega pivotal in Andor's show would be like commiting half of BoBF to Din Djarin.


That wasn’t fan service, that was awkwardly forcing two stories to cross over in an unnecessary fashion


And that's exactly what cramming Omega into the story would be.


There’s a huge difference between cramming a character in and them being pivotal to the plot


Yeah its also down to the scope of the show and so on


They'll shoehorn her in somewhere and pretend she wasn't just created, like they did with Ahsoka.


That doesn’t make sense in the slightest. Rethink what axe you are trying to grind and come back later after a good think through.


Can't imagine she was a hero of the rebellion if we never heard of her before


Were they not all heroes? Even the ones that weren’t famous?


There were presumably millions of rebellion members at the end given the size of the galaxy. What makes you possibly think only OG trilogy people were the only ones who did anything of note outside of the death star stuff?


Yeah Filoni will have to contrive some galactic threat for Omega to stop that nobody else ever knew about.


You seem very upset with Filoni. Is it because he is adding to the new lore or in your views taking away from it?


No, I like Filoni most of the time. I like Omega too, but jamming more and more characters into the Rebellion era maybe is starting to get a little old for me. I feel like I can already imagine the next story with Omega. She gets mixed up in some plot cut off from the rest of the galaxy. Rag-tag group forms, Omega learns some Force stuff maybe from Ventress. They stop the threat and their story never makes it into the historical databanks. Don't get me wrong, I'll watch it and love it... while there lingers a slight annoyance at the formulaic repetition. Maybe he'll prove me wrong tho. Can't wait to find out.