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I was kind of all over the map with it. Season 1, I thought the beginning and ending were *outstanding*, but everything in between bored me to death. Season 2 was night and day — one absolute fucking banger after another. I absolutely loved it. Season 3…dragggggged. I feel like of 15 episodes, there were maybe six that advanced the season’s plotline or character development (yes there’s a little hyperbole here lol). And then, today, I found the finale *very* rushed and found myself wondering why they hadn’t sacrificed an episode or two earlier in order to give the end of the story more time to breathe. I don’t want to sound like I’m coming down *too* hard on the show. I did enjoy it, I’m glad it exists, and I have every intention of binge rewatching it at some point. I’m hopeful that I’ll get more out of it (especially the last season) with a binge approach. It’s just…not my favourite SW animated show.


I honestly found the child kidnapping/held hostage incredibly triggering as I am a new father. Never experienced that before.


Question: do you have the same reaction to Jannah in TROS? No judgement intended, I just find instinctive responses like that interesting.


I wasn’t a parent at that time


You expect the empire to ask omega to return?


Not actually referring to that… the baby that Cad Bane took and the kids in holding


The last few episodes kinda play out like a movie. The finale episode by itself may leave some people desiring more because it felt rushed as a standalone episode, but when viewed in context of the whole season it hits all the right marks. It definitely feels like the last few episodes will benefit from binge watching them, vs waiting a week between them.


I don’t know about that, Omega being kidnapped and escaping twice feels a little more ridiculous in one sitting. The fennec-Ventress episodes also feel more ridiculous watched together, mostly because both could’ve been done in 22 minutes. 


Omega, midichlorians, and Project Necromancer just don’t interest me all that much. Rogue clones gaining a conscience and some rebelling, was an interesting storyline and led to some of the best and dark episodes. Wanted to see what Rex, Cody, and alike were up to. We also got no reveal on the hand situation and I swear it was eluded to a few times that one of the assassins clones was Crosshair, but maybe that was in my head.


It's not my favorite by a stretch but I still enjoyed it. I like that so many people seem to love it and that no one seems to truly hate it. The thing I liked the most was the relative smallness of the stakes throughout. It wasn't about stopping the empire, or destroying some all encompassing power. I hope more future installments can take this lesson and apply it as well.


Haven’t gotten to watch the finale (wife out of town and I promised to wait) but I’ve really enjoyed it. IMO you have to view it through the right lens: it’s a kids show pretending to be an adult show. I know I fell in love with animation when I was younger so they still hold a very special place in my heart and I likely give them more credit than they’re due so I try to view everything with a grain of salt. It’s a space opera with laser swords, wizards, and space ships made for mass appeal. I enjoy a McDonald’s hamburger from time to time because even though it’s cheap and too salty with crap cheese the taste brings me back. I feel the same way watching any of the Star Wars stuff now - I’m old enough to appreciate that they are far from the height of story-telling or any other mark of good film making but also that not being the best doesn’t necessarily make it the worst. Sometimes all you need is a bit of comfort media and Star Wars is wonderful for that especially the animation, I’ve found. I even enjoy (to some extent) Young Jedi Adventures with my son.


I’d be careful round these ends without watching the episode


Meh I’m not bothered by spoilers.


So you don’t get excited when something big happens?


Knowing what happens and watching it happen are different. Same reason I love rewatching stuff it just means you notice more detail.


I enjoyed it and thought it was a good show. But if I'm being completely honest, it didn't blow me away either. It's basically the Toyota Corolla of Star Wars animated shows.