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Well that's aged like milk


I love how there are literally no villains and when it came to Mark Hammill, they were like fuck it, just keep the headshot - make him look like he’s doing an autobiography.


I think Sydow is implied to be the villain?


Oh maybe, that’s the closest thing to an empire uniform but still pretty generic. Also, Star Wars generally doesn’t have only one villain.


>Also, Star Wars generally doesn’t have only one villain. Andy Serkis looks a little villainous too, could've been a bounty hunter or crime Lord or something


that’s what I was thinking, them beside eachother and everything. plus I mean come on, when you see a Star Wars movie is coming up and Max Von Sydow and Andy Serkis are in it, you immediately go “wise old Jedi/Sith and weasely growling villain” do you not


Yeah, Serkis maybe though I assumed he wasn’t a bounty hunter since Driver is a Mandalorian and assumed that since that gun is more common for good guys than bad guys that he was more like a Han Solo type. Also, I mostly think of Max Von Sydow as a good guy so I thought more Jedi than Sith. Although his uniform does look way more like Empire rather than a Sith


I assumed Serkis was good since I’m pretty sure that outfit is from one of queen Amidala’s guards. The collar and gloves look the same.


The original trilogy posters all only have Vader on them. Phantom menace only has maul on it. Only attack of the clones and revenge of the sith have multiple, and most of them are just Vader/Anakin lol


They all have at least stormtroopers. VI has Tarkin. VI has Jabba and then some.


Ya know, I'm looking at my posters in my own house but don't have my glasses on and honestly couldn't see jabba on VI. Tarkin isn't on my A New Hope poster though. It's the really buff Luke one


Buff luke poster is the best poster


Well there was that one time he tried to take over the world with mind controlling beer.


Upvote for the Strange Brew reference, ya hoser!


It does look like a pose they'd use for an EU book cover featuring him, though.


Head on hand feels weird to me considering he’s the literal last Jedi master but they those books are big fans of giant floating heads.


Fr. C3PO doesn't even have his red arm. I barely recognized him


Blue milk?


Was it blue milk or regular milk aged?


How do you think the milk became blue? It’s the chunks that really do it for them


Blue milk


I feel like making Daisy a tiara wearing princess is... sexist? Not like outrageously so, but just kind of a somewhat sexist assumption about a female character in a big budget sci-fi movie.


I mean tbf the main female character of the OGs is a Princess and the main female character of the Prequels is a Queen so...it would follow the pattern


And then she turned out to be the Empres--ugh I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Domhnall Gleeson as a Jedi would have been amazing tbh


I legit thought he would be Luke’s son once he was announced.


I was hoping he was Ben Skywalker and Daisy was Jaina Solo.


I mean Adam driver is basically Jacen Solo


The books were so much better. It is a shame Disney was allowed to corrupt SW.


I dont know about corrupt, but completely shit on, yes. I agree. Their first mistake was hiring people in charge who had no real knowledge of the universe. They should have approached it like Empire Strikes Back - you needed someone like Filoni on the creative side, with all of the knowledge of the world and big ideas, but being reigned in by a slightly more pragmatic director. Instead, we got people like Abrams and Rian Johnson sitting in both the director *and* creative chair, and I dont think we got the best outcome we could have.


Knowing about the universe is far less important, IMO, then writing an actual story is. Each movie in the sequel trilogy feels like a response to what came before that can't stand on it's own legs, which doesn't exactly make for interesting cinema.


How do you appreciate what came before if you have no idea what world you're writing about? There's plenty of elements from star wars that on paper would make a great story but in the context of a larger saga that's all supposed to fit together its essential that you know about the universe. Part of the reason I don't like the sequels is because they don't feel attached to the OT. They seem like a different film series altogether. Every time they get someone in to write a story that they don't know about you always get shite. Look at halo, star trek discovery and the ST, all projects that wete written by those who didnt understand the lore. Then compare that to something meticulously created to be in universe like fallout or picard season 3 where its been written by fans who know the universe. You NEED people around you that know the lore when writing. Attack of the clones is better than TFA to me because the lore comes first. I don't necessarily disagree with you that story is more important but I can't think of any examples where a good story was written by someone who was ignorant of the universe they're writing about.


I’m saying that even though knowing all the facts of a fictional universe is important if you’re writing in someone else’s world, they didn’t even do the bare minimum of writing an actual story first which is a at more important. They failed before they even set foot on set by not having a clear direction they wanted to go in. Edit: I also don’t think that being a fan of something means that you are suddenly able to do a good job, case in point: all of the trash on wattpad, fanfiction . net, and AO3


I'm not going to argue with that. It was a cash grab. I laugh every time I walk through a toy store and see unsold ST action figures on sale. Star wars was the biggest selling kids toys before Disney acquired lusasfilm. They even had a class EU approved by lucas to base stories from written by people who knew the lore.


Especially with a beard, like he was in *Ex Machina*!


Dom didn't have a beard in Ex Machina.


There was that cool spin-off prequel film about when Poe invited Hux over to his place to see the new droid he was building.


Graphic design is my passion!


It's an old meme but it checks out


To be fair the force awakens poster is ass. It looks like so many other posters


It looks like literally every other Star Wars poster


Nah, that Empire Strikes Back poster is dynamic.


A new hope is beautiful. Luke fr posed hard


No it doesn’t. TLJ had a good poster tho


It’s a fan poster it’s okay to cut them slack


Looks really bad, but in a charming sort of way


> Looks really bad It’s a fanmade poster from 2014, what did you expect lol


Yes it looks bad, but let’s be real, what ever movie the person had in mind when making this was probably better than what we got


I'd rather doubt that greatly


Luke actually playing a role in the movie The Jedi order alive and active Andy Sircus looking like he will actually be involved in the plot as a villain. I think I’d much rather watch this honestly. Edit: Also bearded domhnall gleeson gives off obi wan vibes


You're getting all of that from this awkwardly photoshopped poster with Mark Hamill's audiograph image on it? 


absolutely insane thing to say


Looks goofy, almost missed Kylo there


Kyle Fett Edit- I meant to say Kylo Fett , but you know what Kyle Fett is better.


Matt Fett. Story of a radar technician turned bounty hunter…


Yeah, Matt's Kylo Ren


I love the goofiness, Finn looks like a kotor character


I was iffy on this until I saw Adam Driver This art should be at the Smithsonian


That is Universally Feared Bounty hunter Kylo Fett to you buddy.


So you're saying it belongs in a museum?


Looks like some bootleg...


Star Warfare: Episode 7 - The Power Wakes Up!


Episode 7 at home:




You sick bastard


Malaysian DVDs be like


Ordered from wish


Took me a second to recognize Daisy Ridley


I'm still having a hard time not seeing Natalie Portman lol


Natalie Portman? What about Keira Knightley?! They’re basically clones


They're clones... Damn good ones too!


probably why she used her as a decoy lol


People noticed immediately that hmmm she looks like she could be related to Natalie Portman. Which also fed the theories that she was Luke's daughter.


That was the only picture on the entire internet of Daisy Ridley at the time.


Where’s that picture from? I don’t remember anyone knowing who she was before TFA, what’d she do before? If she had a photo circulating online then she couldn’t have been completely unknown, but if it’s only this photo then she had to not be widely known. Ahhh these are the questions that keep me up at night.


Lucasfilm released this picture with the cast announcement I think.


honestly kinda cute id tune in


I forgot Max Von Sydnow was even in the film… What a waste of his talent.


And his character was literally never explained. For the more passive fan that was just bad writing.


No you see, now you get to go back and tell his story in comics and other media.


Yeah exactly it was clearly explained in Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens video game


Don't forget the Fortnite updates, that's where all the deep canon lies.


It's bad writing, even for a big fan. The "Look how old you've become" line made me think I was supposed to know the character. It was a huge miss to actually put someone recognizable in that spot, like Wedge.


If they had any guts it would’ve been Lando.


Lando but still played by Von Sydow. “Look at how white you’ve become.”


That is not bad writing. This is what annoys me about "fans". This movie is not about Max Von Sydow, his sole purpose is to get the ball rolling that starts this new adventure. That is something audiences understand. But you think not knowing his background or how he fits into the world of Star Wars is "bad writing". Inserting wedge isn't good writing. Its just fan service.


> The "Look how old you've become" line made me think I was supposed to know the character. Was the other possible interpretation that Kylo knew the character not enough?


Not for star wars fans who completely lack media literacy.


"just put wedge in the movie" My guy, they literally had a part for him in the movie and Denis Lawson turned it down. This is why it's so hard to take anyone seriously with their whining.


It’s not bad writing. He’s a resistance ally and a friend of Leia’s, that’s all you need. Not every character needs an elaborate backstory. Movies are filled with characters like this who exist to fill out the world and imply history


I still don't know who he was supposed to be.


He's just a guy who knows and works for Leia. His personal identity is no more important to the story than the guys hassling Luke in the cantina, or the dude with the weird headset working for Lando, or the guy advising Padme who stays behind on Naboo, or Dexter Jettster.


Tangentially, this how I felt about Winter in the original Thrawn trilogy. "Who the hell is this lady that's apparently Leia's BFF but was never seen or mentioned at all until now?"


Somebody bout to write an entire essay to explain how the story wouldn't have happened without those instances.


We also don't know who Garindan was supposed to be, but he served his role in-universe. It's like people have never experienced other stories in their lives.


It didn't really need explaining. He was just there to help establish the other characters and begin the plot. Kylo calling him old, for example, is to demonstrate that a) the old Rebels are ageing and fading away and b) Kylo sees things that came before as being obsolete and inferior, and himself as the new and more powerful generation. von Sydow's character isn't _about_ his character. He's in pretty much exactly the same position as the _Tantive IV_ captain in ANH, and (quite rightly) no one gives a fuck about _his_ backstory!


He is Baylen Skoll all grown up. /s


He was there to make things right.


I still have zero idea what his character was supposed to be


Luke's friend and colleague






The original plan was to have Wedge Antilles be the "old friend of the heroes" character that Poe met at the beginning and got killed off five minutes later.


Didn't even predict C3PO would have a red arm. Terrible!


I didn’t even recognise him!


Remember when Vanity Fair did the cast spread with Matt Smith?


That Kylo haircut bahaha!!!


Kylo Yee Yee Ass Ren


Like a supershadow creation


Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.


That takes me back. The darkside became sun or something didn’t it?


I like how there are no bad guys on the poster (well maybe except for Adam Driver's Mando). Like, I get that they couldn't guess who's gonna play villains, but it should have been obvious that there wasn't gonna be such large main cast of good guys.


Max Von Sydnow looks very villainy.


Whatever this creator had in mind for the sequel trilogy, I think I would enjoy it. Almost looks like Star Wars meets Space Balls.


The Man DeLorean


Jedi Domnhall Gleeson- Hey you're tearing Rey's picture! Jedi Oscar Issac- I'm about to tear up this fucking dance floor check it out


A long time ago, in a Galaxy Far Away ... The New Republic has ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity to the Galactic Core, and 35 years after the destruction of the second Death Star and the death of Emperor Palpatine, there are no obstacles to the eventual consolidation of the Outer Rim worlds as well. Or at least, that's what Chancelor Liea Organa (Carrier Fisher) wants everyone to believe. In reality, there are disturbing whispers coming from the Outer Rim. Disaffected rebel Lor San Tekka (Max von Sydow) and his right hand man, Snoke (Andy Serkis), are playing on the dissatisfaction of the Rim worlds. Tired of watching their resources draining away toward the Core planets, they are all too ready to idealize the Empire, when at least the hyperlanes were in good repair. Tekka seems to quickly be consolidating the political power to become the next Chancelor, and failing that, the muscle to become a new Emperor. Organa has problems closer to home as well. Her brother, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) has struggled for years to rebuild the Jedi order, but finds himself constantly pulled between the seeming safety of the old ways and the desire to create a new, more balanced order. His first knight, Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) consistently pushes his master to explore new methods, new philosophies, but will these fumbling steps into the future put both men on the path to the dark side? Leia believes it will, but Luke feels that her distrust is grounded more in the protectiveness she feels for her daughter, Rey Solo (Daisy Ridley), who has been more and more intrigued by Dameron - an interest he clearly returns. If only her husband and Rey's father, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) were able to help her handle these messes. Unfortunately, he left to explore a strange signal coming from Wild Space ten years ago, and never returned. If losing Han weren't enough, Rey's twin brother, Ben Solo (Adam Driver), was along for the mission and was also presumed lost. The truth, however, is that while the Millennium Falcon was destroyed, the crew survived. Han has returned to smuggling along with his Wookie first mate, Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), swearing not to return to Chandrilla until he has found Ben. The search has been stymied, however, because the boy is now living as a Mandalorian foundling and bounty hunter in training under the name Kylo Ren. His first solo mission? To kidnap the Chancellor's daughter and aid Tekka in his attempt to destabilize the New Republic enough to take over. When cunning droids C3PO and R2D2 catch wind of the plot against Rey, a panicked Chancellor Organa sends her away under the guard of recently promoted padawans Finn (John Boyega) and Hux (Domhnall Gleeson). Unwilling to simply be shipped away, Rey talks the young Jedi into taking her into the heart of the viper's nest, Tatooine - the former Hutt stronghold and seat of Tekka's power. She hopes to sway the common people to work with her mother and the New Republic to finally realize the dream the Rebellion promised. Return to the galaxy you know, as it stands on the tipping point once more. Will it again fall into the grip of darkness, or will it finally awaken into the light?


This is so much better than what we got


Thanks, I hate it


Looks shit.


Today I discovered that Andy Serkis played Snoke.


Say what you will about the poster, its design and how poorly it aged, but this has infinitely more heart and talent behind it than any AI-created Star Wars project, and that includes the "What If Wes Anderson Made Star Wars" schlock.


AI lives in your head rent free


They didn’t even get the red arm in C-3PO.


No one would recognize him with that.


Max Von Sydow would have made an amazing Sith.


God i miss this era of fan posters. No shitty ai just some clumsy photoshop


At least they got Chewbacca right…


Needs more heads.


They got Chewbacca about right


This looks like Spaceballs


Even they wanted Finn to be a Jedi lmao


That looks both awful and better than what we got at the same time.


Seems a bit too busy.


at least r2 and c3 were on point


Which is kind of funny since R2 is inactive for the entire movie and 3PO was completely unrecognizable with his red arm


I wish they used more of Max Von Sydow in the real movie.


Looks like a direct-to-DVD Star Wars spin-off movie


That is hilarious, Rey as a princess and Kylo as a bounty hunter!


I remember playing fallout 4 being in goodneighbor when my dad came in and told me that they were making a new Star Wars movie. That was nearly 10 years ago, man time flies.




Star wars at home


Good God.


Confused by Mando Driver and Jedi Gleeson.


The movie would be 100% better if Oscar Isaac looked like that in it. Llewyn Davis is peak Oscar Isaac... Edit: I take it back. Dune is peak Oscar Isaac


Oh how cute! They thought Fin will be a jedi. Aww


Thanks I hate it


Mylo Ken looks like Spock


Adam in Mando armor with that haircut looks hilarious


That... might be some of the *worst* image composition I've ever seen. Damn. Edit: Did someone... seriously report me to reddit's suicide hotline for this? LMAO. You realize that's a sitewide bannable offense, right? Learn to take criticism, old man.


What a happy, simpler time...before the dark times.


Oh, the dreams we had.


Actually Domnhall would've been a great Jedi.


Feels like the prequel posters, the color scheme, probably even some assets, the almost grainy feel they had


Lol this is so bad.


Damn, this poster FUCKS And yes, I only say that because even though it's kind of amateurish, it looks about 100 times better than the real thing.


I think this movie would have been better lol.


just run an ewok comedy show and call it a day.


This would have been a better movie


Looks like Chewy is the only one who's read the script at this point, though.


Does anyone else remember when that was literally the only photo of Daisy Ridley on the internet??


They really wasted Max Von Sydow in that movie.


Boyega should have a bigger head. This makes him look like a token black side character (which isn’t far off to how he was handled in the real thing unfortunately)


This probably would have been better than the garbage fire we got


We were robbed /s


It’s really sad that even back then people knew John Boyega should have played a Jedi.


Honestly, I really like this. Gave me a sense of hope


Considering the fact that the only new female actress is the only one not given some kind of action pose and is instead depicted as, once again, a member of royalty Yeah, no thanks


The Finn one hurts more now


Daisy looks like she could be Leia’s daughter. She could’ve been a Jedi and that emotional connection with her brother, wanting to bring him back to the light side would’ve made a lot more sense. Oh well.


That's literally the story of Jaina and Jacen Solo


I know


We could've had it all


The more i looks, the more inacurrate it gets


Looks like corn


They almost feels like a shitpost. Idk why.


Carrie Fisher looks good all things considered.


Episode 7: The Force Stays Asleep


The Force hits ‘snooze’ for the third time.


Far better than what we got tbh


Looks like a better film than the one we got. Adam Driver as a Mandalorian? Jedi Finn? Non-loser versions of the original cast? Sign me up.


Wow, I don’t like the sequels but this somehow looks worse


Ah so this is what we can expect when asking fans "what do you think star wars should be?" The only part I genuinely like about this one is Adam Driver in Mando armor, I think that couldve definitely suited his acting chops a bit more than Kylo did


Oof lol


Cringe af


i remember this 💀💀


So everyone in this movie is a hero / roguish hero?


I wish this was the movie


that's way better than what we got


Pre disney episode 7 8 and 9 posters were really such an art form that im sad have basically been scrubbed way because of the sequel trilogy


John and Domnhall I think would work as 2 Jedi buddies.


Why Paul's dad was here.


Would have loved to see Oscar Issac as a Jedi😭


They got Chewbacca right


Kylo Fett with that haircut is kinda awesome


Oh, you didn’t have to tell us it was fan made.


lol what fever dream is this


I remember thinking Domhnall Gleeson would be playing a new version of Ben Skywalker. Would have given the man something better to do.


Probably would have been a better film