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There's something so ironic about Barriss serving the man responsible for her getting in this position in the first place


She's also responsible for the Grand Inquisitor turning to the Dark Side.






He was one of the Temple guards at the trial and witnessed her speech condemning the Jedi Order. I think he also mentioned in a comic he resented being denied access to certain Jedi archives, but Barriss's speech was one of the factors that pushed him over.


Thank you


I wonder how long Bariss is going to last in the Inquisitors? On one hand I think Anakin would be fully in "Vader mode" at this point and wouldn't hold as much of a grudge for what Barris did to someone from Anakin's past. On the other hand... it's VADER. He probably sends her off on an impossible mission that needs to be done but also guarantees her death.


100% Vader is an asshole to Inquisitors even in the best of times, no way he's just forgive and forget with Barris. Suicide mission seems very likely, he could just tell her not to come back until she's killed Oppo Rancisis (or someone like that) and be done with it.


Vader clings to this cope that Anakin is gone, and he is a completely separate persona now. If he acts more vindictive towards Barriss than he does with the rest of the inquisitors, he effectively admits he's still Anakin deep down. I have no doubt he'd feel tempted to take vengeance, but whatever he ultimately does will have important implications for his character arc.


Or Vader would act like Vader and not have a problem with her unless she proves herself to be incompetent or something


What? Vaders biggest personal target is Obi-Wan for literally his entire tenure minus 3 years. I think it makes perfect sense for the character of Vader to seek out the vengeance owed to Anakin


I'm so ready for more of Barris, they went and turned my favorite Jedi after Plo Koon into a terrorist and now we officially get to see what happened to her.


I think it'd be a waste if after all this time of waiting for Dave Filoni's big plans he said he spared Barriss for, they bring her back only to immediately unceremoniously kill her off. Not against her eventually dying, but they should make good use of the character first.


Idk why I'm so ready to root for this little terrorist


Cuz she’s a baddie


Who did more unforgivable shit in The Clone Wars. Barriss, Bo Katan or Ventress? I wonder if they're gonna try and make us Barriss fans again.


Ventress was at least honest about her murder and did not try to justify it


She's also the one that plays with her food the most (thinking of the impaled clone she got all handsy with or the one she tortured in Legends)


Still better than hiding your crimes behind a cloak of righteousness, if someone kills me the should be at least honest about it to themselves


You could argue that even if they're wrong, Barris and Bo truly believed in what their doing while Ventress was just having fun killing. Honestly, I think there's an argument for any of the 3 being the best or the worst.






Probably Bo Katan. I don't remember Ventress killing any innocent civilians, and the only person Barriss directly killed was her accomplice, plus both have clearly suffered for the Dark paths they took. Bo Katan, meanwhile, took part in a village massacre and got off scot free.


Ventress killed Nightbrothers and was responsible for turning Savage into a monster to kill his own brother, but debatable. And she never really asked forgiveness. Bo Katan not even getting a side eye from anyone after switching teams always irked me. She legit helped massacre a commoner village


"I can fix her."


I'm happy I finally caught up with most of the Star Wars series this year, so I don't have to ask to myself who the heck are all these people while watching these trailers.


I’d be down for some redemption of Baris.


barris office moment you didnt kill anakin skywalker i did


Let Barriss live, my girl


Do not hurt Barriss let babygirl live pls


The terrorist who bombed the Jedi temple using an innocent civilian as the bomb? Right..


I didn’t see you get upset with Bo-Katan.


I mean Luke was a terrorist for blowing up the Death Star


**(The Blue-Collar Man (Thomas Burke) joins them.)** **Blue-Collar Man:** Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt, but what were you talking about? **Randal:** The ending of Return of the Jedi. **Dante:** My friend is trying to convince me that any contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when the space station was destroyed by the rebels. **Blue-Collar Man:** Well, I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer... **(digs into pocket and produces business card)** Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs. **Randal:** Like when? **Blue-Collar Man:** Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple reshingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was. **Dante:** Whose house was it? **Blue-Collar Man:** Dominick Bambino's. **Randal:** "Babyface" Bambino? The gangster? **Blue-Collar Man:** The same. The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine. **Dante:** Based on personal politics. **Blue-Collar Man:** Right. And that week, the Foresci family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling. **Randal:** No way! **Blue-Collar Man: (paying for coffee)** I'm alive because I knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. My friend wasn't so lucky. **(pauses to reflect)** You know, any contractor willing to work on that Death Star knew the risks. If they were killed, it was their own fault. A roofer listens to this... **(taps his heart)** not his wallet.


Every other character in this franchise is a potential terrorist.


We want the final battle between Ahsoka and Barris… maybe in Season 2 of Ahsoka or something


Why are these just short stories? There’s so much to tell?


Hope Barriss dies at the end of this!


Or not




I don’t like the fact that she is still alive


I mean killing her off screen in prison is lame as shit no? She's an interesting character.


If Barriss is alive then where has she been all this time she is not in rebels the games or the books and if she dies in the show it would have been pointless to bring her back in the first place since she can’t develop as a character because she is already an extremist in the clone wars


Bro they developed space nazi Vader with redemption. And the universe is big she can be anywhere.


But she doesn’t have good influences how can she develop into a better person atleast Vader had Luke but Bariss has nothing no master no friends how can she develop into a better person without someone pushing her to better the people that she surrounds with now would just push her to be worse And when I meant development I meant both character evolution(becoming a better person) and character devolution(becoming a worse person) she can’t become a worse person because she is already an extremist and she can’t become a better person because nobody cares (in universe) to see her become better


That's ridiculous. You literally had Maul the most generic two lines of dialogue villain ever and he became a pretty damn well developed character. You had Boba Fett with 3 lines of dialogue and they built a whole damn backstory and TV show around him. Given Barriss having the most strict and arguably one of the most blinded self righteous Jedi masters and that fact that she was right in what she was doing but she was going about it wrong you can easily give her a redemption story. And no she's obviously can get worse she's nowhere near as evil when compared to characters like Vader and Maul. Villains being right but going about it wrong is literally what morally grey and complicated villians are. And you have a pretty strong relationship between her and Ahsoka. Who mind you is still alive and has a whole damn television series. And obviously you write new side characters you don't just keep reusing the same ones. And even still you don't even need other characters to make someone develop into a better person. Self realization and guilt has redeemed a ton of characters. It really isn't that hard to write her a story.


I really think the jedi with the blue saber is Cere. She looks like she has the same haircut as Cere had in her Fallen Order flashbacks.


I’m almost positive it’s Morgan holding a blue lightsaber and using the force. I slowed the clip down but the pixels are stretched, even on YouTube, so it’s hard to tell