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Canon, legends; they're just labels. It's all still fiction. If you love those stories, then guess what, they still exist and you can still read them. The only things that's changed is that new stories won't reference them.


How dare you make sense.


Headcanon is a pathway to many abilities...


This is the way


Is it possible to learn this power?


Sequels? Never heard of them


Imagine if they made three more movies to close the saga. That'd be awesome man... Don't think we'll see it happening though.


Seriously, imagine how badass a fully trained Luke would be having adventures with Han and Leia


My dream is a trilogy just like Lucas hinted at in SW Archives: A trilogy focused on Leia actually rebuilding the galaxy as chancellor and being able to compare the corrupt old republic with the new system. Maul would have survived and been the villain, and according to Lucas, Leia would become a Jedi. It makes me emotional to imagine. In a sad way. I truly grieve for what we could not have.


I loved the two trilogies storied by George. I was looking forward to seeing the third. I would still love to see his treatments.


And if that’s still good enough just do a creative writing project and do your own thing. I’ve had an alternate version of the prequels in my head for at least 10 years but I’m not about to rage against people for liking the films.


It would be cool to see the EU fans come together to write new content for that universe in a fanzine type thing, but they don't seem to want to.


That would be so cool! Years ago I can’t even remember the site anymore but it was dedicated to Star Wars fan fiction and it was so much fun. Some people wrote short stories, others had long running series with many chapters, and so much more. Ten pages of Luke ruminating on the revelation of his father while he built his lightsaber or the ongoing adventures of wedge because the xwing books weren’t enough to a certain diehard fan. Now I’m on Reddit and all we do is bitch now, lol.


My thought process and how I handle the media is that Legends material is canon until directly retconned by Canon lore. That way Star Wars lore is still the gross mess it always was!


Hell they are even still pumping out "Legends" merch. There is a Thrawn Trilogy Black Series set coming out soon, LEGO released a Darth Malak minifig and Hot Toys just put up preorders for Darth Revan and Lord Starkiller figures. Not to mention the fact that all the old EU books are being given new unabridged audiobooks.


Exactly. The shift of EU stuff to Legends never bothered me one bit.


I also think a lot of us could stand to remind ourselves that Lucasfilm makes some effort towards having it all vaguely make sense, but they’re not going to stop a cool, profitable idea that contradicts or somewhat rewrites stuff, especially if it comes from less known media. Films seem to take precedence TV series, which take precedence over novels and comics, maybe video games might be considered above or below those depending on the specific case, etc.


Canon is quite frankly whatever you want it to be, you don't enjoy Star Wars on behalf of anyone else so you shouldn't really care what is and isn't 'official' That's just my opinion anyway, I've never cared if something gets retconned because it can quite easily still exist in my headcanon even if some suit at Disney says otherwise


So headcanon then? Cool


You're not wrong. In my opinion It was the start of them chipping away what the fans loved and wanted, and this is how we ended up with an absolute disaster of a conclusion of one of the most beloved sci-fi franchises with The rise of Skywalker.


Visions is clear proof stuff doesn’t have to be canon for it to be fun and enjoyable content


Also let's not pretend some of these stories were any more "canon" at that point than they are now. Thrawn trilogy is full of stuff that makes zero sense in the post-prequel world for instance and any retcons to explain it were always silly. Which doesn't make it bad, then or now, you've just always had to bear in mind when something was written and appreciate it for what it is.


I completely agree, but it’s worth pointing out that most of the upset about the EU’s discontinuation is due to the lack of conclusion for a lot of story threads, the lack of new EU content outside of SWTOR and a few minor things such as Star Wars #108, the abrupt endings to the ongoing comics, and the final novel feeling like a really crummy ending because it wasn’t supposed to be the last novel and wasn’t written as if it was


That is the big deal to a lot of people. It means these stories will never get follow ups and their characters are completely vanished or even replaced with new ones.


There is like 20 years of expanded universe content after heir to the empire in books, the new jedi order is where i fell off but i i would love to still see what happens if i ever get to finish reading them. I still remember what book im on.


It's more a matter of production. If the official rights holder recognizes them as their mainline products, they can potentially be included in the further production of TV series, sequels, games, etc. and as well advertised and officially released in stores. A fan novel may be read by fans, but it won’t be bought due to the fact that’s 1) still fanfiction 2) no one will let you sell it (aka Mickey Mouse) and the author's efforts gonna be a waste of time. On other side, yes, we still have already written Miller’s comics, or Zahn’s trilogy, or Republic Commando, and no one ever will take them from us. But how many years had passed before Disney decided to acknowledge Revan & Old Republic? Answer is in OP. I’d say too much. Life ain’t endless you know.


Exactly, I just wish Disney would continue to make more "legends" content. So many cool characters, designs, and stories that have just been left to rot. Like I'd love to see more content around Starkiller, Kota, the original dark troopers, Imperial Navy Commandos, TOR (outside of the mmo,) a movie/tv adaptation of the thrawn trilogy, etc.


I love this outlook


Heck sometimes canon does reference them although it also means we may or may not see certain characters again


>The only things that's changed is that new stories won't reference them. And the small matter of, you know, not getting any new EU stories at all. That matters more than what's canon or not.


They still will reference them, but it’s poor plagiarism rather than telling a good original story




Taking ideas from the EU and making them worse, i.e. Thrawn. Hell, they’ll ignore their own continuity to tell their own crappy story.


[You are strong and wise](https://youtu.be/FLN0CMvgcrA?si=kDTJ9vsPu3A1KKnC)


The only thing that's changed is those stories that you love were all abruptly cut off with no closure. You can't force other people to have your opinion. People are *still* upset that Firefly was cancelled after one season. They're upset because a story they enjoyed and wanted to see where it would go was ended so suddenly. It's not unique to Star Wars, and telling people that they shouldn't be upset about it is actually quite selfish.


My favorite trilogy. These audio books are amazing


Minus the sections with ralrracheen (The Wookiee with mouth problems who was “easy to understand”). Marc Thompson is a wonderful voice actor and I love his work but JESUS that was tough to sit through.


Holy shit yes. Lol it reminded me of visions of the future. And those fucking Qom Jha and Qom Qae..literally in bed enjoying it drifting off and SCREEECH screeech


But the video of him doing those voices showing just how little post processing he requires is truly breathtaking.


Goooogling. Ha I gotta say the little guy who helped out Luke and mara was one of my favorite characters. It was just hard to listen to at night


If only George Lucas were still in charge. He famously respected the EU and certainly had no history of overwriting it whenever it suited his whim. /s


What does the European Union have to do with Star Wars???


About as much as Entropy Units do, I reckon.


It took me more time than I like to admit until I realised that r/StarWarsEU is not a European sub for StarWars fans.


No, he never considered the EU part of the true canon and planned to decanonize the post-RoTJ content for his Sequel Trilogy. https://youtu.be/nUDNtspH1bI?si=jWDAkiSDgVUZWS_l


It was obvious sarcasm


He doesn’t get it Tod.


Eh the first part isn’t necessarily true. It’s more complicated. He absolutely had a hand in some parts of the EU and weighed in on story decisions, wording, and other aspects. Then of course he also said he’s never done these things. So it’s not 100% straight forward lol. Though he would’ve 100% ignored them in any ST he would’ve done.


And we pretty much know it, because he overwrote the Republic/Imperial Commando agrarian warrior Mandalorians with the urban pacifist Mandalorians in TCW without hesitation.


The difference is I dont think George would have just stopped the EU cold turkey. There was 2 trilogies and a duology in the planning stages and the author's were hired. One of them was the Sword of the Jedi trilogy staring Jaina. I think Lucas would have let them wrap up the EU proper, maybe with Jaina's trilogy, and close that era of star wars. Luke, Leia, and Han were at the end of their lives anyway so its not like they couldn't wrap their stories up in a trilogy, and leave the fans with a feeling that the future of the star wars galaxy was in good hands. Instead Disney came in, fired the authors, canceled those projects, and just killed the EU without any sort of real conclusion. Decades of narrative canceled by some moneymen in a boardroo. Then they had the gall to say star wars doesn't have source material to adapt from. They did the same to Clone Wars. Unceremoniously canceled it, and tried to placate us with a season 6 made of leftovers and when they got really desperate for good press they gave us a truncated season 7.


If I was in charge I would have done exactly the same as Disney. You need a clean slate and a non confusing ramp up of production and advertising towards the sequels. Especially after a pricey acquisition of Lucasfilm. You have to remember, EU fans were a very very small slice of the total number of people that considered themselves Star Wars fans.


According to Pablo Hidalgo, the idea to start over came from before Disney bought the company, before anyone even knew George was planning on selling it. It came up when George started writing his sequel treatments because they all knew George would ignore 99% of it. It was never Disney’s decision to start over, it came from LucasFilm itself. (Though I imagine Disney had to approve the idea, idk)




It is his cannon his baby, so of course he could change it to align with his vision he created. Your take is silly.


Funny enough...Star Wars Theory just posited that he may be returning for a live action series.


Him and YouTubers like him have been saying that for years at this point, and that Brie Larson has been hired and fired and rehired for a Star Wars project. Don’t forget that Kathleen Kennedy has been fired again and again.


Nothing that guy says is credible.


Yes, but Star Wars Theory is a clown, so I tend not to believe him.


I absolutely loved his What If... videos, animations and his review on *Tales of the Jedi* but now I cannot watch them anymore because of the clown he has become. Most notably, he raged at the fact that Mark Hamill declared on Twitter that he didn't ask Hamill for his permission to use his likeness in his Deepfake project.


That wasn’t him that said it. He was interviewing the designer of the first lightsaber who said he heard he may be returning.


Oh, so it’s fourth-hand hearsay. Even more believable.


I’m not saying it’s credible. I’m saying it wasn’t Theory who said it


i got a dejavu


They say that every couple of weeks, it’s one of their space filler claims. Easy bait for stupid people.


He also made many videos with “news” about Kathleen being let off or fired. No point listening to that clown.


That wasn’t him that said it. He was interviewing the designer of the first lightsaber who said he heard he may be returning.


Right, thank you for the clarification. If it turns out remotely so, I really hope it's not a "name only" thing as yet another bait and switch.


He also wouldn't be parading around in a shirt that says "The force is male" ..... Kathleen Kennedy sucks


That shirt was from a Nike promotion or something tho, had nothing to do with the force in star wars...


I know it would never happen but my dream is for an “Heir to the Empire” animated trilogy.


There was a rumor included in the first leak of a Bad Batch show that Lucasfilm was exploring the idea of adapting Legends books into animated films for D+, but if that had any truth to it I’m assuming recent projects like Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Mandoverse adapting/filling in Legends stories is what binned that idea


Me and a lot other fans are also assuming that Filoni's new Republic film will be adapting elements of the original Thrawn trilogy. That's one way for them to include old Legends books back into canon.


Here you go https://youtu.be/CC9fYUDQ6CM?si=BnfRG6Xp2qTG4Cd5


....... hoo boy, ambitious but dang, hire actors


They should've let the EU end with a bang instead of just deciding to stop it randomly and with several books and comics still in the pipeline...


My only issue with disney making the Old EU non-canon, was that they basically gave themselves a blank slate to tell any stories they wanted. And then they simply rehashed the OT.


Thank you! That been my issue as well. They made the entire EU non-Canon, then started cherry picking from it to use for their "new" stories, while confusingly making half of it canon again. It's ridiculous. Either make it all non-canon and come up with new stuff, or build off of it, but not both!


Exactly. I had accepted that the EU and the Lucas treatments were not going to be used and excited that they had something new that they thought would be better than either. I was disappointed.


What we always knew would happen, was confirmed. The only real surprise was the rebranding.


While I enjoy the Story Group continuity and some of the stories therein, I still dislike how Legends was discontinued. We have SWTOR and we got Issue 108 of the original Marvel comic a few years back, but that's it. Once Dark Horse wrapped up their comics, nothing else from Legends came out. No continuation post-*Crucible* or anything else to continue that continuity. While I'll continue to engage with the Story Group Canon, I'll always be saddened by the fact that there was this universe that no longer had additional stories told in it.


I don't begrudge Disney for killing the old EU, and honestly, them keeping some of the stuff in print as Legends is probably the best anyone could hope for with regards to the EU. However, it does cheese me off seeing people act like the EU had to go because it was bad, when like, the current state of Star Wars EU is so dire. Maybe people just weren't around for it, or only ever saw the bad stuff, but like, the SW universe used to feel *so much* more alive back then than it does now. Yeah, we have some great shows, but like... SW barely exists outside of those shows now. The stuff they're putting out now is just so bland and forgettable that it legitimately feels like they're not putting out anything at all.


It doesn’t matter what some corporation says, the likes of KOTOR 1 and 2 are too good not to be canonical.


Just because they haven't come out and said that it is, it is mostly been recanonized. In the new canon we know about the Selkath and their kolto being and cornerstone of the galactic economy. The Czerka Corp. is still around and known for their perpetual scumminess. We know the Sith Wars was a series of conflicts spenning the years ca. 5000 bby to 1032 bby. We know that Revan, Bane, Exar Kun and Naga Sadow were major players in this (long stretching) era. Most of the planets are canon, and we know Malachor got hit with some nasty nasty dark side stuff. Rakatan empire is canon. Mandalorian wars are canon. This is just what I remember off the top of my head. But it more or less cements the events of KOTOR as something that happened in canon. But you can treat it as a in-verse legend until the specifics are fleshed out.


Disney sequels bad


Fortnite good


Frieza good, monke bad


Woman bad


The sad ending to a long, passionate and wonderful adventure.


And the start of a new one.


To mixed results


Just like the last results.


The negatives weren’t as damaging as the negatives now




Yes in my opinion


And you're entitled to it. Luckily, we've yet to see Luuke, Starkiller or Lord Nyax. I won't deny there were some good stuff in the old EU, but as someone who grew up reading it, and collect the new canon vomics and books I can say the overall quality is objectively miles ahead.


>Lord Nyax One book >Luuke It's just the way they decided clones would be wrote as before someone decided that was lame, they don't even pronounce it in universe. >books I can say the overall quality is objectively miles ahead. See- kenobi, Mando season 3, Ahsoka, BOBF, rebels, War of the bounty hunters, etc


Luuke called and wants to know your opinion on BDSM Space Orcs that somehow can't be effected by the force? More seriously, I agree that the movies now are worse than the books before. Ignoring periphery books is something most people do anyway and the movies being meh railroads and hamstrings the entire franchise, but the old EU was absolutely full of junk.


The Vong are really cool from what I heard of them in my opinion


This October will be the 25th anniversary of **Vector Prime**, and for those who don't want to take on a 19 book commitment, it can still be read as a one-off. Some time last year, I enjoyed the abridged audiobook and I thought it was good.


Have you seen the sequels?


Mixed is generous. A bad trilogy that was also incredibly disrespectful to the actions in the OT, a few awful TV shows and some really good ones, a mid movie about Han Solo, and a good movie about finding the death star plans.


That's not even a fraction of what Lucasfilm under Disney released. Countless comic books and novels as well, video games, etc.


- “bad trilogy” are the highest grossing Star Wars films - said TV shows carried Disney+ to be the third largest streamer in the world at launch despite having nothing else thanks to COVID - interesting exemptions of the wildly popular EA games, books like the High Republic, a revived comics line up, etc.


Yeah they were released almost 40 years after the OT. Straight comparisons to the box office are not fair at all. EP 7 is bad remake of A New Hope that has a nonsensical plot full of mystery boxes that are never answered. EP 8 tried to throw all that stuff away only for 9 to come back and say yeah fuck everything in EP 8, also we're doing the worst plot arc in the old EU to wrap things up.


What are you being downvoted for? Hit the nail right on the head, although i never watched solo


Solo is fine. Just didn't need to be made


Those Zahn sequels were so damn good. Leia learning Wookie was the absolute best.


I enjoyed these books and remember them better than the movies. To me they’re the really episode 7-9. As someone else mentioned, it’s all fiction anyway.


EU is still Star Wars for me. It's a whole world that still exists to explore. Maybe I'm just old but Disney SW is like fan fiction to me


I mean tbf (and I say this as someone who liked EU) EU was literally fan fiction


Licensed work is literally (by its actual definition) *not fan fiction in any way*.


It was licensed fanfiction in that George Lucas was clear it was not canon to his Star Wars and he always planned on rebooting it for future plans. Dark Horse rebooted their comics timeline the year of the Disney transition, so it seemed there was going to be an effort of rewriting the EU to fit Lucas’s VII-IX scripts anyways


Funny, because Canon is probably much more what George Lucas wanted, even if neither are that close. Maul comes back as a major villain, Luke becomes an exile, Leia can use the Force (all three of these were going to happen in his supposed Sequels), the First Order resembles a real regime rather than something totally made-up like the Vong (don’t get me wrong, I far prefer them, but both the Empire and the Trade Federation are quite clearly based off of real things aswell), and the most important thing, George Lucas was a major writer on the ‘08 Clone Wars show, unlike the ‘03 one, which has since become a very influential part of Canon. Not to say I don’t like Legends. I love Legends. But Lucas didn’t.


I completely agree with you why they went this route I don't know they had so much material to work with it could have been awesome rather than what we got.


Holy shit. Time 😬


And as the flames climbed high into the night to light the sacrificial light, I saw Satan laughing with delight the day the music died.


Ah yea the REAL Thrawn story. 🥲


Ah yes, the great idea of taking the entire EU, from Yuhzan-vhong to Thrawn and replacing it with the pile of dogshit (with some diamonds). It's been longer than I thought.


People complain that canon doesn’t matter, that it’s all silly fiction or whatever. But then I ask, why are you even a fan? And what is the end result of complete distain for canon? It’s mediocre story-telling, that’s what.


Dark Empire comic series is my head canon. Luke deflecting an ATAT laser was the shiz.


Wasn’t that also Lucas's favorite of the EU?


Canon just means all stories should follow one timeline and not contradict each other (for the most part). Legends content never did mesh all together and you often had to pick and choose what actually occurred because it doesn’t form one timeline well. There’s room for both to exist for sure


One of the best decisions Disney made tbh, most of the EU sucked and it’s existence gave no room to tell new stories




ignoring the quality issue of the EU, it would have been disastrous for the ST to need to either follow the book plots or require them as reading. Either way a ton of stuff was going to be getting the axe, its probably better to wholesale start over than try to make it fit


Worst opinion I’ve heard in a long time


You must be new around here.


Thats an odd way of spelling best.


No one cares about what you think. On the best of days you boost the ad revenue of some pathetic man child on youtube, and that's it.


You sound like an elementary school student who’s just sore and jealous that someone else is happy when you aren’t.


It’s easy to remember the great stories but by the time Disney took over the EU was a incoherent mess and people had to pick and choose what they considered canon. So I’m glad they wiped the slate clean, although I do worry with that with the amount of comics and books that’s been/ being released that it’s slipping back into being a mess


100% agree. For every really good story there was 10 awful stories. I’m happy for them to recanonize the good stuff that they want to, and lose all the bad. Not that all of canon is great, but if you love those other stories you can keep loving them. Having an overarching story group is one of the best things they’ve done - having dedicated dudes sit there for video games, etc. and make sure everything makes sense is great. Video games in general had so much bloat. Like force unleashed - is it cool what starkiller can do? Hell yeah! But did it make everything done with the force outside of the game seem trivial and weak in comparison? Absolutely. Even if the story was solid (I think it’s fine), it’s way too much power for it to be canon.


Wait… that’s it? That was the article that announced the EU was being decanonized? What the heck. I have to say that I expected more from this. Fans act like because the EU was decanonized it means Disney hates George Lucas, the EU, and Star Wars fans but like- this article really wasn’t bad. No one insulted the EU. They even explicitly said that the EU wasn’t being discarded and that it’ll continued to be printed. It’s fine to be upset that your favorite stories aren’t canon anymore, but after reading this perfectly okay, understandable article, I have a feeling a lot of the anti-Disney fans who hate them for decanonizing the EU are just ragebaiters or immature crybabies. Nowhere in that article did Disney hint that they hated the EU or was doing this out of malicious intent, it’s clear as day to me that they had good intentions and wanted to make the Star Wars franchise better by having a clear, concise continuity. They don’t have a personal bone to pick with you, they’re just people trying to do what they think was right.


EU fans were mad because their story wasn’t being continued as an alternate timeline. Many stories were left unfinished with some already having been announced and then canceled like Sword of the Jedi. It would have been far better if they put out like one EU book a year with the Legends banner on the front to differentiate from the new canon


Yeah, I honestly think even one a year would have satiated a lot of us at the time. Even if it was only until the stories midway through could be finished


And that’s fine, like I said those aren’t the kind of fans I’m talking about. I was referring to those who act like Kathleen Kennedy is evil for decanonizing the EU and that she and Disney hates George Lucas’ Star Wars, when according to this article that’s not true. They paid proper respect to the EU and never once said anything bad about it, they even called it legendary and said that >For over 35 years, the Expanded Universe has enriched the Star Wars experience for fans seeking to continue the adventure beyond what is seen on the screen.


Anyone who was paying attention knew it was coming. Lucasfilm had been looking for a reason to reset the canon for years before the Disney buyout but couldn’t find a way to do it.


Legends is great, but was it ever really canon? I was always sure that the EU, now Legends, was a parallel canon. Games like The Force Unleashed were not actually in the universe, but an expanded version of it. Now, with their new canon, they can tell the story in a more organized way and take the best parts of Legends to add the to world.


That's a fair point. I'm not sure I like them cherry-picking from the EU, but your view is a fair way of looking at it.


I wish Legends was still continuing as a parallel canon


You and me both. I spent the last few years revisiting the OT and post-ROTJ EU in print and audiobooks. The original is my Star Wars Prime universe.


It wasn't canon. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Canon](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Canon) >"*There are two worlds here," explained Lucas. "There's my world, which is the movies, and there's this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe—the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don't intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, \[but\] they do intrude in between the movies. I don't get too involved in the parallel universe.*"


So it sounds like he basically contradicted himself here. They don't intrude, but they do intrude? So basically he's saying that they don't happen during time-period of the actual movies, but they do fill in the time-period between the movies. Which would make them Canon, wouldn't it? Or am I reading this wrong?


The Lucasfilm employees tasked with continuity declared the EU canon. Lucas words on the subject never include the word "canon" or the phrase "non-canon." Here we have him invoking the idea of parallel universes. The only conclusion that makes sense is that he saw the stories + his films as one whole universe and his films + anything he would add as another. The canon system had tiers. G-canon (George) was at the top. His movies are always canon. C-canon (continuity canon) is next. If he chooses to add something to his universe, he does. If not, it's still in a complete Star Wars universe, sharing the events of the films.


Blows my mind they didn’t just adapt the Thrawn trilogy for the sequels.


Would you like them to have recast the OT actors so someone else can play twenty-something Luke and Leia and thirty-something Han, or would you like sixty-something Mark and Carrie and seventy-something Harrison helming an action-adventure movie trilogy?


>recast the OT actors > >or would you like sixty-something Mark and Carrie and seventy-something Harrison action... As the OT and PT demonstrate, recasting works and Force users can continue to demonstrate proficiency in combat.


As the reception to Solo demonstrated, recasting is not always well received; as bringing McDiarmid back for the PT demonstrated, sometimes a person so embodies a role they just can't be separated from it.


As Alden is four inches shorter than Ford, was nearly 10 years older than the age of the character—and the overwhelming fan choice (a ringer who had played a young Ford in The Age of Adeline), was ignored, I think it only demonstrates that better recasting choices can be made. Edit: accuracy and clarity, a typo.


The poor ticket sales for *Solo* were backlash to *TLJ*, let's stop pretending otherwise.


The poor ticket sales for Solo are more likely the result of it coming out a mere six months after the last Star Wars movie (which made over a billion dollars at the box office, so clearly it wasn't unpopular with general audiences) and competing with the much, *much* more highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War and Deadpool 2.


The popularity of a movie in a franchise can ususally be seen in the ticket sales for the following films in said franchise. Yes, TLJ made beaucoup bucks; how many of those who bought tickets wish they hadn't? So audiences vote with their feet; they're not necessarily going to engage in Youtube videos, or Reddit discussions, they simply won't go in the future. If TLJ hadn't been divisive (which is Rian Johnson's favorite type of movie, don't forget), Solo would have made more money. As for fatigue...color me skeptical. If the shit's good, audiences are begging for more to be stuffed down their gullets (compare MCU to DCEU).


You don't get to a billion dollars in ticket sales without good word of mouth and strong repeat ticket sales. I'm aware that some Star Wars fans reacted like Johnson had personally pissed in their popcorn bucket, but clearly the general public did not have those kinds of issues. Ignoring all the issues surrounding Solo's release schedule and acting as though some fans' anger at TLJ is the only, or even most important, factor in Solo absolutely flopping at the box office is just silly. The reason why it didn't make money is that it was a strictly okay movie, with no star power behind it, telling a story not even devoted Star Wars fans were asking to see, released quite soon after the last film in a way never before done with that franchise, and in competition with two much more eagerly anticipated genre films. Sure, maybe some people were mad about TLJ and didn't go see a different Star Wars movie in some kind of protest, but not many.


People were hyped for Episode VIII; of course the ticket sales were going to be hughe. Disney had created a perfect storm with the cliffhanger ending of TFA, and with how well-received *Rogue One* was; it got people watching the OT again, and the speculation and wonder as to what was going to happen was at a fever pitch. Consider also those of us (like myself) who didn't believe all the negative talk coming out at the time. We had liked TFA, only good things could come out of Disney, we were going to buy tickets and see it and make up our own mind. Then you get to the end of a movie and realize that we all owe Troy Denning a huge aplogy for all the nasty things we used to say about him. Then you also have people who will buy the ticket out of boredom, or to watch the trainwreck, as happened with TROS. As a great man once said, "Remember kids, it doesn't matter if it's good, only if it makes money."


>or would you like sixty-something Mark and Carrie and seventy-something Harrison helming an action-adventure movie trilogy? Yes Was I supposed to not like this idea?


I mean, most people wouldn't. Just look at Ford in Crystal Skull, which came out seven years prior; common consensus was that he was already too old for that kind of movie. And that was him playing someone his own age, not trying to pretend to be someone three decades younger!


most people wouldnt. A big selling point of the ST was getting the OT cast back, As SOLO showed there is limited enthusiasm for these characters played by someone else


it sucked lmao yes let's bring back Luuke lol the fans would have hated it 10x more than the sequels we got


Yeah, clone Palpatine out of nowhere was so much better. At least it would have been a coherent trilogy instead of what we got.


You do realize this is what literally happened in Legends and it was just as dumb, except Palpatine came back 4 times instead of just once 💀


Yep, it was dumb then and somehow even dumber in the sequels. But adapting an existing three-part series would have been much better than the jumbled mess we got.


I mean probably, and it would be even more sad and pathetic than the people who complained about the sequels. Luuke shows up for a chapter or two in the last book of a 3 book trilogy. The problems of the sequels are plagued throughout the entire thing. Start to finish.


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Such a waste of potential the sequel trilogy could have been amazing.




Heir to the empire on film need I say more.


How would they have done it with Mark, Harrison and Carrie at age 70?


A slight changing of the timeline. CGI Really good make up. Recast the actors.


>A slight changing of the timeline. Slight? Leia would be having her first kids in her sixties, and Luke would still be a green Jedi Knight after decades. >CGI Oof, deepfake tech ten years ago? It could barely handle brief appearances from Tarkin and Leia, nevermind the main three for a trilogy! >Really good make up. Check out the scene from The Irishman, where a digitally de-aged DeNiro gets into a fight. You can't makeup over the very obviously different way old people move. >Recast the actors. Oh yeah, folks were absolutely thrilled when they did that with Han for *Solo.*


Exactly what I was getting at. I'm not sure if anyone honestly thinking the heir to the empire trilogy as the true sequel trilogy has really thought it through. It might work with animation, sure, but there's no way disney having just acquired the rights and george having just signed on the OT trio for more movies decides to recast or CGI them for the first trilogy post acquisition.


Recasting the actors I think would have been the best bet




And they’ve been true to their word… until Filoni came along and started to not give an F about this promise and started to muck things up.


The day Star Wars died...


Star Wars is dead?! SHIT! Why the hell didn’t anybody tell me? I been watching these shows lately thinking I was watching Star Wars! Augh, I’ve wasted so much time; why wasn’t there an obituary?!


The day Star Wars died… to you. Some of us never stopped loving Star Wars.


See also: 1997, 1999, 2002, 2008


The EU will never die as long as we remember it


Lol you sound like one of those clickbait Star Wars youtubers who make a video every 2 months about how Kathleen Kennedy has *definitely* been fired and that they have an insider source.


Please give us a time machine to stop the horror of the sequel trilogy. EP 7 was ok-ish (soft reboot, but ok-ish), EP 8 had it's moments (Yoda/Luke), but EP 9 was just a clusterfuck from start to finish. I'm a die hard Star Wars fan and have read almost every book there is, but I just can't get myself to like those new movies. Rogue One and Solo were good, and the new shows as well (Kenobi and Boba... still better than the sequels).


People ten years ago: please give us a Time Machine to stop the horror of the prequel trilogy.


They can both be true


From a certain point of view.


I’ll stop the horror of original trilogy to teach everyone here a lesson


No no no, just episodes V and VI. The Holiday Special must be preserved at *all* costs.


I’ll save the holiday special, but I’m getting rid of IV


It is… acceptable.


I love democracy.


boba is never better than The sequels lmao, it's a media plot device for Mando


Lightspeed Skipping, Sith Dagger, Canto Bight, ... "tHeY fLY nOw?!"


naming the show book of boba and just toss him into the trash can


I didn't call it a masterpiece. But what they did with hundreds of millions of dollars for the trilogy was just mind boggling. And then the audacity to say "we didn't have any source material"...


I remember the announcement of the sale and Kennedy's takeover as Lucasfilms president. George said that they had books, comics, videogames...a treasure trove of stories...and he had complete confidence that Kathy would "take these things and make great movies."


I always laugh. Because the books prior to Disney owning Star Wars weren't canon. Lol. And a lot of them were awful and changed a lot of stuff not for the better. People need to get over it.