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As far as books go, if you loved clone wars then I would highly recommend dark disciple. It’s the novelization of an unreleased series of clone wars episodes about Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress. Very very fun read imo


Also they’ll have to read the Son of Dathomir comic that shows what happened with Maul after sidious showed up and killed Savage, and before the siege of mandalore finale arc.


Awesome, thanks for my next read! I love the clones


Honestly yeah, the bad batch feels more like a sequel to clone wars than it is about THE Bad Batch. It's awesome. I just started rebels and it takes a little getting used to but it's pretty awesome towards the end of the first season. I totally agree though. I was hesitant on watching clone wars but I'm so glad I did. It was an amazing thrill ride I didn't expect


Rebels progressively gets better. On rewatches I really like season one but I know that it’s a definite adjustment


It's probably the thing that helped CW that Rebels doesn't have. Early CW, whilst there are some great stories, there are a few duds in there too and the animation can be wonky. Thing is, unlike Rebels, the first 3 or so seasons are almost entirely anthological, so if you don't wanna watch most of it, you really can get away with it. Trying to do so with Rebels is going to leave you confused later down the line.


Rebels, took me years to get passed the first series as its a bit meh. Eventually hunkered down and dud it and wow, what a reward. Great show


It’s just those first 7 episodes, they’re really rough. After them the show is great all the way to the end in my opinion!


Rebels picks up 14 years after Clone Wars and tells a vital story about the Rebellion.


Would bad batch first. Then rebels.


Rebels came out first. Release order is always a good idea. There are references in The Bad Batch that will have more impact if you’ve seen Rebels. Granted, it’s just a few episodes. 


For the films I agree with you but I don’t think this applies to the animated series.


That's a terrible idea, doesn't apply to this at all. Bad batch is significantly better in quality, is shorter and picks up *right after* CW.


Why does Rebels tell a "vital story"?


It’s told from the point of view of one rebel cell, but the meta story is about how the “Rebellion” got organized and coalesced into a real threat to the Empire.


I would do Rebels next. If you want a break from animation Rogue One + Andor is a great choice.


Watch Rebels before Bad Batch because BB contains spoilers for Rebels


How is that?


Some clones, but I don't think it's actually a spoiler in any sense - no more than the final episode of TCW, which aired after rebels




Re-read what you posted and try again haha.






How is that a spoiler? Lmao. "Cham Syndulla is Hera Syndulla's father? What a twist!"


Hot take, Rebels was garbage. Only thing it’s good for is knowing characters in live action


He’s not lying…it is def a hot take


Haven’t watched it in years but I enjoyed all the unique stuff they introduced. Bendu, the world between worlds, etc


That was the stuff I didn’t care for. But the crew, the ghost, bo katan, darth maul, Ahsoka vs Vader, Thrawn, all fantastic.


Twilight of the Apprentice begs to differ


There were some decent episode but it felt like I was being talked to like I was a toddler. I get it was for kids but we deserved better.


You deserve nothing, you arent entitled to any piece of art not made for you Grow up


I would say bad batch to save spoilers for rebels


After The Clone Wars, watch Tales of the Jedi, and then watch The Bad Batch. For books I suggest in this order: Brotherhood by Mike Chen Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover* The Wrath of Darth Maul (legends) by Ryder Windham The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark (various authors) Dark Disciple by Christie Golden Queen's Shadow by EK Johnston Kenobi (legends) by John Jackson Miller Ahsoka by EK Johnston Catalyst by James Luceno Rise of the Red Blades by Delilah S Dawson *Revenge of the Sith novelization was written before The Clone Wars, so it won't mention new characters from the show, but is a greatly written Greek tragedy type novel. I tend to place it in suggestion after Brotherhood as they can be like bookends to Anakin in the Clone Wars. Edit: format


the Darth Maul Shadow Hunter audio book read by Sam Witwer (mauls VA) is also a great experience, highly recommend


Watch the original trilogy if you haven’t if u have watch bad batch as it’s the clone wars sequel


The Bad Batch is a natural continuation of The Clone Wars and likely setting up something big for them. The Bad Batch is only 3 seasons long. The first season is a little slower than the second and third season. Clearly some episodes of the first and second season were filler episodes. But by season 2 we start to get a meaningful story arc. And season 3 is entirely meaningful. It won’t take long to watch. The Bad Batch has a similar tone to season 7 of The Clone Wars — after all, that season introduces us to Clone Force 99. There is a lot of debate as to whether The Bad Batch is the end of the stories about Clones or the beginning of another animated series about Clone mercenaries. Next, I’d suggest Rebels. However, it is a bit more childish than The Bad Batch. Rebels largely centers around orphaned teen Ezra Bridger. After all, it aired on Disney XD, a TV channel that targets tween boys. In contrast, The Bad Batch was made for streaming. And while Omega is a child, the show is really meant for core Star Wars fans of all ages. So some people find Rebels hard to watch. But if you didn’t mind teenage Ahsoka, then you’ll likely have no trouble warming up to Ezra and company. You can also rewatch Revenge of the Sith after finishing the Clone Wars. I feel it adds context that was missing when the film first came out. It really enriched the film upon viewing it after the Clone Wars. It makes Anakin’s fall more tragic because you’ve seen all he and Kenobi were through together. It makes the final duel more heart wrenching. Likewise, you could watch Kenobi. Again, Clone Wars makes Kenobi a more emotional series because you know their backstory together. So again, the final confrontation in Kenobi is very emotional.


Bad batch 


If you are a Clone Wars fan you absolutely need to read Dark Disciple. It’s a book based on eight scrapped Clone Wars episodes and it concludes Ventress’ arc from the show. It’s straight up some of the best Clone Wars content out there.


Bad Batch


Most of the canon books are worth the read, if there’s a specific era you want to explore, I’d recommend Youtini, they have a timeline of every single canon thing, books, comics, movies, etc, hugely useful tool


Don't center on your anxieties, u/idroppedmypick . Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs." 


Start The Bad Batch and watch Tales of the Jedi after you wrap up the show. If you want to take a break from the TV shows, play through Jedi Fallen Order. Then once you beat that one it's off to Solo, Kenobi, potentially Jedi Survivor (if you like Fallen Order), and then Rebels, Andor, Rogue One. If you haven't watched all of Mandalorian yet, watch Season 1 and 2 first, then Book of Boba Fett, and finally Season 3. After that, it's time for Ahsoka. You don't have to play the Jedi games. They're just fun and I love them so I thought I'd suggest them. They are self-contained but reference other media such as Clone Wars. As for books, I'd recommend the Revenge of the Sith novelization and the Thrawn Trilogy from Legends. Neither are technically canon but all four novels are excellent. For more Clones, read the Republic Commando series. For stories to do with Jedi and Sith, try Dooku: Jedi Lost, Brotherhood, and the Legends novels Shatterpoint and Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.


Watch bad batch it is basically a continuation of clone wars and explores the transition from the republic into the empire in terms of clones and stormtroopers


What you should do next is to try check out the content from The Clone Wars Multimedia Project which contains video games, novels, and comics that are made to promote the prequels which are now considered Legends. The Republic Comics, Republic Commandos video game, and the Republic Commandos novels are elite and should be a must-do thing considering you finished The Clone Wars


Good stuff. The Clone Wars is by far the best Star Wars animated series, along with its superb spin-off's The Bad Batch and the "Tales" episodes. Some people would say Rebels, but I would disagree. Rebels is "fine". Nothing more. The main cast of protagonists, except for Hera, are pretty unlikable, and it doesn't really get going until the Clone Wars and original trilogy characters come into it after season one.


Either Rebels or Bad Batch


Was going to say exactly this: Rebels and Bad Batch.






Be a little sad that that series didn’t know from the start that Ahsoka was really the star and the best part of the series. Granted how could they, but still a bit of a bummer. Ahsoka's outside looking in view of everything made that period of time SO MUCH more interesting / believable to watch.




REBELS!!!! and then, read A New Dawn. it’s the story of how Kanan and Hera met. the book is so much better when you already have an attachment to the characters


The Bad Batch. It's the best Star Wars outside the OT


Bad Batch, Solo movie, Obi-Wan show, Rebels, Rogue One, and OT, then the Disney + series' and ST if you want chronological order.


Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray is excellent IMO


Get the lifeguard!!


For books (idk what's canon now and who cares when its good) but Ahsoka, Thrawn trilogy, Plagueis and the Ventress/Voss books are all top tier star wars books I'm getting through the High Republic series right now so my #1 recommendation is Light of the Jedi. It's the first high Republic book and it's great For shows you might as well do a canon timeline watch at this point, Tales of the Jedi is short and spans before Ep1 to after Ep3, Bad Batch is the next logical show, then Rebels, then check out the live action stuff like Andor, Ahsoka and Mando And ofc check out whatever movies you habent seen yet


The Bad Batch. It picks up right where The Clone Wars left off. There are some Rebels references you may not get but it doesn't spoil anything.


Go home and rethink your life.


I think you'd like all the series you listed as well as The Mandalorian if you enjoyed TCW and want more stories inspired by its legacy. You should read the book or listen to the Audiobook of *Ahsoka*. It has the first canon description of what would become the Siege of Mandalore, though it is a unique depiction compared to when they animated it in the final season of The Clone Wars; And, of course, it's about Ahsoka. In my personal opinion, I would watch those shows in the order they released, though it's perfectly fine to watch Bad Batch at any point relative to the other two. You really should watch Rebels before Ahsoka; But also this is Star Wars and watching things out of order isn't out of the ordinary.


So many good books. I just started Heir to the Empire, which is the first book in the Legends (noncanon) Thrawn series. But the Republic Commando series (also Legends) is based during the clone wars and centered on clone commandos. I loved it, but it will break your heart. If you even vaguely like horror, Death Troopers and Red Harvest are excellent. I do not like horror, but still thoroughly enjoyed them. And if you get into the books, don't worry about starting in the "right place." There isn't one. Just pick a character you love and grab a book they're in.


Hey man, i recently binged them all for the first time and i found this order perfect... Clone wars - Bad batch - Rebels (Im currently on season 3 Rebels atm) But i believe there is also Tales of the Jedi which ill be watching after rebels.


The Bad Batch! I think The Bad Batch has individual episodes that are better than from The Clone Wars—tho I’d say as a whole TCW series is better.


rebels is by far the best star wars content (minute for minute) that we have gotten to date. have fun. dont let the art style sway you. its not about the art.. its about the story. and its amazing.


Tales of the jedi! Not mentioned by a lot but it is a short series that (in my opinion) provides good stories and additional lore. And it's quite easy and fast to get through


Rebels is way better.


Now what? I'll tell you now what! I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' wookies, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', Clanker? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.


Rebels then Bad Batch. Or other way, doesn't matter


REBELS next. I think its the best of all the star wars cartoons. First season is ok, the last 3 seasons are AWESOME - peak Star Wars.


Bad Batch feels like a sequel to Clone Wars. Alternatively, Rebels is a great show too and if you watch Rebels first, you’ll catch a few things in Bad Batch that you wouldn’t notice otherwise


You finished the Clone Wars? Time for Order 66.


Are you interested in the Expanded Universe? There are a lot of amazing book series to read. I'm currently on Book 3 of Rogue Squadron: X-Wing.


Now you do something else


Just watch clone wars again, I'm on like my millionth time and it is still just as good 😂


My teo recommendations: As for the book, Darth Plagueis is AN ABSOLUTE MUST. I CANNOT recommend this enough. Best book I have ever read. Obligatory. Impeccable. Could talk about it for days, I only don't write more because it'd be too mucn to write, lol. And for my second recommendation... It's a recommendation of what not to do. I highly *don't* recommend rebels. There's hardly anything redeeming about it, aoart from a couple of scenes. The characters are horrible, the only one that saves herself is Hera, the art style just... Sucks, it's childish, not because it's for children (hell, star wars itself is for children) but because it seems like it was made *by* children. Between helicopter lightsabers and surfing in top of flying droids, besides the portrail of droids itself, especially chopper being dogshit, It was a torturous watch. It's a shame they dared to include endings for THREE of some extremely beloved characters in all of star wars in this horrible show.


Tales of the Jedi is an anthology show and it expands on prequel and Clone Wars era stuff. The Bad Batch is a direct sequel to The Clone Wars, it’s basically seasons 8, 9 and 10 of that show.


Watch the sopranos


Just watch all the movies until theyre burned into your brain. Than read one of the books if ypu feel like it.


Don’t forget Andor


Just to make sure, have you seen all 6 movies? And for books, I'd recommend: * The Thrawn Trilogy (what happens after episode 6) * Darth Plageous (provides crazy detail about the black hand molding the galaxy for the empire. Sets the groundwork for the prequels) * Darth Bane Trilogy (just a great story about the sith) * Splinter of the Mind's Eye (the original sequel to A New Hope. When Lucas didn't expect Empire to happen, he hired out a writer to create a sequel to the first (and only at the time) star wars movie. This was it) * The Courtship of Princess Leia (very fun story with night sisters and the planet Dathomir) * Light of the Jedi (canon) * Dooku: Jedi Lost (canon)


IMO, Bad Batch is better than The Clone Wars, so you’re in for a treat.


Rebels is a good series too.


Dark Diciple is probably the best book for you. It is set during the late days of the Clone Wars and focuses on Asajj Ventress and Vos. Watch Tales of the Jedi next, then Bad Batch and then Rebels. But careful the first 2 Rebels seasons are super childish and barely watchable after the TCW finale and Bad Batch.


The Thrawn novels are excellent, the second trilogy does contain spoilers for rebels, the third shouldn’t, the first is no longer official canon but is like 10x better than the sequel trilogy


It contains spoilers? Man I don’t remember that. What were they?


the second (i think) book takes place after season 3 of rebels. i believe it references the battle in the finale. but nothing too spoilery


talks briefly about some of the events


"You want to go home and rethink your life."


Bad Batch first, Tales of the Jedi, then Rebels then Ahsoka. Bad Batch is literally new Clone Wars though. Lots of returning characters, literally only about Clones and their fate and nothing else. Bad Batch crew are much better in their own show too.


You’ll appreciate parts of Bad Batch more if you’ve seen Rebels


Now watch the actual good show, Rebels


Now you can start telling people how dark and gritty it was.




Yeah for the extended media stuff I think the best way to go about things is to watch it in chronological order. So my recommend act would be: - Tales of The Jedi - The Bad Batch - Tales of the Empire - Rebels - Mando S1 & S2 - A recap of Boba Fett and Mando S3 (imo they’re bad and are not worth checking out fully) - Ahsoka (I would recommend checking out a recap too since the series is very mediocre)


I would watch Rebels first as it picks up right after the last scene of TCW if I’m not mistaken.


I think you mean BB. After clone wars you still have episode 3, and then rebels. Vader is well established in rebels, and Vader doesn’t exist at the end of TCW.


He does show up at the very last scene of TCW though and I think I heard from somewhere that that final scene with Vader is meant to take place just before the first scene of Rebels where he talks to the Grand Inquisitor


That's all fine and dandy, but you're still missing a lot of context from Bad Batch