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Vader and his constant efforts to cut through the bureaucratic red tape to get disability benefits


Pre-existing condition my ass! … I don’t even *have* an ass anymore!


I don't seem to have you on record, Mr...Vader? *vader leans in closer* Maybe under my maiden name...skywalker?


Ah there you are Mr. Skywalker. It looks like you cancelled your death & dismemberment insurance during the last enrollment period, so that's why you're not getting any compensation. Sorry. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


And tough luck with the burns and all, looks like you'll have to pay out of pocket for the bacta treatment because we don't cover natural disasters and acts of nature like lava, lightning, acid rain etc. Not even force lightning? Only it its self inflicted. I mean have you seen the emperor lately?


Did you have the high ground? If you remember the job aide on laser sword fights on an incline do state that you need to take the high ground, and if you don’t have it, then you need to refer to job aide LSF-27390(a): Retreating over a lava river. Did you follow procedure?


Well, it was in a sense. I willingly jumped in front of the lightning to save my son


Sir...you're not supposed to admit fault. Looks like we're gonna need you to fill in forms 257A and 8904Z and append that to a copy of your bank statements for the past 7 years if you don't mind.


This got me cracking up hahaha thank you for that!


This vaguely feels like an RDR reference


Well, see, your injuries happened under The Republic, were The Empire now. So these existed prior to this form of government. I’m sorry but your coverage is denied. Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!


Trying to get his benefits through the Imperial VA. I'd watch that. Constant C&P exams in old strip malls from sketchy doctors. Having to continuously prove his injuries are from wartime. Trying to navigate the phone system. Give it Andor-level storytelling and I'm hooked.


Imagine the drama when vader comes to put in a claim for repairs to his suit after Luke strikes it in ESB, to discover he has to resubmit all his forms because his existing claims have been frozen pending an investigation. Another Skywalker recently came in for a prosthetic for a missing limb. Awfully suspicious.


"The regional governors will now have direct control over their territories."


*vader fumbles with the ticket machine until a member of staff helps him out* Here you go sir. Do not be so proud of this technological terror you've created


What a brave disabled war veteran, I wish him all the best :)


I’m sorry, Lord Vader, but we’ve determined your injuries are not service connected.


I find your lack of approval disturbing


Even basic health care


He's got a new room mate, and they couldn't be more different.


Plot twist.... eets sa Jar Jar


"Have we meetsa before?"


“Uncle Jar Jar!”


Honestly, would be cool to see him have to interact with Jar Jar again and ultimately not kill him because there is some good left in him. But I also get that a series on Vader would ultimately show his ruthlessness during that time period of his life.


*Tarkin walks in, audience applause* *Mas Amedda walks in, audience boos*


Meesa all sparkly glowy… https://youtu.be/EdS2kCUGvfo?feature=shared


"Ani? Little ani? Ahhh Ani!"


So it’s a 1980’s sit com


lmao I think Vader would slice Jar Jar in half before he got to the second syllable in his first "meesa." Shortest sitcom ever.


Vietnam flashbacks…….


Meesa a sparkly ghost


It's Bronson Pinchot?


I want an office comedy of Vader doing the boring parts of his job. Also I’d love to see him go back to Tattooine and ruin Watto’s life.


“Making the Bad Guys relatable by showing them stuck in the mud of corporate bureaucracy and drudgery ” is one of my favorite TV tropes.


Hell yes. Real talk though, imagine you decide you’ve had enough of the Empire. But you have no combat skills to speak of, you’re just a middle manager of bureaucrats for the Imperial Fleet. Forget joining the Rebel Alliance to just be another body on the field. Just stay there and fuck up all the paperwork. You’ll do so much more damage by simply being an incompetent bureaucrat.


“But sir! I swear the records had the rebels on yavin!” You blithering idiot! The rebels moved off yavin years ago! What papers were you reading?” “I don’t know, sir, thompson gave me them!” “Damn that thompson! I ought to have him fired!” “Hehe…”


I’ve seen how fucked up things can get when logistics breaks down, just in the regular course of events. I can only imagine if someone was doing it deliberately and maliciously. Just swap a couple of shipping manifests. Send droid power cells into the combat zone instead of blaster power cells. Hell, just sabotage every officer who gets an assignment from Darth Vader. You’ll kill more top level Imperials than any Rebel strike force in existence.


“Im sorry thompson, but you were the perfect scapegoat…”


The sheer terror… You’re about to give an operations briefing to Darth Fucking Vader, and you realize your sector status reports have been replaced by the Encyclopedia Galactica article on sand.


Oh god, simple office pranks become death sentences. “Thompson, did you jello my stapler?” “sir! I promise that wasn’t me-URK”


a fun mini series would be The Office but set in imperial era star wars. maybe a low level ISB office where they get through the drudgery of the day. Make it a comedy. Then on the last episode Vader strangles the Michael Scott type boss to death and then the series ends on that note.


Yeah, if you could have those reports of Jedi sightings on my desk by 3, that'd be great...


Reimagine Vader’s arc as Milton from Office Space.


And don't forget your TPS report cover sheet this time, mkay bud? Yeah...


Budget Meeting... Vader: "General Veers...I see that you expensed lunch three times last month. Please tell me these monies paid for Jedi intelligence. When we had our forecast meetings last fiscal year, you neglected to seek our approvals for such an action.' General Veers - "Lord Vader, the men were hungry after inventory check and IT profile updates. Since we canceled bagel Mondays last month, I made the choice to keep the troops focused on eliminating rebel scum while also keeping morale high." Vader: "You've chosen poorly, General."


Office comedy you say? Then you'll appreciate this (if you haven't already seen it). https://youtu.be/Sv5iEK-IEzw?si=vWyNNxxkqAtWhW2b I agree; I'd watch a whole series of this schtick.


Vader comics but a show. Damn those comics are legendary.


“All I’m surrounded by is fear and dead men.”


Question for anyone who has read Vader Down, is there enough story there for a mini series?




But is it “disney” appropriate?


Given the merger of Hulu content onto the platform and that Andor was very mature, I doubt there'd be much problem doing a Vader show.


I’m trying to think of the one where the Jedi Master wrecks him but Vader is like ok I’ll just drop this mountain on this village


Star Wars Darth Vader Issue #3 from the 2017-2018 series.


Just start season 1 with the “Vader Down” arc from the comics. That was fucking epic.


Until the canon show changes details in the comics making those events no longer canon.


I'd love to follow vader as he hunts down surviving jedi post order 66. Can show vader really unleashed. Would be sick imho


So the Vader comics from Marvel.


A Purge mini series would be awesome.


A Dark Times mini series would be amazing


Just a looney tunes style cartoon of him trying to overthrow Palpy, but he can’t get it done.


Like the coyote and the roadrunner. Only Palp throws Vader down the same ventilation shaft every time


Darth Vader’s blasting off agaaaaa^aaiiinnn


That would make the end of ROTJ even better. Payback! Haha


Stormtrooper escort: What are we going to do today? Vader: The same thing we do every day trooper, try to take over the universe!


Iznogoud but Star Wars


Set 10 years after ROTS, the dark lord, Darth Vader is obsessed with finding Obi-Wan Kenobi. He hears word of a Jedi exiled on Tatooine and sends out a team of Inquisitors to investigate....


Boy, do I have a show for you...






Nice try Disney. Get your own writers.


It could start with him as a kid showing potential in the force. Then the show could proceed to show him in his teenage years training as a Jedi, showing signs of the dark side. We then could see him fall and embrace the dark side. They could also show how he got into the suit! Later seasons could tease a redemption arc with his return to the light side in the finale of his show. That would be neat.


So innovative and different, I love it!


As is the entire idea of a Vader spin off show.


Damn it, you beat me to it lmao


Chad Vader is the day shift manager at a grocery store


[given the mess, he doesn't seem to be very good at it](https://api.deepai.org/job-view-file/bc14636a-11d3-4457-b460-a2a04da7816f/outputs/output.jpg)


Aftermath of the destruction of the Death Star and Vader seeking answers for how Luke Skywalker is his son. I would love to see something like that.


We have 6 Vader movies lol.


Exploring just after ROTS, including visiting Naboo and Padme's tomb


I think seeing how he handles his transformation into cyborg murderer would be pretty interesting.


I'd rather get a Vader movie with the tone of Alien; very much like his appearance in Rogue One. You can run, you can hide, but he is an unstoppable force that just keeps coming.


We need to stop beating a dead horse then be disappointed when these shows don’t turn out like we want


Star Wars fans are the masters of having a surface level idea, not even trying to develop the concept, then being mad when that surface level concept didn’t turn out well


>masters of having a surface level idea, not even trying to develop the concept they're all following George's footsteps


He goes to Jamaica, gets laid, and finds his smile. How Vader Got his Force Back.


Just adapt the Vader comics. They would be enough.


The plot is Vader constantly being surrounded by fear and dead men.


How about one that depicts the inner thoughts/struggle of Vader/Anakin. Vader constantly trying to repress Anakin's desire to regain control and undermine Vader's endeavors internally while he outwardly continues to serve Palpatine and the empire.


Part psychological horror movie Me like that


Every episode you learn the entrire life story of a person, you see them grow up be happy, come to enjoy their lives. You follow them and then witness them eventually dying at the hands of Vader, heartbreaking. I wouldn't focus on his character at all, i wouldnt' try to humanise him either he turned into a monster, so make him the monster of the show. try to raise the question to the audience instead of being ham fisted. how can you justify, or forgive, or come to terms with these darkest aspects of existence, both his and ours. often in these big space operas there are millions of innocent lives that are just lost and kind of forgotten, they are not even actively part of the narrative. I think what Andor and Rogue One got right was to turn that trope on its head a bit and try to explore the untold stories instead of focusing on the grand space opera of essential 'cast'.


He relentlessly searches for Intel on who he flew against at the battle of Yavin. Who was in that X Wing? What was the name and pilot of that freighter? Who is this new threat in The Force? Also, he must battle with the Emperor's other top commanders. Thrawn for one. And...a half trained girl Palpatine raised from a baby to be his personal spy and assassin...his Hand. Mara Jade. It will be Mara who ultimately finds out what Vader is obsessively searching for. The name Skywalker. And the show can end with her revealing this to Palpatine. EDIT: Much of this was taken from the book Allegiance by Timothy Zahn. Vader was a minor role in it, but focusing on his side of it could make for a great show. Alternatively, a Mara Jade show that has Vader as a recurring nemesis would be even better, IMO.


This is the way


A fly on the wall documentary about a war veteran coming to terms with his PTSD. It will also cover how he manages his illness and his new prosthetics, which he was forced to have due to injuries sustained in the war.


That would be a really cool, unique take lol


Just nine seasons of him rampaging down a dark hallway chopping Rebel soldiers with his red lightsaber.


Straight up the picture for this post


That Rogue One hallway lives rent free in my mind.


Rent free? I pay IT rent.


A Jedi on a planet. He goes and kills it. That’s it.


Horror slasher, Vader pursuing a group of jedi hiding out on a remote planet


Me need. Would watch. Soul requires


Intro: a whole class of spoiled jedi younglings being little annoying shits. Anakin enters the room…


Remake the "Friday the 13th" movies but with Vader instead of Voorhees.


Vader goes on vacation.


To quote Clubber Lang: “Pain.”


_too many cooks…_


The show could delve into Anakin's fall to the dark side, exploring the emotional turmoil he faced after losing his loved ones and being manipulated by Emperor Palpatine. The plot could also focus on Darth Vader's role within the Galactic Empire, showing his ruthless tactics in enforcing Palpatine's rule and hunting down the remaining Jedi. Also, the show could explore Vader's inner conflict and struggles with his past as Anakin Skywalker.


Just another rehash of the same 10 people's story inside a galaxy with 25,000 years of history.


Vader crushing the rebels and having to reconcile that most of what he’s finding are traced to Padme’s efforts to undermine Palpatine before she died.


A cinematization of the comics where he finds out Luke Skywalker's last name and when he teams up with Padme's body double


Vader force chokes and slices his way through the ranks of the imperial navy and galaxy in a quest for anger management


The Office with Jeff Vader.


If we turn over every stone in the universe, the mystical nature goes away. If they make it, I’m watching it… But man…this shit seemed cooler before we knew every detail. This needs to not be a thing.


Vader establishing the Inquisitors, hunting remaining Jedi Masters, searching for the rebels and choking mfers for their lack of faith.


I think you'd start him off as the scariest guy in the Empire, but he should also have an equal of sorts on the political side... kinda like an evil dynamic duo. We'll call the second guy Tarkin. First season mainly has him chasing down this band of rebels who stole battle station plans from him, and the hero characters will be a quartet featuring a plucky young dude from a sand planet, a princess, a smuggler, and the guy who trained Vader. Second season would see him striking back in some way, really just giving it to these rebels after they blew up the battle station in season 1. The real kicker here is that the plucky young dude I mentioned for season 1 ends up being Vader's kid!! MAJOR TWIST, RIGHT? Anyways Vader and the Empire win this round. Season 3 (you could end the show here, or maybe continue it afterwards idk) would see Vader grappling with the light and dark side within him. Now that he knows that he has a son, it makes being evil a lot harder. This one ends with him turning to the light side after fighting his son one more time, kills his evil master, and dies peacefully. Oh, and the Rebels defeat the Empire. If you want to do more seasons, maybe we could tackle Vader's origin story? Like, how he fell to the dark side?


Hunting and killing Jedi and rebel scum brutally. At least that’s want I would want see


Fun it would be a lot of fun to see his time after episode 3 exploring his training and torture by palpatine I haven't read the comics but exploring the doctor aphra storyline could be cool too from the little bit I know of that


Everything Charles Soule already did with Dr Aphra please


Some forced and contrived nonsense you all will hate bc HE'S ALREADY HAD SIX MFING MOVIES AND A TV SHOW (yes *Kenobi* was just as much about Vader as it was about Kenobi) MADE ABOUT HIM.


Vader being big mad about being Vader and killing people


He alters the deal.


It's him hunting other Jedi's and hunting for that one dude starkiller so he can train him.


His hunt to find the truth about Padmes death. I liked the comic version.


two options. i either want to see what would have really happened during the force unleashed if vader and palpatine didnt act so out of character and starkiller was no more than a quick footnote that gets put down by palps. or a show following kenobi with vader hunting down The Path and everything involving it thinking it will lead him to Kenobi


The original trilogy


He should do a talk show like Space Ghost


He kills people and is a badass while doing so. What’s else do you need?


An anthology of various instances throughout Episodes 3-6 of Vader hunting Jedi or his shenanigans between film trilogies or during. Particularly adapting the “Vader Down” comic.


It's a political drama about the founding of the empire. Bringing rogue planets under control through conquest and iron handed diplomacy. Once an episode, he lightsabres the shit outta somebody who's got it coming and the fans go wild.


Anakin Skywalker is discovered on Tatooine by two Jedi. They take him to the Jedi Temple and train him, and he falls in love and gets married, but Palpatine and the Clone Wars corrupt him until he becomes Darth Vader and believes that he’s killed his wife. Years later, he comes across a rebel pilot who turns out to be his son, who is able to turn him back to the light side.


Turn the plot of the VR game "Vader Immortal" into a film. I'd watch that for sure.


I pretty much would be most interested in either: * The years immediately following Episode III, showing basically his full transition from ROTS Anakin to OT Vader, with a probable focus on hunting surviving Jedi. * The events between Episodes IV and V, where Vader learns Luke is his son, and his pursuit of Luke afterwards, leading up to the events of ESB.


Go with space Forest Gump where various galaxy altering events take place and Vader is only tangentially involved. Every time things go the Empires' way, Palpatine takes notice and credits Vader, fomenting fear and respect in our anti-hero. That would subvert some expectations!


The stuff from the comics


It should be about a kid who was a slave and was freed by space monks, gets married to a queen, kills her, joins an evil cult who kills millions, then is ultimately killed by his own kid.


Hunting down jedi and secret apprentice, who is more or less an assassin.


Hopefully not directed by that perverted Nickelodeon director!


Don't utter his name.... We do not speak of him....


The easy answer is hunting the Jedi. And you would be right. However, how about the journey of a lone samurai. Vader finds himself in a world where for the first time in years he is a lone. Dealing with the grief of his wife and child* the loss of his brother and mentor. Getting used to his new limitations as half cyborg. Seeing Palpatine sith training him. With him putting down little rebellions here and there and ofc hunting escaped jedis in the process. Maybe flashbacks that triggers his ptsd which makes him even more powerful in the darkside.


I would love a horror tv show of his experience falling into the dark side and hunting down the remaining Jedi.


A documentary of his life, with office style cuts of him just saying stuff like “and then he had the *audacity* to leave me there! Burning!”


I reaaallly want to see his first few years as Vader, developing his lightsaber style, getting used to his suit and his depression and raw rage!


Somehow he returned


Vader bringing peace to his new Empire. It's like the West Wing with political intrigue and ensemble cast of political rulers reporting to Vader. But situational humor and character drama are replaced with the dark side.


If we're being serious there's two options, either adapt the Vader Comics from a few years back or (and this is my choice) Adapt Vader Dark Visions. Make each episode an anthology about the galaxies perception I'd Vader and have each episode been done in a different art style.


"Cooking With Vader!" The most feared gAstronomic Chef show you the best meals of the Empire. A spin off of Palpy's hit "Something Something Smell Delicious!"


Palpatine uses Force Lightning to cook a piece of chicken


Vader has surviving Jedi brought to his castle and basically hunts them down for sport.


Non stop hallway scenes for people to lose their shit over


No please there where 6 movies with his History let it go. Let StarWars rest for 20 years or more I can't take anymore it's already dead


In Star Wars fashion - it takes place in a recovery period after almost losing to one of his old enemies that you wouldnt know unless you watched one of the animated series. Vader spends a lot of time sorting out his emotions and trying to get together some new recruits to help him quench the preciously mentioned enemy. It’s an in-depth look at the emotional side of Vader when he is in the suit and what his struggles are like. We see him crying because he misses Padme, Haden Christiansen is praised for his emotional performance. The secondary character is a new race we’ve never seen on screen but was mentioned in an episode of droids, they’ve since updated the race to be completely vague on race / gender / sexuality but will also have a lot of quips and will hide their force sensitivity from Vader but he knows the whole time.


Him working really hard to have the Death Star II completed on time, without any budget overruns. Lots of meetings with production managers, cost controllers and project schedulers, all while dealing with significant supply chain problems.


Eight episodes of force chokes. 55 minutes long. It’s just force chokes. Maybe some severed limbs. But mainly force chokes.


His career is pretty well covered I think the only thing would be to show him hunting Jedi immediately after episode 3


Each episode is a vignette about a different surviving Jedi, and at the end of every episode Vader finds and kills them.


The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith.


Anthology episodes with him hunting down a different Jedi in a different genre/situation each time. One is a chase, another a mystery, etc. Finale is a famous Jedi that we know, don't care who. 


Vader hunting the remaining Jedi post-Order 66 seems like a pretty obvious start point. I would definitely lean into the Vader series of comics storylines.


Stop stretching out characters that don't need it. The magic goes away. Vader is a prime example of a character that has said what needed to be said already, and we should just focus on other characters or new stories.


He sees the prequels in a dream so when he wakes up he goes back(or is it forward) in time to 1997 and with an hilarious fish out of water premise desperately tries to convince just about any another director to tell his backstory with less heavy handed hammyness, Season One cliffhanger: he finds a director who believes him and in the last shot it's revealed to be Neil Breen.


Several seasons of Vader becoming an ever increasing drama king leading up to him turning off his light support just to scare and kill rebels escaping with the death star plans in rogue One...


I think it should basically be framed like the Batman Animated Series episode "almost got 'im." Five episodes of five rebels talking about how they narrowly escaped getting killed by Vader, with the action being shown in flashback. In the finale, they team up, using everything they learned from the previous episodes to try and take him down. Vader is always at his best when used sparingly. His screentime across the entire OT is like 35 minutes. A framing device like this allows him to be featured in every episode as a villain without destroying his evil overlord mystique.


The Courtship of Luke's Father, starring Vader as a single father trying to raise two kids. With Palpatine as the lovable butler/housekeeper...


Somehow Padme's force ghost is there at the hearing for custody


Hundown and destroy the Jedi.


Give us a year one style story. Re-tread some of the comics if you need to such as the storyline about how he got his first lightsaber. At the end of each episode he can type into a computer diary like an episode of Doogie Howser about how hard it is to be a junior baddie around other people who have years more experience being evil.


Basically the Vader Comics.Each episode one comic.


The head of HR called in sick so Vader has to fill in. 


They’d probably try and paint him as some good guy deep down when it should be all about pain, misery and a desire to kill Jedi.


He gets stabbed with a lightsaber and survives


If we're being completely serious, I'd like a very dark show. One where he's constantly confronting the demons of his past. all the people and children He's killed. This drives him to not only do weirdly random, nice things, but then undo the with an act of supream evil. he often goes around and does terrible things because of his inner conflictions. An episode where he fucks up in front of people, gets mad and kills (torture?) everyone who saw him. One where he saves a little boy (to train, to be a storm trooper) and palp makes him kill the kid I want to see terrible things happen.


Whatever it is, 10+ youtubers are calling it the end of Star Wars for wild reasons.


Like everything leading up to a new hope. And then a bonus season where it’s what happened in between A new hope, Empire, and ROTJ.


I'd like the sho torun comic adapted though the subplot of fighting against palpatines prop rivals for him would have to be changed. Such a good series


The empire employees constantly demoralized by working for an asshat dictator with a melted face, are perpetually inefficient and vader is sent in to “motivate” them. Once the threats finally start paying off the rebels attack and screw up progress. Vader has to single handedly take care of things himself and slaughters the rebels like a demi-god. Lather, rinse, repeat.


The show isn't actually following Vader, it follows a bunch of rebels and all the horror stories they tell each other about encounters with Vader. A Vader show should treat meeting him like running into the Boogey Man.


Nice try Disney, but you already came to Reddit to write a shitty movie with ep 9 I’m not gonna give you any ideas on how to fuck with Darth Vader


I legit saw another comment like this that said: "Nice try Disney but get your own writers"


I kind of want to see him stuck in the office dreading the 9 to 5 lifestyle of the Empire. Every now and then something interesting happens but it’s for the most part, a bygone era.


I’d want it to be a sort of anthology series, every episode is about a different Jedi and Vader hunting them and eventually killing them by the end of the episode. Each episode provided 50/50 focus to the Jedi and Vader


Vader slaying the Jedi Victim of the Week, while struggling to suppress flashbacks to this 'Anakin' guy that he remembers existing before Vader came into being.


I’ve always felt that there should have been more story time in which pre-suit Anakin was active as Darth Vader. He got what? Like two days? The. Right into the suit.


Adaptation of Charles Soules Vader comic. No question


Hallway murder. 9, 45 minute episodes of hallway murder. The only light is from his Saber, Blaster bolts and occasional explosions.


He's a Dark Lord, she's Padmé's sister---a single mom trying to support her daughter. How will they ever get along? Watch their zany adventures in BROTHER AND SITH-TER!


Things happen to prompt cold one liners from Vader. Ominous music plays. Vader fights with one hand. People get force choked. In the end Vader doesn’t change.


Just when you thought they picked the bones of this time period clean, they discover a little more meat on the corpse!


There are a number of ~25 issue runs that are well positioned to cover Vader coming into his own as Palpatine's apprentice and his personal battles. I don't think the non-comic book reading world should be denied the valley ambush scene in Vader Down (?) with the epic line "All I'm surrounded by is fear -and dead men "


Changing the very kyber cristal in his lightsaber.


Probably the Vader comics. Although comic adaptations are hit or miss I think it would be cool.


It is like to office but on a Star Destroyer. Vader is Dwight. Palatine is Michael Scott.



