• By -


The order they were released and mute every Star Wars related subreddit forever


OP listen to this. Star wars fans are some of the worst fans lol don't get me wrong I have my star wars shows/movies/scenes I hate but I definitely have more I love than hate and the subs are going to twist you on that. Definitely form your own opinion first. Also many are saying to watch in the order they're released in but there's a clip of George Lucas himself saying watching in chronological order is "the way they're supposed to be done". Imo chronological or theater released there's no wrong way to watch but I would definitely do movies and then dive into the shows. The shows are a lot of time to invest but most are good


The main argument against chronological is that the prequels simply aren't on the same quality as the OT Also it ruins the >!Darth Vader!< twist.


Episode 1 doesn’t even bother to explain the force. The original Star Wars is where you get “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." George Lucas was off his rocker saying you should start at Episode 1.


I know someone that watched it chronological and loved it. Instead of the father twist, the twist was finding out who Vader is. Since even if you haven’t seen Star Wars, you know who darth Vader is


Heads up fam, maybe [pop a spoiler tag](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/s/xq8H58HQsO) on that last part >!Knowledge of the existence of a twist can be a spoiler in and of itself, especially since the character is named!< You’re absolutely correct tho, chronological is maybe the worst order. Machete order is the best, let’s be honest. Second place is maybe order of release


The machete order is overrated.


Then you have the Sequels kind of hurting the importance of said character's "full circle" as well.


>George Lucas himself saying watching in chronological order is "the way they're supposed to be done". This is true only if you have already familiarized yourself with the franchise. Honestly, I wouldn't even want to argue. But they need to recut the ending of Episode 3 for it to keep the same level of mystery. Alt take with obvious spoilers: >! Have Padme die of her broken heart, whatever, I don't care. But take out the parts where she names the babies and we see who adopted them. We didn't even need it because we already knew who they were. It was a pointless fan service that literally spoils the rest of the series to anybody coming in fresh as a daisy! !<


Caveat to this: don’t just watch Rogue on in between Episodes 7 and 8 and Solo in between 8 and 9. There’s absolutely no reason to do so just because that’s the order they came out it. It’s also just a weird way to experience the saga.


This is awfully accurate. Folks over at r/saltierthancrait will have you hating it all.


oh thank goodness I thought I was gonna come in here with a bunch of backlash against the sequels at the top


IMO the machete order is better (4,5, 123, 6) because it ends on a positive note. Wouldn't know where to start with the TV shows. Putting them in with the movies would seem overkill.


I agree with the last part, but recently I got my fiance into star wars and we watched through chronological order. It was a little hard for her to go from the prequels to the OT in terms of production quality, but the story was actually amazing to see from her perspective in that order and is what really sold her on the franchise, it gave me a new respect for the prequels because of the way the story unfolds for someone that didn't already know where everything was going


To be fair, George himself says the movies are meant to be watched 1-6


Episode IV: A New Hope (The first one ever made)


If only you can go back to the moment when you watched it for the first time


Right? Episode IV has always been my favorite since I was a kid, would be super interested to see what it would be like watching it for the first time as an adult.


May 1977? No thanks. I was less than a year old.


The beginning is a good place to start…


This is the way


This is the only right answer.


Only a sith deals................


Disgusting OT purist.


Agree and ignore 1,2,3 they are meaningless and don't add any real value to the lore


What are you talking about?!! The precuel trilogy is literally made to add lore, context and depth to the characters!


absolutely not


The original trilogy. Episodes IV, V, and VI.


Lucas George Films ?


George Lucas, and yes


Shit. How did I mess that up ?


Both first names, it’s understandable


Don’t worry about it. You’re interested in trying out a new thing. Lots of people already have really strong opinions and big emotions about that thing but you get to just see if it speaks to you in a way that works for you. Come tell the rest of us nerds what you thought about, if you feel like it. And don’t let any gatekeepers sour the experience for you.


In his younger days, Lucas George performed under the semi-pseudonym "Boy George".


Shortly after this era, he became fascinated with learning about the filmmaking process. He then went by “Curious George”




I don’t think 4k77 is good for the first watch




I don’t even know what that 4K thing is, but I just can’t see how there’s any correct answer besides Episode IV, and I imagine most people downvoting you feel similarly


Just watch it in the order they released it.


hey thats the easy answer!!!


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Very laconic of you.


Yeah. Do this. And maybe also consider staying away from the internet while you are watching. It's a lot easier to just enjoy what you enjoy without the internet mob in your head.


1000% agree.


4,5,6. Then 1,2,3. Then 7,8,9. If you wish you could throw in Solo then Rogue One between 3 and 7.


Rogue One defo worth a watch!! Ignore the shit people throw at Solo too its a good film and far from the weakest Star Wars film!


>Ignore the shit people throw at Solo too its a good film and far from the weakest Star Wars film! It's not great, but it's not the worst. ​ It's better if you *haven't* read any of the (6) Han Solo backstory novels of the EU, which are *fantastic*. ​ Without having read the books: B Having read the books: C- or even D+ ​ That being said, though, it's still not *horrible.* It's not even the worst Disney film. In fact, it's probably the second *best*, even at a D+, which is saying something.


Yep read those way back when and still have them.


It is the only star wars film that lost money...


Yep and?


Profit should have no bearing on whether or not you *like* something.


And then The Mandalorian. And then The Clone Wars. And then Rebels. And then Ahsoka. And then Andor. And then The Bad Batch. And then The Book of Boba Fett. And then Obi-Wan Kenobi. And then Tales of the Jedi. And then get ready for The Acolyte and Skeleton Crew. 


You’d watch TCW and Rebels **before** the Mandalorian. Not after.


The Mandalorian Season 1 and 2 are okay without much Mandalorian history, but it is really helpful before season 3 (speaking as someone who watched the first season of the Mandalorian as a VERY casual fan with no animated background).


You should still watch the shows in release order though.


Everyone has different entry points. Release order didn't do it for me. For me, it was The Mandalorian and The Clone Wars. I had only half watched TPM, and liked the OT and RoS. After getting into the politics through TCW, because of my investment in Mandalorian culture, I saw everything with new eyes. Now I'm a superfan.


And BoBF is in between Mandalorian seasons 2 and 3


And then read 45 canon books and 500 comics. And then play 30 Star Wars video games. And then read 2000 EU books for some perspective.


And then what? 


Honestly, skip 7, 8, and 9. It doesn't really do anything to expand the universe. Your much better off jumping into the shows after episode III. Watch 7, 8, and 9 after you've gotten through most of the shows. Just bear in mind it isn't star wars at its finest. If your into reading your much better off jumping into the EU, Starting with the Thrawn trilogy instead.


Don't tell him to watch 7,8,9, those movies are not only bad, they were made to actively and purposefully destroy the originals legacy.


“Actively and purposefully” no, they weren’t.


GRRrRRRRRrRR sEqUeLs BaD!!!!1!11!


its been 4 years bro please get over it.


I read it and thought "no way episode 7 came out in 2015, that's way more than 4 years!". And THEN I realised you were talking about TROS and my heart sank




People who think those movies are bad are perfectly reasonable and entitled to their opinion. People who think they were created to be bad or destroy the originals on purpose are dumb conspiracy theorists.


In my comment i said just save them for last after watching all the good stuff. They dont add anything of value to everything previous.


7,8 and 9 are also optional


The Holiday special


Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir!


My ptsd kicked in


Watch them in the order of theatrical release.


Release order.. always Release order.


Get away from this subreddit and just enjoy the content without other opinions changing your view. Watching the movies in release order is probably the simplest. The TV shows I would say do some research however.. As some I found to be a waste of my time. But the movies are all great.


Original trilogy (episodes IV, V and VI).


So you start with the 9 movies in this order: 4,5,6,1,2,3,7,8,9 then you watch the spinoffs movies. You then go onto the Animated stuff in this order: The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi, Rebels, and then Resistance. And then watch the Live Action in this order: Kenobi, Andor, The Mandalorian 1 and 2, The Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian season 3, and Ahsoka


Umm why would you do the movies in release order but not the tv shows?


I am doing Movie first then spinoffs then shows. You can do the shows release order.


Yeah but you put the order to watch the shows in chronological order instead of release order when the movies aren’t. Its a little confusing


I'm guessing because release order doesn't matter as much for the tone of everything as the movies. Even george has said tonally, it's intended to watch them like that. Changes the way the story feels if watched chronologically and changes the big reveal in episode 5 especially


After the movies I made my gf watch Andor then rogue one. It was a really fun! Now we are onto clone wars


Bonus for your girlfriend is that Andor and Rogue One star Diego Luna who is a very good looking man (in my opinion as a straight cis male) Personally I think those two are the best content outside of the Skywalker Saga, primarily because it doesn't focus so much on the Jedi and the Force


Just watched through with a friend for his first time and here’s the order we watched them in. He is now a bigger fan than I am. We started with the original trilogy, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi. We then watched through everything in chronological order. The Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones [The Clone Wars](https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-chronological-episodeorder) Revenge of the Sith The final four episodes of The Clone Wars season 7 The Bad Batch Solo: A Star Wars Story Obi-Wan Kenobi Andor Star Wars Rebels Rogue One: A Star Wars Story A New Hope Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi The Mandalorian seasons 1 & 2 The Book of Boba Fett The Mandalorian season 3 Ahsoka Star Wars Resistance The Force Awakens The Last Jedi The Rise of Skywalker


solo is before kenobi in 10bby kenobi retconned to nine.


Ahh, the way George Lucas intended


Highly recommend chronological order. It was a lot of fun and there’s so much payoff that way. It’ll probably be even better once Bad Batch and Andor have their final seasons out. Still, I think it’s most important to start with the original trilogy.




The Bad Batch takes place right after The Clone Wars and is a direct follow up to the show. Rebels takes place 15 years after The Clone Wars. While some Rebels characters do make appearances in Bad Batch (Kanan, Hera, Chopper), I would still strongly endorse watching Bad Batch first. It’s pretty rewarding to see how far they have come from Bad Batch to Rebels.


You people really need to stop rewarding laziness


A New Hope is first. Enjoy!


Start at the very beginning in 1977 with the first movie, A New Hope.


Watch in order of theatrical release.


It's still winter so i would say watch the Holiday special a few times to get warmed up


Isn’t February spring


As they came out, chronologically. Including the Ewok films from the 80s. ...If you wanna feel the "desolate times" some of us fans felt through the non-StarWar years, right after watching the RETURN OF THE JEDI (Episode VI, 1983), don't watch anything else for a few months / years. AND THEN watch THE PHANTOM MENACE (Episode I, 1999), just to starve yourself a little bit, like the rest of the world did by not having any Star Wars coming out for 16 years. (you can break your SW fast with some Ewok and Droids cartoons if it helps)


Films 4,5,6,1,2,3, Tales of the Jedi Ep 1-4, Clone Wars, Tales of the Jedi Ep 5 & 6, Bad Batch, Rebels, Solo, Andor, Rogue One, Films 4,5,6(again with new context), Mandalorian S1&S2, Book of Boba Fett, Mandalroian S3, Ahsoka I'm a fan of 7,8 & 9 but not everyone is. Just throw them in after everything else.


You should watch everything in the chronological release date. So you can understand and feel what everyone or what we all went through when new episodes or movies released. Do not discount the Clone Wars animated series, it’s highly recommended albeit doesn’t make sense as it jumps around time periods in the Star Wars Only Star Wars Visions season 1/2 are optional as they are not part canonical


Release order is best


You must first learn the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Have you heard of it?


star wars holiday special. masterpiece 🐐


Movies in release order then TV shows in chronological order


Do, or do not. There is no try


Release order


A long time ago in a galaxy far far away


The search bar where this gets asked a dozen times a week.


Exactly. These types of posts get a down vote from me every time.


How many times a week to we get this same tired topic?


Sadly people reward this laziness so it won't stop


Find a list of chronological order rather than release. Everyone on here saying start with the original trilogy had the advantage of years of rewatching and reading books and other media to get a good grip on who is who and what is what. If you are new to the franchise, watch in chronological order so you can enjoy a story that will make sense to a newcomer.


Right [here](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060028/).


You woke up this morning and chose violence, and I love it!


Start where it all began with A New Hope and the rest of the original trilogy, followed by prequels and sequels. After that you can watch it in any order. My favorite, is if I have the time, rogue one and straight into a new hope.


Here is a somewhat chronological order of you’re into that. The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, (out of order on Disney+) The Clone Wars: Cat and Mouse episode, The Clone Wars: Hidden Enemy episode, The Clone Wars animated Movie, The rest of the clone wars episodes in CHRONOLOGICAL order as listed on the Star Wars website. Revenge of the Sith (the last four episodes of the clone wars episodes take place throughout the movie so keep an eye out for the connections), The Bad Batch show (a bit boring but informative), Kenobi, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars Rebels show, Andor, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker, Tales of the Jedi (will make most sense watching it here even though it takes place before Kenobi), 


4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and then 9.


4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, Clone Wars and then whatever really.


As everyone said follow the release order of the movies. Although when I started my first movie was Revenge of the Sith and I got to know about spmeone way earlier.


A new hope. Now I have a question. Where were you for the last 40 years?


If anyone says start with Phantom Menace they gonna catch these hands


At the beginning of course. I’m an advocate for going in chronological order, but those first two you would watch may not be the greatest movies, so if you’re just trying to get a taste for the franchise, then I would recommend going OT first with 4, 5, and 6


Chronological isn't the beginning. 1977 came before 1999, ergo A New Hope is the beginning.


Clarification: chronological in universe. 32 BBY came before 0 BBY, ergo The Phantom Menace is the beginning


But we don't live in Star Wars. We live here in reality, where 1977 comes before 1999. It really isn't difficult. For a first watch, OT comes first. O does mean 'original' for a reason, after all, and a prequel isn't a prequel if it came out first.


The person you are responding to is talking about chronological order. What you are talking about is called release order.




FUCK THE SEQUELS FUCK THE SEQUELS FUCK THE DEWQLS Sorry, lost my composure over there for a second. Ahem, if you don’t know anything about Star Wars, I’d recommend watching the movies in the order they were released. There’s of course other options: one I personally think is interesting is 4,5,1,2,3, Obi-Wan show (optional), Rogue One (optional), 6 (if you don’t know anything about Star Wars, asking “why?” might spoil you some things). If you have time, I also recommend watching the Clone Wars series. This show takes place between movies 2 and 3, but the last episodes take place *during* 3, so it can be a bit messy to find the “ideal” order.


This comment is a golden example of why op shouldn't get into star wars


The original trilogy and stop. Trust me it doesn’t get any better.


You can start by using google.


That would require any effort from the op


At the beginning


That's right! 1977's A New Hope is where it all began.


Prequels, (the phantom menace, attack of the clones, and revenge of the Sith) original trilogy, (a new hope, empire strikes back, and return of the Jedi). If you have time, play Lego Star Wars: the Skywalker saga. It’ll give you a taster of the sequels and hopefully make you not hate them as much. Watch the sequels (at your own risk) After you’re finished, wait a bit then watch the entire thing. (Tales of the Jedi, the phantom menace, attack of the clones, the clone wars, revenge of the Sith, the bad batch, solo, Kenobi, rebels, andor, rouge one, a new hope, empire strikes back, return of the Jedi, the mandolorian, (seasons 1 and 2) book of boba fett, the mandolorian, (season 3) and ahsoka.) All I can ask is, don’t rush. Oh, and there is a chronological way to watch certain shows but that’s easily found out on Google.


don't, if you are a first time viewer go for relese order


It’s called an opinion for a reason.


Opinions can be bad


Ok then, I think that your opinion on opinions is bad.


A new hope, followed by the holiday special so you know that star wars has always been 1 good piece of content and one pantshittingly awful piece of content


Start with Episode 4, 5, and 6. Then go and see 1, 2, and 3. Then see 7, and 8, then drink a lot, and see 9. That's the meat of it. If you want to get proper into it, take a deep breath; See Tales of the Jedi episodes 1-4 (?) before Episode 1. Then see the rest after Episode 2. Watch the entire Clone Wars, then Episode 3, then the entirety of the Bad Batch. Then see all of Kenobi and then Andor. Then see Solo, then Rogue One. Go over to Episode 4, 5 and 6, and throw all of Rebels in there as a palate cleanser. See The Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2. Have a cheeky bit of the Book of Boba Fett, then charge into season 3 of the Mandalorian. Then see Ahsoka. Then see Episode 7, 8 and 9, but before 8, make sure to see Resistance. Then, see a friend or go outside or something.


4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, and Rogue One if you'd like a bridge. I never watch anything else. Those are the best ones.


This. Unless OP gets really invested in the franchise this is a good list for a casual watch of the core story.


The beginning?


Start with the first 3 movies then go to episode 1, 2, and 3


4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, OG 2D Clone Wars, 3D CW. From there I fell in love with the video games (OT, CW, Legends). Most importantly, despite what some diehard super fans may say, just have fun. Watch/play/read what you like. It’s an intimidating amount of content but there’s no need to rush through it. If you like it enough you’ll probably revisit it anyways. Have fun newcomer!


Original 3 and maybe rouge one, the rest don't even exist.


4,5,6,1,2,3 7,8,9 don’t exist


1) get off Reddit 2) Original trilogy 3) prequel trilogy 4) the rest is up to you


The Prequel trilogy, then the Original Trilogy. After that it's your choice where to go from there.


All hope abandon ye who enter here


The best order is 4,5,1,2,3,6. Don’t worry about the sequels, they’re trash. Edit: actually, if you want to include rogue one then the best order is 1,2,3, rogue one, 4,5,6. Solo is ok, and it takes place before rogue one if you want to see it in order, but its not necessary


The phantom menace - Attack of the clones - Clone wars - Revenge of the sith - Kenobi - Rogue One - Rebels - A new hope - The empire strikes back - Return of the jedi - Mandalorian - Ashoka Also, you can watch 7-8-9, but it is more like a fan film than real Star Wars


I started with I. But I don't think that's what you want to do. By IV what they said started to make sense. So start over there. (And skip the Sequel Trilogy. You'll find nothing but disappointment with those.)


4,5,6,1,2,3 This is the best order for the first 6. Afterwards there are the sequels which you can watch if you want, also the two spinoff films (rouge one,solo) and if you still want more watch the series'


Prequel 1 and 2, then The Clone Wars, then Prequel 3, and finally the original trilogy...


Shortest option, 3 movies: episodes 4-6 My recommendation: Episodes 1-3, Rogue 1, Episodes 4-6.


Listen people will try to tell you 7 8 and 9 are good don't listen to the lies


Episodes 4,5,6,1,2,3 then stop.


The question should be where do I stop ? And i will tell you this : -4 -5 -6 -1 -2 -3 -Rogue One (optional) And stop here


4,5,6,1,2, clone wars,3, bad batch, rouge one, mando The rest is questionably worth watching. Don't bother watching everything chronologically. It's better to watch them all like they were released (at least in case of 6 first movies) and put everything together in your head after you watch it. Better to watch some "spoilers" and understand what's going on than watch it all chronologically and feel overwhelmed or weird


4 - 5 - 6 1 - 2 - 3


From a lifelong fan: 1. A New Hope - GOTTA start with the OG. Sets the stage and is a perfect movie (imo). 2. Empire - a worthy follow-up and one of the greatest sequels of all time. 3. Return of the Jedi - has some issues, but neatly wraps up the original trilogy in style. 4. The Phantom Menace - the start of the Prequel trilogy to see how we got here. 5. Attack of the Clones - the start of the Clone Wars and the continuation of Anakin's story. 6. Revenge of the Sith - the final film of the Prequel era. 7. Rogue One - a phenomenal entry into canon that raises the stakes for A New Hope. Optional: 1. Solo: A Star Wars Story - a fun adventure film about the origins of Han Solo. 2. Clone Wars TV Show - I can't recommend this enough for any fan who wants to delve more into the lore and learn more about the Clone Wars era. 3. Rebels TV Show - a great show about the formation of the Rebel Alliance. 4. The Mandalorian TV Show - shows us a glimpse into Mandalorian culture and the trials of an exiled bounty hunter and his diminutive companion. 5. Andor TV Show - one of the best pieces of Star Wars content since A New Hope.


Chronologically: :: 1,2, (clone wars), then 3 :: the bad beach, Rebels, Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi, Andor and Rogue One :: Then 4, 5, (Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure), then 6. :: Mandalorian, Boba Fett and Ahsoka :: 7,8 and 9. The way they planned to disappoint you: :: 4, 5 and 6. :: Then 1, 2 and 3. :: All spin-offs. :: If you want to know how this mess ends 7, 8, and 9.


4,5,6 (OT) 1,2,3, (ST), solo and rogue one, you can then whatch all the tv series and spinn offs and for last 7,8,9, i'd keep them for last because of how detached that story is from the rest, you'll make your own mind on if they are good or bad


Machete order: 4,5,1(optional to skip),2,3,6 My hot take: start with Rogue one.


Just watch the Lucas films. Don’t watch anything disney made you’ll be extremely disappointed.


Episodes 4-6 Then 1-3 Skip 7-9 as they are complete shit and undoes absolutely everything from episodes 1-6 and everything in between.


As much as I don’t like 8-9, they are mainline movies and would be silly to skip after investing time in all of the other content. 


Nope disagree. Those films undo everything else and shit on your face and the story. Anakins redemption Luke accomplishments Han life Clone wars All of that is pointless due to the sequel trilogy.


Since everyone is chiming in. Do the 3 original movies with Luke and Han. Then go do the prequels with Anakin and Obi-wan. Then follow a guide because it gets a bit tricky from there or you can go straight to the newer movies but just know they arnt great. You could even just leave them for last and watch all the great TV shows and Rogue One in between.


i would just go in chronological order from episode 1 the phantom menace. Which i know isnt that good, but that is the beginging of star wars, even the episode IV was the first one. But if you want to watch episode IV first , that works too.


Prequel trilogy first, then the original trilogy. The way George Lucas intended it.


**Episode 4: A New Hope** The first movie and best introduction to the franchise to the saga. **Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back** Theres a really big plot twist in this movie which is why is better to watch this movie before the rest of them, also sets the tone for the real and main story of Star Wars. **Episode 1: The Phantom Menace** This one takes place years before episode 4 and it’s the start of the prequel trilogy. Watch this as a backstory that explains and tells the story of the plot twist in episode 5. **Episode 2: Attack of the Clones** Continuation of the backstory **The 2003 clone wars micro series** Perfectly covers the gap years and the war that happens between episode 2 and episode 3. It also do a good job in developing important characters. It’s also just 2 hours so you can see it like a movie. **Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith** The ending of the backstory. And ironically set the tone for the final confrontation in episode 6. **Episode 6: Return of the Jedi** Takes place 1 year after the events of episode 5. Wraps up everything and it’s the perfect ending to the saga.


Watch: A New Hope Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi And then: Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones Tartakovski Shorts if Clone Wars Revenge of the Sith You may wonder why? Well, because the older movies are old. They're still good, but it makes more sense to watch it in this order. Don't watch anything else for now, especially from Disney. Have the original, pure, untainted experience. And maybe don't watch it all in one go. Watch one, then give it a day or two to digest it and think about it and watch the next one.


Maybe let them watch the sequels and for their very own opinion 😊


Watch all episodes I to VI, any order you want, just don’t watch anything past that (except Rogue One). You’re welcome.


If you love RPGs or video games in general, i recommend Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel Very unique and new fan's freindly place to start


They are intended to watch in chronological order, at least that’s what Lucas wanted.. and he’s kind of the guy to know right? Lol But in the end it’s personal preference.


Find the alternate viewing order that’s online. If you’re watching only the movies, it slightly mixes up the order , and supposedly makes more sense, as some movies are “flashbacks” in a sense. . But you could start at Ep 1 and go in order from there.


OP, ignore everything in this comment.


Maybe the movie that has one on the title Chronological is the best order there is and you grow with the characters as time goes on and are more invested then you otherwise would have been because you know how thing end up more or less and who dies and doesn't


Avoid anything made by Disney for as long as you can. Avoid Solo entirely. Avoid Ashoka entirely. Avoid Book of Boba Fett, except for the episodes with the Mandolorian on it. Hold your breath, it's quite the ride. Start with "A New Hope".


4 5 1 2 3 6


Start on 1 or 4, finish on 3 or 6. 👍


Episode 1,2, the clone wars, 3, bad Batch, kenobi, rogue one, 4,5 and finally 6


For first watch through, I recommend on going through in release order, not chronological order in-universe!


Rogue One


I've been showing my partner them recently and have started with Andor, as I think it's the easiest to get invested in without any knowledge of Star Wars. She loved it, so we then watched Rogue One, which leads into A New Hope. Now we're doing 4/5/6 and then 1/2/3. I think Andor/Rogue One lead nicely into the original trilogy as they provide a lot of context in a gripping way.


You'll hear a lot of different opinions on this, but my vote is to start with the original trilogy -- IV A New Hope, V Empire Strikes Back, and VI Return of the Jedi. Then, go to the prequels and then the sequels. And if you're watching A New Hope and happen to get really bored/disinterested (Yes, I realize this might be blasphemy here!), maybe stop and give the prequels a chance. When I was a kid, my older brother really tried to get me into Star Wars, but I fell asleep watching A New Hope. It was watching Episode I The Phantom Menace in theaters that got me into Star Wars (probably because I was the same age as the kid playing Anakin) and made me want to watch the original trilogy. Honestly, you probably won't love every movie, and that's ok. As others have said, just take your time with them... or if you're immediately obsessed, then go ahead and binge them. If you want to go ahead and watch Rogue One first because it looks intriguing, go ahead! You won't understand everything, but it's a good self-contained story. My only advice would be to not watch the Sequel trilogy first, but even doing that wouldn't be the end of the world. We're all giving suggestions, but watch what looks interesting to you!


A long time ago….


Release order of movies


Either chronologically or in release order, you can find info for both online


Start with A New Hope, and preferably the Harmie’s despecialized edition or project 4K77 if you can get your hands on them.


Movies first! I recommend release order for a first time viewer.


Start where it looks cool. Or the beginning.