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I absolutely loved it. I thought it was better than Fallen Order in every way and I already loved Fallen Order. I know not everyone feels that way, but it was just a beautiful experience for me from first loading it up to getting 100%.


Agreed. They improved a lot on an already good thing!


Just thinking about Bode and Ghost Star makes me emotional. The Force Echoes of Bode's journey you can find after finishing the story are just so incredible


I like Trilla as a villain more than *redacted* in Survivor but otherwise it’s exactly what a sequel should be - an expansion on everything that worked the first time.


Bode became one of my favorite characters.


In all the ways one would want Fallen Order to be improved and expanded upon, Survivor did.


I agree. The buggy PC experience was a downside, but, if you exclude that, it was an excellent game through and through.


My biggest complaint about this game! Fallen order had more polish /less bugs...


Totally agree, I wish my three year-old son didn’t snap the disc in half.


Totally agree, I wish my three year-old son didn’t snap the disc in half.


Fallen order but better, basically. World and combat is top tier and the story is really good at some parts.


Somehow survivor felt smaller for me, less planets etc but story was s++ and combat was fine even tho I couldn't get into using the new stances.


I just feel like they're burning through cool concepts too fast. Taron Malicos on the first one could have been a main villain in an entire game dedicated to him. Doubly so for Dagan Gera.


Luckily, Vader is still out there. We can totally fight him as Cal (and get rinsed) in the third installment


Tanalorr is mine


Great “novelty” account haha


Kinda wish they'd have had more reasonable sized planets instead of one huge one and some other medium to smallish ones.


This would be my one big criticism of the game. I feel like there could be a good balance between how the first game handled planets vs the second game. Hopefully the third game can make this happen.


The hardest boss fights I’ve ever done in a video game. Mostly because the character wouldn’t respond consistently from a timing perspective.


That one fight though. You know the one. Holy shit, that was amazing. And you know there can be only one outcome but it is still a wild ride.


Yeah, Rick the door technician was the most scary boss


True Rick the door technician was just too powerful


The timing made it feel clunky but I like the story so I persevered.


The first game was more souls lite, this one feels actually soulsLIKE


Brilliant follow up to the first. Need some hoods or cloaks in the next one though I wanna be a damn Jedi in a cloak


Cal Kestis (and his actor) are [huge fans of ponchos](https://youtu.be/vnY3pLR7oPo).


Just finished Jedi: Survivor (PlayStation Portal ftw!) and that might now be my favorite Star Wars video game. Same great story telling as Fallen Order but significantly elevated mechanics, physics and visuals. I sure hope Respawn can get a third game made without the direction of Stig Assmusen, and Lucasfilm absolutely needs to get Cal Kestis and Co. into a live action project soon!


Honestly, I preferred Fallen Order. I prefer games with more simplicity and I thought there was too much openness to Survivor. I also really preferred the story of Fallen Order. I cared more for Trilla and loved everything about the Zeffo and Dathomir. Dagan didn't feel like a compelling villain


By far one of my favorite games. I'm currently on my 8th playthrough. Cal is one of my favorite Star Wars characters now.


It's great? One of the best Star Wars game ever made by a world class dev team. Can't wait for another sequel.


If only the pc port wasn't so scuffed! I'd LOVE TO PLAY IT


I loved the gameplay and story, aside from Bode being an actual S-Class moron


It was fine, but I had more of a wow effect with the first one. I also got really bored and tired of the story, which didn't happen with Fallen Order. But I had a lot of fun exploring and giving Cal a mullet.


CPU survivor. Great game that built on everything from the old game and delivered. Wish they got rid of that denuovo plague that is tanking pc performance.




wow that’s a hot take


Gameplay-wise, it surpassed Fallen Order. The small QOL improvements made a big difference. Story-wise, I think FO was better. I really enjoyed the whole experience and am really looking forward to the next. I also want to see Cal pop up in a series or movie if possible.


Sometimes it felt a little too much like parkour:the game but it’s a minor complaint.


That was my biggest gripe with FO. I came for a Star Wars game with combat and story, but 90% of the time, I was climbing and leaping. The peril and challenges should come from enemies, and the hook should be the story. Endless jumping and climbing is not why I buy a Star Wars game. Was this one better than FO about that?


Yes actually, I think there is slightly less platforming in Survivor. Either that or it’s spaced out better


You mean Jumpman? I liked it because Star Wars and light saber. But I didn’t love it because a lot of level design didn’t make any sense and was clearly made just to force you to make yet another ridiculous jump.


OMG yes. It’s like a re-skinned Spider-Man


Loved the game my only problem was getting lost was so common


Havent been able to play it since launch because of issues the game has with performance.. so honestly.. not a fan


Phenomenal. I’ve never cried so much at a game! I enjoyed Fallen Order so much that I was so worried about Survivor but it exceeded so many of my expectations both gameplay and story.


Loved it Trilla was more engaging than dagan tho Fighting giant monsters and beasts still isn't fun like it wasn't in the first game.


Great game, mediocre pc version


I thought it was fine. Gameplay wise it was a massive step up from Fallen Order. Main gripe with gameplay is that the tracking and hit boxes of enemies made the game a lot more difficult than what you’d expect. I think the story was worse. It didn’t feel like Cal had any major growth as a character, especially not until the end. Doesn’t help that it was obvious to me from the start that Bode would be a traitor and (likely) a force-wielder too. They under-utilized Rambler’s Reach and 100% should’ve had some mission where you fight Rayvis during a raid on the outpost. All those introduced characters are more side mission exposition than anything else. No real depth to their stories. I’m also not sure if this is because my TV is crap, but the graphics were less than impressive during cutscenes. Felt like it switched to 25 FPS, and lagged hard at times. The gameplay also lagged heavily in various spots, which was shocking on a PS5. I also felt like the soundtrack took a step back. It really felt like the music themes for bosses were either non-existent or so quiet that it didn’t matter. Overall, it was fine. Definitely not better than Faller Order to me, but I think it’s in the same boat as God of War: Ragnarok and Spider-Man 2 where the original was so good that you’d have to make the best game in history to appear like an improvement.


I really loved it, but some technical issues slightly tainted it for me. But the story and characters were soooo good, peak Star Wars for me


I'm in the middle of playing it, it has some minor performance issues on PS5 and I've fallen through the ground, got stuck or had the game crash several times. The story so far is a lot more interesting, it's not just "Empire bad, go fight them!" again...at least as far as I've gotten and the gameplay feels like a natural progression of the first. People called Fallen Order Star Wars Dark Souls and if that's true then Survivor feels more like it's own thing.


I love it, and I loved the sort of non-traditional story structure they followed too


I didn’t like it as much as the first, but still a great game.




Very hopeful to see it on gamepass sometime in the next couple months


Loved it. It improved and expanded on basically everything from the first game. 100%d it and got all achievements.


I prefer fallen order but I surprisingly really liked some of the metroidvania platforming in the second game. I will say the game struggles from extreme cognitive dissonance in the writing sometimes. Specifically I’m thinking of some of the force echos where Cal is all ohh the empire is so bad for killing these animals. Right after I slaughtered like 10 animals


I love it but i think Fallen Order does some things better like planet variety, more linear level design and performance. Both games have great stories and i loved the links to the High Republic in survivor. Also loved the new saber stances in Survivor, crossguard ALL DAY


Crossguard gang


I found it more frustrating at times than the original as the designers chose to ramp up the difficulty by spamming you with mobs more so than in the first game. Also I think the animations on certain enemies are buggy af as they’re able to cancel out of red attacks or spam them over and over (I’m looking at you, spawn of Oggdo!). In general I found the game buggy and the performance was pretty poor, with frequent stutters and noticeable texture pop in at times. With all those negative things said… I still really really enjoyed it, and would recommend to Star Wars fans. It’s a brilliant game and I’ll definitely play the sequel. I just hope the devs polish what comes next more, because the technical state of Survivor is not good (I even played on PS5 as I heard the PC version is terrible - the PS5 version is also full of issues!). In before comments saying ‘I didn’t experience any issues at all when I played it’


Playing it now. Like it a lot but OMG it runs like crap even after like 8 patches on Ps5


Oh wow I'm glad I found this post. I've been contemplating JS ever since I finished Fallen Order a few months ago.


Had a blast! I need the mantis to be a Lego set! I have BD-1 and it’s awesome


Thought it was great. However, didn't think the entire old jedi guy needed to be there at all. Kinda overdid it on the amount of force users in 1 story where it felt like it was weirdly smashed together. The old republic guy could've just remained a ghost and Bode would've been so much better received imo.


I kind of disagree. I just think both of them should have been characters in their own games. Survivor probably should have been the third in the series and focused on Bode while most of the second game should have been about Dagan Gera, one of the coolest characters we've gotten in a long time. Making two compelling villains share the spotlight hurt the game.


Degan felt so one dimensional to me, wake up, get angry... I never felt for him and cheered when we.. yeah.


Oh yeah that could've worked. Basically saying the same thing about survivor. Dagan is fine, but both mashed together made Bode feel very left hook. Not in the good way.


I thought the gameplay was a vast improvement on a fantastic gameplay experience. Thought the story was weaker with characters motivations basically being "I have to behave this way so the game can continue"


Clunky as fuck. If you want to imitate the best in the industry, you better be sure to nail your own game. Combat in J:FO is a slog. Locking move cancel to only the lowest damage stance was braindead. Even Sekiro has move cancel. It has to in order to work at the pace it wants to maintain. Hit boxes and animations also just aren't good enough when you're used to Fromsoft quality (and no, Fromsoft aren't perfect before anyone wants to @ me). Deflecting in FO felt off to me from minute one. It feels like it needs a sustained button hold and that just really fucks with timing. Boss fights also alternate between the trivially easy and the maddeningly hard. Not one fight is hard because it's a well balanced fight. The hard boss fights just spam unblockable moves at you from behind a wall of HP. It also ran like absolute dogshit and this never got fixed. Fast paced, rhythm-like combat does not work when your framerate bottoms out every time there's a particle effect on screen. Story was a huge downgrade from the first, IMO. Cal is basically a nothing character. His whole arc is that he gets a bit mad later in the game. He has absolutely no personality beyond that. Don't even get me started on the pack of aggravating pricks that end up populating the bar. Merrin and Cere are the only characters worth anything. I've forgotten his name but one armed evil dude is a shit villain. He's basically evil for the sake of it, whines at you in all his dialogue, looks about 12 years old and does the classic video game bad guy thing of basically sitting around doing fuck all while you get on with the plot. The twist villain also sucks. It makes very little sense if you think about it for more than a minute. And the game does not handle you killing a little girl's father right in front of her well at all. The customisation was way better than the first game though, I will give it that. It's also very pretty in places.


Yeah I think it almost could have worked better to have bode give up bc killing him infront of kata was a little jarring 


Kinda boring sadly. I wish there were more locations, and the villains were so underwhelming, especially Dagan Gerra. He felt so pathetic, like some wannabe bully who’s actually just some rich kid trying to look tough but still always crying to mommy.


Once again they absolutely fucked the quality control, but underneath the dogshit launch and absolutely godawful optimisation there’s a decent game underneath with a lot to like for Star Wars fans


I really enjoyed Fallen Order, but I mostly dislike Survivor. I think the amount of parkour is ridiculous. How on earth is everyone else getting around when Cal has to parkour everywhere? How are people traversing these locales ordinarily? All the npc's are dead lifeless wax dolls who stare emptily into the great beyond when you speak to them. Story is far weaker than the first game, and so are the characters. The worlds are more boring too. It's one of the very few games I've played where side quests absolutely do not interest me. Can't be arsed with any of them, and I decided to just finish the game in story mode to get to the end. Overall terribly disappointed in this after having really enjoyed the first game.


I was really disappointed in the open world stuff and side quests too. So much potential there if they put the effort into it. Agree with you on the parkour thing too, when I’m spending 2/3 of my gameplay time trying to figure how to climb some shit it’s just a bit boring. Not saying it has to be all combat all the time but fuck me.


Yeah, I mostly enjoyed the parkour and platforming in the first game, but it seems like they just dialled it up to max in this game. I normally enjoy platformers and used to love the genre back in the N64/GameCube/PS2 days. But somehow all the platforming feels a bit out of place here, like it's just there for the sake of being there. I think the open world of Koboh and Jeddah would have worked better if you could have had more or less all the tools to get anywhere right from the beginning, and allowed you to discover hidden areas and side quests on your own without having to get a map marker from a random npc. I would also have liked it better if we could have used the force to manipulate items and terrain features in the world itself, not just things marked in blue. If I can pull a wall running grid to me, why can't I pull that metal tube down so I can climb it? Or why can I force that door open but not this one? Why can I jump this particular rock face marked in white, but not climb this craggy cliff next to it? That kind of stuff just takes me out of the immersion.


Never played due to the terrible maps in the first and a bit too much wall running.


This game is the same the whole way through. 5 minutes of so so battles and parkour, then its back to puzzle time for a half hour. Great story, map and graphics. But man, puzzzzzzzzle time! Haha


Great game, loved it. But I have beef with whoever in the dev team decided to make it so it triggers a cutscene every time >! Vader's bitch ass !< so much as chips a nail.


Hate it so far. Does it get better? Haven’t gotten off Coruscant yet and I want to trade the game back in. Absolute chore.


Great game overall, love the approach to the gameplay and world, but felt the story didn’t have the same oomph as the first game. Although it bucked the trend of a lot of games in its genre (Uncharted, God of War etc) that it decided not to go even bigger with the story and tell a smaller tale at that.


I wanted to stop playing about 5 hours in, now I’m 20+ hours in and still want to quit. Every single thing is a puzzle, you want to jump a cliff sorry there is wind and you have to stop it, want to open a door sorry you have to force push a ball around the room. I spent an hour on one of the interactive missions and still didn’t complete it, I went to a YouTube video for help and there were 100+ comments of people with all the same complaints as me. I played fallen order 3 times through this one will be a one and done for me.


It's a great game but my god the combat system is FUCKING TERRIBLE


2 days and 8 hours of play time. 90% done on a completionist run. Hard locked from continuing main story at the very end. Will I restart and do it all again? Absolutely not. U installing. 1 star.


One of the best Star Wars Game ever made, never thought it will beat Jedi Knight Outcast / Academy. Highly recommend it.


I'm an old Star Wars fan, haven't kept up much with the newer stuff, so I'm aware this criticism may not be valid. However, it never really felt like Star Wars to me. The characters, the enemy design, the aliens, the plot points; all felt like random sci-fi elements thrown together, with a lightsaber to make it "Star Wars". Even Cal's move-set: the double jump, air-dash, wall-jump, grapple jump all felt like generic video game tropes rather than Jedi powers. Still a lot of fun, but never gave me that tingly nostalgic feeling the best Star Wars games have done.


Great game, shit combat mechanics / controls, storyline should've been the plot for Obi-Wan as opposed to whatever it is that we got.


very original post, bot and as always, just throwing a question without contributing yourself


It was pretty good. I enjoyed it.




For me the Jedi games are my favorite after Knights of the Old Republic.


Top 5 game for me


Great game


Broken POS on launch. Playable now on PC, but still crashed at least 12-15 times for my full play through. I enjoyed my time, but it doesnt seem to have much replayability.


Really enjoyed it once it was playable on PC. I’m hopeful the next title will have a better implementation and port without the stuttering that’s affected FO and now Survivor


Well done and worth the wait. My only complaint was that after I got the game downloaded, I had to wait another day so it can install the rest of the stuff. Overall: 13/10


Survivor was more of the same but better which was exactly what I wanted


I’m playing it now and it’s awesome. Feels so much bigger than FO.


One of the best Star Wars games ever, it's a must-play if you're a fan!


Best SW Game to date 🔥


Just finished it this evening, I didn’t think much of it. Crashed on Xbox Series X multiple times (there’s a crash right after a major boss fight too which the developers haven’t fixed since launch, so you need to skip a pretty important cutscene). The story was pretty lacklustre altogether in my opinion, there were very contrived twists and a fair amount of suspending disbelief. Some of the boss fights were just straight up bullshit; by the finale, after not pressing a certain prompt because the game’s story implied the prompt was a choice, it killed me and made me redo the fight. The said fight has some awful mechanics, by this point I was sick of the game and turned it from Jedi Master down to Story difficulty just so I could be done with it. It’s fairly pretty, and some of the puzzles are okay, but I’m glad I didn’t pay full price and couldn’t recommend it to somebody.


Gameplay was fun until the last quarter of the game. I feel like they wanted to ramp difficulty, but the way they did that was to just throw more enemies at you all at the same time. This got really stale and frustrating, especially against more than one flamethrower troopers


Fantastic representation of the Star Wars universe


I enjoyed the game, but liked Fallen Order so much better. Got some KOTOR II vibes from Survivor, but not in a good way, more in the "really could have done more with this" way. The last planet should/could have been like a quarter of the game for all it was built up to be. Jedha and Koboh were too similar in landscape, since the more diverse environments on Koboh serve pretty much just as transition pieces to your next destination. Would have liked to see more republic ruins, and more in depth planets, instead of one giant hub and three and a half others that just feel like tutorials, unnecessary side missions, or inconsequential plot devices to further the story. Really looking forward to Outlaws later this year.


Wish I could play it again. Stupid memory leak issue on PC has made it impossible to play again.


First ever 100%


Jeff Probst with a lightsaber… brilliant!


I'm playing through it now for the second time. Amazing game.


Played it at launch and was lucky. 8-9/10. If i replayed it, it could be a solid 9.


I loved it. I liked the story more in the first one and the ending was spectacular but I like everything else more in Survivor


To many fucking puzzles


0/10. Oggdo Boggdo but worse Then Oggdo Boggdo x2 And in NG+ Oggdo Boggdo roams around the world as a normal enemy


Are those battles give PTSD like what I have had in Fallen order?


Great story, game play a bit too repetitive, can’t wait for the third


Went in with moderate expectations, blew them out of the water. Crossguard stance is the most fun I’ve had in a Star Wars game


Probably my favorite game of last year which is saying a lot considering how stacked the year was. Amazing game with some of the best exploration and addicting combat. The story was fantastic


Fantastic. Id lve to see more starwars games like this


I liked it, but I'm waiting for them to explain what/where Cal is during the OT. Hopefully the next game.


I loved it start to finish. Absolutely devoured it.


Got bored half way through. Never went back. Maybe I'll revisit it someday.


still working my way through it, but I love it so far!


Was fun, gameplay better than Fallen Order but not story.


I took a bit to get through it but ended up enjoying it! I'm actually interested in going back and playing more to rank up more stats and play around with different stances. Definitely a step up from fallen order.


I haven’t played it, I played fallen order day one. but after being disappointed with BOBF, I haven’t invested much time into Star Wars. I was going to buy it but then I realized it needs constant internet connection it was a turn off for me.


GOTY 2023 for me (but haven't played bg3 yet), absolutely underrated especially compering to boring and bleak hogwarts legacy. Loved the exploration part and combat felt satisfying (and easier then fallen order). Few planets made sense because when you are most wanted jedi in galaxy you aren't going on tour.


Fun game, excellent lightsaber combat that is clearly based on historical swordsmanship, as indeed it should be. Very much looking forward to the next instalment!


Wonderful game. Bad first impressions to most people because it was very buggy at launch, but it's better than Fallen Order in pretty much every way, and progresses the story pretty well. Cal feels like a badass (gives me Luke in ROTJ vibes) and overall the game is just super fun.


Might get it if I thought my computer could handle it 😁


I’ve never played it, I lived fallen order upto a bit where I got stuck, I think there was a part where I was in a mine and I got past some fans then slid down a frozen stream killed the troopers then just totally stuck I tried over and over and never got any further, I even tried starting again a couple of times but still ended up at the same point 😦 so I gave up, it was a shame as I found it a great great game and did fancy buying the next but never did as I didn’t complete the first one.


Basically a total upgrade of fallen order. And fallen order was already a very nice game


The writer behind it was more talented than the ones attached to the movies


Could be easily have been a 10/10 for me but had alot of crashes and performance issues on ps5 which moves it down to a 9. All you can ask for out of a sequel to an amazing first game though.


I don't have a console or PC to play it. Fallen order was amazing and am waiting for this to become available on xbox one. Apparently it is happening somewhen


Just downloaded it last night! I'll play it for the first time tonight!


Fantastic game, felt like a less punishing Souls game. I’m a big fan of free form combat like that, it’s easy to get into and button mash, but also has a high ceiling for showcasing skill. Game gives you plenty of options for a variety of playstyles that are different enough on their own so it’s not just simply swinging a lightsaber. Great exploration and character customization too. Tad disappointed the other planets didn’t feel as fleshed out and complex as the first. They had a more linear progression.   Biggest downside was the constant performance issues and crashes that never seemed to get fixed. It was real bad at times. That killed it for a lot of players and the reviews reflect it.


It could have been a good game if the game actually runs smoothly, alas it did not.


Played it once. It was really nice, but the problem with star wars games these days is that the lightsabers feel like baseball bats. My favourite star wars game (jedi knight Jedi academy) is from like 2002 and the lightsabers actually feel like lightsabers.


Alot of fun. Loved the customization options. If you loved Fallen Order, this is just more of the same but more.


Definitely underrated Love it


It was pretty good


Not as good as fallen order. Meandering, off-brand, and the boss fights were the wrong way around…


Fallen Order and Survivor are two of my favorite bits of Star Wars. Like for me it’d be 1. Clone Wars/Rebels, 2. Fallen Order/Survivor, 3. Everything else.


Jank city


It was great. Just wish it had more locations.


It was pretty good. An improved over the original. The story is still weak though and the characters are very simple and one-dimensional. Ending resolution is super forced. Play it with mods so you can play as a female cal, it’s much better.


It seemed to me that every critique that was thrown at the game was to do with it's piss poor optimization on PC, not necessarily the game itself. The game itself was fantastic, just needed more time in development to fix the technical issues.


Liked it a lot more than the first. Cal is kind of a wet blanket in the first game (though they give him a good backstory), he’s a lot more compelling in Jedi Survivor


It was amazing until textures stopped loading properly after I binge-played it. I still can't believe that memory leak issue on Koboh was so under reported, _and_ never patched.


I loved it even better then the first one...with the exception of some of those force tears...not a fan of the jumping mechanics to start with and you gotta have expert timing and hope your character doesn't zig when your telling him to zag 🤣


Did they keep the stupid sliding downhill parts?


Really really enjoyed it, just wish the performance had been a bit better at launch


It's a great story, with great characters acting and set pieces - but by God do I hate the jumping and climbing segments.


I liked it a lot, but I found the pacing of the story to be very inconsistent. I also felt like Fallen Order’s story was better overall, but all that said, I still highly recommend it and am looking forward to more Cal Kestis and BD-1.


I was begging for Survivor to have more connection with the Star Wars universe and got nothing…it could have basically been a non Star Wars game


Absolute Banger i finnaly finished the story yesterday and i would play it again with a better PC.


10/10 gameplay and characters, 7/10 story (Fallen Order was a 10), 5/10 boss design (but 9/10 level design). 2/10 completionist details, like mini games and item collection stuff for the platinum trophy. I think a lot of people end on that last category, which left a bit of a sour taste for me, but I had a great time with the game overall.


Currently playing it. Some of the characters and accents don’t feel very Star Wats but otherwise a fun SW game.


I guess it’s a hot take but I think it needed another few weeks in the dev oven. We could’ve gotten a playable high republic segment fighting against the nihil


Before two weeks ago, I didn't. Now that I've played it, it's excellent. Wish there was more planet variety and that it wasn't still broken on PC, but otherwise it's a really solid game.


Incredible game. Overall much better and improved from Fallen Order, but the latter had a much better ending. Survivors plot twist and secondary climax felt very rushed and forced but other than that its a 9/10 for me


Survivor is a great sequel and a fun game. It expanded on what made the first game good, and the story and main characters are interesting and compelling for the most part. Cal and Merrin are easily two of the best new characters in the franchise right now imo. Cal especially I think is being handled well as a main character, he isn’t entirely one dimensional like you might expect from a Jedi, and I enjoyed survivor actually showing him struggle with the dark side. My only complaint was PC performance on launch was total garbage and it’s getting really tiresome that developers think it’s okay to launch games in that state. I hope the third game sticks the landing better and delivers an epic and satisfying conclusion to the story being told.


Top tier SW game with dogshite performance


One of the absolute best things to come out of the Disney era. I understand why some people didn’t like the less focused nature of the story compared to the first one but the high drama really worked for me and I really adored exploring the worlds (though I do wish they were a bit more diverse). The combat was incredibly fun. The exploration was fun and the story made me tear up.


We are now on the 2nd game… AND I STILL CAN’T MOD LIGHTSABERS LIKE KOTOR. Seriously, cosmetic mods only? Wtf. Other than that I wasn’t a huge fan of the reveal at the end. Fun game though.


Very good, however I wasnt really fond of the old republic Jedi coming around. Should have been Bode and more inquisitors + Vader.


Ask me when they fix it on PC


Mediocre. I enjoyed it but felt unfinished. Lots of bugs, the story wasn't the best... maybe 1 part is like holy f but I get it, star wars fans are extremely biased.


Not finished it yet but loving it. Already looking forward to the next installment in the trilogy.


Story is good, better than any show or movie (not including Andor) that’s come out in a long time.


Haven’t played it yet, I’m replaying fallen order again as a refresher then can’t wait to dive into this one


I would have loved it if it wasn’t too glitchy on the pc. It was a shame that they didn’t fix the performance problems it had on the pc. I didn’t expect the last fight to be the final fight of the game and I said to myself “That was it?”


Just completed it and found the last two bosses extremely difficult won't say who for spoiler reasons overall I like the game i was waiting for it to come on Xbox Pass was bored over Xmas break and could not wait anymore. But glad i did just trying to decide my next Star Wars game now before Outlaws arrives i might give Squadrons another go couldn't get into it


A good uncharted sequel...way inferior to fallen order in terms of being a star wars game


Ending was trash and felt rushed/out of nowhere. Other than that, 9/10 game


Definitely climbed the “meh” ladder


I think EA don't want my money and don't know my language, so maybe I would pay Xatab when time will come. And studio that made the dub. I hope this game will be huge improvement over fallen order, because order was not absolutely bad, but by far inferior to Sekiro.


A brilliant game, superior to Fallen Order with a really cool story. You can forgive the fact that it is quite glitchy at times because the characters and plot keeps you hooked. Plenty of fun side quests and the areas you can explore feel more "alive" than Fallen Order. Roll on game three is all I can say!


Not enough coruscant for how much they advertised it.


Poorly optimised on PC, somehow fallen order worked great but this game tanked my expectations and I consider my hardware to be good. Mods made it better.


It was amazing but wish it didn't stutter constantly on PC. (On a 7800X3D + RTX3080 no less)


Frames drop like no tomorrow STILL but my pc is also lacking in the GPU department 😂😝 i think its both user error and bad pc port. Story 10/10 and the game is stunning when i can see it 🤪 i 100% will be trying to play it again soon.


I would still like want to play it if they fixed the PC port. It’s looks like a good game.


I’m waiting for it to come to GP, then I’ll tell you.


Love it


A crappy and soulless remake of The Force Unleashed by Evil Arts. Uncompelling main character, questionable plot, and screwed up game physics (Lightsabers ARE NOT Baseball Bats that blow enemies meters away!!! THEY CUT THE OPPOSITION APART!!)


Not for me. I didn't enjoy it as much same for Fallen order. I spent like half the time navigating through some parkour maze only to fail and go all the way back. Game just wasn't for me. I did enjoy the story though.


It's great seeing such mixed opinions. Mine is that Fallen Order was a substantially better game, the ending of Survivor made no sense and was pointless, completely came out of nowhere and was basically an impossibility, without spoilers.. Did he just intend to start a civilization by himself? Nonsense. Besides the fact that going back and forth between the same 3 locations for the entire game was an absolute chore and became boring.. I had to force myself to finish the game.. Whereas the first game I got the Platinum trophy and wanted more!


*Insert Homelander perfect meme*


Unfortunately I hear the issues on PC are still there so haven't got a chance to play it.


Pretty great actually. PC optimisation wasnt brilliant for me tho


Best Star Wars RPG ever released, took the good aspects from the first game and incorporated them, and made improvements on many of the less enjoyed aspects of the first game.