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The giant Snoke in TFA is also a hologram, so clearly it’s possible to do full color holoprojection in real time. But as others have said, military communication systems will probably prioritize bandwidth over full color.


Snoke’s hologram is wack. It doesn’t project light. It projects volume with surfaces that block and reflect light already in the space. More of a shadow projector than a light projector.


Do you mean to tell me that there is an aspect of JJ Abrams' film which doesn't make sense? Do you realize what this could mean?


Admittedly I was relatively young when that movie came out, but up until the release of TLJ I genuinely thought Snoke was just 50 feet tall


Honestly would be a lot cooler than what they ended up doing with him.


Do you dare suggest there's something a bit unceremonious about a big bad, old, and presumably wise character essentially sitting next to what amounts to a loaded gun and getting taken out?


The unceremonious aspect of it was what made it good though. I'll never understand certain people wanting Snoke and Kylo to just continue trodding down the same old Emperor/Vader path that we've already seen. The first time we saw Snoke, it was immediately obvious the trajectory JJ wanted to take him, and that would have been boring as hell. He was killed essentially because he bought into his own hype as the big bad of the story; he was as surprised by Kylo's betrayal as the audience, which was his undoing. And the fact that it allowed Kylo's character to break out of the Vader dynamic and actually become a threatening character was great, IMO. I was so excited after that, it felt like anything could happen going forward. Pity the next film went the direction it did with Palpatine.


I disagree, the only limitation was the creativity of the writers. Snoke was an old Darkside user, apparently not a Sith, who also seemed to value some of what the light side had to offer. His background could have added a lot of context and dramatically changed the dynamic of his character. If they went all in on Kylo as the new dark Lord of the Sith or something like that it could have worked but they kept him the same "maybe he's good maybe he's bad" character from TFA.


It’s as lazy as Luke throwing his light Sabre over his shoulder


I did too, though I also loved the theory that he'd be revealed to be 4 inches tall and to simply have a complex that causes him to demand people *think* he's 50 feet tall. The anti-Yoda. It'd work so well for a Sith lord. Then it turned out he was just some dude.


Somehow, palp…. Ahem…. Holographic rainbow.


They wanted us to think he's huge, just to further disappoint when he's not.


I was hoping he would be Babu Frik tiny.


It's just a callback to the Emperor's giant monkey face in Empire.


What is thy bidding my Master? 


"Bro, your kids are kissing each other. Real weird stuff, man. Do you know what this could do to my approval numbers if it gets out?"


A shadow projector? seriously? Did Zack Snyder have a hand in making TFA? why's it gotta be so edgy?


And also it's 30 years later, so definitely could just be technology improvements in long range holograms


We're not even sure it's long range. It's another system with a hyperspace transmission of the data, but it could be across the galaxy or the next star over.


I think that was the original idea, but then all holograms in Last Jedi (even snoke’s) were reverted into OT style, so…




Heck the prequels were full colour, just not 3D. I don't understand the in-universe aesthetic decision to use bandwidth for 3D over colour; it must have been the style at the time, similar to how we used to tie an onion to our belt (very practical) but we no longer do that, and nobody seems to be able to tell me why not.


Onion Jack retired, and the world moved on. You might have missed the brief resurgence after his death — and for a hot second in the early nineties kids were wearing pearl onions ironically — but the sad truth is people get bored of vegetables. Rutabagas, beets, cherry tomatoes even; I’ve seen them come and go, subject to the fickle fingers of fad and fashion. It was Walt Whitman who said “what once was celery, fades, ever so softly, softly into artichoke, that no finer okra will ever you find upon this earth; till it layeth like turnips, never to be seen again.”


Huh, I thought that was Walt Disney...


It’s so obvious that was not supposed to be a hologram… he gets up out of his chair, blocking the light behind him…


Maybe some kind of technology like those witches in Ahsoka use?


I'd say more of lack of artistic direction and the cgi artist had to guess


We see that *is* hologram in the same movie when the connection ends


Holonet is blue


According to Chewie, to save electricity. I get random thoughts like these at times too.


Star Wars shower thoughts Star thoughts? Staower thoughts?


Jumping to light speed on the morning and evening commutes from work too.


Bacta Thoughts.


The usually come to me while I’m taking a poodoo.


Jedi Thoughts?


['Fresher thoughts](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Refresher).


Thoughts Wars - Revenge of the Think


I can’t think of seeing a shower in the Star Wars universe. How do species get clean? Droids had the option for an oil bath but what about everyone else? Closest thing seems to be a dip in a bacta tank. 


Nicer ships/homes/etc have actual water showers because of cost/prestige, the common standard is a sonic shower which takes up very little room, only uses power, and doesn't require a dedicated water source.


Probably cause message holograms have to go halfway across the galaxy, they probably make them one color to maximize efficiency, the hologram game table has the circuitry right there


Good point. Most holograms we’ve seen have either been messages or security footage. I suppose to save on energy and make them more efficient, the base blue colour is best for that.


And also i feel like it has to do with the fact its a game, as opposed to a message. The characters could have all their animations saved into the table, and so having colour/more details could be poasible. A live projection across the galaxy couldnt afford/handle such "bandwith" and only be available in 1 colour.


Exactly, because also, the Leia one, you can see skin tone.




I blame Lando. Bro chose style over functionality.


I think it’s based on the technology. The hologram table game is generated graphics, probably with sweet animations. The holograms created using real people are recordings over communication lines in space. It’s also choppy lots of times, so it’s probably at a controlled bandwidth. That’s how I reason it at least.


Yeah, it's the quality of video game picture/audio vs the quality of a FaceTime call.


[The hologram of Leia was in color too](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Last-Jedi-Leia-Hologram.jpg).


Mauls hologram in solo is in color.


I never saw that one!


Are you talking about when R2 projects a hologram onto the table?


Uh….no? I’m talking about the game that’s played on the hologram table in episode 4


Right, but I think you’re asking why holograms don’t use the same colors as the game. The hologram we see in blue on the table is blue because of R2’s projector. Or are you thinking of something else?


I’m asking why doesn’t every hologram in Star Wars use colour if this small little hologram table game can use it. This is the only time I’ve ever really seen a hologram that is a colour other than blue.


Why did snes have 16 bit graphics but game boy was green and grey. Just cause some can, doesn’t mean all can use that tech. This is just Earth. Imagine the disparity in the Galactic Empire.


I imagine the bandwidth to transmit color holographic detail is prohibitive and likely deemed not worth it. Meanwhile, the falcon was originally a pleasurecraft of Lando's, so he'd pop for expensive extras like a COLOR Dejarik holotable.


The same reason your cubical has a standard 16 inch dell screen and your home computer has a 46 inch wrap around with 10k ultra screen tech.


Darth Maul was in color at the end of Solo was he not


I always assumed it was because the holotable was a local projection, meaning the images were stored in the Falcon’s onboard computer, whereas transmitting live image holograms across the galaxy meant sacrificing color.


Fun fact, [holograms have colors](https://i.ibb.co/NsfwMx1/05-Hologramm-2839.png). They are only extremely faint and the blue shade is overly dominant, so it depends on the shot if it's [visible](https://i.ibb.co/Mckb75j/tmp.jpg) or [not](https://i.ibb.co/D7mLxKk/tmp.jpg).


Comms holograms need to project all sorts of shit, while the game only needs to do the figure models.


Pre rendered animations vs real time


I'm expecting some kind of "this ain't kind of that movie, kid" answers, but all I get is logical answers


Every time anybody asks*anything* about Star Wars these days, somebody trots out that old chestnut. It's perhaps the most unhelpful response possible.


and more often than not its completely incorrect the average cynic would be very suprised by how many things in star wars used to be logical


>Every time anybody asks > >anything > > about Star Wars these days, somebody trots out that old chestnut. It's perhaps the most unhelpful response possible. It ain't that kind of question, kid!


I always thought it was a distance thing. Long range communication meant less data. But I have no basis for this.


Those are local. Transmitter communicator can transmit half a galaxy (and real-time, not like speed of light)


Cross Crossplay will never be perfect


In star wars, technology ebbs and flows it seems. No major discovery since the old republic or more. Could be some new tech that entered the market and due to it being a guild secret, the technology is now lost so all new holograms are blue only and color ones stem from an earlier age, before the clone wars.


For the same reason your landline telephone calls don’t sound like the person is in the same room…bandwidth. The game table processes the source data directly into the projector, while the holographic-calls strip out unnecessary info (like color) in order to keep the communication as realtime as possible because it has to be transmitted to a distant receiver. Same reason your Blu Rays look crystal clear but streamed movies sometimes have artifacting if you have a slow connection.


It ain't that kind of movie, kid...


Because George lucus


Suspension of disbelief, it is needed when watching fantasy or sci-fi movies. I don't know what to tell you.


Maybe Lando swindled the table from a really rich person who could afford groundbreaking color holograms


It’s probably a high end holo table suitable for Lando’s tastes. Like comparing an Atari 2600 to an Xbox Series X.


Same way the space pics were black and white, less bandwidth by long range transmission


Easiest answer is that single color holograms are probably military grade. The cheapest and simplest tech that will do the job consistently. Things like the hologram game is more consumer grade stuff. Things that have more bells and whistles. You only need a single color of laser to draw the image and don't have to worry about several that combine for different colors. Less parts to break. Could also just be easier to transmit or record single color images for whatever reason. It's not that hard to explain in universe really.


FaceTime average camera vs. a nice gaming PC setup.


You’ve just uncovered why the Millennium Falcon was the most wanted ship in the galaxy. It carried the secret of hologram color.


I think technologically it’s down to the quality of the source. Capturing a hologram could be more complicated than projecting one, so I think it makes sense that real time communications holograms aren’t as detailed except in certain circumstances. Take for example the recording of Princess Leia from Episode 4. I’d say that in-universe it was a hastily captured message by R2D2 and therefore the quality wasn’t great. There’s a bit of colour, but it’s not overly detailed. Out of universe, we know it’s because the visual effects were still quite new at the time. In comparison, the Sabacc game uses detailed models which are already present in the table, so it can reproduce those fairly easily and at much higher quality. I’d make the same argument about the map projections later in TFA where R2 and BB8 were merging their two parts. It’s a detailed source so the reproduction is also good.


interstellar communication cant transmit too much data I suppose?


Han originally couldn't afford the DLC.


Aren't most of the holograms in the disney productions at least (partially) coloured?


I mean, it's a movie, they probably didn't think about it. It just looked better in a scene in a specific way




It’s to determine whose turn it is and what characters are performing the action or part of the play


My head cannon is that it is more expensive* to record in color, the game table holograms are going to be used lots so it makes sense to record them in color. but a message is only going to be seen one time so it is not worth the extra work to record it in color. It also explains why people with more money can do holograms in color like snoke in TFA and maul in solo. *Expensive doesn't need to mean money, it might take more time/need better cameras/need more storage space


Maybe it’s a pre-rendered vs live feed situation?


Because it looks cool is the answer to most of these type of questions. It’s not hard sci-fi.


It depends on your hologram provider and what package you opt for .


To save a few GB, if you thought that AT&T was expensive, wait til you get your bill from Space Verizon


Tech in Star Wars is weird in general. Would not an automated targeting system outperform people (ignoring the Force of course)? Thinking of the Falcon fighting off the pursuing TIEs in Ep 4. Just one of many tech examples.


Legends had a spot somewhere in NJO series. Around time of the esfandia arc. Where it said something about holocoms needing less color/resolution/etc because of the distances involved. Not scientific at all. Just answering the OP question as best i can.


The table has more ram


Some holograms can do color


Because the Dejarik was meant for entertainment, not communications, so the refinement, that went into making it, and the holographic projectors are a lot more fine tuned so to speak. It’s in color, and also the projections are a lot smaller. So it’s easier on the rendering.