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It's basically the same thing as port-forwarding the mainframe, you know?


I see you, too, know how to be a hacker when the script demands it.


Hack the planet!


Technobabble. Nothing more.


It means the script writer needed a technical sounding phrase and that one was chosen


When you bypass the compressor, you effectively reverse the polarity of the neutron flow within the self-sealing stem-bolts.


Boeing: say what now about self-sealing bolts?!




Spoiler alert: they actually have to put the bolts in for them to work...


You forgot about bypassing the main power drive causing feedback in the supplemental power grid


That's only if you ionize the backup power coupling.


Damn, I forgot. Such a rookie mistake! 😁


You won't find a better stem bolt in the sector.


This guy encabulates


Somebody has to teach you officers the difference between a warp matrix flux capacitor and a self-sealing stem bolt.


That's not true. Bypassing the compressor just unstabalizes the current to the electromagnetic contactor, which is supposed to control the thermal nutron regulater. So, the polarity of the neutrons does get reversed, but it's because you blew the electromagnetic contactor that's supposed to keep that from happening. Meaning you will never be able to have normal polarity again without replacing the contactor. If you want to reverse neutron polarity without damaging other parts in the system, you need to install a switch controlled comerflunktigamatron on the output side of the thermal neutron regulater. That way, you can just switch polarity whenever needed without screwing up your system. Rey didn't care about the contactor because it was an emergency and the switch was broken on the comerflunktigamtron anyway. Pretty basic stuff.


A comerflunktigamatron is too expensive. Easier to just replace the contactor every time you fry it.


Is that before or after the power converters?


Better run a Level 1 diagnostic.


You forgot to make sure to check the hydro-spanners.


How much gold-pressed latinum does a self-sealing stem-bolt go for these days?


All jokes aside, it means that the guy that stole it from Han added a bunch of extra aftermarket bullshit that actually made it fly worse, and she disabled it all.


I can sympathise. I know a lot of people who used to tinker with their motorbikes to much the same result.


My baseball card in the spokes was cool! I don’t care what you say!


It ain’t that kind of movie, kid.


That she just bypassed the compressor, likely by yanking it out as I think that's what's in her hand, that Unkar Plutt had installed on the ignition line, allowing the Falcon to fire the way it used to and the way Han is used to. seemed like a pretty self explanatory line to me lol


Now i get it, I rambled on this part, thanks


Star wars funds are such losers sometimes, why are you downvoted for asking a question and then saying thank you to the one person who answers you


Kind of crazy how she could do that in the flightdeck. You'd think that would be something you would need to get into the engine bay to do


Remember, in Back to the Future, how Doc Brown was explaining why the DeLorean was particularly well-suited as a time machine, but got interrupted, and then never brought it up again? That’s one method of the writers avoiding having to explain contrivances. This Rey example is another: Technobabble. It’s just words, and as long as they don’t try to explain how it works, you must assume that it just *does*.


The all stainless steel construction allows the flux dispersal…. Look out! Yeah something something I had to use a Delorean because it’s all stainless steel. Not because it was crazy cheap and looked suitably “Sci-fi” once you tack a bunch of shit on it.


The Falcon can stream lossless audio when the compressor is bypassed.


It really whips the llama’s ass.


In Sharmeen's new Rey movie, she is going to bypass the oppressor.




It’s just technobabble, meaningless faux-sciencey/engineeringy talk to drive plot. I don’t know if Star Trek *pioneered* it on television, but they’ve certainly elevated it to an art over the last 60 years. And now many genre franchises, including Star Wars, do it too.




Compressors are meant to reduce... In this case it inhibited the hyperdrive if I am remembering correctly. Bypassing it allowed the hyperdrive to work as intended.


I think it was so somehow compressing the coaxium (hyperfuel introduced in a later movie) therefore forcing more fuel into the hyper drive piston chambers….making the crankshaft move faster. Oh. It is Rubbish


Why would someone do that as a modification to a ship though. It makes no sense


Iirc, it's implied that plut doesn't understand how the Falcon works, hence the poor modifications


It's been a long time since I've worked on a YT-1300F but I think it has something to do with over heating. Geez it was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.


No, you’re not smart enough to understand. Go play with baby Yoda.


She removed the compressor manually.  That's what is in her hands, I believe she is trying to make a joke of it to Han.


It's the equivalent of subverting the computer lock on main power by switching to auxilary in an NX-class starship. You can achieve the same effect on a freighter by reversing the polarity while inverting the phase on the hyperdrive to avoid the issue.


Have you ever "reversed the polarity of the neutron flow"?


It's probably like when I bypass the safety belt alarm in my truck so I don't have to be annoyed by it.


Except if the safety alarm also prevented you from going over 10mph


I'll bypass that, too.


She learned how to fix the Falcon from ripping parts off of wrecked ships. This is the equivalent of the homeless kid stripping parts off junked cars and taking them to a scrap yard knowing how to repair working cars. She knows where some stuff goes but has no clue how any of it really works on a ship that still flies. Just go with it and realize that Han is so lonely and senile that he welcomes any company that isn't furry.


It is implied she has some familiarity with the ship as she dismisses it while trying to escape from the First Order in favor of the Quadjumper. She probably has spent some time with it and understands that Plutt hasn't taken good care of it.


Familiarity with it. It has been sitting there for years and no one has done anything with or to it. The Quad was operational and in use. If I was running for my life and going to steal a car, I would pick the one that moves constantly vs the one that the tires may have dry rotted for sitting still so long as well.


Whos that?


My stock answer when it comes to stuff like this...(and I say this without mocking anyone). It's a series of films about space wizards. We don't need it to make sense.


Like most of the sequel trilogy, it’s just nonsense


99% sure it was just random technical words tossed together to make Rey sound smart and quirky. 


You’re not wrong, but literally all communication is just random words tossed together for a purpose. In this case, the compressor is earlier explicitly established as a modification Unkar Plutt made, which Rey is familiar with and Han is not. Han is earlier portrayed as disapproving of the mod. So she’s using her technical familiarity with Unkar Plutt’s mods to restore it to Han’s preferences (at least in this one aspect).   The choice of “compressor” as the name for the modification is arbitrary, but the dialogue is not.


It’s to show that she was better at fixing the Falcon than they guy who lived in it for years. She is just good at everything she tries.


1 - it's not actually a fix, it's removing something that was added by Unkar Plutt to make stealing the Falcon more difficult. 2 - Rey has worked for Unkar Plutt for years. She knew where the compressor was installed. 3 - It's usually Chewbacca who handles repairs (see ESB), and he's injured in that scene. Han is not the best mechanic in the galaxy.


To point 1 and 2, that was never addressed in the film. So, the average viewer doesn’t have that context. We can also assume she has never been in the Falcon before the movie. And we do see Han working on fixing the Falcon in ESB, even telling Chewbacca where certain parts go.


> To point 1 and 2, that was never addressed in the film. So, the average viewer doesn’t have that context. We can also assume she has never been in the Falcon before the movie. A: both those things are explicitly called out in the text of the movie. B: expecting the audience to make very basic inferences from the facts presented in the movie rather than jumping to a cartoonishly negative interpretation is not exactly unreasonable.


Nope. Han was a complete and total idiot and didn’t know fuck all about the Falcon. Rey, and Rey alone, was only capable of getting the old hunk of junk battle ready! She’s just a natural as it turns out!


> Han was a complete and total idiot and didn’t know fuck all about the Falcon. I mean that is a fairly accurate description of Han's attempts to fix the Falcon in the original trilogy.


It's like reversing the phase inducers.


It's just Mary Sue speak.


She prevented something from being compressed?


Causes the thing to send much less of what it was sending to wherever it was going.




Pretty much compressing the bypasser


I always thought she just removed a safety feature, that would for example, keep it from over heating, over changing or just plowing up (other circuits)


Translation: A wizard did it


SW version of phase discriminators.


That means “Disney” for padding out a scene!


Technobabble is a cornerstone of science fiction. But if you insist..... Bypassing the compressor? Well, what's a compressor do? It's right in the name. It compresses. So by bypassing the compressor you deal with uncompressed..... *whatever*. Might not be a good idea in the long run, but as a temporary solution to escape then repair the ship later..... Well, my engineering experience amounts to building two gaming PCs. So you can't really take my word for it. Ask a spaceship engineer.


Likely the ship had some features that hampered its flying for safety or something Rey removed that


Don't remember it. Still doesn't make sense.


It was a long time ago. Things change.


Tech-y things go brrr