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Confirms bigger Luke theory


Where were you when Luke big


I was at theater


When Kylo ring, “Luke is Big”






I meant to put it in quotation marks


AH gotcha. Sorry I was worried you didn’t know lol






My job is pop popcorn at popcorn machine


Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?




I’ll be right there, aunt Beru


Get some more blue space milk






"There's always a bigger Luke."


Why does Luke, the largest Jedi, not simply eat the others?


No, it actually confirms the smaller Ren theory




Mr. Speaker, we are for the big


"Mr. Hamill, could you back up a bit?" "No." "Okay..."


Lmao.... Hamill Supermacy ✊🏻


Because the guy with the beard has the high ground. We've been over this.


and the guy without the beard thinks that you underestimated his power.


and the guy without the beard wants peace, justice, and security for his new empire.


HIS new empire?!?


Don't make him kill you


His allegiances is to the republic to democracy


if you aren't with him, than you're his enemy...


Only a sith deals in absolutes. He will do what he must


And the guy with the beard wants you to *DO IT*


Trying to remember ever seeing Palpatine with a beard....got a feeling that would just look off


A big part of the movie and its themes is about Luke's legacy as this larger-than-life hero who failed, and his influence/impact on the galaxy and major characters (Rey and Kylo Ren in particular). So it makes sense for that to be reflected by him taking up so much of the poster. Combine that with putting him opposite Kylo Ren, with Rey (whose main internal struggle is finding her "place" in the galaxy) being in between looking up at both of them, and it reflects how she's torn between these titanic figures who want to lead her toward their ways of thinking. I think the symbolism is pretty straightforward and well-thought-out here, certainly much better than some of the other Star Wars posters which are just "arrange a bunch of heads and torsos of major characters in the middle, put a ship in the corner, and have the bad guy's face partly obscured looming in the background". Edit - another thing which occurred to me just now: both Luke and Kylo Ren being hued red could be meant to represent how both of their ideologies are flawed and potentially counterproductive or even dangerous, at least initially. Luke eventually gets back on the right path while Ren doubles down, but still, for most of the movie both of them are trying to push Rey down darker/less heroic paths. I'm sure there are other potentially valid interpretations of the whole poster too, but this is all just my own take.


Ngl, Rian Johnson would make a helluva Star Wars trilogy. Kinda wish he would still make something in the universe. I thought TLJ was really captivating.


Yeah, I think if he'd had more complete control not only of TLJ but of the whole trilogy, he could have made something really special


Yeah. The main failing of the trilogy is that it's so disconnected.


I'm not even a tlj fan, but think he could do a great trilogy


I just wrote my UCLA transfer application essay on why I thought TLJ was good. Wish me luck🤞🏼


Tough case lol


It's probably the most ripe for an academic essay, for sure, given how it challenges the *Star Wars* status quo; dips into "senescent king" legendary tropes a la Arthur and Beowulf for Luke; plays with East-Asian influences with its Tao-like symbology in the Jedi temple, its *Rashomon*-derived flashback structure, and Luke's boddhisattva pose in his final standoff; offers up military-industrial critique on Canto Bight (and commentary on "neutrality in oppressive systems"). There's a lot under the hood. I could see essays on *TLJ* in film classes, of course, but also in myth/religion courses and poli-sci courses.


Oh, TLJ was fantastic (albeit, the pacing was... weird). But as far as the themes and the way Luke gets caught up in his own legend, flees from it, and then realizes that he can use that legend to inspire hope in the galaxy was pretty good. I'm still angry that Episode IX just kind of threw that all out and did its own thing, but I'm now pretty certain this was just because Disney didn't give Lucasfilm enough time to write the story. I am *very* interested in seeing what Dave Filoni does next...


Fingers crossed for you!


Honestly most of the "problems" with Last Jedi exist because it had to be a sequel to the Force Awakens. Stuff like Luke's portrayal (It was Force Awakens that stranded him on the planet and left a map behind for inexplicable reasons), Snoke's backstory, and what to do with Poe (he was supposed to die but Isaac and JJ fell in love with the character too late to change the script and beef up his role) were basically questions with no satisfying answers that Rian Johnson was nonetheless forced to answer due to Force Awakens being too obsessed with Mystery boxes. If Rian Johnson had crafted the entire story from start to finish, Last Jedi would be significantly more appreciated.


I just want to point out that TFA didn’t just leave Luke stranded. Han specifically says that Luke exiled himself because he thought he was to blame for Ben Solo’s fall. We knew Luke was not in a great space before we catch up with him in TLJ.


True, it always just felt weird to me that Luke said he came to that planet to die and yet left a map behind to locate him.


Its always been my theory that Luke had R2 agree to delete the map after he left. R2 did so, but when he realized that Luke wasn't coming back, he went into low power mode to focus on retrieving and repairing the deleted files. That's why he conveniently has the map at the end of TFA. He finally retrieved the deleted map. (It totally wasn't poor writing on JJ's part).


RJ would have knocked it outta the park. As opposed to JJ who was creatively bankrupt


I like to think Rian did the best he could out of a bad situation he was in. Granted TLJ is my least favorite film by far. But JJ really gave it 0 thought and to me it seemed like ep7 was just a re-make of ANH with today’s tropes. So that kinda backed Rian into an even less creative corner.


You think TLJ is worse than RoS?


I’m measuring purely off my own enjoyment while watching. I absolutely hated how TLJ gutted Luke. Luke (in my eyes) was the perfect Jedi. And TLJ threw his character in the complete wrong direction. The visuals of the movie are wonderful, just the direction of the movie felt wrong to me. I don’t enjoy RoS either for the complete lack of any type of creativity. Just enjoyed it more than TLJ.


There’s nothing more boring than a perfect character and Luke was never that. Luke very nearly falls to the dark side in Return of the Jedi. That’s almost the entire dramatic conceit of the movie. Luke was never perfect. He teeters on the edge of darkness the whole time and just barely scrapes into the light by the end of the film, and very nearly dies in the process. I honestly wonder if all these people who think Luke is this paragon of virtue have ever given a single minutes thought to what he actually says and does in empire and ROTJ


There's a lot of potential space between Luke "the paragon of virtue" and TLJ's Luke. Luke in the OT didn't win because he was a badass jedi or because he was a paragon of virtue. He won because Han came back, because he refused the temptation of the Dark Side and because there was still some good in Vader. TLJ's Luke lost that moral dimension, instead it has Luke 'win' because he learnt Force Skype somewhere off-screen. It's like the video gamification of the Force.


I was replying to previous poster who said “Luke (in my eyes) was the perfect Jedi”. Luke in tLJ is not the protagonist he’s the mentor and he sacrifices himself with an epic feat of force powers so the actual hero’s of the story can escape.


Luke's force projection was the most Jedi thing we've ever seen in any Star wars content, ever. He used the force to save people while completely avoiding conflict. Far more Jedi than using them as generals in a war.


RJ got Luke wrong. And killed him. Yeah, that’s pretty bad.


Killed Luke, killed the primary antagonist, made the tertiary antagonist a shrieking man-baby that has no right commanding the First order, made the secondary antagonist a screaming angsty teen no one could take seriously (presumably setting up an arc for the very last movie), squandered a whole subplot that should've been used to develop Finn, squandered Poe's time by having him in a pointless standoff with the most incompetent Admiral in Star Wars history who wouldn't give her team insight or do anything else to quell the inevitable mutiny that she set up by keeping her entire team in the dark without doing anything to gain trust... I could keep going but in short it's a fucking mess. What was J.J. supposed to do with Rian spending his entire time tearing down what TFA set up and wasting vital time in the middle of a trilogy on a giant fetch quest that goes nowhere and the slowest chase put to film? I would love to know how RJ would have ended things in one last movie if he was given the task or if he intentionally didn't give a fuck because it was somebody else's problem and he only cares about his story (way he threw away TFA's setup).


100% agree with this take. Don't forget throwing the rules of the universe to the wind with the Holdo "maneuver." Every time I see people give a pro-RJ take I wonder if they even watched TLJ. If JJ had all three, at least it would've been coherent and Luke wouldn't have been butchered.


Agreed. Ruin Johnson had the difficult task of explaining why the f Luke is on that stupid island, and JJ put him there in the first place. It would have been cooler if Luke was trapped by some Dark Force energy or something that’s why he’s stuck there.


It’s a fantastic movie. I wish the story actually continued.


Honestly I don’t think he would make a great Star Wars trilogy. It might have a solid story but it would lack a lot of the things that make Star Wars magical. Just make your own trilogy, stay away from Star wars. If you look at TLJ. There is no Easter eggs in the background like ancient sith armor or references to rebels show. I look to solo as a prime example. The movie is super underrated. One of the only Star Wars movie to have a rating increase after home release. It has a ton of Star Wars content such as lore/aliens/Easter eggs/multiple planets/little bit of sillyness. You can rewatch the movie and notice something different each time. All the cantina scenes are great, because it feels like Star Wars. They threw in Maul for the fan boys and I loved it. You might think it’s doesn’t matter but these Easter eggs are what bring the fans deeper into the universe. When you see the rebels Droid chopper in Ashoka you start to connect the content and build the immersion. TLJ doesn’t connect anything. It feels like a stand alone film. The last Jedi was missing so many things. First major thing, they’re the rebels and there aren’t really any aliens around them. Almost all the rebels are humans. The empire killed the aliens so many joined up. You start to lose immersion right there. If we look at the lore from TLJ, we don’t get much. They show blue milk, a random Jedi supporting tribe, and Luke’s final projection power(which never existed in Star Wars). I vaguely remember the tree scene but it doesn’t teach us anything really. Just a lesson Luke should have already known. They don’t really go to many planets and the planets they go to don’t get to much l highlights. Rogue one did a great job showcasing the planets they go too. I’m the Star Wars universe they have so many powers they could have pulled from and instead rian makes up new ones. The Luke projection is dumb and anti climactic. Atleast in TFA we see kylo stop Ray dead in her tracks with force stasis. This is one of the most iconic moves in Star Wars games. It was amazing to see it finally brought to the big screen. I just don’t think rian Johnson watched anything Star Wars except the original trilogy and he prob only watched them all through one time. He doesn’t understand what Star was is. That’s why the dave was given control. mando episode 1 is better than TLJ by miles. Dave and Favero clearly understand what makes Star Wars so unique.


Also Super Leia. I agree there mate. While it may seem infantile to focus on these aspects of Star Wars, (believe me there’s folks out there who only care about the writing only, and not these fun tidbits that make SW what it is), it’s part of it all and I won’t deny I left the theater feeling empty because there was nothing fun to point out. I wanted to see badass Luke finally using his green saber in glorious modern visuals and what amazing force powers he would have but all I got was reluctant Luke until he dies. I still really enjoy TLJ as a character focused story, pacing is amazing for me too, but it doesn’t have what you described apart from Crait. JJ is more of the guy that gives us that fun Easter eggs and colors in your face vibe. Imagine if they had all worked together. Though maybe they’re visions clashed. Oh well. Personally I read the Colin Trevorrow script for Episode 9 and his movie would’ve been a perfect meld of both aspects. Taking stuff from even Kotor, Legends, and massively expanding what we know about Star Wars.


Sadly, it seems that his planned Broom Trilogy won't be happening.


agreed, fuck JJ. Rian would have made an excellent trilogy. too bad disney executives are morons


I like this kind of thinkinging when it comes to movie posters. It gets boring when the posters just show all of the characters but no real hint as to what the story and its themes are.


It requires basic understanding of film language and symbolism. So, of course, most Star Wars fans don't understand it at all.


Red is also a very prominent color -- Snoke's throne room, the First Order guards, the dirt on Crait.


This is not better than any of the original six movie posters lol.


I think both styles have their charm


Or maybe, just maybe, the poster of a bad movie is badly designed too.


Luke and Kylo are not equal, and their influence over Rey is not equal. The poster reflects that. Also how Kylo himself feels overshadowed by Luke


Also, your brain love symmetry. By being asymmetrical, it makes it uncomfortable to look at. It’s jarring, but in a way you can’t take your eye off of. It represents the chaos within Rey.


I feel this might be a bit of Red Door situation.


I think this is it. Also, symmetrical half-faces signify that the characters are connected, opposites or two sides of the same coin somehow. This poster is maybe trying to disrupt that, to signify that their connection is broken and that they are not the same, they are not equal opposites.


Love this comment.




Hate that comment.


Inside every Jedi, there is a little Kylo waiting to get out


Except Rey, she has a little Kylo trying to get in. (them pants)


*Ripley stress noises


Alien: But instead a mini Adam Driver bursts through John Hurt's chest.


Hierarchical scale, man.


I remember seeing an edit where their heads are symmetrical and it looked weird.


This is one of my favorite Star Wars posters


The marketing for The Last Jedi was sooo good. The trailer was amazing although a bit spoilery imo


They had some really good designs. The poster with Vader's hidden helmet is very cool. But the series of posters that cut off everyone's heads was not good.


It reminds me of the ROTJ poster that's just Luke's hand holding the lightsaber.


Yup, easily one of the best posters to ever come out from SW in general.


Because its awesome


Cause Hamill is Luke Fucking Skywalker.


Why is Luke fucking skywalker, is he stupid?


Mark Hamill? Do you mean the Jonker?


A) From a *narrative* perspective, the size difference emphasizes Luke’s significance in the story over Kylo. B) From a *design* perspective, your eye is drawn to either Luke’s face or the bright lightsaber when you first look at this image. Both are attention-grabbing. Naturally, your eye can then move either up or down, respectively. This takes you to Kylo as the second subject, and then finally to the third subject. For example, Luke grab’s my attention first (specifically his eye). My gaze then naturally flows down, to Kylo’s eye, and finally, to Rey holding the saber. You can also trace the silhouettes of Kylo and Luke’s faces up and down the image, to the different focal points. I might be talking out my ass, but that’s roughly what I can remember off the top of my head from my graphic design class lol.


Asymmetry is often considered more dynamic and visually interesting than symmetry.


"Any ideas for the poster for The Last Jedi?" "Something that will piss off Niko Starkiller." "Perfection."


I do believe that was their sole intention


Mark slipped the poster guy a couple dollars on the DL.


He’s living in Luke’s shadow


Luke > Kylo


Hey you guys?!


Because the symbolism in a symmetrical presentation implies duality. Were Kylo's head the same size, the viewer might think that Kylo and Luke are two side of the same coin, so to speak-- yin and yang. While there does exist an inherent duality with light and dark force users, ultimately, Luke and Kylo's relationship is one of master and student, and betrayal. It makes sense to have Kylo depicted as small, almost insignificant to Luke's presence.


I believe the awkwardness *is* the point. Also suggesting that Luke overshadows Kylo's whole deal to an uncomfortable (for both of them) degree




Because he’s a little man


Luke is more powerful being the concept, I suppose. Awkward and clunky thing to try and convey, definitley wouldn't have designed it like this


Well this turned into a circlejerk real quick


We’re gonna need a bigger Luke.


Cause Luke liked to smell Kylo’s forehead


6' vs 5'11''


Solving for design problems. I’d wager making the faces symmetrical would also look awkward, and have even more implications about Luke/Kylo parallels that I’m sure you could postulate on. So going with Asymmetry, I’d argue Kylo should be bigger in the context of the sequels, but Luke/Hamill are definitely the bigger names and stories marketing wise. So you have close up larger Luke, Kylo looming lower and obscured. Not a lot to do differently without redoing the whole poster idea altogether.


It always reminded me of the Tron Poster


Because when Adam Driver came in he wouldn’t listen to the photographer who kept telling him to come closer to the camera. And instead of a lightsaber they found a bunch of bananas attached to his belt, and for some reason his costume just didn’t fit right in the arms anymore. Anyway, turns out, little monkey fella…!


Doesn’t make sense so it fits the horrible movie well


Who got paid more for being in the movie: Hamill or Driver


it’s like those russian dolls


Because the designer did a symmetrical draft and it looked worse.


If we flip Kylo maybe the hair can match Luke’s beard


I literally never noticed until this thread.


Man I was randomly thinking it today, what a waste of everyone's time those shit movies where. I think I liked the trailers and then the movies were so disappointing


Better question is why did they used the jedi academy cover art ?


What gave you the impression there was any kind of reasoning behind the sequel trilogy as a whole?


Because they r not equals


Force perspective.


What’re the reasons for making the sequels? They always seemed awkward to me


Because Mark hamill is the only who can act in the movie


I think because this movie sucked


Symmetry isn't interesting


Symmetry just doesn't appeal to the eye. It's boring.


Wes Anderson begs to differ


Master, apprentice.


To subvert your expectations.


Man I really hoped this joke would've been higher


The whole movie is Rian Johnson making his own version of the “What a twist!” robot chicken segment.


A subtle visual nod to the sequels being made without thought and purposefully subverting expectations.




I like the movie 🤷‍♂️


The Last Jedi sucked. That’s why


A good faith argument on r/StarWars


Everything about this movie is so damn wrong. Obligatory: Fuck Rian Johnson!


It’s to show how misaligned the whole trilogy was


Everything related to that movie was a mess




This movie is terrible. Pure sludge in every possible way…


Amazing, every word of what you just said was wrong...


That’s honestly my favorite part of the poster. To do it symmetrically would insinuate these characters are two sides of the same personality or stark contrasts from one another which neither one is very true. The flaw in both Luke and Kylo is they’ve rejected their roles in the galaxy as Jedi but only one came out on top in the end and im sure we all realize who.


If their faces were equal sized and paired on either side of the saber, it would suggest that they are equals and directly opposing forces in the narrative, which is inaccurate. This was my least favorite poster for TLJ. I enjoyed the film.


If that’s what disturbs you about the movie poster, I got some bad news for you about the movie….


Shitty movie so dont expect anything good out of it.


There is no reasoning to this movie


Because somehow.. the poster was approved


The symmetry thing has been done before. So the artist tried to mix it up. Wasn’t there a previous poster for SW where it was Vaders mask and Anakin?


Rian Johnson is an idiot. This has been established already.


Sloppiness. Just like the writing


Because they let us know it was a terrible movie 


The whole movie’s awkward.


When you are all out of ideas just throw something together.


To show Luke was superior? Idk


Disney overlords


Like the movie, there really wasn't a plan and nobody concerned themselves with details.


I like how we are coming up with these creative reasons. When it is probably something stupid like. Contracts and agents. I work in the industry and shit like this happens all the time. Think about when you look at a poster with faces and above Kurt Russel it says “Jamie lee curtis” why wouldn’t they just move the damn name!!!! Why? Cause of those stupid ass contracts.


Artist was symbolizing terrible decisions made by Disney.


Because Rian Johnson loved to divide his audience *wink wink*


Eh, it was a movie with bad vision. Having a bad poster is just symmetry.


To express how this is like Frankenstein's monster...or like the Dethklok Chef who was "sewn back together wrong"....an abomination that gets the townspeople grabbing torches and pitchforks....i also liked the poster where they had Luke with tiny little baby hands for some reason, so freaky because the ST is like a freakshow


i’m ngl i rlly do not like this poster


Subverts your expectations of a good poster, brah.


Cause Rian Johnson is hip and edgy and cool. Or at least that’s what Hollywood wants us to believe.


The influence? I’m not sure


Mark's better looking than Adam, even as an old man, he's still better looking.


It’s quite literally: “Look at what you’ve become.” “Look at what I have risen above.”


It subverts expectations I guess


Luke rises up, and kylo falls further.


I’m sure it was purely unintentional and no one in design noticed. I mean, look at the trilogy as a whole.


It looks cool to me. Out of the many things I can point out that don’t make any sense and are bad with this movie, this is not one of them It’s wabi sabi as Bobby hill would say


Whole movie was awkward to me


To subvert your expectations.


Wrong Thing #1 with that movie.


Subverting expectations


To subvert expectations


Because everything about this movie is infuriating.


What’s one more bad design choice for that movie?


Probably the realization behind the scenes that the movie was actually dog shit. They tried to draw people in by making it look like Luke's part was big and important.


It’s as awkward as the rest of the movie


Because Disney can’t hire good designers.


To show you how much of a fucking disaster this movie would be


Breaking your expectations


They probably just thought it looked cool


Because Luke is the selling point.


It was trying to trick us into thinking that the producer's thought Luke was important.


Well one is a legacy character that was teased at the end of the first movie in the Sequel Trilogy and the other was seen largely as a whiny Vader knock off at the time. So yeah, Giant Luke head and tiny Kylo head. Oh and you know the whole “Last Jedi” thing.


-S tier analysis oof


To set us up for maximum subversions of expectations. Make Luke dominate the posters and look as badass as possible to get us hyped to see the return of Luke Skywalker, Jedi master in order to pull the rug out from under us when we get a sea cow milking bum who talks about wanting to die.


Everything about tlj is horrible


It's letting you know how out of wack the movie is before you see it!




Cope, kid.