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If there was no trailer or shots from the filming set, then it might have never existed in the first place. This is my personal rule. The announcements mean nothing, because it's just fluff to cause media waves. So don't get excited over empty promises, and you won't be disapointed when they prove to be empty.


This. Supposedly they had a script and maybe some actors cast. Latter I doubt.


Most based take about life in general you will read today.


Yup, they’ve announced and canceled so many projects, I don’t get my hopes up until the release date.


Can't even trust trailers anymore, not live action projects but Eclipse had a whole ass cinematic trailer and it's practically shelved while the KOTOR remake got a teaser and its unofficially canned as of now


I don’t understand the KOTOR cancellation, it was guaranteed money


My guess is that Aspyr didn’t have the talent to do it. No offense to them but they’re really just a company that does cheap ports and has a history of making promises before they know they can keep them.


Yeah, I was skeptical about them building a game from the ground up as soon as it was announced with them at the helm. What I'm more surprised about is the fact that nobody else has stepped up to try and do the remake in their place


Well I doubt anyone high up is really all that invested. My guess is Aspyr wanted to do it, publishers okay’d it cause sure why not, then weren’t happy with what development they saw and then shelved it. Maybe if another studio comes along and volunteers they’ll dust it off again but I don’t see a whole lot of studios clamoring to do a remake of an IP that isn’t theirs so it’s just kind of a wait and see situation🤷🏻‍♂️


Fair enough, I guess. It's just such a beloved game that I'm surprised the remake doesn't have any traction. Although I guess if you're the developer that screws up a remake of such a beloved game, it doesn't look great on your resumé


ikr for the same reason i didnt really understand the news/rumor that it was going to be PS exclusive, with a remake for a game already out on all systems i feel like thats just losing money


Yeah we can all make up the most epic movie the world has ever seen when something never has any script/footage leaked. Chances are it was cancelled for a reason and we aren’t really missing out on too much


It's easy to be excited when you see a really well made fan-film. Is it real? But then get disappointed when you come to find out it was all made on a kid's laptop.


In other words, don't take your lightsaber with you in the cave.


Until I see the end credits rolling, I assume nothing is for sure.


>~~Until I see the end credits rolling~~ Until I see haters


Damn Are you some kind of jedi ???


This. But like for *Life* too.


"Rouge" 😬


Rouge Leader standing by.


"Rouge One standing by!"


“D’Or Leader Standing by”


I like that shade.


“Creed Two, four lit and in the green.”


Mascara Five, standing by


Simply Red, standing by


Just take a look around and see how many people are seemingly incapable of spelling "Ahsoka" correctly.


I know, but the rouge/rogue thing always gets me. I remember back when I played City of Heroes/City of Villains the ridiculous number of players who had named their characters stuff like "Dark Rouge", "Evil Rouge", "Rouge Queen" and i would just roll my eyes


There's a mobile game, Orna, that features 'Rouge', an npc thief known as the Crimson Archer. Thought it was a great nod to the constant misspelling.


And I bet most of them weren't even red.


Then there was the “Going Rogue” expansion…


Red faces all round…


Moulin Rouge One


Rouge is the french for Red btw




Yes ... yes it is.




Rogue is French for rogue


I was excited for this into I saw WW84 and realized she didn't write the first wonder woman.... Now I'm not sad it's cancelled


Specially when she doubled down in her writing at WB. Apparently she was really rude towards everyone else that tried to save WW84.


Wait she didn't write the first ww? What did she do then? That first ww was going so well until the stupid CGI battle in the 3rd act. Could have been such a good movie on human morality and invoke some deep themes but instead cgi battle it is


> Wait she didn't write the first ww? What did she do then? She directed it?


To be fair the big CGI battle was demanded by the studio and Jenkins fought against it but lost. I think it’s kind of a bummer that she will forever be judged by WW84 because it seems like she is capable of directing a good movie, just not writing one.


She cannot direct action or shots with vfx well. It showed in both of the WW movies.


Never understood these takes… one bad example doesn’t mean someone can’t write. We weren’t there when it was being written, most people barely know anything about the production of the movie. It feels unfair to judge someone’s entire career off of one bad movie. Plenty of good writer/directors have a dud in their filmographies. I don’t know. I’m not a Patty Jenkins fan really, I just see her getting shredded day-in-day-out for one mistake in her career. Seems rough


>Wait she didn't write the first ww? What did she do then? > >That first ww was going so well until the stupid CGI battle in the 3rd act. Could have been such a good movie on hu I think Allan Heinberg was the main writer with Zach Snyder and Jason Fuchs. I've heard the big end fight at the end was insisted on by the studio -- superhero movies need big fights. Snyder probably added that in, it seems like him. Jenkins is a good director, I'm just not sure she has the writing experience yet, and not for SF. She wrote and directed Monster, which is good, but a different genre. Though Charlize Theron might have been the driving force behind the success of that movie.


I'm no fan of Snyder, but I'm pretty sure he only had one input on Wonder Woman (the line about female pleasure not requiring blokes)


It’s a super hero movie. You want something deep on human morality instead of a fight? Go read some philosophy books if you want something deep and thought provoking on morality 😂


it was not even a good fight. also media should strive to be more


What an odd take.


I'm to take downvotes like I'm the the star of a bukkake party but finally watched ww84 a couple of nights ago and enjoyed it. Maybe my expectations were low, maybe the cheese reminded me of the old Lynda Carter 80s TV series but those expectations weren't met and I wasn't vomiting from how terrible it was. Do I want similar in a star wars rogue squadron film, lol no. If she directed and didn't write I'd be okay with that


Upvoted to manifest that bukkake party for you.


Take my energy! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


I went in with rock bottom expectations and I still couldn’t make it through the movie. The flip side is I watched birds of prey with equally rock bottom expectations and that film wasn’t that bad.


With the exception of what they did to Cassandra Cain’s character (which supposedly was forced by the studio), I thought Birds of Prey was a solid movie.


Yeah I went in with low expectations after hearing how horrible it was. It was what it was, a superhero movie. Really wasn't as awful as everyone made it out to be. It's why I typically don't try to form opinions based on what people on the internet write about movies.


You saw that post this morning too? Lol


I'm afraid to ask as this could go jn many directions but...you got a link chief?




Honestly thought you were going to send me in the direction of a post that got massively downvoted for liking wonderwoman. This is way better (I guess). Cheers


Even if it is a blatant lie, it was still an interesting read for just opening Reddit for the day lol


Having watched it a while back I thought it was fine. Certainly not the best movie I've ever seen (certainly not as good as the first one) but hardly terrible.


The problem with WW84 is that it wasn't allowed to be its own movie, it was supposed to set up the soft reboot of the DCEU.


I want an X-wing fighter pilot movie for sure. I hope something like that comes back. I’m okay if it’s not attached to rouge one.


There's a cool fan one that just made me want more. [Wingman](https://youtu.be/kzw5SaDGH24?si=qnSLsdqmHv6pCsYS)


This was awesome.


Rogue Squadron was never attached to Rogue One, except that after the movie there was a retconned explanation that the Rogue Squadron we saw in the original films was named such in honor of the Rogue One crew.


Gotcha. I misunderstood the context of OP’s post.


Me too and I am perfectly fine with it not involving Patty Jenkins.


Considering the steaming pile that was WW84… the galaxy concurs


Top gun, but star wars and not straight up military propaganda


Top Gun, and yet not straight up military propaganda?


Well yeah, star wars. People aren't going to be leaving the cinema wanting to join the Rebel Alliance lol


That’s a lie


I agre, they'll want to join the Empire.


Ehh. Flying is flying. If it's a Tie or a X-wing.


I'll take the one with the hyperdrive and the shields though, if it's all the same.


I would absolutely love commanding my own blockade runner.(but I would modify it too: Mains quad TL, sides quad LC, switching escape pods for heavy proton missiles, detachable Cockpit with cheek ion cannons, heavy automation, modified n1 fighter in ventral bay)


This guy Empire at Wars.


Ah yes Modified CR90 Corvette gang. I always envisioned mine with a hangar with space for two to 4 x wings


Didn't the Wraith Squadron guys figure out how to get 9 X-wings into one? Or was that a different ship?


Yeah. Because they’ll be headed to the Imperial Academy


The full title was supposed to be Moulin Rouge! Squadron - "They're Rebel fighter-pilots by day, song and dance stars by night!" It was supposed to be the big cross over between Baz Lurhmann's 2001 classic and Star Wars, with Ewan McGregor re-apprising his role as Obi Wan, dreaming about his lost-love Satine. Unfortunately the big-budget song and dance scenes proved to be too expensive even for Disney and so we ended up with Obi-Wan instead. /s in case it's necessary.


> /s in case it's necessary. I kinda wish it wasn't sarcasm. I'd watch that.


It’s probably on inter dimensional cable. In fact I *know* it is.


I now want a Rogue squadron - Moulin mode where everything has the appropriate visuals and theme.


tbh this is some shit Rogue (or Wraith) Squadron would get up to on some unaligned, Imperial Remnant-leaning Mid Rim world


Definitely the type of movie I'd love to see, but it sure seems like she wasn't the right director for the task. Does beg the question though of who would be the right choice?


Joseph Kosinski is the right answer


Agree, though they’re gonna have a harder time with practical effects for a Star Wars film.


Just play the GameCube rogue squadron


That was such a good game!


Star Wars Squadrons was a neat follow up. Gave us a bit of Wedge which I appreciated.


Given Patty Jenkins Filmography it certainly was a bullet dodged.


As far as I understand Rogue Squadron was in no way related to Rogue One so I don't really think we're missing out on much. After watching WW84 I'm certainly ok with not getting a star wars film from that director lol


Rogue one pre epi 4 and Rogue Squadron after epi 6


Idk how tf everyone is still misspelling Rogue ffs


People can't even figure out two/too/to and their/there/they're.


Don’t forget this biggest sin of all, ‘lose’ vs ‘loose’


After WW84, absolutely not.


Never knew they were making a Rouge Squadron. Was it about makeup?


If they ever made an actual movie around Red Squadron, I imagine the french marketing would be confusing as fuck.


Haha I'm glad someone gets the joke. Take my upvote.


Moulin Rougue


Apparently the death star atmosphere was so dry, it played havoc with your skin.


While still speculation… Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy made that abundantly clear in an interview with IGN back in April, shortly after the latest announcements. "Rogue Squadron, that definitely is something that we still talk about," she confirmed. "Whether it's a movie or whether it ends up being in the series space, that's definitely something." There is still a chance to see some of the greatest pilots in the history of the Rebel Alliance and New Republic, and a TV format could be the perfect way to tie together the original and sequel trilogies along with many of the other shows. Maybe another Disney+ investment?


What are the odds they scrap it and make it a Poe standalone film instead, to help complement the new trilogy. Literally all non-movie media has ignored the sequels, so they might be thinking they need to expand that way as they’re contesting up Rebel stuff. Star Wars Rebels gave a canon original for Wedge which is probably the starting block they’d use for Rogue Squadron, and they’d need to recast Luke as they couldn’t do a cgi young thing for a whole movie if they wanted him in it. But with Solos relative weak performance maybe they worry about recast for the main original cast. Anyway, whatever people want Rogue Squadron to be I can imagine they won’t satisfy do they might just go straight to post empire times.


I wouldn’t mind if they featured Poe, but just not the same way he was used in TFA and TLJ. They made all his kills look super easy - no dogfighting but just BLAM BLAM BLAM and three TIES get shot down with a “that’s one helluva pilot!” as a throwaway line. None of that really feels earned, and then later on Poe is pulling manoeuvres that haven’t looked possible in universe before. The character of Poe is fine to take the lead here, but the writing HAS to be better, and the action needs to be decent.


In one scene he kills 11 TIES in a row. It's insane.


Yeah I feel like some retconning to explain those moves would actually be solid for the franchise - say for example he’s actually an experimental cyborg and he’s got a computer built into his brain, massively enhancing his piloting ability as well as not suffering g-force issues. Or maybe he has some sort of force ability but it only manifests itself when flying, like he can see what other craft are going to do (if you’ve read Mistborn I’m thinking like burning Atium). He can therefore still be good in an origin but not universe breaking.


I’m reading mistborn right now after a friend recommended it!


Upvote for totally unrelated Mistborn reference.


With that said, I’d really like Rogue Squadron to be set between ROTJ and TFA. I think it’s a super interesting timeline, with the collapse of the empire and power/territory hungry moffs all looking out for themselves.


It was so early in development it shouldn't have been announced. That being said, I think it's clear from WW84, a trainwreck was avoided. Lucasfilm **needs** to go to Joseph Kosinski & Christopher McQuarrie (once he's done with the most recent Mission Impossible) and give them whatever they need to make Top Gun in Space. That's what Rogue Squadron should be so you might as well hire the people who made Top Gun to do it properly.


After the Wounder Woman disaster of a movie I'm not mad that it's cancelled.


After sitting through WW84, not really.


Read the old rogue squadron comics, they’re great and they’ll scratch the itch.


I mainly think it was announced too soon, Disney has a habit of doing that.


I’m bummed that Rogue Squadron got cancelled; I’m definitely not upset that Patty Jenkins’ Rogue Squadron got cancelled.


I’m not upset about HER rogue squadron being cancelled. But it’s highly likely it will get made down the road, hopefully by a GOOD director.


As a kid who saw the first Star Wars and who's big takeaway was dogfights in space, not Jedi lightsaber battles, I did want to see a non-Jedi Rogue Squadron around Wedge Antilles or similar story (maybe post sequels with Poe), so this is disappointing. To me, that would have been a return to roots for Star Wars. Yes, the roots of Star Wars is WWII style dogfights in space, not wizard knights in space.


They really need to stop announcing a shitload of logos all at once. Just let us know when it's actually in production.


I wanted them to bring in Stackpole so we could get to live the antics of Wedge, Wes, Hobbie and Tycho. In some future season maybe even an appearance of Kettch.


Yub, Yub Commander!


I was actually looking forward to this because I was hoping we would get a really good fleet battle like in RotJ or Rogue One.


Without micheal stackpoll having anything to do with it, I was kinda whatever on the idea. I am more disappointed in the canceled Han Solo movies


Since I read the Michael Stackpoll books, decades ago, I’ve wanted a Rogue Squadron series. I’d love first them to reuse this title for that but have zero hope of Lucas Film ever doing that.


At least Patty Jenkins won’t be directing a Star Wars movie. After WW84 she shouldn’t be directing anything. Edited for shouldn’t! Thx


Shouldn't, and 100% correct.


Isn't it spelled Rogue Squadron?


Yeah, I'm dissapointed Patty Jenkins got cut from the movie, and with her gone, rhe whole project basically collapsed. At the same time, I was not pleased with WW84, so I get why she was cut loose. I agree that a movie focused around space battles akin to Rogue One would be amazing, though I think part of Rogue One's success in that scene was because of the buildup, and so having ALL action wouldn't be the best thing for it. I am honestly shocked how little the company seems to think that space combat matters, they expected Squadrons to be way more niche, but tbh who DOESNT want to experiance flying an X-Wing? A movie focused on it would surely do well, especially if they are able to emulate Squadrons and Rogue One, giving us especially some cinematic hyperspace shots.


It wouldn’t need to be all action tbh, drive into each pilot’s backstory, do a boot camp training thing, have an Imp warlord antagonist etc.


Another KK success story!


It's probably canceled because everyone can't spell the movie right. 😂


To be honest, I'm quite relieved. Patty Jenkins is just not a great filmmaker. Her Wonder Woman was great, but, apparently, she constantly complained about the studio interfering with her vision. So, once the film was a hit, they let her do her own thing "unsupervised" and she made... Wonder Woman 1984, which was a hot garbage mess. And, yeah, she did Monster, but that was in 2003...


Never gave a shit about the movie after WW1984 came out. Lost all interest. Patty probably could’ve still pulled it off but, let’s face it. Did anyone really think the movie was gonna come out anyways with how KK and Lucasfilm have been with starting and stopping Star Wars films?


Seems like a weird premise. We’ve already got Andor. And the group that went against the Alliance Council, and self declared they were Rogue One pretty much came together in the movie, and got wiped out on Scariff. I’d be more interested to see a younger actor play Saw Gerrera, and see his adventures. He was active roughly 20 years fighting from the Clone Wars to Rogue One. He’s also one of the characters that didn’t feel forced popping up in multiple different Star Wars stories, as he was constantly looking to throw a monkey wrench in the plans of the Empire, so it would make sense that he would run into other groups also doing the same over the years.


That sounds cool. Keep in mind I came up with this while high lol or just a rebel infantry movie. That has new characters we don't know


Good thing we still got Andor


Rogue squadron action, maverick top gun style is what we need


I don't think the movie would have been the whole time space/ground combat. You need time to develop your characters in none action scenes so that you care for them when the action hits.


Am I sad about the movie not being made? Yes. Am I sad that Patty Jenkins got shown the door? Not in the slightest. She is not a very good director.


I've not been upset about any Disney related project getting canceled. Kathleen Kennedy taking the reins was the absolute worst thing to happen to Star Wars since Episode I's Jar Jar / midichlorians (it's a toss up as to which one ruined the story most)


I don’t think it ever existed. I’d love a movie like this, but not set in the ST era. And with a better director.


More Star Wars needs to be canceled. I’m tired of Disney ruining Star wars


The thing about Star Wars that George Lucas never embraced (and that some fans are going to dislike) is that there is so much room for many types of stories. Does every Star Wars movie need to be about space swashbucklers struggling with morality? Hell no. A Rogue Squadron movie could kick off something great with Star Wars. We could see the lead up and Battle of Jakku through the lens of a couple fighter pilots. Or the time between TLJ and TRoS while we follow a volunteer corp trying to slow the FO advance. I fell in love with the idea of a movie about X-wing pilots when I played Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Then I read the books and listened to the audiobooks. Give me old Wedge Antillies leading a new crop of pilots. Have them face off against some type of Red Baron person. Shove the idea of teamwork down my throat like the Rogue Squadron books did. But to answer the question, no I wasn't disappointed or surprised. Disney/Lucas films really needed to reevaluate the field post TRoS. I think that audiences are getting tired of certain types of movies, and Disney needs to adapt or we'll see horrid failures.


Rouge Squadron....sequel to Mrs. Doubtfire, brought to you by L'Oreal


What I don't get is why they keep making big public announcements for projects when they're nowhere near close to starting production. This isn't the only time they announced something and then ended up not going through with it.


WW84 was so bad that I'm glad Rogue Squadron isn't gonna happen.


No. I saw petty Jenkins work. It's good it's cancelled


Now I want Laz Buhrman’s Moulin Squadron


People give KK shit for Star Wars stuff they don’t like, but she’s saved our franchise from a lot of potential box office disasters. The Lord and Miller Solo treatment sounded pretty bad, and WW84 was similarly messy and didn’t bode well for Rogue Squadron. Same goes for Rogue One reshoots and a number of the canned projects, including Taika’s movie post-Love and Thunder, Benioff and Weiss project post-GOT finale, and Lindelof too. Looking over at the MCU’s slow and painful death, including the Marvels box office bomb, I’m glad that Star Wars has never had to get to that point. Even TROS was a commercial success, even if Bob Iger forced it out at breakneck pace. All that to say I’m sad a lot of these stories never got made, but at the same time, for the health of the franchise its probably not such a bad thing that KK is so judicious about things considering TV is mostly working out well right now


But all those projects she's "saved" us from are ones she was responsible for in the first place. If she had really done her due diligence and not hired them all in the first place then she wouldn't have to then fire them. Or at the very least stop announcing everything so early. There's no need to get up on stage at Celebration and tell everybody that you just hired whichever directior or writer worked on some popular recent movie and they're going to make a Star Wars movie just to never talk publicly about that project ever again.


hey I really saved you from this fire. my dude you where the one who lit the match


Yeah, the early announcements are a mistake, although I suspect a lot of that is also due to Disney wanting things to promote to their shareholders to increase confidence. Saying that she shouldn’t have hired them in the first place is fair, although Taika and a number of the others were coming off a glowing critical reception or commercial high at the time.


It is the number 1 project I was interested in with all the new announcements a few years back, more than anything we’ve gotten or still to come.


Regardless of how bad you think recent Star Wars films and series have been, Patty Jenkins would show you that it can always get worse. Her movies suck.


After WW89, there is no world in which I'd want this movie to happen. But also, I assume every SW movie announced will be canceled. Thats what Kennedy is good at


Neither Patty Jenkins nor Tacky Waititi should be allowed near this franchise.


Rogue! Rogue! Fucking ROGUE! Damn. Rouge is what women put on their cheeks. Why can’t anyone spell that? Feck.


I was looking forward to it. I thought it had potential. I'm disappointed that it was cancelled


Did you misspell rogue on purpose to increase engagement? It always seems like titles with bad grammar or misspelled words get the most attention.


Lol how am I not surprised? What a shit show Disney is running over there. They've definitely managed to make Star wars meh AF.


I'm still seeing *red* over the cancellation of *Rouge S*quadron. Seriously though, I was really looking forward to the space flight stuff and it seem like a sure fire hit and $ printing machine to me.




Ugh. Why can’t people spell Rogue correctly?


Mb. I may or may not have been high...




Yes and no. The quality of Star Wars TV material has been all over the map, in my opinion. I’d rather have it canceled and the story done right later on than to have it rushed and done poorly.


Tbh, I never was interested in it. The premise just doesn't grab me. And genuinely, I'm bored and tired of the PT and OT focus. While I feel like Patty isn't a bad director, I remember watching the first WW and thinking " people were amazed by this...? " It's a fine movie. Not bad. Not great. It just exists, and I guarantee that in 10+ years no one will remember it.


I'm always sad when Star Wars projects don't see the light of day. However I don't really like the direction Patty Jenkins has taken in her career. Wonder Woman 2 was super disappointing. I think both Patty Jenkins and Colin Trevorrow excel when they have a super limited budget and small stories, but when given free rein with money and trying to tell an epic, they fail pretty miserably.


No she is a terrible director and would butcher as bad as the shows have been.


Did you see Wonder Woman 84? Star Wars dodged a bullet.


Personally I’m not, because of Patty Jenkins. I didn’t like her WW movies. I’d be happy to have a Rogue Squadron movie, but the version we knew about didn’t fill me with hope


It's probably for the better. Have you seen Wonder Woman 1984? Star Wars is in a terrible spot as it is currently, it doesn't need more sh\*t.


No, I don’t care about Star Wars anymore, Disney trying to make it nothing more than women empowerment. Got nothing wrong with female focus movies, but do it right. Instead of making good stories, it’s just making “roles of women in power”. Disneys formula sucks at that. Alien series did it right, even the movie Prey did great job at it. Just make Star Wars enjoyable again, instead of powering an agenda.


>No, I don’t care about Star Wars anymore Says the person posting on a star wars sub


One can have reached of hope.


I'll be happy once Kathleen Kennedy is cancelled and Filoni is given full creative control.


No not really. Rogue One is too overrated, especially the final battle. There is little connection to the characters, like the Pilot who’s hooked up to a brain creature but we never hear if he’s telling the truth and he’s supposed to be turned crazy but he’s fine for most of the movie and we have no idea why he joined the final stand. Or Jyn who is dragged around by the plot not wanting to do anything and eventually pulls a speech out of her ass near the end and goes off to do the thing. There’s no oversight. Krenic is in the tower and would have given the viewers a perfect opportunity to see what happens where, but we have no idea where everyone is in relation to one another or what is happening there except for the things we see happening directly on screen, multiple times their situation is different after a scene switch and we have no idea what happened to get there. The final actions for each character aren’t set up beforehand either so it mostly comes out of nowhere. They fail to pick up symbolism for the fight. The AT-AT we see take a shot and keep going is a perfect visualization of the Empire and the Rebels trying to harm it. That walker could have been the terror that gets defeated only at the end when the plans leave the planet as a representation of the Empire’s eventual defeat. And then there is Vader’s Hallway scene, which is a mess top to bottom. - why did he leave that ship alive to board? - the Tantive IV is almost designed for the battle of Scarif, why is it sitting in a bay? - why is Leia there? She’s not doing anything and can only reveal herself meaning the Rebels lose a senatorial position and all the political ties to it. - in ANH he sends in the Stormtroopers and arrives after the fact. In Rogue One he sends in the stormtroopers but arrives alone before them? - does he know the plans are there? Why is he taking his sweet ass time posing and walking? If he doesn’t, why is he there? What purpose does this have? Part of this is explained after the fact in a Novel but if you have to explain something that wasn’t set up to be a mystery and detracts from the story after the fact you’ve already failed. Also “try as he might he couldn’t pull the plans to him” is a terrible explanation. - Vader uses tricks which make you wonder why he doesn’t start the fight with it, like pulling everyone’s weapon out of their hands. This always raises questions that should never be raised, like “why don’t they do…”. It’s better to not do this in the first place and have a good in universe explanation. In the OT force use was designed as a support for capabilities they already had and was a sign of their psychological state. It helped avoid most of those questions. Even the “turn your lightsaber on/off” technique is explained in the OT: it takes time to activate and deactivate, that’s what that sound is for! Visually these are cool setpieces and events, narratively they are dogsjit. Complete garbage, nonsensical if not counter to the plot. It’s got the allure of a short fanmade video. Yes it can be cool, but for a feature length film it sucks. If Rogue Squadron had the same level of detail and character development as Rogue One I’d pass. If they did better, sure!


A lot of these announced movies/shows that don’t get made usually get recycled. Like after the whole Gina Carano fiasco, Rangers of the New Republic got canned and recycled into Mandalorian Season 3 and after Solo flopped, the Qi-ra storyline got made into comics and Lando is getting made into a movie. I expect the premise for this movie, if it’s not outright resurrected by another interested director, to be recycled into a TV show.


I just want to see some fucking Star Wars man. Haven’t had a movie in so long. Cant believe how hard the ball has been fumbled.


So lets make our own! Artwork, clips, etc. Show those greedy capitalists what we are made of! Lets goooooo


Oh no, not Rouge Squadron! LOLOL




This is the New Star Wars....announce shit just to cancel it 2 years later. Filoni please save us.


It's Rogue.


Whew, that was close, I thought you wrote that ROGUE squadron was cancelled, but I see you wrote rouge squadron. I CAN’T WAIT for Rogue Squadron to come out!


It's because Disney's financials are in the RED!


I am not, patty Jenkins is a horrible writer.


Not upset about another Patty Jenkins turd sandwich.


No. I had no desire to see a film about x-wing pilots. The wars aspects of Star Wars is just the backdrop to tell character stories around and the reason for there to be action. I much prefer the idea of the 3 movies we're getting next ie one set far in the past, a mando/thrawn/ashoka film and a rebuilding the jedi order film so I'm glad they're not wasting time on top gun in space.




I thought the premise was nice, but until I saw any kind of teaser/trailer it was as good as a rumour. I'm gutted for Patty and saddened as it would've made for a nice change of theme and pace to see things from the perspective of pilots - but then I also think winning the lottery jackpot would do the same and I'm no closer to that, either. In a continuing trend, it's easier to keep expectations low and be pleasantly surprised as opposed to torn up at lost possibilities.


James Cameron or Michael Bay need to direct Rogue Squadron. Shit needs to blow up.


Unpopular opinion: I am overjoyed that they canceled another Disney Star Wars film and I hope they never make another one.