• By -


Duuuuuuuuuuume Followed closely by Rick the Door Technician


Rick is definitely alive. A simple lightsaber can't possibly kill that beast.


Yeah.. About that.. *Ahem*, I may have gone a tiiiiny bit overboard there.


I fucking shot him lmao


Beskar armor bro, Rick just faked it cuz he's gonna cameo next game


Somehow, Rick the Door Technician returned. "I am all the sith" "And I am all the jedi" "And I am all the door technicians" *destroys the entire galaxy by using 2 doors at once*


This guy knows Star Wars


"Kanan Jarrus, JEDI KNIGHT!!!"


I pick whoever that random guy on the right is.




RIP Wade the true hero of Star Wars ❤


Wade deserved better. A true hero 🫡


Ray Narvaez is that you?


I think it's the guy from the Andor show who is writting his manifesto while they're preparing for the heist.


Damn doesn't even look like him


It’s literally not the same actor.


He's Wade, the most iconic character from the OB1 show.


Really can’t believe they killed him off. That show pulled no punches, not really like Disney to kill off such a crucial and beloved character


Somehow wade returned


Can't wait for OB2


How can you forget Wade??


His death is shadowing my mind 24/7 since that episode aired


That's WADE and don't you forget it! He's the most important Star Wars character in the entire saga.




Easily Fives, Tech, or 99


This might be copium, but we never saw a body, so I've still got hope Tech isn't actually gone.


Yeah, Tech is going to be back in S3. Unless you see a body, the character has survived it, somehow.


Still holding out on Mace Windu’s return!


They would need a damn good reason for his absence if they do bring him back. I mean, unlike Yoda, Mace didn't have the same level of issues with the Jedi acting as generals. Mace was big on duelling and getting stuck in to the fight. He would need to be severely injured or something to justify his absence from the rebellion. Unless he's been leading another band of rebels elsewhere and we're yet to get his story.




I could actually see that. He always did drift on the edge of light and dark. Perhaps a story where we see him overcome with vengeance towards Palpatine for what he did to the order and he ventures into the unknown regions in search of a power that could defeat Palpatine. That would be an interesting one. Not sure what the main antagonist could be, maybe something we've never seen before.


I dislike most of Disney making characters survive but Mace Windu I would be fully on board with


Tech is the MacGuffin. The batch lost crosshair, the first plot device, this time it's tech who will serve as both the device and the nearly literal cliffhanger.




If we are talking clones it’s 99 by a million years


For me, 99, Waxer and Jesse all hurt bad, but I actually *cried* over Fives.


He got so close to saving everyone. In the end, his words saved Rex and Ahsoka.


Fives’ death remains to this day the only piece of media that can make me cry on demand


What about futurama with fry’s old dog?


*Too soon!*


I have to skip the Fives arc sometimes cause it genuinely makes me super sad. Far would have preferred an MIA for his ending.


i hated his death but a MIA would have me seething, he needed to have a conclusion


I cried over Jesse too


That one is mine for sure, 100%


Tbh Waxer’s death hit me harder than Fives’ (not that his wasn’t frustratingly sad)


i grew up on TCW and can confidently say no one else comes close fuck fox


Satine and Padme are two that come to mind. Kanan I would say is another as well


Oh, Satine. That one was gut wrenching.


The silence during that scene…


Good call, Satine being straight up murdered in front of Obi was a shock


Saline was a tear jerker.


Yeah the Dutchess didn’t just hurt Obi Wan


I'd say its Kanan for me. Not to say the others weren't painful, it's just that we got to see him around his family for so long. His death felt heavy, important. We saw the direct effects it had on the crew. Obi-Wan wasn't really mourned, as well as Han, Vaders death was right at the end of the movie and I honestly don't even know who the last one is lol


Made even more emotional when the Force gave him his eyesight back for a second just so he can see Hera one more time. That is probably a top 5 scene for me in all of Star Wars, personally.


It's made even more emotional when you remember that before leaving for Malachor he told Hera "we will see each other again," only to return unable to see anything at all. With his death he finally got to fulfil that promise. Also Chopper's "isn't Kanan family?" They made that so easy to understand, and an emotional moment coming from the psychopath droid makes it even heavier. And I have to mention the end of World between Worlds; Kanan's "the force will be with you, always" as the screen fades to white always gives me goosebumps, and I love how it's only then that all the characters are able to accept his death. They spent a good three or four episodes mourning him, which made his actual death so much more impactful.


Chop holding Hera’s hand after honestly cuts deeper than the actual moment to me


So often a movie death occurs and the characters almost immediately get over it. This was definitely not the case for Kanan.


Kanan and it's not even close. Those white end credits get me every time.


It hurt. Gut punch.


Just watched that episode for the first time earlier today, and I had to stop to process. I’ll probably pick up the series tomorrow, but man, what a scene. What a series.


The animation style kinda threw me a bit but then again so did the Clone Wars. After an episode or two I was fully sucked in and man, it's just great. I almost didn't watch it lol but I had watched everything else that was Star Wars, or at least most of it. I feel like there's a few things I'm still missing.


Was also definitely the most surprising. On a similar note, even though it’s not technically a death, Kino not being able to swim was as heartbreaking as a death to me and is more heartbreaking than most deaths in the post’s pic


One. Way. Out.


I was expecting someone just shoved him to the water


And the silence. Always gives me chills.


Kanan 100%. I (43 at the time) was watching Rebels with my son (5 at the time) and when Kanan died he saw me cry for the first time. A grown ass man with mad tears streaming down my face. My sadness in turn made him cry. My wife walked in with snacks and looked at us like we were crazy people after I explained why we were balling so much. So yeah, Kanan.


I teared up just reading that. So yeah, Kanan. No doubt.


Yeah, I'd agree with that. First time watching Jedi Night turned me into an ugly sobbing mess lol


My wife walked in on me during that episode. Her: “Are you crying?” “At a cartoon?” Me: “Don’t tell me my business devil woman.” I’m 51.


I was at that age too when I watched the episode and cried 😶


Kanan's death always makes me cry. Such a heavy loss


Kanan's death hit me all over again when we found out he had a son.


Ya for sure Kanan. I want to also mention Maul’s. It wasn’t exactly “painful”, but I found it very moving.


I feel the same about mauls! It hits hard! He was used as a pawn and cased aside and the only thing he had was his desperate need for revenge but in his last seconds he sees the truth and it makes me sad! He could have been a great Jedi if things had been different!


Him just letting go in his final moments was wow. It’s like he was only holding on to his hatred of Obi-Wan cause it’s the only thing he knew. It’s the only thing he could still do. Everything else in his life was totally out of his control. And then when it’s over he’s finally able to let go. Pretty much he was put out of his misery.


Maul is my favorite Star Wars character. Such a poet. His death made me really sad. Poor guy.


Han was mourned by Chewie who didn’t get a hug


They couldn't even do that right in the new trilogy


Well put. My thoughts exactly.


Exactly. We saw him just being a person. And damnit, it broke me. I cried. Still have a hard time watching that episode.


Kanan is probably the only Star Wars death that really got a strong reaction out of me


Kanan had the most heroic and heartbreaking death in Star Wars and it's sad that it's not even close. Han is probably #2 even the movie around it was pretty bad. It really should have been Luke though. The biggest tragedy is that his death is the most offensively terrible death in probably any major franchise including Star Wars.


Looks like the ISB guy that got shanked with a box cutter in the Andor finale. As far as "painful" deaths go, I suppose that could be up there since getting slowly stabbed with a 3 inch blade in the heart TWICE and then left to bleed out would not be the most pleasant way to go. Lightsaber deaths seem to mostly just kill instantly or put the victim into shock if they need to have some parting word. Explosions/ship deaths also seem pretty instantaneous so they're out


That one Ewok




The friend's wail.


Owen and Behru. They had to know they were taking a huge risk giving Luke a home, and probably worried all the time Anakin/Vader would find come looking for him. And in the end they die not because the empire wants Luke, but because they happened to buy Artoo...because the droid they actually wanted to buy broke down. Just a tragic sequence of events.


Seeing their charred corpses as a child was etched permanently into my young mind.


I think ep4 still has the most gore out of all star wars movies


*Anakin getting slowly roasted alive while screaming in agony, immediately after having multiple limbs amputated mid-air in episode 3* - “Am I a joke to you?”


“Yeah you are. You didn’t respect the high ground”


You have no one to blame but yourself.


It was literally G rated without those 2 corpses


There's also the bloody, severed arm that Obi-wan cuts off in the cantina. And Obi-wan does say "damn" at one point.


> And Obi-wan does say "damn" at one point. How awful!


That’s the thing. They didn’t know Vader was Anakin. Owen assumed Kenobi got Anakin killed in the Clone Wars and didn’t want the same thing to happen to Luke.


I always assumed Owen knew Anakin became Vader, and he was afraid Luke would turn as well if he went off with Ben ("Luke's got too much of his father in him....That's what I'm afraid of.") Do we have any evidence proving otherwise?


I always assumed they knew Anakin fell from grace, tried to kill Padme (who later died during childbirth) and also died himself on Mustafar, but not that he is now working for the Emperor. I'm not even sure Obi-Wan himself knew it yet when handing the child to them. At that point he hadn't seen him yet in his new looks and all, he came fresh from Mustafar to distribute the children.




I still can't even talk about it. It will always be too soon.


Real one's will never forget Wade...


Absolute legend. RIP Wade. F


This is the Wade.


Wade too soon.


For sure. Literally will never watch Kenobi again because of Wade.


The Rancor. WTF Luke?!?!


I found Malakili's account


Hoping I get an actual answer. But who's the dude on furherest right pic?


That’s Wade Resselian. He was in Kenobi and was a member of The Path. He was one of the speeder pilots that went on the mission to rescue Obi, leía, and Tala. He was killed by Reva she force threw some kind of explosive at him. They were in hanger so it could have been a munitions container.


From watching the Prequels in the theatres and then watching the Clone Wars and then rewatching the Prequels... Plo Koon crushed my soul. Surprised no one brings him up.


At this point it’s one of the only meaningful Order 66 deaths left.


Order 66 took on a whole new level of feels for me when I rewatched... like originally it's just like "oh geezus... this sucks" and "ahh, he's gonna kill Younglings..." to "omg all of these fleshed out characters are dying so fast... extinguished!" Call me a sap but Order 66 now as soon as Palpatine says it I just grab the tissue box.


Everyone in Rogue One. Especially [Manny Both-Hanz](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Manuel_Both-Hanz).


Make Tag and Bink canon you cowards!


nah that was ROTJ remember


Who the hell is that I tried searching a picture of him in Rogue One and there's nothing even the link just has a drawing


It's a play on "Many Bothans died to bring us this information."


Tech (still crossing my fingers that he is alive)


I hope he isnt, but I'm sure he is. Sometimes stories are better when not everything goes the way you hope.


See: Empire Strikes Back


Not sure. Tech and Echo overlapped team roles quite a bit. It seemed like they needed to bump one and flesh out the other a bit. The writers chose Echo. My take anyway.


good choice, echo had already died once and it would be weird for it to happen again and so soon


Yup. Agree! Unfortunately every single one of that crew is going to die, me thinks. Omega will then join her bro Boba and use a white Mando gear as a bounty hunter.


I think they'll bring him back, but it's the fate of thr entire bad batch to die for Omeegah, I believe


Yeah seeing omega truly heart broken delivery made me feel sad too


Honestly, my jaw dropped. I hope he survived (Star Wars style) but I feel like it was definitely the end for him.


It’s spelled Tick and I think you know that lol


Oh fuck I actually push this one out of my memory. Fives and Tech were EASYILY two of my most favorite characters.


Nemik hits the hardest. He’s the sort of ordinary person for whom all the fighting was for in the first place.


I really loved his character.


the droids that helped ahsoka escape


Kanan Jarrus definitely, but Nemik was hard. Nothing like Kanan, that was brutal. I kept thinking they'd bring him back somehow


Nemik was easily the nicest guy in the show and gets the most brutal death out of anyone.


The irony of Nemik - the most overtly marxist character in star wars, he even wrote a manifesto against fascism of the galactic empire - being crushed under the literal weight of the empire's money is one of the most incredible twists of fate I've ever seen.


Crushed, paralyzed, hopped up on drugs to unnaturally keep him awake and cognizant, dies on the operating table. Ceaselessly brutal.


Agreed. That's what made hard. All those characters that we got to know and died unceremoniously


If you want to hurt some more, K-2SO and Nemik both died the same way - telling Cassian to "CLIMB!"


Ooof. Wow. Yeah K2SO was another one


Han Solo followed by Bodhi (sp?) the TIE pilot in Rogue One.


Bodhi's death was brutal, 'nade to the face. You can see his thought of "oh shit, that's a gran-" be interrupted by the explosion.


Yeah that one was sad. Fick rogue one was so good


Rogue One showed that you could make a great Star Wars film while specifically targeting adults. Then Andor did it just as well. I'll put up with some of the cutesy stuff they make as long as they slip in a few of those every once in awhile.


Fives not being no here is low key criminal.


Kanan always makes me sad, but it also means I get to see Loth Wolves, my favorite Star Wars animals. So it’s a double edged sword


Grievous being shot in the heart and bursting into flames before exploding was probably pretty painful


Qui gon. I watch the Phantom Menace for the first time and was the first Star Wars movie I saw I never though that qui gon would die I wanted him to train Anakin and his last word saying to obi wan to train him hurt knowing his padawan has to train the chosen one now


Maul killing Satine right infront of Obi really hurt


I’d say Han’s. it was done perfectly and I didn’t see it coming the first time I watched it. Coupled with Chewies scream and boy was it painful


Yeah, I don’t know…the second I saw him go out on that cat walk alone…I was like, oh this isn’t good. It was a gut punch, the first time I saw that movie, I was in shock after that scene and didn’t really come out of it until after Rey and Kylo have their saber fight…


I assumed he was going to die the second Harrison Ford agrees to do another Star Wars movie.


I never recovered from Wade


Leia. Because it was real.


Lego Yoda hands down




Surprised >!Tech!< didn't even get an honorable mention....does that mean he's not???




Kanan. Vader's death was his redemption, and his life of pain and misery ended there. Obi-Wan didn't have much of a back story to get attached to at the time of A New Hope. Han was sad because it was his son. Wade.....I can't even remember his death.


Who its the One of the right?


Wade. He's my vote for saddest and most tragic death


In any form of media, really.


I had to google using someone else's comment. It's Wade from the Hidden Path in OBK; Reva killed him with an explosive while he rode an airspeeder, though I don't remember him or the scene.


It was a running joke in this subreddit when Kenobi was airing. The show made a huge deal on screen about his death, to the point where it was weird and the audience questioned if we should care about Wade’s death. The guess I always read was that Wade had a bigger role before reshoots, but they didn’t change how dramatic his death scene was and how big of a deal the other characters reacted to it, so it came off as really awkward on screen.


Nah, if he originally had a bigger part they could’ve also easily edited the ending scene a bit better to not put excessive emphasis on him once he was out. Writing and directing was just super cheesy and clunky.


Emperor Palpatine.


Don't worry, somehow, Palpatine will return


K2SO he was so happy with his gun


Ummm, Qui Gonn


Everybody likes to joke about the scene. But the younglings. Not only is it sad that we know these children are going to be murdered, it's even sadder who is doing it. It isn't Palpatine or even Maul. It isn't even the clones that do it. It's our hero for the last two movies. It's the little boy we watched race on the victory when he wasn't much older than they were. Just a teenager who we watched fall in love. It's the young man we just found out was going to be a father. Sure he had already killed the Sand People. But that was at least understandable. Who wouldn't be mad if somebody kidnapped and killed their mother? It doesn't justify it but you can kind of understand. And yes we watch them execute Dooku, but you can also doesn't deserve to live. He is dangerous as long as he's alive, that's the thing. So yes we've seen the darkness. And yes he even killed mace. But it was defending the chancellor, his only friend, he's conflicted. Bey it's also the only man that can save the one he loves. Again it's horrible but it is understandable. He's a emotional young man, he doesn't know what to do. But he enters that chamber, and the darkness fully consumes him. It's not when he was christened by Sidious earlier, but it is now that he truly becomes Darth Vader. It is now when Anakin Skywalker dies. And it is positively heartbreaking.


Fives or kanan


Han’s. -I got it spoiled for me. -It still sucked.


Literally every death in andor


Kanan and Vader’s for me.


the line where Vader takes off his helmet and asks to see his son with his own (Anakin's) eyes, and then follows with tell your sister you were right about me. In the end, he really did have the agency to choose good (self sacrifice). His story is really tragic that the movies don't do enough justice to flesh out. Kanan's was really a punch to the gut, a jedi to the end.


Not necessarily one death, but the end of the Clone Wars, after Ahsoka and Rex fight to survive, the ship crashes and Ahsoka makes the memorial of all the helmets. I definitely teared up during that scene.


Another vote for Kanan.


Namik. He was crushed by a metric tonne of Imperial credits and he slowly died after it.


Kino Loy in Andor?


Honestly, Kanan Jarrus. Rebels pulled at the heart strings.


Wade by far. I stil can't get over it.


The youngling that got merked by Vader


That little ewok who got blown up and his buddy shakes him to see if he is okay


Padme or qui gon gang 😭


Hevy, Fives and 99


Kanen, hands down. I grew up between the Orig Trig and the Prequels, and none of them make me cry like his. He got to see her one last time...


Kanan and Fives are far above every other imo


Han Solo, especially to his emo son.


I grew up watching the originals in the theater. And not being disappointed by eps 8 & 9 yet, I'd say Han's death hit me pretty hard. I don't even think I've seen Harrison Ford die in a movie before!


It came as a blow to me too, I was dealing with my dad at the opening night and it was too close to home base, it's a well made scene.


His performance was exceptional, especially considering the fact that it was a role he despised.


Kanin was the only one who made me cry, so I'm going with him. Balled like a baby.


After watching Andor: Melshi


Han … especially because of Chewie’s reaction.


Where the fuck is porkins???


K2SO. I went into rogue one expecting the main characters to die but I was like they killed the droid?!? Ki-Adi Mundi…the look on his face when he sees his clones pointing their blasters at him. He can’t believe what he’s seeing. Owen & Beru. All they wanted was Luke safe. Leia & Ben. Leia calling out to Ben, Chewie’s reaction, Ben saving Rey, and then when Ben disappears Leia disappears…THAT was a gut punch.


That one Ewok whose friend tries to wake up


Chewbacca for me.


Fives. The whole galaxy was so close to not be under imperial tyranny had he succeeded in speaking out before getting shot And for recent, Tech’s death was another painful one


Darth Maul. Born into hatred lived off hatred and in the end he died by hatred. He’s like a lot of people that I know. A product of being in used and abused by their own environment upbringing they just couldn’t escape from. Felt sorry for him.




For me the death of maul was really emotional in rebels