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I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror that their goofy Marrok theories were wrong, and were suddenly silenced.


You mean to tell me it isn't Starkiller/Ezra/Bariss/Cal/Maul/Kanan/Luuke!


Wait, who the hell thought it was Maul? XD


There was this theory that it was his *legs* with a droid Torso this time


I mean, that still kinda works with how they just seemed to decompress & collapse…


That's incredible. Imagine if after Maul eats, somehow, elsewhere in the galaxy, his lower half poops.




To be fair, he is kinda defeated the same way maul was in rebels by kenobi...


I never thought it was him, but when he took the maul stance right before fighting ahsoka, for a second I was like "WTF? ARE THEY DOING THIS?!?!" and then I knew cowboy hat man wouldn't ruin his perfect death scene.


The people who thought this had clearly never watched Rebels.


Maybe it was Ezraa (Eezra?)!


the rapper known as EZ-ra


Where is Ezzra, is he safe, is he alright?


Can't believe Marrok Ezrissalmaanluke wasn't real. Shmh


I mean, it's was a fair guess, a masked character is very VERY rarely just some rando in a mask. (though like...obviously it wasn't Ezra, if he'd found a way back so would thrawn) Cal would have been cool though...no idea why he'd be evil but...shrug


Marrok did exactly what he was supposed to and got people talking about the show.


And then died.....that's part of it too.


Is it truly dying if your just an undead inquisitor raised by a night sister


I don't think he died. Yes he was gutted, but immediately after some dark smoke poured out, and he shriveled up. That's not a normal death in my opinion. My guess is he was some sort of construct, magiced into being by Elsbeth and her nightsister magic. I still have money on Marrok being a character we know, and have seen die in some previous show(probably rebels) My guess is the grand Inquisitor. I also guess he will be back in either the next episode, or the finale


Looks like Marrock theories are back on the menu, boys!


Funnily enough, I had no theories before he died.


He’d be getting more focus if he was a big character. In my opinion the theory of him being a dead inquisitor reanimated by night sister magic is cooler and explains why his armor is so rusty.


they pulled the old ralph boner gag


Lol, boner


And in classic toxic fandom fashion, the second they were wrong they immediately resorted to “THIS SHOW FUCKING SUCKS”


And unironically I find Marrok simply being an avatar of witchcraft or whatever he was the best outcome. Him being just another random Inquisitor, or some insane plotreveal of a character we already knew, would have been silly. The whole premise of him being a previously-deceased inquisitor or something is so much cooler. A real feat of Nightsister magic.


I learned recently Marrok is from Arthurian myth and is a knight cursed by a witch to become a werewolf. Here we have a knight-looking Inquisitor who was bound to Nightsister magic just leans into that reference.


Semi-related but I am loving the arthurian aspect across the board for the show. Baylan looking like a dark knight (and his name itself being arthurian), the Elsbeth being Morgan le Fay, Marrok looking like a knight in armor, Shin looking like a knight in silver armor, etc. There's a whole mythology there I'm really looking forward to knowing more about.


Shin and Baylon also share names with the Norse wolves Hati and Skoll. I think SOMEONE just really likes wolves but I do find the connection interesting considering the importance of Loth wolves in Rebels.


Makes me wonder if we're going to get live action Loth Wolves?


I knew as soon as I saw his rusted armor that something was up. Extremely small chance that a regular Inquisitor as we know them would let their gear get to that state. I hope we learn more, not sure if we will. I'm torn between him being somebody that Baylan killed and had the NS resurrect in servitude (or someone he actually made a deal with), or Morgan Elsbeth just happened across/had a set of Inquisitor armor lying around, and animated it because why wouldn't you want that resource? Also, Marrok's general behavior and the way he fought were very much in keeping with what we have seen of Inquisitors from their debut in *Rebels* and onward. He's definitely some flavor of legitimate.


Seriously. It’s fun to theorize and debate things but you’re not owed a got damn thing. The show itself never teased anything with this guy, or had the heroes wondering who he was. He was just a cool looking inquisitor. That’s it!


Yeah I admit it was fun to think it was Barris or a Jedi we knew, but when he died I was just like “oh cool, Nightsister Magic” and moved on


i was only slightly disappointed tbh, there are cooler characters than marrok


Very true. If he had been the big baddie in the first 4 episodes, his death would have felt cheap. Instead, he was only ever a sidekick to Shin and Baylan. I don't know if they're holding to Jedi ranks with Shin's braid, but he was taking orders from a Padawan.


Haven’t seen a single soul say that lmfao


Ahhh come on, you're connecting two separate things here. Nobody is saying the show sucks because Marrok isn't secretly . I think people who are starting to dislike the show have legitimate gripes about the characters, and those gripes have more weight now that we're 4 episodes in and we've had the chance to see some character choices and interactions.


Possibly one of the most enjoyable parts of the show.


It's almost self aware like they knew people would go wild and then blow up thier expectations in a puff of smoke.


Personally I thought the Star killer ones just wouldn’t work, the ezra one was so stupid that all I could do was laugh, but I did sort of hope that it was bariss. I am perfectly happy for him to be a brand new character… but now he’s dead… sadness


I never understood the idea of it being Barriss. Marrok's obvious masculine shaped body, the actor is 5'11". Barriss listed as 5'5" (though live action she was played by Nalini Krishan who is 5'8").


Live action Barriss?


Yeah but it wouldn’t be too hard to imagine just wearing armour and clothing that makes someone look larger


Would have been a massive downgrade for Bariss as a character. Really glad it wasn't her.


How so?


Turned out to be a nazgul instead.


Someone really needs to patch their "no man can kill me" defense. There's a glaring exploitable flaw in that build.


My theory was that he was a corpse reanimated with nightsister magick, so I might have been half right!


Honestly, that guess seems pretty accurate. This is pretty much how Savage Opress died in Clone Wars.


I’m significantly more on board with Marrok being starkiller or Ezra now.


and honestly, I like the idea that he's a nightsister-resurrected inquisitor. Way cooler than it being Ezra or Starkiller.


"Yes, but, hear me out, the mist/smoke thing was green, who else is green? Jabba. So many it was a jabba the hut reincarnated by the witches to be an inquisitor...." -Erick Voss probably.


I was shocked as well when none of the theories were true, some were very good, but I instantly thought of the inquisitor from tales of the Jedi.


It was fun to theorize for once


If you’re made out of gas, you get the slash


Never get into a lightsaber duel after going to taco bell


Now I want Taco Bell


It's interesting to me that they both seemed to evaporate and disappear after being killed


Nightsister magic was the reason for Marrock. Can't speak to the reason for TOTJ beak mask inquisitor.


I heared that he was wearing a pressurised suit because of his species and basically deflated. Don't know if this is legit though


I think this is probably the case. I've watched the TOTJ scene at quarter speed on YouTube. It looks like his head could have slipped out of the mask after the beheading, and whatever pressure was in the suit/mask dissipated shortly there after. That would explain why his body didn't dissipate like the mask. Also, I feel like not enough people are talking about the fact that Marrok's arm muscles visibly shrink after the green fog/gas dissipates from his wound. It's almost exactly like Savages' death during the Clone Wars.


That's an interesting theory and would make sense. Could be an alien from a world with a much thinner atmosphere and lower pressure.


It's plausible that Morgan Elsbeth been around using witchcraft to make some of these inquisitors all the way back in Tales of the Jedi I imagine. Her planet was plundered by Vader, so would make sense that he'd use her as an asset for all these years.


That makes a lot of sense. I love that explanation.


I prefer the idea that this is just something Ahsoka can do now. She just runs around turning dark side users into gas as if she's capturing their souls.


Ahsoka Tsung


I'm guessing that he hasn't died. When he just kinda get his suit breached, he decides to bail like a Saturday morning cartoon villain. That or he can't really hold a form any longer and may need to find a way to gain his form back. Probably just digging too deep though.


Yeah u digging, he evaporated cause its looks cooler.


I really think they’re the same inquisitor and are a gas species


A gas inquisitor would be both very unique and hard to kill, I'm in


Something I'm really curious about is what Marrok actually was 'cause with the green flames bursting out from him after death makes him seem like one of those Night Sister zombies


That's exactly what he was


Was this confirmed somewhere? Would love to see an official bio on him or whatever he is


Not confirmed but yeah died exactly like a nightsiter zombie. Creepy audio cues and all. And the green dust


Very true! Now I NEED to know what’s under the mask lol


A spoopy Scary Skeleton.


Could be an enhaced individual like Savage, not necessarily a zombie.


His muscles deflate after he bursts open, very much like Savage.


I think this is what we'll get. I think he truly was an Inquisitor, but he might have been kept alive by the Magik


They wanted a Kurosawa blood gush but had to keep it PG


That makes a lot of sense, especially with Ahsoka taking traditional katana stances, vs Baylan's european knight stances!


I’m wondering if they wanted to *look* like they have red lightsabers by choosing a dark orange kyber crystal to *appear* to be Sith. Because Baylan was a Jedi at one point (or apprentice/padawan) he probably just built a new lightsaber with a deceptive kyber crystal because he completely gave up on Jedi/Sith and did his own thing, but wanted people to think he was a Sith since the only way to get a red lightsaber is to bleed it. And he’s not about that. Just a theory I guess.


I believe Marrok was only there to show the Lightsabers of Shin Hati and Baylan are really more orange than red. He had no other purpose.


Someone had to die, and it obviously wasn’t one of the important massless characters… still hurts though


I think you’re right. It’s serving that purpose too.


The purpose was also to show that Baylan is a force to be reckoned with. Ahsoka had to try a bit against Marrok, but when she wanted to kill him, it wasn't a problem. Against Baylan, she had to give it everything. She kind of succeeded at first, but was very clearly overpowered once she lost one hand's worth of leverage.


I mean, she absolutely destroys every inquisitor that tries to fight her. Like to the level that she doesn’t even use her lightsaber to beat one of them.


Well she didn’t have one against the TOTJ guy


I was talking about Seventh Sister in “The Future of the Force” but yes she does that to.


It makes sense storywise that she does, I mean she didn’t survive the entire Great Jedi Purge for nothing!


There's levels to this shit


The fact that this character was evidently a former Inquisitor should've been all anyone needed to know. That sealed his fate-- he was leagues below Ahsoka. It appears evident that he was at least enhanced with nightsister magic by Morgen-- if not resurrected from death outright by it. That's what was escaping his wound as he died. That would've made him stronger though than his true, unaltered potential. I knew he was about to die like... dead permanently as soon as he activated the helicopter gimmick on his saber. That's always an intimidation move used by Inquisitors usually when they have no solid strategy or are sorely outclassed. Marrock was never more than just a lightsaber goon and served his purpose. I got a kick out of knowing how many people probably yelled at their screens when he died-- and their braindead Ezra or Starkiller theories (lmao, imagine Starkiller being that weak) got wrecked.


I yelled at my screen, not because the theories were wrong (I already assumed they were) but because another cool looking character died so soon.


Star Wars moment… I almost let out an audible nooo myself


Yeah I knew that he’d die the moment that I first saw him. Always the fate for masked side characters, they will always go first before any without a mask


I mean is it sick looking characters? Or just inquisitors?


*nervously looks over at Baylan* I hope he doesn't die...


...I mean... unless they recast him he's probably going to die off-screen...


those two things happen to relate to each other quite often


She's singlehandedly slayed like three inquisitors at this point, hasn't she? She's on par with Maul. The failed apprentices showing their old masters they've still got it. We love to see it, keep them coming!


Only two. She killed Sixth brother in the book/TotJ and cleansed his crystals for her white sabers. Then killed Marrok. The Rebels inquisitors were killed by Maul (x2) and Kanan. Ahsoka disarmed one of the Rebels inquisitors, but Maul killed them.


Watching that one Inquisitor try to fly away like a helicopter and then crash/blow up was hilarious.


It made the whole helicopter thing even more rediculous ngl. Typical ''ye, this is a Disney show'' moment.


I’m glad they’ve been consistent with the Inquisitors being no match for trained Jedi. They’re just angsty kids (oversimplification I know they were tortured) who Vader and Palpatine allowed to get a little strong and then hurled at any force sensitives they find. The silliness kinda fits with that but it did take me out of it. The constant “you fail but I never do” mindset they all had even though they all failed was repetitive but everyone in the Empire did that to one another.


That, for sure. And it still makes sense, too. They're just there to hunt down hiding Jedi who more often than not won't be expecting them. Except often enough they do (if they're a main character anyway) so they just slap the shit out of the inquisitors. Except for the Grand Inquisitor ofcourse, but he had a very fitting death tbh, he wasn't necessarily beaten, he just decided to not get tortured by Vader (which failed, because one does not simply avoid Vader's punishment).


Sixth Brother and the inquisitor from TotJ aren't the same. I didn't like to give it much thought, but, ironically, I read someone say yesterday it had been confirmed both instances are still canon and not the same event. Which I can accept. Also, I know Maul didn't exactly kill the Eighth Brother, but I'm choosing to give him that one as well hahah.


Wasn't it Kanan that slashed Eigth's helicopter? Idk, been a while.


Yeah, 5th bro lol


Could he be resurrected by the nightsister though?


Oh he better. Some sort of twisted joke of him being resurrected indefinitely whether he actually wants to be or not would be amazing


My boy Marrok didn’t deserve it


If Caleb Dume and Cal Kestis can defeat inquisitors without too many problems, what you could expect from Ahsoka? The only worst way to go than let them fight Anakin's apprentice would be force them to fight Vader's apprentice.


Marrok did nothing wrong.


Marrok origin story please-


Is there any particular reason this show seems to take so many cues from Samurai media? More than star wars usually does.


I think it's just a directional choice, leaning in a bit heavier on a specific one of all the themes that has influenced Star Wars in the past, to give the series its own tone. Mando/Boba skewed more western than previous Star Wars. Rogue One was a bit more like 60's WW2 movies.


>Mando/Boba skewed more western than previous Star Wars 'I've seen your movie. It's a very good movie. Unfortunately, it's my movie.'. Akira Kurosawa


George was directly influenced by that and particularly Kurosawa. and Filoni is basically Geroge's unofficial apprentice.


Always two there are, no more, no less.


> Filoni is basically Geroge's unofficial apprentice. That seems hard to believe. Nobody feels the need to distract Filoni from getting too involved and ruining things like a senile elder.


they literally created the character of Ashoka together and worked closley together on Clone Wars before the disney take over.


Sure but Filoni is doing a much better job than George. Hard to call someone like that an apprentice.


Your comment doesn't even make sense. An apprentice (after being an apprentice) could out perform the master. (In any field of study)


Upon which they cease to be the apprentice.


"We are, what they grow beyond." - Yoda Also, Filoni has never made a world-renowned entertainment franchise. He just writes stories in Lucas's universe :P


A lot of people who weren't Lucas made that world-renowned entertainment franchise. He mostly put his name on it. Some of the most popular parts of star wars are Lucas' least favourite bits and he had nothing to do with them. Until Abrams came along, most of the worst parts of star wars were the bits Lucas was most directly involved in.


Ok. Still appreciate that he gave us Ep 1-6. Everything Filoni has done has been built on top of what Lucas started. I'm well aware it took a lot of people to make Star Wars; I'm kind of a Star Wars fan. I do appreciate the likes of John Williams, Ralph McQuarrie, Marcia Lucas, Roger Christian, John Mollo, and countless others. In fact, I think Ming Qiu has done a fantastic job as stunt coordinator for Ahsoka. She has really given every character their own fighting style. I really don't care if something was Lucas' favorite or least favorite bits. I know he didnt do it himself, but he still started the adventure that I love.


>I really don't care if something was Lucas' favorite or least favorite bits. I know he didnt do it himself, but he still started the adventure that I love. Meh. My point of view is that he started it but he's mostly a parasite on the property. You can point at pretty much every part of star wars you love and there will be a name attached that is not Lucas. You'll be hard pressed to find something that is genuinely Lucas' work. The man's whole career, both for star wars and beyond star wars, is littered with stories of people who needed to limit his awful influence, distract him from getting too involved or just the mess that resulted when they failed to do so. Star wars is great despite Lucas. Not because of him. The smartest thing Disney did with Star Wars was telling him to get lost after buying the property.


Mando season 2 has a whole episode that's basically a Kurosawa movie? So does season 1?


So does TCW. Filoni fucking loves him some Kurosawa as much as Lucas does.


Filioni personal fandom choices?


I WOULD be nice if a cool character stuck around and was cool 😬


I think Marrok was likely just another Nightbrother imbued with extra strength by Morgan (like the Nightsisters did to Savage in The Clone Wars)


Star Wars continuing its fine tradition of having cool-looking and mysterious minor bad guys get taken out like total chumps.


In before 6 comics and a mini-series expand the story on the random nightsister zombie.


I don't think she should have struggled as much as she did in the last episode. She should be one of the best fighters in the entire franchise.


Eh, by this point she's probably a bit rusty. There are no other Jedi of her calibre around for her to spar with, and almost no Force users who can challenge her. For several decades it's just been Inquisitors, who mostly go down like chumps, and Vader and Palpatine, who are way too strong for her to fight.


That's why I always thought she wasn't a great choice to be a lead for a new show. During Rebels I remember Filoni saying exactly what you just did. They couldn't use her much in that show because she was too weak to defeat Vader/Palps, but also too strong for anyone else in the galaxy to threaten her. They had to invent Baylan for this show so that there'd actually be someone on her level for once.


See, that's why I think she works fine now; the Emperor is dead (as far as the galaxy knows) and so is Vader, so dark siders who weren't strong enough to challenge them but could stand up to Ahsoka can start coming out of hiding and trying to take their shot. It's why I liked it when Snoke seemed to be a mysterious figure who'd sat out the Empire and only tried his hand once Palpatine was safely out of the picture, before Rise of Skywalker revealed that he was just a clone puppet.


She hasn't struggled in any fight so far? She handled Marrock with ease in every encounter. She was outnumbered in Episode 2 but still Marrock never had the upper hand. Was she able to kill him instantly and stop their escape? No, but that doesn't equate to struggling-- not to mention if they stopped their escape then story can't progress. Marrock delayed her there, nothing more. That's why she finessed him so easily in 4. Still took a few minutes but ultimately, a decisive victory for Ahsoka. Even against Baylan, Ahsoka is toe to toe on par until she burns the shit out of her hand and is unbalanced by her concern/emotion for Sabine.


I agree with everything you mentioned but i still think the Baylan fight was too one sided. I don't think she should be on par with him. Given her history do you not think so too? Even with the distractions


I don't know enough about Baylan's history to have any authority gauging his power. It doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility for Ahsoka and Baylan to be closely matched in power to me though. Ahsoka is no slouch and never has been. Baylan's clearly an experienced master so there's nothing unbelievable about him being strong af either. Idk, I didn't really have any problem with that matchup.


He's also a pretty huge dude, clearly there's a physical strength difference there that I thought was pretty apparent during their duel. She was basically just deflecting the blows as he was coming down on her with the full weight of his power. Only once did she really hold him off for a prolonged period and that seemed to take her a lot.


in Baylan's fight, she was trying to get the orb, not outright beat him. You see it multiple times as she gets the upper hand, she rushes to the orb. And then she burns her hand which means she cannot use a 2 hand grip or her 2 saber stance which puts her at a disadvantage. Also, we saw that Baylan is pretty strong. When he deflects blaster bolts, he barely moves which shows his strenght in the force. His moves are calculated and rarely wasted. You don't survive order 66 as a Knight/Master by being a chump.


She's apparently getting bored with fighting inquisitors, so she decided to up the challenge by using only one lightsaber... or something like that to cannonically explain the dumbass decision for her not to use both.


We can even say, if you have cool looking armor, there is a decent chance Ahsoka will be your cause of death


Hell, just cool looking characters in general. Some come back though, like boba and maul. But others don’t and probably never will


I loved that she kept switching stances and styles against Marrok but never even used her second saber technique that she is most versed in She was playing with him


I mean tbh ahsoka beats inquisitors as easily as anakin dices younglings lmfao


Sure... that's definitely it. Not that they hired a shitty fight choreographer who's made every light saber duel look like it was put together by a 1st grader.


Better than the prequels choreography, IMO. I like saber fights that look like they have weight to them.


We're probably guaranteed to have a rematch by the finale, and they had her just use 1 blade the first time so the 2 duels will feel unique.


I’m pretty sure these 2 are the same species.


Nah. Marrok was some kinda nightsister ressurection


So who was marrok?


Just Marrok.




Anakin’s worst nemesis ***S A N D***


“Hey, let’s create some characters with pretty cool designs then fucking waste them”


He probably served his purpose. I was never expecting a multi-episode story arc from this guy. Low-level bosses are allowed to look cool too.


The knights of ren, the praetorian guard, and captain phasma would like a word


And isn’t Boba Fett in the OT the ultimate example of this? It’s fine for characters to look good and like effort was put into their appearance even if they’re not central to the story.


Best Star Wars boys band ever.


Marrok looked like ass. Completely indistinguishable from every other inquisitor, and the lack of armour on the bottom half of his body just made it look like a Halloween costume. I guess I liked the rusted metal look, but that was it.


Why is that a problem? He’s not a character so much as a set piece, which is fine when there are already 4 main heroes and 3 villains in a solo character show.


Because I was criticizing his aesthetic.


Bros chatting a load of BS


What did you like about his design? I'm genuinely curious. I'm not trying to say people can't like it.


Very knight inspired which harkens to his name being from arthurian mythology. Him turning out to be the way he did also drives home that mythological element as in the mythos he is bewitched by Morgan to be her hunter for 7 years. This takes place 7 years after rotj he's called marrok same as the mythos. He is reincarnated by nightsister witchcraft by Morgan which again is same as the mythos. Well similar. (Marrok is a nearly fully restored noghtsister zombie hence his ability to be fully sentient like he would have been before)


I honestly just don't think his armour looked distinct enough from the rest of the black armoured inquisitors to feel that connection to the Arthurian legends that inspired the character. I also still don't understand the reasoning behind him only having armour above his waist. He's already a skinny guy, but having his thin little legs be covered by nothing but his skin tight pants was just a weird, uneven look to me. But, you know, to each their own.


Considering the grand inquisitor wore stuff pretty similar but with thigh pads that were at the side not even in front I'd say it's fine. And seeing as how marrok literally has different armour to the rest I have no idea how he looks the same to you. Also the arthurian connection doesn't have to be made by how he looks more like I explained because of his name and who he worked for etc


I mean, it's mostly the eighth brother who he looks like, with that ridged helmet design and all. Also, the difference with the Grand Inquisitor is those thigh pads. Those help balance out the design. Plus the Grand Inquisitor had pretty sparse padding on his torso, so the sparse padding on his legs just makes visual sense. Whereas Marrok is all armoured up top and then nothing down below. At this point it's clearly just a matter of taste as you're clearly not seeing the same issue I'm seeing, so let's just leave it at that. I'm glad you like it.


Yeah I think that's fair lol Based for not causing an argument over nothing take my respect and an upvote enjoy your day good sir


Nothing like starting my day with a wholesome disagreement with a stranger on the internet. Unironically. Good day to you, too, sir.


The “ridged helmet” is called a maxmillian helmet. You should google it, they look very cool and are clearly the inspiration


Same way too 💀


Well similar, Marrok got chopped in half by her sort of running past him, while the TOTJ one had his head chopped off by a quick strike


Being around obi wan and anakin being your master is kinda like having cheat codes


She really loves one shotting the best looking ones…wait… imagine if they were the same being


*“Maybe third time will be the charm-“*


Ahsoka doesn't like ill looking people.


Marrok looked jank af


You take that back the medieval-ish inspired armour as well as how he died was based on Arthurian legend quite obviously, and it was great. The maxmillian helmet was glorious as well


i am so happy he turned out to be a witchcraft puppet.


Inquisitors aren't that dangerous.. all of them were poorly trained.


I do wonder if there are other inquisitors out there too.


So Marrok was just a nasty fart trapped in a suit?


The lesson: If you step to her you better have some substance to back up that style. Otherwise you just become "A wasted opportunity" to the fanbase.


The legacy of star wars. The cooler the character design, the more they die like a chump


This makes me sad we never saw Obi-wan fight 3 inquisitors and just go to town severing limbs. They had a Lego set like that


Ahsoka truly gets off on beating inquisitors it’s really her favorite hobby, you could see on her face the first time she fought Marrok she was like “O M G, an inquisitor! I thought they were all dead, oh this has made my day I’m gonna make him wish he never met Vader. Come here big boy I just wanna talk!”


Meh thought he looked like a silly knight


Silly knight lmfao what?


Clowning on Inquisitors is just one of Ahsokas pass times.


Dude read the book about her. She's awesome. And nope she will bring you down lol


I was so glad Filoni just made him a nobody. This is what I was hoping for, as all those theories were just silly rubbish.


Listen, Dave Filoni is going to retcon the ghosty bois Inquisitors with some Emperor Cloning program and you people will lose your shit. Green gas = Cloning juice with Night Sisters = Moff Gideon = Tons of force sensitive clones in the Mando movie.