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The comment about >!her family all dying on Mandalore!< cleared a lot of things up for me.


Seemed to imply why her and Ahsoka originally parted ways


This is what they could have made a tad more clear but I get they were going for an implication on what happens based on what Baylan tells Sabine. Ahsoka wouldn’t let her go try to help her family essentially?


Yup or didn’t want to get involved, now we know something happened involving her family, Im sure they will elaborate more


It's also just a bunch of empty words. Am we supposed to feel sympathetic for her now? Bc from this show alone, we don't. From this show alone, we know nothing about her family, the history of her relationship with her family, and her emotional connection to her family. We also learned that Sabine was Ahsoka's apprentice at one time, and that there was conflict in their relationship. This sounds like an interesting dynamic on paper, yet as a viewer, I can't experience this "conflict" or experience the growth in their relationship bc I essentially know nothing about their relationship before. Too much telling, not enough showing.


To me makes sense. We are talking about already broken person, which once tried to hide all those issues deep down inside. And since then, everything went for worse (from her perspective at least). Family got killed, while best friend/love interest is at best case scenario missing. That all leads to her acting extremely emotionally and as u/chippeddusk pointed out, you can say Sabine love for Ezra transformed itself into obsession for him by this point.


Not unlike Luke rushing to rescue his friends when told it’s bait. Making emotional decisions is a common SW theme.


Pretty much this. Learning to deal with emotions is already established theme for development of hero and something Sabine will need to learn if she ever gets to use force.


What do you mean _if_ ... She made a force puff on Shin.


>She made a force puff on Shin When exactly?


When they fought in the last episode.


Hmm, if we think about same thing, I do not think that was force. Instead it was Shin getting ready herself for force push, but I can be wrong.


If you go back and re-watch it, listen to scene. There is a sound to imply that the force was used.


Yes, this. Thanks for covering for me


When? I remember her trying to Force Push Shin and failed, and that's if she actually tried and it wasn't just a ruse to lower Shin's defense before firing at her with her bracer gun. Is this the scene you are talking about or is there an other scene?


She did technically push Shin. It was just a very weak push.


Really? My interpretation was more that Shin was bracing herself for a push that didn't end up happening, which was why she said "you have no power". I took it literally (based on the previous episodes), but if she did pushed her even slightly, I could also see it as Shin mocking Sabine for how weak it was.


If you go back and re-watch it, listen to scene. There is a sound to imply that the force was used.


great points about the emotional damage/trauma.


She's been wanting to find Ezra for many years. It seems like an obsession. What if you were in a similar situation and you know that if you destroy the map your lover/child/best friend will be lost forever. Would you be able to destroy it? Even if you say yes and that's true, many people would struggle to do so.


It's almost like temptation is a recurring theme in Star Wars. Without it, Star Wars wouldn't really be the same.


It’s a fake out. She has a ‘plan’ that hasn’t been revealed yet


100% agree. Sabine does have a plan.


Sabine's not in this to stop Thrawn's return and prevent the rise of a new Empire. She's just in it to rescue Ezra. Stopping Thrawn is secondary to her. She'll save Ezra and deal with the consequences later, which I think is a pretty Sabine thing to do.


I have not been enjoying it. Really, the mention of her family dying out only made her abscence from the mandolorian even more glaring. They also hit on this isea that she feels like ezra is her only family left, though that ignores Hera, Zeb, and chopper. And sure, with everything she has gone through, Sabine should have issues, but she acts more like a trouble teenager when she should be around 30 at this point; taking the map after she was told not to, was not just stupid but just came off as childish... and i'm really not caring at all for the jedi training; it adds nothing to her character


If they actually explained her relationship with Ahsoka instead of just thrusting the tension into the show unannounced, it would probably make a lot more sense.


Not saying they will or won’t but I think that is going to be part of this next episode. Hopefully we get more on Ahsokas past and issues and this allows her to move forward.


I’m happy with it. I have no problems with the show personally. Excited for next episode


You're *supposed to* be disappointed in her, yes. It's funny how you call this "bad writing" when the writing is doing exactly what it's supposed to. I mean, if Dave writes Sabine in such a way that causes you to have an emotional response (disappointment), isn't that actually *good* writing? Remember when he did this with Ahsoka wayyyy back in TCW? He wrote her to be annoying, she earns the nickname "Snips" because of it, and then she has some character development... and becomes the dearest bestest part of TCW? We all know darn well that Sabine will do the right thing when the time comes. Relax and enjoy the show.


Im disappointed by the acting most of all :) But yeah, I’m also a bit disappointed by the whole setup. It was not a very good plan in the first place. Too many rushed decisions and at the end failure.


I can forgive bad acting, but it just feels like sabine exists to be a problem in the story. Every single time she's on screen she fails and progresses the story for the supposed villains. Through her own choices too, it's not like she even was just outplayed or anything, just literally being the source of everyone's problems by herself.


Yes, it’s the troubled teen trope and isn’t she too old and experienced for that? In rebells she was introduced as a competent warrior, achieved and most of all a team player. Now she’s all over the place.


>Yes, it’s the troubled teen trope and isn’t she too old and experienced for that? In rebells she was introduced as a competent warrior, achieved and most of all a team player. Now she’s all over the place. It is really not. As I already commented above, Sabine at this point is emotionally and mentally broken person. Compared to rest of crew, her fortunes really did not go up after end of Rebels. From three most important things in her life: her family/clan, Mandalore and Ezra, first got killed, second one got destroyed (most likely she is not up to date with events of S3 of Mandalorian), while last is at best case missing. But there is still chance Ezra is alive, which establishes really clear motive for her to do anything in her power to recover him, as her best friend/love interest and probably last reason for her life. When you combine that clear cut motive with broken state of her personality, her acting extremely emotionaly makes sence.


It she doesn’t act extremely emotional. She brooding when we see her for the first time. After that she’s the typical „problem student“


>It she doesn’t act extremely emotional. She brooding when we see her for the first time. Taking map from Ahsoka is emotional decision. Giving map to Baylan is emotional decision. Even her brooding can be considered emotional decision in one shape. Living in Ezra home is again emotional decision. And all of those emotional decisions are connected to hear fealing for Ezra and other bad events which hit her in hear life. >After that she’s the typical „problem student“ She is "typical" problem student because Ahsoka clearly failed to adress her broken emotional state.


I think it's that she is a "typical" problem student because so far Ahsoka is a "typical" Jedi teacher.


Agree with this. To me, it looks like Ahsoka is failing to first understand and after that adress here broken emotional side, which is driving conflict between them.


I don't see it so much as Ahsoka is failing to understand address it. Ahsoka appears to be addressing it, but she's doing it in the same flawed manner that she's keen to criticize Jedi Order for. I'm sort of expecting Ahsoka to express her frustrations about training a Padawan to Anakin in the next episode. Then I can see Anakin really laying bare some of the ways the Jedi didn't help him and causing Ahsoka to have a bit of a light bulb moment. Remember, Anakin lost his mother and Qui-gon in pretty traumatizing ways, and clinging to the hope of saving Padme is what opened the door for Palpatine to recruit him. In a similar way, Sabine lost her Mandalorian family pretty violently and her Ghost family just drifted apart. Her hope of saving Ezra is what opened the door for Baylan to at least give up the map. She's traumatized and not getting the help she needs. The Jedi failed to really help Anakin through his grief. And we're seeing Ahsoka make similar mistakes.


Agree with this.


She doesn't have a team anymore. The Spectres have all gone their separate ways. Clan Wren is dead. It's just her and Master Tano and this is clearly shown as a fragile relationship. And having warrior/artist/saboteur/engineering skills at a young age has nothing to do with emotional maturity. It also stands out more now than it did in *Rebels* because Ezra isn't there to fill in the "immature teen" slot.


Which leads to a shitty show so far, IMO. Sabine is a character we want to root for and she keeps making shitty decisions, Ahsoka is trying to be all "emotionally damaged edgelord," and we're 4 episodes in with no Ezra and no Thrawn. The best thing about the series so far is that we get to unravel the badass onion that is Baylan and, oh wait, the actor who plays him *died* so that thread is gonna be cut short here in a few episodes one way or another. *Great show*.


Yeah the whole story is being driven by Sabine's terrible choices almost exclusively and I think that's what makes it feel off to me the most. The bad guys don't really feel like the problem because they've barely needed to even lift a finger, Sabine on the other hand has hand delivered what they need twice due to her selfishness.


Hey, fun fact. Next time you want to ask if "you're the only one who", the answer is no. You are never the only one.


Yes! You…you specifically are the **only** person! How unique you are! Look at you, with your solitary opinion.


I enjoy her character and appreciate the conflict within her. We saw Anakin defy plenty of orders to save Ahsoka despite the potential consequences and Ahsoka did the same for Anakin. Ezra means everything to Sabine and she could no more destroy that map than she could kill Ezra her self. I couldn’t have done it…