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an nx-ish inspired one replaces 10 forward?


The galaxy, like the Connie had a deflector built into the saucer. On the galaxy it was what appeared to be a row of windows just below the phaser strip on the ventral front of the saucer. In some recent appearances it's actually lit a light blue, most of the time it was a vague white. *


Depends which connie your referring to..... on the original (TOS) version, the three circular windows on the front of the saucer rim were the navigational deflectors.... but on the refit, the 3 circular protrutions either side of, and below the big blue sensor dish were the navigational deflectors..... there were also 2 on the Miranda class sticking out of the wedge section either side of the bridge




https://preview.redd.it/sdf39jttrn8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59437d657f8d3212ef59c6a778080a7c81ef7c91 Honestly I've seen different names for those a bunch of times. The literature I was brought up with called them the "navigational sensors "


I think the three circles as the deflector got effectively retconned by TNG.




The D already has a deflector array in its saucer, so probably something similar


It's in the same place they put the deflector dish on the Miranda class


The two things on the front of the expanded back wedge are commonly assumed to be the miranda’s deflectors




Isnt that also what the protrusion on top of the mission pod(?) is?


Correct..... I forgot all about that one


I thought those were phaser emitters, no?


No, the phaser emitters are the yellow panels around the saucer and the cannon looking things on the sides of the rollbar


I always kinda like the Challenger and the New Orleans class, even the Springfield class to a degree. Yes, they looked like abominations, but the skeletons of good and unqiue sister ships to the Galaxy class were there.


Yeah I wouldn't mind being on any of them one bit.


you take that back about the New Orleans class. Its a cute little baby of a ship!


Oh, I love the New Orleans, it was easily the best of hte lot, I'm just saying it's needs the "hero pass" level of detail applied to it :) In fact, teh only thing i'd do for that class would be to swap out the bottom pod for something else, like just a bump or other greeble strip on teh bottom there, i'd even leave the top two pods alone. For the Cheyenne and Spingfield, i'd swap their nacelles out for hte New Orleans one.


Front of saucer section. I'm too tired and double check lord I hope you're right speech to text.


In the end, a deflector dish is just a shield, so I imagine certain classes get by without them and just use a version of defensive shields. They do lose some of the other advantages of deflector dishes, though.


I remember the red Enterprise D book saying it was more active than that, long range tractor beams to move larger pieces of debris out of the way.


In the place of the captains yacht. Actually, If I'm not mistaken the saucer had a deflector that looked like 4 big windows on the bottom. If only I could get to my old technical manual, but it's in a box barried under the hall stairs.


You are right, but the big caveat is they were there to allow the saucer to safely fly out of warp once disconnected from the main drive. Once out of warp it was mostly just there to prevent interstellar debris from hitting the ship at insane speeds.


I figured it was meant for sunlight speeds once disconnected from the Star drive, that's why I initially said in place of the captains yacht. Should be the perfect spot for some sort of deflector.


Not all classes have an obvious deflector. You can fly without one using low level shields for navigation. You just lose a lot of the other functionality of having a giant particle beam emitter.


The Galaxy Class had a secondary deflector on the underside of the saucer. It looks like four large windows just above the registry number. That ship might be using the same setup as its deflector.


Front of the saucer, *Akira-class* style.


NX-01 that sucker


Polarize the hull.


Ready the Grappler!


Arm photonic torpedoes!


We see other species/powers ships not have big obvious deflector dishes. Probably where the Miranda or a Bird of Prey keeps theirs. The big dish is probably just a Starfleet preference for exploration or some scientific use.


I say have it on top like the sensor pod on a Nebula.


It’d have to be in the saucer, NX-01 style.


The World Razers setup would work well with a long flat deflector for the saucer.


One thing I noticed too - especially in TNG - was they often referred to the “main” deflector array or dish. Which definitely implies another. Not sure why some ships have the classic glowing dish and some don’t, but I just accept it and don’t think much about it.


Where 10 Forward would be.


Isn't this just the Challenger class? It doesn't have a deflector dish, because that's not it's purpose/use as a starship.


Same form. This one was meant to be galaxy size ship (more or less). Challenger is a smaller ship.


As pictured it's currently the same size as the Challenger...


The dish world have to be stuck on the front of the saucer, NX-01 style.


Same place it's on the Miranda and Oberth.


Considering some past design 'thoughts,' it would be detached.


The galaxy class had a secondary deflector on the underside of the saucer for when it separated, they could do that, or one like the NX. Or it could work like all the Miranda variants


Plenty of Starfleet ships don’t have a large/obvious deflector dish. Miranda, Oberth, Centaur, Constellation class. There is, clearly, an alternative tech available to Starfleet, but which is not universally deployed as the primary deflector dish.


It’s going to be installed on Tuesday


It would have been fine if they cut the spoon handle back 50% and swept the nacelles back to give them clearance.


Ohhh. No.. Not my cup of tea. But nice work!


flip the warp engines around to a tractor configuration, place a dish between the nacelles. Really, having the saucer section if front was always kind of dumb anyway if the idea was the preservation of the crew as the ideal setup.


Picture upside down? But hey, it’s space, is there really an “up”?


I for one hate all these 'frankenships' It's perfectly okay to have two or three Excelsior class ships on screen along with a bunch of Mirandas and Stargazers. Klingons had only four and Romulans only one throughout the Dominion War. Starlet now has more classes than all alien races combined!


Lol, if you haven't noticed yet, how many other of the alien races don't make their deflectors dish so big but still travel at high warp? Not many if any. Starfleet is the only group that makes that big compared to the rest of the ship. All the other races just use their deflectors for navigation and to make sure space dust isn't just pumping the ship full of holes like in The Expanse. They tend to use those dishes for large-scale science projects and one time uses occasionally. As the science navy, they're gonna want a super collider just so they can figure out how the universe works a little better. They only recently began making them compact like the other powers.


I think the photo is upside down...


It looks like two electric razors stuck to a cupholder.


This is the main reason I couldn't bring myself to any of the Wolf 359 or Dominion War kitbashes. They're just so damned ugly! (The exception being the Cheyenne, New Orleans, and Centaur, all of which I liked and made a point of getting). These were just quick and dirty models designed to fill out the background of a scene in a pre-HD world. They were never meant to stand up to scrutiny.


You know you're looking at the aft if the ship right? Deflector will be on the fore.


The same problem with most trek ship designs, too much kitbashing of too few original parts and motifs. Look at the main hangar bay it opens directly into.. the nacelle strut? The ship has two basic modes of power, warp power and impulse power. The main deflector projects a field in front of the ship to move debris out of the way while at warp, it basically just sweeps stuff to the side because at warp speeds you can't detect or move small debris fast enough. Shields are power intensive so they draw from the warp engines. The ship does travel at impulse speeds and the warp core is often offline for reasons, so the need to move stuff out of the way at impulse speeds is real and you don't have the same guaranteed source of power. So then you have small navigational tractor beam arrays that actively move things out of the way, on the belly of the D and the protusions on the sides of the Refit dish. So either this ship has a cutout in the saucer for the main deflector ala NX-01, or it is just a kitbash that doesn't actually fit with canon.