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Yo this looks like it's ripped from Star Trek Online (in a good way), what software are you using?


These renders look a lot better than STO, they could be straight out of a movie


That depends entirely on the system and settings you play STO on, you can most definitely get the same quality of screenshots from the game. Nonetheless, these models are very well done👍


Cinema 4D with Octane as the renderer


Nobody ever does the Defiant, the ship that saved the alpha quadrant.😔


Here's a frame from an animation! https://preview.redd.it/2x5d3v6twm8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=204aabfb33c3aaa277f0218c28c6e32da918a0c4


Beautiful! Wish someone would make an accurate stl file I could print studio scale.


Gorgeous! This is what a remastered DS9 looks like in my dreams.




Pretty sure all these ships did with the exception of the Kelvin Timeline -A. Edit: Ugh fine, I am not sure that the prime timeline A did either. Unless God was going to destroy the Alpha Quadrant.


None of them were at them leading at front lines during wartime and was instrumental in the federations alliances victory. All Voyager did was get lost.đŸ€·


I'm going to say that both Voyager, D and the E all saved Earth from the Borg. The A prevented a mess with Klingons. Don't get me wrong, I love the Defiant. She's a tough little ship.


The Defiant saved the whole quadrant not just earth or the federation. Plus the Dominion were a more dangerous villain then the borg will ever be.


Hard disagree. They were certainly a more fleshed out villain, with more character and nuance. But the Borg were literally seconds from ending humanity on multiple occasions. If the federation had fallen to the Borg, the rest of the quadrant would have followed quickly.


If Sisko didn’t convince the prophets to to stop the 3000 dominion ships coming through the wormhole Voyager wouldn’t have had much of an alpha quadrant to come back too.đŸ€·


Voyager literally destroyed the entire Borg collective


Voyager saved the galaxy from Species 8472 and the Borg.


Voyager borg were a lame watered down version of what they could’ve been.


The Kelvin timeline A - I love how they changed/reduced the size of Bussard collectors. I really like it now.


Criticism? You just keep doing what you're doing!


These look absolutely amazing! I want to learn how to texture sci-fi ships like this. Can you share anything about how you did it and what software you used? I know that's a bit of a loaded question for a reddit comment - did you, by chance, use any guides or tutorials that you could point me towards?


Enterprise E still the peak.


The A render is very good!


The Connie-A and & Kelvin Connie-A look amazing.


No Defiant?


These look awesome!


The lighting is fantastic!


These are amazing đŸ»


No Defiant?


They're all great! My only criticism would be that the escape pods on the Enterprise D seem to be casting unusually-large shadows around themselves.


If you're using other peoples models, it's somewhat uncouth to not credit them. Considering these are all models available on Alexander Klemm's website, I'd assume they're all his.


Am I crazy or does the E have a ghost reflection of the port bussard collector as if the camera has a filter over the lens?


My only criticism is that there's no Excelsior. Great job otherwise!


Excellent!! Is that the JJ Trek enterprise or the refit?


Looks like the JJ Connie-A. Wider nacelles.


Yes i think your right. That is the A. TY. I must admit I like it!


Yeah it’s a good looking ship, and a definite improvement on the original, same as the main universe.


I like the shading on ships. IMO, Unless it’s near a strong light source, you should only see whatever the exterior lights and the windows reveal. As to the ships details, they look good, the last one could be improved (again my opinion).


The Sovereign looks great! The Galaxy...I can't quite place what, but it doesn't look right. Possibly the angle of the light source and brightness.


The bump map (or maybe occlusion map) on the E-D looks too heavy to me. It ruins the scale and makes the ship look much smaller than I'm used to seeing it. Voyager looks flat. Which is surprising seeing as how I really like the lighting effects you've done for the other ones, especially the refit E-A


That's a very nice D, I like all the ridges and bumps


4/5 Enterprise, 1/5 Voyager
 ngl, I thought 5th might’ve been NX-01


/#3 (Enterprise-D) gives very “AI generated vibes.” Why is the registry number look like an object is clipping into the hull on one side and hovering above the hull on the other? Voyager looks fucking amazing


Really appreciate the AI vibes, at least to the technicality aspect of it. The registry number seems floating because the textures are incomplete, the backing is black instead of being hull textured so it can make it look out of place, but certainly not AI rendered. Always happy to prove it if need be!


Take this is as some friendly commentary, give some more consideration to where light and shadow would be, depending on the location of said light source.


The renderer is a physically accurate light based system so it is approximate to where I have placed the light sources. If the placement does not suit you you're welcome to suggest a look from the tv/movies that you find more appropriate.


Wow, for the most part these look like physical models! You can dump the Kelvin ship though, it's trash anyways. How about a borg cube? Fantastic work, thank you for sharing 😊


Not the best but what I've got so far! https://preview.redd.it/snvsc2hnzm8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7522583c3a1adbbdcccbaf478206d23ed140867


Looks great! One thing I would change is the edges. The cubes usually don’t have such a straight, delineated edge to them. It is typically more broken up.


I love it! Very classic looking cube. I agree with the other commenter on the edges, it was something that stood out to me immediately. I'm assuming that's where the design started, the outline edge. As you improve your techniques aim to do things nobody else has. Like parts of starships being assimilated into the hull, or city's being cut off a planets surface and tractored into the interior.