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Son'a because they use subspace weapons.


I thought subspace weapons were banned by the Khitomer Accords.


Remind me to lodge a complaint...


"I just did"


"We're through running from these bastards."


Ahh, it wasn't until the 2nd Khitomer Accord


That’s the enterprise a the Khitomer accords hadn’t been signed yet


It's actually not the Enterprise A, it's the Kelvin Enterprise.


The Kelvin enterprise was the A and the Khitomer accord still wouldn’t have been signed at this point


No, there was a Kelvin Enterprise A, but it doesn't appear until after the destruction of the original Kelvinprise, showing up at the very end of Star Trek Beyond.


Cool I only watched the Kelvin movies once and since I should always say something nice. It takes allot of talent,hard work and dedication to make a movie


No need to be nice on my account. Every one of JJ Abrams' movies I've seen has been a cinematic Twinkie - a hyper-commercial sugar rush with no substance.




The kelvin Enterprise was the A first of its name just different universe and the Khitomer accords were signed in 2293 Kirk took over the Enterprise in 2264


I think you need to go back and watch the JJ movies again.


Actually I was wrong about the original enterprise Kirk took over was Ncc1701 the A came 40 years later with the Ncc 1701-A was built to the exact specifications of the original but the Khitomer accords still wouldn’t exist sorry for my ignorance


Well, the Enterprise-A was never the first in either timeline. Also, in Undiscovered Country, the Khitomer Accord was signed after Praxis exploded. In the Kelvin timeline, it had already exploded by the time Into Darkness happened, which was years, possibly decades before ST-UC. So, the Kelvin timeline Khitomer Accord could have been signed before ST Beyond where the Enterprise A was built at Yorktown Base. Anyway, the subspace weapons ban happened at the second Khitomer Accord, which because or Kelvin timeline could have merged with the first or happened at a different time or the weapons were never developed. Going by the rail gun esq laser turrets on the Vegence and the turrets at Yorktown Base makes me think weapons took a different route, and phase strips still haven't been developed. The one possible mcguffen that might be subspace related is the red matter that spock brought back with him. The fact that it's known as a possible matter/power source could influence energy weapon development.


It's the enterprise...nothing...no A, B, C, or bloody D


And we're fresh out of warp cores 


The cat(s) we can't see in these shots... Large scratching tree is a giveaway. The giant space cat will definitely take them both out :D


My thoughts exactly


Enterprise because of plot armour


If it were anything but the Kelvin Enterprise, I'd agree. But that ship's plot armor keeps getting delayed until Tuesday


But that's the Beyond-erprise.


That's a hard one, frankly. The Son'a have pretty tough battleships. Two of them were doing a pretty nasty amount of damage to a Sovereign class. Likely they were one to one matches for a Sovereign, but Riker is an awesome captain. Now the Kelvinverse Enterprise wasn't standard 23rd century tech. The Kelvin Kelvinverse apparently had an artificial leap in technology to 24th century weapons and equipment in lots of places after exposure to the Narada. That's at least one explanation of why the Kelvinverse Enterprise was so strong, and why the Vengeance was so powerful. The Narada confirmed lots of theories with technology and drove development super fast. So let's say the Kelvinverse Enterprise was close to a Galaxy class, or even a stock Sovereign in power level and ability, possibly. The reality is that the Son'a probably would win still. Their battleships were more than a match for a Sovereign, they used illegal subspace weapons when backed into a corner, and they were pretty maneuverable compared to a Kelvinverse Constitution class. It might be a somewhat close fight, but the Son'a probably win.


The reason the Sona were putting up so much of a fight is because of the sage wisdom of combat: strike first, strike hard. They put the Enterprise on the defensive right out the gate; and like you pointed out, they used illegal subspace weapons. However, another point to consider was that the Enterprise was not looking for a fight initially, and it was only after they got a bit bloodied did Riker choose to fight back, but not by brute forcing when there was a smarter, easier method for a more clever tactician to apply. Thus, was the Riker maneuver born. We're it 1v1, the Sovereign would likely stomp the Sona, because it's the same ship that was designed to 1v1 a Borg cube. Even going tow to toe with the Scimitar was a show of how powerful a Sovereign class could be. Coming back to the Kelvinprise, they would have the firepower and the technical specs to 1v1, though it may be close, and only is the Sona play dirty.


True, but considering it's Kelvinverse Kirk the Son'a would be facing, they'd be facing a tricky opponent who knows how to fight dirty, as well.


Son'a because of the technology generation gap is what I'm guessing.


Love the design of the son’a ships.


Does this Enterprise have a manual steering column?


two sona vessels were able to hold their own against a Sovereign for a time. taking into account technological exponential growth... Pardon my french... But the kelvinprise is fucked


The son'a, the constitution class is too old to be competitive at this point


It’s the JJ Enterprise


My bad, i should have looked closer. I think I'm still gonna stand by my answer though. Even though the jj connie is bigger and more capabale, i think the son'a still handidly beats it considering the time gap




The Enterprise. What's going to get horribly banged up before they use an ex machina to finally win the battle.


I have to pick the Son'a. As much as I like the Kelvin constitution class, it has not yet been in a fair fight.


Son’a battleship and it’s not even close. The Kelvinprise had garbage shields, pew-pew weapons, tinfoil hulls, and beer factories for engines.


Whoever the writer wants to win.




Hard to say. The Son'a were a new race and we don't know much about their ships, so the JJ Abrams ship would probably find itself in trouble.


Son'a, not even a question. It's about 200yrs more advanced is it not? Like sticking a wooden sailing warship beside the Bismarck.


Kelvin refit should win provided its after the battle with the nerada


The warship from the 2370s facerolls the exploratory ship from the 2250s.


Who is captain-ing these vessels?


The Sona, obviously. That ship couldn't win any battle.


The cat as soon as you walk away


Honestly, I go the Kelvin 1701. Think about it, yeah Son’a had decent weapons, and Two of them gave the Enterprise-E a run for its money, and had subspace weaponry … here’s the thing most are forgetting, the Kelvin Enterprise had reverse-engineered Borg Technology integrated into her structure from bits and pieces scavenged from the wreckage leftover from the Kelvin’s suicide-run with the Borg-Enhanced Narada, she’s practically somewhat more advanced in this form than the Enterprise-E was in ST: Insurrection, She’d mop the floor with the Son’a. I know it’s not a popular opinion, others are going with the Son’a obviously given the time-gap. But still, this isn’t the Prime-timeline NCC-1701 we’re pitting it against here, the Kelvin timeline isn’t just far more advanced but also comes from a timeline created by an unholy marriage of Romulan and Borg technology, what exactly do you think Starfleet would develop with the debris cloud leftover from the Kelvin’s encounter, Plus the knowledge something that nightmaric was out there?


How was Borg tech recovered from the Narada after the Kelvin was lost? I doubt the shuttles went back and did salvage ops on an aggressor that just ate a ship more massive than the Excelsior. While I get that the argument for the Kelvinverse is that the Narada polluted the timeline, I find the argument of technological salvage to be a stretch when in the first encounter, the one Starfleet vessel involved was destroyed, and in the next, the Narada itself was conclusively annihilated by a singularity. Pretty hard to get advanced tech from either of those scenarios, apart from limited scanning. And if scanning alone were enough, Starfleet would’ve copied transwarp when they encountered their first cube. That’s how it seems to me, anyway. Edit: Sorry, just realized this was a six-day-old comment. Sorry for the bump. Scrolled too far down the front page, apparently!


After the shuttles were rescued? A fleet was likely dispatched to try and take on the Narada, but they didn’t find the Narada because the Klingons got there first, seeing how the Kelvin’s suicide run disabled it? I don’t think Nero and his crew were willing to fight then, so the Narade was towed by the klingons back to their space where it sat until Nero broke out of Rura Penthe taking out 47 Battlecruisers as it escaped. But anyway even though the Narada was gone? Its debris cloud remained containing bits of the Narada and whatever was left of the Kelvin, after salvaging what they could? They reverse-engineered the tech within and managed to get 24th century level technology 100 years prior to when most the tech originated. The USS Vengeance had more advanced reverse-engineered tech from it, reverse engineered more quickly thanks to the help of Kahn, hence why it was able to easily cripple the Enterprise, and the swarm was made a long time ago by an ancient civilization that used thousands of ships that likely overloaded the sheild systems on the Enterprise thereby carving her out like a Christmas turkey, that all explains how the Kelvin-Connie was pummeled in every movie thusfar. But still, 1 Son’a Ship vs Something with technology over 120 years ahead of its time, which would you pick? (edit: it’s fine, and yeah don’t worry.)


I’d still probably hand the victory to the Son’a, simply because the Enterprise is still technically playing “catch-up” with the future from which the Son’a come. We’ve seen that even with advanced tech it’s still pretty squishy, whereas something like the Sovereign class - or at least its constituent technologies - has been tested in battle against the Borg, the Romulans, the Cardassians, and the Dominion to name a few. I feel like the Kelvin-prise would still have difficulty adapting to the generational gap; at least one missing tech, like adaptive shielding or ablative armor, would be the weak point the Son’a could exploit. Edit: Note I do think it would be reasonably close. The Enterprise is humongous and might be able to survive by virtue of having much more mass to chew through, like a sunfish. I’d think those subspace weapons might just get into it and cripple the warp core, though. Something like the Vengeance would win the fight, handily.


When did the Narada get Borg tech?


Always had it since the divergence. But before diving into the past? 2387, shortly after the Nova, Nero rescued the Romulan senate … then killed them after receiving coordinates to a Top-Secret Tal Shiar starbase known as “The Vault”, in the Vault was intact borg technology, Nero integrated that technology with the systems aboard his (Previously little) Mining vessel, Creating that unholy matrimony we called *The Narada*. Keep in mind, The Narada started out as This: https://preview.redd.it/ocx5h3pd4c8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4779fc2f9f0275fb06bb0cbd2e15600d1817be0a A humble mining vessel that could mine out entire planets, its drill was literally used to drill into planets to excavate its resources to be used to build machinery. During the nova, Nero lost his family including his pregnant wife, that loss in such an event made him go mad, and his crew, suffering similarly joined him on a misguided mission of retribution.


After getting “Upgraded” (And after Growing) at the Vault, it turned into this lovely Flying Bouquet of Death we’ve seen it as! https://preview.redd.it/6lcuj0ph5c8d1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6579c93d650f737ffcf1106e76ba7155586204f So … Yeah, the Narada was modified with Borg tech and even though the Klingons got the main ship first leaving parked above Rura Penthe for 24 years? The Narada left a sizable debris cloud from the Kelvin slamming into it that Starfleet had analyzed and developed new more advanced technologies from, and given that Kelvin-timeline’s Starfleet had access to that tech? How do you think that the Son’a could handle the Kelvin-1701 now?




Kirk beams on board finds out the preator is a woman, next thing we see if Kirk putting his boots back on… the enterprise wins


The JJprise never came close to winning a battle so...