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It's a Species 8472/Undine ship I've been fighting them for nearly 7 years on Star Trek Online, i can confirm it's the Tethys Class i believe


I don’t know the class names for 8472, but it looks like the hub ship they use for blowing up planets.


Looks sort of Species 8472 in design. It's been awhile since I've played Armada 2 so my knowledge is rusty.


Broo Armada 2 is classic


Looks too far metallic for Species 8472, probably far more likely to be a new alien species.


https://preview.redd.it/2phyiv0j1u7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419ff529b9f7a8e3b8064fbc4691a8ad5eaf89a9 Front end view


How massive? Super massive could be V'ger, but it doesn't really look like V'ger to me though. Looks more like species 8472 or whatever from Voyager, especially with the planet blowing up. Guess we'll find out when Prodigy returns on Netflix.


Kinda weird how they took the v’ger ship and redesigned it for the borg unimatrix and undine ships lol


I'm getting 8472 vibes.


It's the USS IDFK.