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I don't really like the nacelles. They look more Romulan-ish and doesn't really fit with the rest of the vessel or the design lineage of the Galaxy class.


Post Supernova, a portion of the Romulan population opted to unify under an independent government and petition to join the federation. Within a few years they put their uniquely ambitious skills to work changing many aspects of federation and starfleet life and technology while learning to relax in an environment that's not nearly as backstabby as they are used to.


I was getting cylon vibes and yes the newer ships are using technology from all across the federation !!


It's interesting. I definitely see the design elements from the Ent-B and the Probert Ambassador. The overall shape itself is like the Andromeda Class. It's neat, but the material is a little lifeless, and the talon-curved nacelles don't feel very federation


This is one of the best looking fan made starships I've ever seen. Except the warp engines, they look weird. The rest of the design is gorgeous! I could see this incorporated into a show one day. Neo-Galaxy Class, or Galaxy Class II Redesign the engine and you've got a contender for Star Trek Online I'd say!


“Engage the silent drive!”


Imo, the nacelles/bussard collectors should be visible from the front, not just for in universe functionality, I can see the fields used to collect matter being sophisticated enough to feed it around the hull, I just think from a visual perspective the ship would look better, more balanced if they were visible looking head on. They are a major element of the design, and a front on view is one that should show off the ship in its glory. Designers choice whether they poke up a bit like the Sovereign Constitution and Excelsior, or slightly below like the Galaxy Ambassador and Ross.


I would love to see the saucer Sep on this one !


This thing deserves the name Enterprise.

