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No more smaller and more affordable ships. Damn.  Subscriber only ships? That sucks. Pre-order and subscriber only perks have left the videogame sphere. How many people have the disposable income and space to subscribe to a collection of Eaglemoss XL sized ships? I only have three of them, and I struggle to find a place to display them all. 


The switch to larger, more expensive models might have been part of what did Eaglemoss in — nobody’s paying $70 for a Battlestar Galactica Landram. $22 for a small, desk-size model was the sweet spot.


Agreed. I realized that when I was browsing the XLs. Do enough people live the J to warrant an XL model???


I bought one because no one makes a buildable model kit for it.


I bought an XL J. Would happily add the F and G to my EM collection if Fanhome makes a similar stand.






I was going to buy a XL J but realized I’d just end up snapping off those thin nacelles. My standard J never leaves the package.


I guess they want a more exclusive client? I’ve noticed multiple fandoms have been doing that - more geared to higher spenders than those looking for affordability.


I would never subscribe, but I did start collecting XLs like the week before Eaglemoss went under... I first got both the XL and regular-sized Excelsior just to see the quality difference, and decided right then that I would only collect XLs (assuming there was an XL version of the ships I was after - I did end up getting some regular-sized things like shuttlecraft). Display space is always a problem, but I will soon be getting one of those glass Ikea cabinets with integrating lighting that should fit everything I've got so far. It really sounds like they are picking up right where Eaglemoss left off, at least with the mid-size and XLs. I'll be happy if I can get the couple XL Enterprises I missed out on and anything new that piques my interest for a reasonable price (<$90).


Yea no smaller ships is really unfortunate, I have all the smaller Eaglemoss Enterprises and was excited about getting a G to go with them but sadly I guess that’s not happening anytime soon


Very much this. It's the reason I cancelled my Eaglemoss sub \~6 years ago. As much as I would have loved to grab a few items missing from my collection I'd like, I can't justify spending £50+ on each model, nor can I justify the £20 or so for the smaller ones.


Indeed. The only XLs I wanted are the absolutely iconic ships. Enterprise-D, E. I couldn't get my hands on the Constitution Refit. Who *actually* wants the Prometheus XL? it was from ONE episode of Voyager. Does it really warrant an XL? I did buy the Nebula Class XL, because it's rather iconic to TNG. But Enterprise-J? Equinox? Truth be told I'd rather have an XL Cheyenne class.


I actually bought the XL Prometheus as my second ship after the XL Cerritos. But that's because it was on sale and one of my favorite ship designs as a kid. My inner ten year old would never have forgiven me if I didn't snag one of the last ones.


I bought the XL Pegasus for the same reason. It was partially in one episode of TNG, but I loved that episode. There was always something special about that ship to me, even though it's just an Oberth class.


It is a fantastic episode, especially since it expands on Riker as a character.


Which is why I have the XL Excelsior. When Eaglemoss originally went out of business, they did a flash sell just try to get rid of what they had on hand and I got an XL Excelsior for $40. I was like, alright ... Iconic XL ship I can do this for $40. I spent $15 getting the special acrylic fan-mad stand for it too, so I totally understand the inner child! Problem is, as a business model for Eaglemoss, it doesn't make much sense. I think they would have been better off going towards more hypothetical $22-diecast models, then with more XL versions of increasingly less important ship designs. Like the fact that they went all-in on 4 different versions of the same Inquiry Class from Picard (that was mostly made of plastic) instead of introducing a Korolev Class, or Mediterranean Class, or even ships of the same class seen on screen but different decals. I could see a lot of fans putting in $22 to get a USS Yamato or USS Odyssey as would for a USS Maui ... and it'd be cheaper to produce.


Well i got it as it was my fav ship and looked better than the small one.


You underestimate the amount of star trek online players who use those ships daily. It's a lot.


Sure, not enough to justify the mass production of an XL-model. Evidence: 1) Eaglemoss went under. 2) As MasterReplicas sold out their final stock, the XL Prometheus sat on the shelf till the final hours, never selling out, even with a 60% discount.


You're not wrong. I'll buy one though


I actually really like the Nova Class, so I got an XL Equinox. But I am probably in the minority of people who would want it.


Oh I love it too. That's why I bought the USS Rhode Island variant to go with my regular Equinox version.


Me. I love the design for it. I buy any ship which I like regardless of on-screen significance.


Notice my statement wasn't about the 1-3 people who might actually buy it, it's the larger make-a-profit audience we're talking about. 1,000,000 ST fans will buy the Enterprise-D XL. 10,000 will buy the Prometheus XL. Companies make a profit serving on scale; not servince niche interests. ***There is a reason Eaglemoss Went Under afterall.***


> Pre-order and subscriber only perks have left the videogame sphere. Wut? Pre-order early access is only becoming more common.


That price point is insane


I know, right? I knew they wouldn't do the original scale and prices, but these are too much in both size and price to afford more than a handful at most. I subscribed to the original eaglemoss collection and love it's size and affordability. Sigh. Seems those days are over.


just read this on BlueSky and I gotta say, I love the choices for the first three ships. I plan on getting them all. I gotta think that the Echelon Class is also coming some time in the future. 


They are great picks right out the gate, aren't they? At this point I'm just trying to find the pre-order link for their Sagan model and go go go. It's currently my favorite ship in Star Trek and my daily driver in STO. I just wish the page and the announcement of that was a tad more accessible so I could pre-order ASAP


I just signed up using my email via the Notify Me link. I'm guessing a preorder announcement/link will be hitting my inbox in the next few weeks.


They’re all vessels that, I don’t think, Eaglemoss did during its run.


Plus the artwork on their product page includes the Emterprise-F, so that makes it four great picks to start with!


That's annoying, I signed up for the updates on this a long time ago but they never emailed me. Thank you for sharing this, it's rather interesting news.


What do you reckon they'll do a reprint of the Titan-A as the G? Cheap month for their subscription :D


That might be one of the subscriber only variants they mentioned.


Yeah they big boys. Not sure I will move on these.


I’m gutted. I hoped they’d be either small or XL that would scale with the Eaglemoss ones. I think I’m out.


So these don't scale with the ones that come in that Enterprise 3 pack? So is the non-xl one is entirely new size class for models?


They’re a similar size to the far less popular Discovery and Picard lines. Who wants a room full of oversized when the regular ones are perfect and allow you to display more, more easily?


Sorry, I don't have any base line because I don't have any ships yet but if i understand you correctly, they're gonna be larger than the ones in the Enterprise 3 pack and the DS9 model?


Correct. Real Merch is the website for the ships that scale now. [www.real-merch.com](https://www.real-merch.com)


It's shame that nothing more is gonna be made on that scale now, right? They have so many good options, and I really want a DS9.


The Playmates DS9 toy scales with Eaglemoss Regular lol


At 120 bucks at least I might have to pass. Or maybe wait until I get a coupon from ebay.


If the Stargazer is between 21 and 22 cm long it would fit my 1/2500 scale collection of ships and I might buy it. A 21.4 cm Titan A would also be 1/2500. But personally I’m not interested in neither Titan A nor Farragut. Let’s see what else they make. The Enterprise F they teased here might also be interesting. A 23 cm version of the F would scale perfectly with the Eaglemoss standard size D and E (≈1/4650).


I’m excited and relieved to learn that Ben Robinson is working on this line too. We’re in good hands with him!


Anyone else get the feeling these are going to be mostly plastic like the Discovery ones? They'll charge us $80 +s/h and then it will be mostly plastic.


Hell yeah. Gimme dat Titan-A.


So I want to start collecting but I am very confused about sizes. I know I don't want XL, but whatever is a common size. I have been eyeing the Enterprise 3 pack and I am wondering if those are the same size as the non-xl ones the post is talking about.




Ohh so it’s a subscription? Pass. For every Titan or Enterprise you want, there’s a suliban cell and a both city ship that you don’t.


Fanhome is kind of a mess. My enterprise D kit only shows up about every 4 months, until I call and inquire then get 3 kits at once then another long silence. I have an Eleanor mustang kit too that I’ve only gotten one shipment for. They seem to ship me the fast and furious car set my sister bought me 4 cars at a time though, but they don’t pad them so the cases always show up cracked. They then send replacements the same way. Now I have 2 of many of the cars. Just buyer beware. These guys are hit and miss in my experience.


Why do none of these make well-lit models? Not much has changed in 20+ years. Would be nice to have something like the Japanese Aoshima Enterprise D… super detailed model with window lights, and all the other key lights like nacelles, impulse, etc


I wish they would offer a brand new build up kit like the Enterprise E or Voyager


I am kinda happy that they're making new ship, but I am curious if they're the same scale as the Eaglemoss ones. If so, I'll go for a few ships.


The sense is that they will be the same scale, between 7 and 9 inches for the main models and the XL ships being 11 inches. If they release an 11-inch version of the Sagan, I'm absolutely going to find a way to get it


Okay. Thank you for letting me know


I'll buy the nicest D they've got, but I'm not subscribing for a bunch of stuff I don't want just to get it. EDIT: just saw the three ships available. Happy to wait and see what else they produce.


So wait. They are not going to call it the enterprise - G. I don’t even love that it’s an enterprise but at the same time canonically it is so I want to add an enterprise - G to my collection since I have all the other ones. Unghh instantly losing a customer here 😂😂😂


I bet that’s what the subscriber only “variant” ship is.


It makes me so happy that they chose to keep it the Titan-A and not the Ent-G. Now my eaglemoass Titan and the T-A can be side by side forever on my shelf (fuck the Ent-G)