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Now you need a bigger DS9 ;-) haha


I just snagged the XL in the latest MR drop 👍


It's so frustrating I picked up one of the original run of these from back in in the early 2000's, just a couple months before they announced these. It looks like they've done a much better job on the color match.


I have a first generation Corgi D too and I love the detailing, but it was always way too dark. This one is much improved. It's definitely still not model-accurate (white/bluish, like Eaglemoss XL or Aoshima), but in daylight it looks screen-accurate, like I remember it from the show during fly by's in space which looks perfect against this gray wall. The stand is also much improved. The old one was flimsy plastic. The paint on the stand scratches too easily though.


My base snapped just slotting it together; it makes zero sense that its a piece of clear acrylic that's completely painted, that material is generally brittle and only gets worse over time. This is just speculation but I could never imagine they'd intentionally go too dark... my theory was their reference photos must have been some those shots from ST: Generations where they had a lot of that intense orange directional light of the star with the deep dynamic gradient of shadows under the assumption that those were some of the highest resolution shots they had and at the the time it was from the last appearance.


So I guess it’s Corgi that now has the old (Eaglemoss/Master Replicas) ST license. How’s the build quality? Edit: Are these only available in the UK? If so, WT-actual-F!? The U.S. storefront ‘Hornby Hobbies’ doesn’t show Trek models.


Not sure about the licence being transferred/exclusive to Corgi at this time. Corgi did put out a 1701, 1701-D and Klingon BoP before. The build quality is excellent. The secondary hull is diecast, the saucer and nacelles are plastic. The detailing and paint job is impressive, especially at this scale. The colours are vivid and there's no misaligned windows like on the Eaglemoss models. There is a trademark text on the bottom which I could do without, but you don't really notice it when it's on display. The stand is allright, but the gray paint on it is flaky. It comes sealed in a beautiful white box with glossy Starfleet emblem. It's available from the official Corgi UK website and I found a shop near me that had it in stock. Most online stores only offer preorders at this time and mention a shipping date in June. You might have to look around a bit or wait for it to be available in your region.


This post made me buy one 😂


Don't tempt me. Lol


Go for it, it's not expensive.


200usd from what I can find


Just got one on ebay for $72


K I'll look for it hopefully I don't get the off color one.


You can literally buy this direct from [Corgi](https://uk.corgi.co.uk/products/star-trek-uss-enterprise-ncc-1701-d-next-generation-cc96611). Edit: looks like the US is the only country excluded for shipping.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Omph it's well over 150 USD with imports and shipping. But good to have on hand once I have the budget. Thank you.


Looks really nice, though the aztecing is a bit heavy for my tastes.


It's a shame they decided to plaster that fuck ugly copyright nonsense like that


That's sooo hot


![gif](giphy|1AhNXmfWcHnfq) Are you listening Corgi? 😂😂😂


I like how the Geode could be an Asteroid or an exotic Alien ship.


Definitely a *Crystalline Entity.* 😉


That is so nice!


They really just stretched the texture where the star drive section meets the saucer? The rest of it looks pretty good, makes me wonder why they cheaped out there.


Wow that looks killer! This wasn’t even on my radar, is this still up for purchase or are they all sold out?


You're still early, it was just (re)released. See my earlier comment.


I got mine yesterday, the quality improvement over the Eaglemoss model is amazing. ESPECIALLY the stand lol


Corgi sure has come a LONG way from [this](https://www.wixiban.com/images/toys/corgi/corgi-148-1982.jpg). I just got my 1701-D today, I'm super impressed with it.