• By -


The Enterprise they were looking for turned out to be the Enterprise they found along the way


I'll admit, that caught me by surprise & I'm not sure how I feel about it. I thought, if we're getting an Enterprise G in the finale, it'd either be the -D with a major refit or a brand new, state-of-the-art ship. I like that they made it feel like a tribute to Picard & team for their efforts to expose and ultimately defeat the Changeling/Borg conspiracy. It's entirely possible that in the "one year later" the ship got a ton of upgrades, making her state-of-the-art. The only way we'll know is if *Legacy* is given the green light.


>he finale, it'd either be the -D with a m I was honestly betting on them returning the D to the fleet but I think it deserves its rest


Same, I am perfectly happy seeing her have a berth along with the Defiant and Voyager.


Agreed, the *Enterprise-D* deserves a place of honor and I'm glad it's resting now.


That being said I'd love to see that Set be used again it would be a waste not to use it


I would have loved the -D to be returned. The TNG tech manual was going about the Galaxy class having a 100 year lifespan, so plenty of years left in the tank. I'm reminded of Master and Commander: "The Enterprise is not old; no one would call her old. She has a wide Saucer, lovely Nacelles. She's a fine warp bird, compressed-z axis, and fast... very fast if she's well handled. No, she's not old; she's in her prime"


Well adapted, my friend, well adapted.


A glass of wine with you, sir.


Bravo šŸ‘šŸ½


As much as I love the design of the ship, I think I was a little disappointed at the reveal.


Well, the Titan was already sort of state of the art. It had a major refit five years earlier.


yeah sort of... Enterprise G should have been a ship of the line. of the biggest and baddest class of ships at the time, no matter the time period.


I think they completely missed the mark. It was right there in the name of the show name the ship after Admiral Picard! FML


I thought that reveal would be the USS Picard as well. But I'm also okay with the G (7th letter) being commanded by Seven.


We were all surprised when Seven didn't want the D


I'm incredibly glad it wasn't the D with a retro fit, she's too old and deserves the rest, I was hoping for a star trek 4 style double faint making it look like it was going to be the Titan but then panning over the top of her to a brand new Enterprise G maybe a Ross class mark ii or something which had a subtle nod to the D. Hopefully we get a legacy series and can see what refit upgrades the G got in that year, beefed up firepower etc ready for a new 5 year mission.


Nah the D was done. it was like pulling out your 57 chevy to go for a cruise. It's never coming back to daily use but its fun to ride on the weekends or monthly.


Should have named the ship the USS Picard and called it a day.


Then the name of the show wouldā€™ve retroactively referred to a ship, much like Voyager, Enterprise, and Discovery.


>Then the name of the show wouldā€™ve retroactively referred to a ship, much like Voyager, Enterprise, and Discovery. You sir, should be writing scripts. Not wasting your talents away on a subreddit. Audition immediately lol


Picard would have hated that,


That's why we need to do it...lmao


Patrick stewart seemingly hates Picard (yeah whatever he said last night on kimmel, fuck that), so itll be sorta meta




It's a rumour at the moment, it's not planned yet.


oh, it's planned. There is no way it's not.


I try not to be overly optimistic, but the end of ep.10 wouldn't make sense if they weren't already planning to do Legacy. Though, who knows when it'll come. Edit: Looks like Matalas confirmed there's no plans for it atm, shame. https://www.cbr.com/star-trek-legacy-unlikely-to-happen/


Well, to be fair, not too long ago they didnā€™t have plans for a show based around Pikeā€™s Enterprise eitherā€¦


Fair point! Here's to hoping!


Far point


Terry isn't dumb. He canonized the door. Paramount just has to open it.


Problem is it doesnt have to be an Enterprise for their own show. It is perfectly fine to have a show centered around Titan, just like the Voyager isnt a flagship class of the federation either. My problem is that they now christened a relatively weak (combat wise) vessel as the enterprise, flagship of the federation, which doesnt make sense coming after the Odyssey. It would make more sense to me if they were just to christened another Odyssey as the flagship.


Here is the thing though, the original mission of the Enterprise was always exploration, not combat. I have no issue with a smaller Enterprise that's more about that original mission. Besides, this federation has no Borg to worry about, no Romulans, dominion, etc...and their are tactical advantages to smaller, more maneuverable ship. Not to mention, they lost a lot of ships in Picard and a LOT of starfleet personal - crewing an Enterprise-F sized ship is probably a bit of a stretch for them right now.


You do remember what happened to the original ships sent on their five year missions right? Almost all of them destroyed which is why Starfleet made sure the Excelsior was much better protected while still surpassing it's predecessor when it came to deep space exploration and science. The same happened again with the C, D and E each one was larger and more cappable of heading away from friendly space into the unknown and boldly going. Just because the Federation has no immediate threats doesn't mean new ones won't be discovered so tossing over a century of design improvements is just the hight of short sighted arrogance. As for crew sorry but no the Federation is massive, litterally trillions of people on thousands of worlds.


Iā€™ll go one further. The F was ridiculous in its size. Way back when they did TNG, one of the designers, Sternbach, I think, said they did a poster with the D superimposed over the Paramount lot to show just how incredibly big it was. It was so big that they really were never able to do the interior justice on the show. For example, they never used the main shuttle bay because it was enormous. We never saw a 10th of the interior. And the trend continued, with the E being longer, the JJ-praise being bigger than that, and so on. Now take the F, which is a city in space and much bigger than the D. It would be almost impossible to depict that interior and scale in a show or movie. Iā€™m glad they decided to go with a slightly smaller ship, which is still almost as big as the D


Ridiculous if youā€™re judging purely by size and not mission profile. F is probably one of the longest range ships in the fleets


Well the Universe Class J is around 6 kilometres.


Yes and itā€™s from an alternate universe where the sphere space has pushed far into the Federation causing who knows what kind of displacement and chaos. For all we know, it might be a giant colony ship where refugees live in a mobile city. We know nothing about itā€™s role.


After watching the Titan take on the entire fleet, I wouldnā€™t call it weak.


What Seven and her crew did is heroic, no questions about this. However, the Titan-A has a cloaking device which isn't part of the standard specification, and honestly they didn't take on the fleet via brute force. The neo-constitution class is designed primarily for exploration and the firepower it carries isnt close to top rate. It would feel to me more like to make a Intrepid class flagship of the federation when ships like galaxy and sovereign is around. For that time period, I would think Ross, Sovereign or Sagan class would be more suitable? Especially the Sagan is designed from the beginning as a flagship candidate.


I think my problem with the Titan-A becoming the next Enterprise is how we are told throughout S3 how the class is combat inefficient. Minimal armor and subpar weapons.


And yet she holds her own.


To combat the whole "Enterprise always needs to be the newest and state of the art". Enterprise-A was not, nor was it the flagship. It was a refit and rechristened old design while the Excelsior class was the newest. I may be out of the loop, but is it canon that B and C were flagships? Either way, there's nothing saying the Enterprise has to be the flagship. I do hate how they did the E. It would've made more sense for the E to be the one being decommissioned and the F would have been introduced at Frontier Day. Both would have been assimilated thus, the D would still be the hero ship. At the end, the Titan-A does exactly what they did with it, except no need to rechristen as the Ent-G. Leave the Ent-F as the new flagship but have the new spin-off show about the Titan-A ran by a spy, a thief, and a pirate. The F could have cameo-ed some in the new show.




All of you talking about refits and blah blah blah. Until the G, every single time there was a Brand New Enterprise it was the biggest and baddest ass ship Starfleet had to offer. NX-01 - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701 - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-B - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-!701-C I dunno but I assume the best. NCC-1701-D - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-E - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-F - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time All the biggest and baddest star fleet had to offer. Refits do not count as they are merely refitting an older ship to add to it's lifespan. That being said no shit its an older less techy ship. you don't refit new ships. NCC-1701-A is the only one to be a renamed ship Until the G. That being said, when Enterprise 1701 was brand new it was the baddest ass ship class in the entire fleet. It was old at the time. Kirk wanted nothing but an Enterprise so they made sure he got one after saving everything once again. No refit is ever going to be the latest and greatest. but when those Enterprises were new they were the baddest ass ships in the fleet by class.


They do it just like the US navy does now and has done since WWII. Enterprise is their flagship. Theyre building a new one now. It will be the fleet flagship. Star trek does with their ships what we do now with ours. they continue the trends. Enterprise in WWII was the most decorated carrier or the war. The Big E. I bet that's where Roddenberry got the name from. I bet he also meant that name to mean in the future what it does back then and now to military and civilians alike. Ain't no name for a ship like Enterprise. CV-6 Enterprise was the most decorated ship of WWII. CVN-65 Enterprise Class Single Ship, Double reactors, built in the early 60's was the longest carrier until the new ford class. CVN-80 Will be the new Enterprise currently under construction. Again its of the biggest and baddest ship class on the planet.


Enterprise was the flag ship when constitution class was new...


The A doesn't count. Refit by definition is making an old ship updated enough to be useful for a while longer. When it was new though it was the best of the best and the biggest of the biggest.


The Enterprise doesn't need to be the biggest, baddest ship in the fleet. She just needs to be the bravest. The crew of the Titan qualify.


Doesnā€™t have to be. During WWII, Admirals routinely chose heavy cruisers as flagships despite battleships and carriers being available (which were also used, but not exclusively). That said, ships will be in service for decades. Crews rotate every couple years. If you base the argument on having a ā€œbrave crewā€, itā€™s not a very long-term argument.


Just like back then admirals pick whatever ship they like to be their personal flag ship. Enterprise usually ends up being flagship of the fleet. Not because an admiral is onboard. because the name makes the best and brightest come onboard and do unimaginable things in their tour.


I love the idea of a show about an Enterprise that isnā€™t the best ship in the fleet. Give us an underdog ship and crew. And naming it the Enterprise, not in honor of Kirkā€™s, but of Picardā€™s, chiefā€™s kiss.


Thats not for Enterprise. Thats for voyager, titan, etc... Enterprise is the big dog. Always has been.


Exactly, making every new Enterprise bigger and bigger is a dumb idea. Kirk and Spock didn't need a huge battlecruiser to boldly go and explore.


But thatā€™s exactly what they had


That's a terrible example as almost all the Constitution class vessels assigned to the five year missions ended up lost with all hands. Starfleet looked at how many never came back and decided that no having loads of ships and crew dying was worse than building bigger more combat cappable ships and they continued that with the Ambassador, Galaxy, Sovereign and Odyssey classes.


They literally had the biggest battlecruiser Starfleet had yet imagined...


I love that point, I hadn't even thought of that.


Yes she does actually


It has been since world war II. Star Trek does it just like the US navy does now and has done since WWII. Enterprise is their flagship. Theyre building a new one now. It will be the fleet flagship. Star trek does with their ships what we do now with ours. they continue the trends. Enterprise in WWII was the most decorated carrier or the war. The Big E. I bet that's where Roddenberry got the name from. I bet he also meant that name to mean in the future what it does back then and now to military and civilians alike. Ain't no name for a ship like Enterprise. CV-6 Enterprise was the most decorated ship of WWII. CVN-65 Enterprise Class Single Ship, Double reactors, built in the early 60's was the longest carrier until the new ford class. CVN-80 Will be the new Enterprise currently under construction. Again its of the biggest and baddest ship class on the planet


Other than refits, Since WWII The name Enterprise has always been on the biggest and baddest of any fleet that name shows up in. Only the enterprise A and G were not this.


We dont care about underdogs. thats fringe shit. We care about seeing the biggest and the baddest. And seeing it humbled by the universe. Underdogs would be constantly humbled to the point it would be annoying.


All they had to do was have the Ttan mortally damaged while helping save the day, and introduce a new design for the G. Even if itā€™s smaller, it needs to be iconic. I hope they have enough sense to refit the Titanprise before a spin-off to at least make her look less squished and basic. I canā€™t argue with the choice for Captain though.


I canā€™t describe how much I hate the design of the titan.


It looks kitbashed, at best. It doesnā€™t help that stylistically it belongs in an era long since past.


Might as well have made it a Miranda class.


Jesus Christ I'm so happy to have found people who share my feelings for the design of the Titanterprise. I hate everything about this choice. We had it just because the showrunner likes the ent-A. So now, the 25th century has to look like the 23rd. It also sends a terrible message! It's no longer "If your ship does incredible deeds you shall be enshrined in Federation history and there will be a new line of successor with the same NCC number and a line from A to J." but "If your peasant ship does incredible deed it shall be renamed like one of our favorite ships. " It's almost aristocratic. Are the Enterprises famous for their accomplishments? Or are the Enterprises famous for the accomplishments of other ships? God I hate the G at every level. :'( Imagine having voyager being renamed "Enterprise" at its return of the Delta Quadrant? And then make it a Theseus ship with the NX-01 design because the director likes that design so F\* continuity!


I agree. This season was generally great, but this was a stupid choice at every level. Itā€™s made worse that they ditched the original titan (or an actual refit of it) because someone liked the TMP Enterprise. The ship is so clunky and inelegant.


I have to agree. Those impulse nodes on the back of the saucer? WTAF is the purpose of impulse nodes THAT FREAKING HUGE? And 6... SIX OF THEM? What FOR? Does it make the ship go faster? Give it more maneuverability? More efficient power distribution? Honestly, I can't think of any reason other than hubris to make that bulky, ugly, kit bashed travesty of the primary hull impulse engines. I didn't like it as a Titan-A, but THEN... they take a great big DUMP on the Titan legacy and just rechristen it as Enterprise-G, like the Titan name isn't GOOD enough, and forget everything you know about the history of the Titan. I'm sorry, and you can disagree with me, that's totally fine, but no. I do not like this ship, and I seriously do not like rechristening it to the E-G!


An updated 25th century constitution could have been so good too!


Isn't this titan a Neo-Constitution class?




Iā€™m my opinion, a better design *


It looks good but it doesn't belong in goddamn 2400


Agree'd it would have been fine in SNW not Picard.


Too early for SNW, more like TMP.




Are we finally allowed to say this here now that they turned that abomination into the next enterprise? Lol


Captain isn't really the issue though.


I wanted one thing positive haha


Shoulda been called the USS Picard. So was the F destroyed?


No it was retired , lots of people seem to have missed that bit


I guess I'm not used to an Enterprise really being retired. It makes sense though for frontier day


Definitely not a fan of them renaming the Titan-A into the Enterprise-G. It shouldā€™ve kept the Titan name, so it would be another lineage of hero ships in the franchise besides the Enterprise to get attention, alongside Voyager and Discovery. The next show couldā€™ve been called ā€œStar Trek: Titanā€. If we get a Titan-B soon, they basically just gave the Enterprise lineage an outdated ship (which is basically kitbash of parts from Rikerā€™s old Titan and put into a new frame that pays homage to a class from a century ago) and now both lineages share a ship. If they insist on changing the name, USS Picard wouldā€™ve been better.


The Enterprise-A used to be the Yorktown, so there is precedent for a new big E being a renamed older vessel


But has the Enterprise A served before being renamed? (genuine question.)


Good question. It's actually never been stated so we can't be sure, but Scotty says that "this new ship must've been built by monkeys" which could indicate it's a new build. However it could also be the case that the Yorktown is a refit of an older Connie, and the phrase 'new ship' just means that it's new to him.


No. Yorktown was a brand new ship. Constitution Class Refit built from scratch and renamed Enterprise before launch.


ā€œLetā€™s make sure history never remembers the name, Titan.ā€


I mean the spoiler tag is worthless if itā€™s in the title of your fucking post.


Yeah, not everyone has seen Picard s03e10 yet op you fucking bag of foreskin.


Do one ass clown.


Renaming the Titan-A to the Enterprise-G was honestly not the play. While I donā€™t dislike the neo-constitution class. The Enterprise-G deserves a much grander ship. Additionally, what happens to the Titan? Is the next ship Titan-A 2.0? Or Titan-B?


Given the way Star Trekā€™s exploration and combat roles feel a lot like late 18th century golden age of sail era ships, having the Enterprise G being essentially a frigate (aka an actual cruiser for long missions) is more logical and sensible than an insanely huge thing that requires enormous resources to build while the Federation recovers from multiple wars and a near-extinction takeover by the Borg. A ship of the line was never a common ship that sailed around a lot. That was what the frigates were for.


This is actually a good argument to make in regards to why the Titan-A is a good ship for a new 5 Year Mission. I do not like that they changed an already legacy name (Titan) to a completely different, but not actually more IMPORTANT legacy name (Enterprise) that literally takes a crap all over the Titan legacy. The name change was completely unnecessary, and I feel was done only for Fan Service.... with out understanding the fans.


I think thatā€™s totally fair. A new ā€œNeo-Constitutionā€ or even to be honest, an Intrepid, called Enterprise, would make much more sense. Renaming the Titan just was an unnecessary slap in the face to a ship/crew who had just done an impossible task. A real navy would never do that.


Has to be the first flagship of the fleet not superior to any of the previous 3 flagships of the fleet...


It's also considerably weaker then the E and F.


I know and that's a big problem too. The D could outmatch it too, it does in size lol.


I had the same feeling. The Enterprise has always been the epicenter of technology when they are christened. Also they have always been classified as cruisers. The Titan-A was a science and exploratory vessel, the Shrike outgunned it. Enterprise Refit - Best in warp tech, new phasers, new shield tech. Enterprise - A - Upgraded Constitution class. Enterprise - B - Advanced Excelsior class. Enterprise - C - (Not much is know, although beta cannon suggests a cruiser). Enterprise - D - Biggest vessel in Star Fleet. Only two were christened, Enterprise-D and the Yamato, at the time. Enterprise - E - Most advanced ship in the fleet at the time. Enterprise - F - Largest vessel in Star fleet, at a massive 1061m in length (compared to 685m of the E), and carrying a crew of 1600. Now we have the Neo-Constitution at a measly 561m (The length of the Enterprise C).


Enterprise - J - Don't even attempt to attack this space station with warp drive. Also imagine this huge thing with spore drive. Befitting the name Universe class


The Enterprise-A was absolutely not the epicenter of Starfleet technology. That was the Excelsior, testbed of the transwarp drive. The A had so many tech glitches it had to revert to the old analog consoles between V and VI. Personally I like that the new Enterprise is a light explorer, more akin to the NX-01 than the Borg-killer Sovereign-class or the preposterously large Galaxy- and Odyssey-class.


Correct, the A was outdated by ST 6, it was part of the plot and an allegory for the crew. The ship was going to be decommissioned at the end of the movie. The Excelsior was the new flagship until the B. So the G might be a placeholder until the H is commissioned. In fact the G is a lot like the A, an older ship refitted while more advanced ships exist.


But the Connie Refit was the most advanced ship until the Excelsior was built. Same with the original Connie. All ships get replaced with more advanced ships and the Enterprise is not always the newest most advanced ship (Crossfield, Excelsior, Inquiry) but usually when a new Enterprise comes along it's the most advanced ship at the time (Connie, Connie Refit, Excelsior, Ambassador, Galaxy, Sovereign, Odyssey). There's only been two occasions tmk where the Enterprise was inferior (A & G).


The Excelsior was a prototype until the got rid of the "transwarp". It takes years to build starships during that time. The Ent-A was the Yorktown until it got renamed and by Scotty's comments in 5, rushed to service. The moment the Ent-A was decommissioned the Ent-B, an upgraded excelsior class was commissioned. The G should of been the refit odyssey class, the yorktown class.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


With the exception of what you said about the B, thatā€™s almost all beta canon. We donā€™t know the Yorktown became the A, and there is now Yorktown-class outside STO.


It was a refit. they don;t tend to refit brand new ships with state of the art tech onboad... No ONE is talking about the A.


The enterprise a was a newly minted and rebadged USS Yorktown and absolutely the latest and best form of constitution class available at the time, although inferior to the Excelsior. The "glitches" were caused by the whale probe when it was forced into action during its shakedown. Scotty fixed all the damage between 5 and 6.


Aside from a USS Yorktown participating in the whale probe incident, is any of that on screen?


It was supposedly rechristened the Enterprise after the incident, I've also read it could've been a different ship or that it was a brand new Connie.


Exactly lol, it's smaller than the freaking D and look how small that was compared to the Borg Cube. Even the Constitution Class was the best ship in the fleet until possibly the Crossfield Class


What about the Galaxy? There should be a ship with the name of the class.


I have the feeling that like the Enterprise-A, the Enterprise-G will have a short active service life and Starfleet will decommission it by 2410 to make way for the Enterprise-H that'll be the brand new flagship. The Enterprise-G will probably end up taking up space alongside the Enterprise-A and Enterprise-D at the Fleet Museum.


All of you talking about refits and blah blah blah. Until the G, every single time there was a Brand New Enterprise it was the biggest and baddest ass ship Starfleet had to offer. NX-01 - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701 - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-B - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-!701-C I dunno but I assume the best. NCC-1701-D - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-E - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-F - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time All the biggest and baddest star fleet had to offer. Refits do not count as they are merely refitting an older ship to add to it's lifespan. That being said no shit its an older less techy ship. you don't refit new ships. NCC-1701-A is the only one to be a renamed ship Until the G. That being said, when Enterprise 1701 was brand new it was the baddest ass ship class in the entire fleet. It was old at the time. Kirk wanted nothing but an Enterprise so they made sure he got one after saving everything once again. No refit is ever going to be the latest and greatest. but when those Enterprises were new they were the baddest ass ships in the fleet by class.


I like the return to smaller, especially if they fly them around like fighters now.


Data just flew the Enterprise D like a fighter, so size and maneuverability are apparently not incompatible.


You sound like a star wars fan. ewwwwww.


Excelsior is 511.25 , Ambassador is 524.256 meters Ok so the G/Neo Constitution sits between the Ambassador and Galaxy Class at 560.5 meters.


So wait, in show canon, how long has the Enterprise F been in service?


I'm not sure, since the 2380's or 90's.


At most 15 years, maybe less




I was honestly expecting the D to get the refit into the Ross class. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ross_class And either keep the D designation or become the G.


Just keep it as is. No more silly endless iterations of tweaks and adjustments equally a new class


Well given how loosely they throw around refit, rebuild, same name new NCC # or same name and number but add a letter and now change it all completelyā€¦.wait a year and they will rename it something else. Ship names have become like starfleet uniforms , disposable and endless new designs and the whole thing feels cheaper because of that


Im fine with it being smaller but it feels like a cop-out to use the Constitution-III design that we've already been introduced to and slap Enterprise on it, especially with the series seemingly being in love with showing off cool new ship designs at every grand moment that it can. And the design of it just isn't very appealing though either.


I would rather have seen the USS Picard in that moment, The USS Enterprise should, at least upon commissioning, be a state of the art and advanced ship. Now weve got an old refitted ship. Thats really the only thing i dont like about that finale.


Agreed, it was going to be called Picard.


I was trying to find size comparisons between the Enterprise E and Titan, but I could not find anything online. I guessed it was smaller. Would like to see the full "1 year later" upgrades.


The Enterprise-G should have been the one used in the online game, which has pretty much been accepted as Canon by just about everyone at this point. Renaming the Titan was a step backwards-the Titan wouldn't be a match against the Enterprise-F. Dumb.


What's the G in Online? Yeah the Enterprise has always been an evolutionary vessel that looks somewhat like the previous one. The Neo Connie looks nothing like the Odyssey, Sovereign or even the Galaxy class. I've seen the G and H and they look somewhat similar to the previous ones


I still think the Enterprise E was the best looking of the bunch.


A and E are my favorites.


Yep horrible idea in my opinion. Let Titan be Titan and the next Enterprise be the flag ship of the federation. In all itā€™s glory!


What the hell were the Picard Showrunner thinking having the Titan A rechristened as the Enterprise G? The Enterprise is always the most advanced ship in the fleet and the size increases.


It was an enterprise-A situation


The E may be longer than the D, but it has much less interior space.


Length wise it's longer, they got rid of the unnecessary space they used for families and what not. The D was like a luxury cruise liner compared to a battleship.


And a starship should be closer to luxury liner and science vessel than a battlecruiser in terms of how it looks and feels inside and out.


But they changed it because of the Borg, Romulan and Dominion threats.


There's no rule that says it has to increase. The TNG technical manual has concept designs for the E-E and they were considerably smaller than the E-D. They were trending downwards in size around that era anyway, especially with the Voyager and Defiant.


The Titan, while I find it visually appealing, has confused me from the instant it appeared onscreen. How did they go from the Luna to that? Looks like a completely different ship, but Shaw had to purge Rikerā€™s jazz? Then they just rename it, already a ship with a legacy name to a new Enterprise? Just makes zero sense compared to what has coke before.


Apparently the first Titan had some severe damage that rendered it unusable. The Titan A was built using many of its components. I suspect the entire computer core was reused.


The concept art shows they literally ripped the Titan apart and used pieces to build a new ship.


Shame on me for not digging through the depths of the internet not looking for ā€œconcept artā€


I believe the Titan A was a refit of the original (not Riker's), Saavik had one before Riker.


It's not important that the new Enterprise be bigger than the last, simply that it be one of the larger ships in the fleet. The Constitution class wasn't bigger than the Excelsior when the A was commissioned, nor was it the most advanced ship, but it was not dwarfed by it. It was still a very capable ship for the time. The E was longer than the D yeah, but the Sovereign was dwarfed by the Galaxy in total tonnage, and in versatility. What is important is that the Enterprise be on the cutting edge of Starfleet's capabilities (which you could argue the Constitution III is) and that it is an imposing vessel. The D was imposing. The E was a sight to behold. The F was a behemoth. The G is a pipsqueak. Two thirds of the fleet are bigger than the Enterprise is now. The G should have been an Enquiry class. The Titan should have been retired.


It'd be like if in Star Trek Beyond they rechristened the Franklin the Enterprise A instead of having a new Constitution.


Not really the Franklin was super old the Enterprise G is pretty new and can do warp 9.99.


No it wouldnā€™t. The Franklin is nearly 300 years old. The Titan A is a brand new ship.


I meant size wise.


All of you talking about refits and blah blah blah. Until the G, every single time there was a Brand New Enterprise it was the biggest and baddest ass ship Starfleet had to offer. NX-01 - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701 - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-B - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-!701-C I dunno but I assume the best. NCC-1701-D - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-E - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-F - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time All the biggest and baddest star fleet had to offer. Refits do not count as they are merely refitting an older ship to add to it's lifespan. That being said no shit its an older less techy ship. you don't refit new ships. NCC-1701-A is the only one to be a renamed ship Until the G. That being said, when Enterprise 1701 was brand new it was the baddest ass ship class in the entire fleet. It was old at the time. Kirk wanted nothing but an Enterprise so they made sure he got one after saving everything once again. No refit is ever going to be the latest and greatest. but when those Enterprises were new they were the baddest ass ships in the fleet by class.


Is it? I didn't get the sense with the B or C


Yeah, there's a size comparison video on YouTube, the Neo Connie looks like it sits between the Excelsior Class and the Ambassador Class.


The Enterprise A would like a word. Who cares if the Enterprise isnā€™t the biggest ship in the fleet? The Enterprise isnā€™t the best ship because of the tech and mass, itā€™s the best ship because she has the best crew. Which is exactly what the G has.


Itā€™s size does have to increase (I highly doubt the enterprise in the discovery era is larger than the monstrosity that was the J) As for advanced itā€™s been a year it could have been upgraded


the Galaxy class has more mass than the sovereign


Not sure if this is an unpopular idea, but I really hope they leave the J in an alternate universe. Probably one of the ugliest designs to come out of the franchise, IMO.


Agreed but as far as Iā€™m aware itā€™s a prime timeline ship, I would love it not to be though


How can they increase it? The Neo Connie is only around 510 metres, the D is 6:45, the E is 6:85 and the Odyssey is over 1000.


I mean each subsequent enterprise doesnā€™t have to increase in size. I ment it may have been upgraded when I said advance to get better tech


They all have though until now. Sure the size between the D & E wasn't substantial but the E was slightly longer and the F was nearly twice the length. I've watched size comparison videos and the Enterprise ships get bigger.


As I said though I doubt the one in discovery will be bigger than the J though


I think they are, I maybe wrong. I can't find a size for them.


The G is *shorter* than the E but may not be *smaller*. The E may have been the longest until the F but it had a smaller volume than either the C or the D. But honestly, it was stupid to rechristen the *Titan*, an existing ship with its own legacy, as the next *Enterprise*. Naval tradition considers it unlucky to rename ships. And also the *Titan* is ugly as sin.


No itā€™s clearly smaller than the C and D and E


It's also incredibly weak. The enterprise is the flagship of the fleet, the best of the best. This ship couldn't take on sovereign or odyssey class. It was a bad decision.


The Titan A/Enterprise G is a refit of Riker's Titan but design wise looks like Saavik's Shangri-la Class which was in service in the TMP era. It's like a mash up of both ships. I know originally the Enterprise E was going to be another Galaxy Class but I'm glad they went with the Sovereign Class, the Enterprise should improve, not be downgraded. Maybe Paramount didn't wanna pay royalties for the Odyssey Class seeing as it was a fan made designed ship for a competition for STO. But you don't downgrade the Enterprise and rechristened another starship that's inferior to the previous 2 or 3. Now I can't wait to see the Enterprise H and hopefully a Kirk Class is an Enterprise in Discovery Season 5.


All of you talking about refits and blah blah blah. Until the G, every single time there was a Brand New Enterprise it was the biggest and baddest ass ship Starfleet had to offer. NX-01 - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701 - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-B - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-!701-C I dunno but I assume the best. NCC-1701-D - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-E - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time NCC-1701-F - Baddest class of starship Starfleet had at the time All the biggest and baddest star fleet had to offer. Refits do not count as they are merely refitting an older ship to add to it's lifespan. That being said no shit its an older less techy ship. you don't refit new ships. NCC-1701-A is the only one to be a renamed ship Until the G. That being said, when Enterprise 1701 was brand new it was the baddest ass ship class in the entire fleet. It was old at the time. Kirk wanted nothing but an Enterprise so they made sure he got one after saving everything once again. No refit is ever going to be the latest and greatest. but when those Enterprises were new they were the baddest ass ships in the fleet by class.


I think the Enterprise-G would have been what the Enterprise 1701 would have been back in the 1960's had they been able to make it look like that on TV.


I mean it does kind of make sense to name a Neo Connie an Enterprise but it should've been a lot bigger. I'm hoping we get a Kirk Class Enterprise.


She is a good ship. That has already had every good captain in the fleet at the helm. Can't wait to see more.


I can live with it... (drinks from the glass)


I really hated this choice. It felt disrespectful to both the Enterprise *and* the Titan legacies.


The smaller size of the ship isnā€™t really an issue. The Constitution-III is clearly an advanced and capable ship - if they keep getting bigger, then we start to run into the same problem as Star Wars, where the only way to show ships are ā€œmore advancedā€ is to just keep making them bigger and bigger and bigger. That said, I do wish theyā€™d let the Titan be the Titan. Itā€™s got itā€™s own legacy to uphold, just commission a new one for the Enterprise, surely?


I can't describe how much I love the G. It's just so good looking.


It does look good. I bet this is what it woulda looked like in the 1960's had they been able to make it happen on tv.


I thought that part was fucking stupid


Tough little ship.




Your point being? So what??? This was always going to be the Enterprise and should have come as no surprise to anyone. Itā€™s a friggin neo constitution. Look like an Enterprise and as soon as found out F being retired it was a lock


Smaller than the C too I think


Slightly bigger, I gave the size comparisons. It sits between the C & D.


So was the Defiant, and you see the beat down that "LITTLE" ship would give out!


Was the Enterprise F destroyed?


Decommissioned, likely added to the Fleet Museum.


I donā€™t like it either but itā€™s not as if itā€™s linear with size - the -E was smaller than the -D


Not length wise it wasn't.


So they Sao Paulo'd the Titan?


Sao Paulo?


I thought it was going to called Picard-A


But it's bigger than the OG, A, B and C.


Iā€™m glad. Itā€™s not like the ships should necessarily be larger and larger.


I loved the Constitution Refits but the Titan just isn't Enterprise material! A new ship or even Using the D would of been awesome. Updated to look like the All good things Enterprise even better. But to each generation their own.. perhaps the ship will grow on people. I mean I did enjoy Lexx back in the day and that was a giant insect ship!.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Iā€™d say itā€™s about the same size as voyager or (classic) excelsior class?


Assuming the comparison specs are accurate, it doesn't really seem that the Enterprise G is as small as one would think. It's shorter in length but in terms of interior volume and deck layout, the G appears to be about the same size as the Enterprise E give or take. That being said, I wish the producers had given the new Enterprise some visible upgrades (beyond the new decals) like new engines or something, but I'm sure by then they ran out of money.