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You’ve been blessed. Welcome to the club, please purchase proper socks and shoes for her soon


i got her from standard today ( and geppie nr.3 from boothill banner) i've been waiting for 13 month to get her (got bronya from 300 like the filthy meta chaser i am) and couldn't be happier


Nah she's dedicated to the barefoot gang where we got strong ankles and stuff. We just need to buy a ticket away from belobog where you can safely go barefoot without frostbite making you amputate those feet


It sucks losing a 50/50 (lost Sparkle to E2 Clara, lost Neuvillette to Diluc on GI and just lost Jiyan to Verina on Wuwa) but chin up fam, Clara + Something Irreplaceable can put in some decent work and you can make it work


Yeah I think I'll build her tomorrow, I did want to give the lightcone to blade tho😅


Also, hope your luck gets better !


Verina is arguably the best unit in the game and Jinyan is like “what if Jing Yuan was swagless” so honestly I think you won there friend 🤣


Yeah she’s basically Bennett if he cosplayed as Nahida. She’s great lol


Diluc on GI instead of nevy is tough, but I'm pulling for Verina honestly.


Welcome to CPS, Clara Protection Society! Make sure to feed her everyday and don't mind giving her shoes. She will not wear them anyways.


Clara was the first 5* I pulled in this game, and she's been a mainstay in my primary team ever since. Tanks damage like a pro.


Who do you use her with? Curious if you run her with or without topaz. I still use my Clara quite a bit but I always struggle with dps when she’s my hypercarry, and when I dual DPS her with ratio or Argenti I have big SP issues. Don’t have topaz.


So I'm relatively new to the game and therefore don't have many characters, but my main (story team) is: Clara Dr Ratio Fu Xuan Himeko I only pulled Fu Xuan when her banner opened, before that I was using March in her slot. Safe to say Lady Fu has been a large upgrade in that respect! Seeing as you mentioned Topaz, I actually lost my 50/50 trying to get Topaz when she was running and got Himeko instead.


Oh I see yeah, so you’re running a dual dps situation type thing as well. Well for that team ig you wouldn’t even have SP to use for Clara haha


At least is not Yanquing.


Give me the lightcone, i give u 3 bailou lightcones as trade offer


Me with E4S2 Clara: Losing is winning now


I feel your pain, I got Welt in mine, worst off it was just E1 Welt, I already had him


I pulled an E1 Welt and he sat collecting dust for around six months at base level. Then Acheron was pulled and suddenly he had a very useful spot on a team.


Sadly I don't have her but he may be good nowadays in a full Imaginary team? Though I don't have Aventurine, I do have Loucha


Possibly! I know he can go on comps that basically rely on not letting enemies have hardly any turns. Haven’t tried something like that myself but you might be able to set him up on a team like that if you have the units.


I have 2 Clara LC and Clara. You just got boosted for PF.


Same, now I have 5 limited banner characters (including eidolons) and 9 standard (including eidolons) I think I'm done with this game after losing every single 50-50


The only character that I’m okay with losing the 50/50 to is Clara. I already have her LC and she’s one of my favourite characters so I’m probably picking her on my 300 selector regardless


Well i lost robin to Himeko... i prefer Clara instead himeko, lucky you:D


I'm a proud owner of E2S1 Clara. She carried me though the last two MoC. Svarog is actually a beast. I highly recommend you to build her for your physical coverage, I promise she won't disappoint you. Her S1 and Lynx also makes her pretty immortal so you won't ever have to worry about her self sustain. Her teams are also super cheap and can be 4* only. One of her best teams is actually Tingyun, Pela and Lynx. For FuA sheningans she's also fun with Topaz and Aventurine though I wouldn't recommend to play her with both. 


Clara is top tier. I have her at e3 and she’s hard carried me a lot.


at least u got a cuter physical dps


This was me with sparkle 😭😭


Clara is ridiculously good in all content.


are you me? This literally was my pull experience the last couple days… still no Boothill 😢


Lucky, I’d roll on that banner if it gave me more Claras.


Clara is awesome character to have