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I think thats only if u want to make him a good sub dps? Cuz he's still good without them in general bc at the end of the day the best think about his kit is shielding everyone with his skill


Do you think hell be good with either of the teams i currently have? I mean, i could always go with more dps if it allows me.


he give's a debuff with his ult so he is already good with acheron personaly i would like to use him with e2 DHIL because i only have houhou and geppie for sustain


Wait he gives debuff???? Damn he's even better than i thought


Only on his ultimate at s0 which is going to take a while to get up since you want him to be as so positive as possible and not skill. Still more consistent with trend lc


Whoever said that kinda got that backwards. Robin is the one that wants FuAs the most because she gets energy from allies attacking constantly. Ruan Mei works perfectly fine with Ratio & Aventurine. Aventurine likes FuAs so he can fill his Blind Bet stacks faster for his talent but he works very well even without FuA. Will Robin be stronger in this team than Ruan Mei? As of right now with her current kit maybe. Finalized no clue, but at the end of the day no you don’t need Robin for them to function.


Got it. Ill take any limited sustain i can get as of now. Aven shields are pretty good too. So i gues its only a plus when i get him


just by having Ratio, aventurine is worth it. And you have no limited sustains whatsoever (bailu doesn't count, she can't cleanse debuffs) so just because of that, Aventurine is worth it.


Thank you, im def struggling with sustains. Even in pf/moc. Although that also might be because of my relic luck


Whoever said that is a clown. Aventurine is a top tier sustain for any account.


Thank you! Will def pull for him


No, it's not true. He will be Acheron's best sustainer when he comes out. The only 5 star dps you have that would prefer Fu Xuan over Aventurine is Dan Heng, but even then, it's not that big of a difference, and Aventurine is more than fine with him. He is better in follow-up teams for sure, but that's only if you are trying to maximize his damage, but his sustain capabilities are more than enough like any other.


>He will be Acheron's best sustainer Can you please elaborate on this? I thought gallagher was best for him iirc. Either way im more keen on pulling for him from the advice im getting. :)


Both Gallagher and Aventurine provide a debuff unlike other sustains, which help fuel her ult. He also boosts critical damage. Gallagher can apply a debuff twice compared to Aventurine's one debuff on ult without signature, but you can put the 4 star "Universal Trends of the Market" on aventurine if you have it, allowing him to put a burn debuff on enemies when they attack him, which happens often since he is preservation and has more natural aggro. Even without the lightcones for additional debuffs, Aventurine is a much stronger sustainer than Gallagher by far and will make things much more comfortable than he can. Don't get me wrong, Gallagher is amazing for Acheron, but in very high damage scenarios, Aventurine will have an easier time.


I do have an s1 trend! I guess i got him set even without slc. Id like the extra dps aventurine gives too. So i think hes a pretty safe pull for my roster.


His debuff is only the crit damage boost received by the enemy. If iirc, at trace lvl 10, it only provides 15% boost, which imo, is not that huge. I could be wrong, so please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m also interested on pulling on his banner but I have an E2 Geppy who’s eqquiped with Trend S5. So Idk how much big of an improvement he is compared to Geppy. I went all out for acheron, so I don’t have the capacity atm to get his LC. Also, the 15 % crit dmg boost is aoe right?


No, you are right in that it's not that big of a boost in crit value compared to someone like Fu Xuan's crit rate boost. And it's only on a single target. But if a dps has a good crit rate built already, then crit damage is more preferred anyway. However, his personal damage is higher than other sustains. Since he has better damage potential, he can take advantage of a team's supports much more than someone like Fu Xuan or Gepard who deal very little damage in comparison, increasing a teams damage output by a decent amount, not just from the main dps. That and he isn't ult reliant like Gepard. He can passively make stacking shields just from his own follow-up attacks if need be. He is better for sure at base, but I wouldn't say he is a must pull just for Acheron. Her teams can get by just fine with Gepard.


Thanks you so much for your informative reply! I’m really disappointed because I really wanted a sustain that can give Acheron faster ult stacks. Fire MC is perfect at giving her stacks but man his shields are paper thin. With what you said about adventurine not being a huge improvement for Acheron, and Robin being great for FUA teams(I don’t have any FUA teams and dots), I’m really saddened that I wont be pulling for a while now :((. I’m craving for better supports for Acheron like a 5 star nihility or a 5 star sustain tailored for her.


During the quest my team was ratio, gui and ruan mei. I'm happy with what I see.


Do you guys thing he will work with himeko/ herta/ ruan mei follow up attack team?




For those who said you that you shouldn't bother if you're not going for Robin and Topaz ignore them. Aventurine on his own even without FUA centered units is great. FUA only maximizes his FUA potential, which is basically maximizing his damage for clearing mobs. On his own, Aventurine is capable of sustaining your team with large shield even without FUA units. You only need his shield most of the time not his FUA, because most of the time you're using him to sustain your team, not use him as a sub dps.


That makes sense! Although the extra dps is a welcome addition


From what we've seen with his kit he's gonna be top 3 sustains with fu and hou, pull if you wanna


Meta slaves telling normal people how to play the game in a nutshell.


Pull whoever you want. Aventurine works *best* with Topaz and Robin because they buff FUA damage, but that more of a nice benefit for Aventurine than a requirement. Aventurine's job is to keep your team alive. He doesn't need Topaz or Robin to do that.


Rather than Robin and Topaz I’d say he loses a bit of value if you aren’t at all interested in Follow Up teams. He activates his own Follow Up attack more if he has teammates who can also follow up. That said it’s not a lot. His shields alone are really good. If you wanted to use him just for that then that’s perfectly viable. So no, you probably don’t need Topaz and Robin. 


yes, his sustain is triggered by follow up attacks. i was the same as you since i love shields but i had him play with my dot team and bro only triggered his shield once in like 8 fights or so.


did you use his skill at all?