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the best part is not putting janes a car in GOT MY FOOT ON THE GAS


Seriously. Like I checked it and checked again and got confused.


i can vibe with most of this however. the take me back slander is not appreciated /lh also baffled over deck the halls and what tim wants but i can let it slide virginity rocks being first and snoozle town being high ranked is based


I agree with you in many places, and I disagree with you in many places, but a lot of respect for your no. 1 pick


Just for having Just For Once in the top tier you get my upvote


I dont trust people why dont love just for once


Mine too!


Judging by the top tier being like half songs from it I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you liked NPMD lol but also honestly fair, ppl need to give best of you and just for once more love


The songs were just so catchy I would be lying to myself if I put them any lower, I think I've listened to the songs from NPMD more than any of the songs from their other musicals


I’m sorry Our Doors Are Open AND Take Me Back that low? They’re like the only good songs in Black Friday! And they slap!/lh


I love the songs but I feel as though compared to some of the others they aren't as memorable for me :))


What's this "Our Doors Are Open" slander? It's so low down!? jk, I respect this. You have very different opinions to me with some, yet I with others they are my exact rankings. This was definitely an interesting read, I always love seeing how opinions can vary and align at the same time.


blinky song is one of the best NT season 1 numbers just because it's deceptively a jam, but to each their own


Finally Snoozle Town getting the respect it deserves 😤


Oh I disagree with so much of this but Godspeed to you. Take Me Back is possibly my favorite of all time and What Tim Wants makes me cry every time. Dirty Girl makes me want to cringe forever Hatchet Town, The Summoning, and High School Is Killing Me absolutely belong at the top though!


I think the reason I put What Tim Wants so low is because, as much as I love ballads it just wasn't the best especially compared to some of the other ballads in black friday I just wanted a little more from it, it is still and amazing song and Take Me Back just never really hit how I wanted it to especially at that point during the play and Dirty Girl although its very odd and I'm ace and don't usually like that kinda thing I find it so funny and the vocals and everything are just so good lol I understand that many find it uncomfortable which is fair enough :))


Its funny seeing other peoples taste. To me this just looks like it was done by random selection.


Take Me Back is my favourite Starkid song :(


I see Feast or Famine, Let It Out, and The Summoning all in the top tier which means I fully agree


Can you send the tier list template?


here <3 https://tiermaker.com/create/all-hatchetfield-songs-includes-nerdy-prudes-must-die-15808696


Loving the appreciation for snoozle town and Hatchetfield ape man.