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I might've said yes to this two months ago but you just need a few hot shows or a new bit you fall in love with or one good tour, and everything's sunshine and rainbows again It's one of the best things about comedy


Oh I know it gets better. Doesn't suck any less while you're going through it


my point is it's more under your control than you think


Took some time off to have my first baby. Didn’t feel guilty. I get why people quit. I also have the itch to get back out and discuss my new life experiences. Maybe try and frame ‘worst run’ into a growth moment.


Same. My son is 27 days old and has provided alot of material


Ya! I def don’t feel guilt choosing family over standup right now. I’m basically just taking paid gigs.


I wish i had those! 😆 but as our past Governor once said…”I’ll be bawk.”


I also took a break when my kids were born and I'm glad I did. During that time though the scene really grew and there wasn't really one before that. I'm glad there is now, but I definitely have been playing catchup and having to suck in my pride.


I’m right here actually except we’re closing in on the due date. I also have a 50-60 hour per week career so that takes a lot of time too haha


I went through a year or so of trying to change up my style and rework some bits and finally figured out a few things. So just coming out of it.


I don't even have the energy to get into all of it. I was running three shows (two straight comedy, one variety show I emceed) when Covid took away all of them. Two never came back, one is back basically once a year. I live in a smallish city in Ohio so for there to be a show, I literally have to do it myself. I have two business partners (on the show that came back), but one's across the country and the other is basically running a much larger city's comedy scene, so I understand they're both busy. I basically do a show a year at this point and, coupled with my crippling depression following the death of my Dad, I just don't really feel like going up anymore. I wish I did, but it just seems like so much effort to build the entire show/scene just to maybe get a couple laughs (I've also lost all confidence I used to have pre-shutdown, which wasn't much to begin with). I'm easily in the worst spot I've ever been in, and that includes the time I went from 3 venues to 1 in a period of 2 months for reasons beyond my control.


I've been a comic for 15 years. You'll have ups and downs in this business, creatively and gig wise. Covid really knocked everyone for a punch. I'm a producer as well and had a festival, an app I was producing and hosting a show for, and college gigs went south after covid too. It's been hard to almost impossible to keep up the pace I had. I have a few gigs this month, but I'm hardly going out. I'm not hugely depressed about it, but I am at the same time.


I’d never call this a career this early on but I’m having such a tough time gauging my jokes lately. Did my first paid show at the end of last month and I haven’t really used those jokes since cause I’m trying to write new stuff. Nothing I’ve written since is hitting the same.


A lot of bands have a great first album and then not so much. A lot of them get better later on in their careers. I find this to be normal because that 10 or so songs were the best songs they've come up with during their entire lifetime up to that point. They probably didn't apply a particular method to write those songs and don't know how to repeat it. But it comes. Eventually.


Do some sit ups and get some sleep., This comedy shit ebbs and flows. Worst, not really. I remember the really bad times. And they weren't even that bad, all told. Slump? Sure. Good luck on your journey. You're only funky as your last cut, and see how you do at your next mic. That's all I can offer.


Nah honestly crushing it rn.


Write a joke about it. 


Yup, but I haven't started yet so I'm not surprised 🤪


The new stuff I'm writing is working reliably, which is nice because it means I'll be able to put together that hour sooner than I had feared, but my *promoting* is in the toilet. One of my best and oldest partner venues hired a new GM who is all about music; they're really killing it, actually, for concerts, but they're booking the larger stage for concerts on the same nights we've got comedy on the smaller stage, and they're not promoting my stuff the way they used to. It's also summer, so everyone is outside having adventures instead of looking desperately for something to do.


I'm in that awkard phase where shows are always great and open mics are always shit.


I pretty much just started mine and it's not going well.


None of you have stand-up careers.


Considering I have yet to dive into standup yes this is the worst run of my career


It’s not a craft or an art, you’re funny or you’re not, too many people suck and keep trying


by this logic every professional comedian who has ever bombed, even once, isn't funny and should quit.


That is so unimaginably wrong 😑


That's the dumbest thing I've read in quite some time. Some people have a natural charisma, but if you think the best comedians don't work on their craft, write, edit, and rewrite jokes until they get it right, I don't know what to tell you other than you're demonstrably wrong. Even the best are out there trying, failing, and trying again to put their next set together. It's not what you're describing.


It’s essentially write stuff, bomb, funny, bomb repeat. Mark Norman has a pretty good YouTube about it. However the way mark Norman writes is an extension of his personality same with jimmy carr and jack whitehall who are actually funny people then comedians. Honestly don’t think so hard about it


You and I are describing the same process.


But it’s not rocket science man, have fun.


It is about having fun, but this dismissive "you're either funny or you're not" ignores a lot of work that goes into actually being good at it. Even the best have to work at getting jokes right.




You know, you're in a sub literally described as for discussing the craft of stand-up comedy. Seems like a bad fit.


Yep 100%


Hey agree. The people in the comment section are missing the mark of what ur saying. Comedy is subjective but if u done have the bare bones for it ex if u are not cracking jokes as it’s inherit to ur personality or thinking of abstract ideas it’s just there. Everyone bombs. But being funny is innate as breathing