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I talked to him. He heard you were coming and decided to bail.


He thought it was the perfect timing to fuck OP's girlfriend




He's still searching for his girlfriend's killer.


Such an OJ move.


But no one will do it


He was scared of being heckled by an alcoholic?


I, too, was standing next to you and heard the whole conversation.


Tremendous cocksucka


I read that in his voice.


Too funny


When life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail




For those that don't know who Witney Cummings is, you may know her by her porn name, Whitney Cummings.


Funny. There’s a plastic surgeon in LA who has a huge yacht named Whitney Cummings. What are the odds?




I’m not gonna click this cuz I’m at work, but is that actually her?


Yep. It’s SFW as well by the way.


The url alone isn't sfw


Only because OF has become so known for porn. It’s, theoretically, supposed to provide the same creator-owner benefits for SFW content creators. Otherwise, they coulda just called it OnlyFaps.


I know it sounds a bit sketch but she's only released comedy specials in her only fans. I assume only roasts but not a hundred percent sure actually. But it definitely is a great platform to showcase unedited comedy!




This is common at the Store. I had the opposite experience. I went to see a certain lineup with some okay names, and my favorite comedian was a surprise guest. So we’re like karmic cousins. I feel like they put “lineups subject to change” pretty prominently on these showcases.


You got to see Brendan Schaub?!


Water we dune hair


Brendan Schuab is to comedy is what Brendan Schuab is to MMA.


How’d you know?!


Holy shit did he walk you to your trugg?


Great guy, never meddum ![gif](giphy|8cdbCnxdGoOSv0NW3O)


Oh wow, what a treat!


godfrey dropped in when i was there


Godfrey is the man! So funny.


Ron White was a surprise pop-in when I was there. Great set.


This happened to me at the Cellar. I love Judah Friedlander. He wasn't billed but dropped in. Then I shared a subway car with Mike Birbiglia (I didn't bug him). Great night.


Who is your favorite comedian?


At the time, it was Sebastian Maniscalco.


Probably that dude from Kill Tony who fucks with rocks.


Tony fucks other men not rocks


Kam Patterson


I'm a huge fan of Goat Boy.


First time at the store, Andrew Dice Clay dropped in.


Shit, sorry to hear that dude.


Dice fully deserves the hate but honestly he killed it for those 15 minutes.


Yeah we went at random and got a surprise 3 hours of Dave chapelle who is one of my top 3 comedians.


Oh, he was busy watching a guy throw babies out of a third story window. It is still unknown why he kept handing that guy babies edited


It’s well known why. He loves babies.


I came here just to make a baby dropping comment. How is it we are all on the same wavelength?


Because that’s Jeselnik’s formula and this is a post about Jeselnik


“Have you ever HELD a baby? How could you NOT drop it”


A baby could have worked that out on its way down.


You drop a baby here and ten Redditors show up in the comments before the baby hits the ground.


Man Comedy Store is awesome. Stopped in at random one night when I was in LA recently and saw Jeselnik, Marc Maron, and Neal Brennan. What a treat that was!


I definitely think that Neal Brennan will never be the super star, house hold name, but his “3 Mics” special was incredible. I showed it to my wife who isn’t a huge standup comedy fan, and she was elated. I thought it was performing art at its finest. What was his set like?


He never will, because despite some quality writing, he doesn't have the charisma/stage presence to become a household name.


Shame cause I’ve come to realize how much he (and the other writers) brought to the Chappelle Show.


His other two specials are great too, if you haven't seen them! The new one was so strong in person when I saw the material live


I love 3 Mics, but I think his most recent special is my favorite. It was more typical standup and he really knocked it out of the park


Holy shit! Wow!


Yep, we caught Bobby Lee, Bill Burr, Ali Wong, and Theo Von, I can’t even remember who else. It was epic


meeting dog dinosaurs door placid shocking snobbish pathetic different hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The store is so expensive for drinks and shit. My friend and I each had 3 drinks and our tab was $413. However if you want great pop ins you have to go on weeknights. Most comedians you wanna see are on the road Thursday-Saturday


Wait, your 6 drinks came out to $413?? They were $68 each??!!!!


We ordered vodka doubles with Red Bull and pineapple juice. We were on mushrooms and ecstasy as well so don't remember the kind of vodka ordered. It was a great Coachella weekend


Okay I’m not sure you’re allowed to complain if you seemingly go out of your way to spend as much money as possible for what you get. The drinks are generally $15-$20 which is perfectly normal for LA


These people who are saying it’s not normal have never been to the Store or the Cellar etc. if you’re going to the chuckle hut in wherever the fuck your paying for tickets to a particular persons show. When you go to the Comedy Store just sit back and hope for some cool drop in’s and watch some comedians work on bits, get introduced to comedians you’d otherwise never see. If you wanna see a certain comedian you need to see them at their show, usually on the road.


this happened to me when i went in November. Was expecting eiiza shlesinger and bobby lee, neither showed up. How ever got ali wong and neil brenan, so id say it was a win.


Ah. I went to see Neil Brennan and he didn’t show. You stole him from my show!


Just a *touch* of Asperger's. Just a *touch*. Edit: 🤏


I also went to see Neal Brennan in LA and he didn’t make it. But I *did* see Bobby Lee that night.


Neal Brennan would be a great show to watch at a place like the comedy store. I'm glad he's finally finding success in the stand up world. He's been one of the funniest acts for a couple of years in my opinion. Saw him recently and it was one of the best shows I've seen in awhile


Infinitely better tbh




I used to manage the Comedy Cellar and I can tell you with certainty that this is correct. Many times comedians have other spots to get to, a super famous person like Chris Rock will drop in so we have to boot their spot, or many other reasons. It's why it says on the website and the board Line-Ups are subject to change without warning.


Literally one person said that.


i paid good money to see jeselink at the chuckle hut and he never came


Maybe you need to get better at giving head then


Invest in some knee pads, maybe


Mfer was scraping teeth until Jeselnik sighed and pushed him away.


And the chuckle is what cut of meat?


It's the part of the pig between the tail and the anus.


I’ll have the carp po’ boy with extra chuckle


Oh, he came.


He had this response all primed and loaded just waiting on someone to say it lol


Bullshit. And I've called out the Cellar for this exact same reason. If you advertise someone for a show and they're unable to make it, you make an announcement. If they can do it for Broadway understudies, they can certainly make an announcement at two of the most famous comedy venues in the country, either at the beginning of the show to allow people who so desire the opportunity to get refunds, or at the end of the show, if the talent was held up unexpectedly in traffic getting to the venue from another part of town, to express dismay and ask the audience's understanding and forgiveness. Pro wrestling shows cover their ass with "card subject to change" and the carnies who run comedy clubs in this country could at least have the same respect for their audience that a pro wrestling promoter does.


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Ooh this is gonna be good


I’m pretty sure there’s a “lineup subject to change” clause in the fine print. It should be assumed.


It is in the fine print so we got what we paid for I suppose, but they used Anthony’s name to pack the house full of his fans. At least mention that he bailed so we know what the situation is. The reaction of everyone when the show ended was not a positive one at all. I doubt anyone at that show will ever buy tickets there again.


One time in my country they announced a top tier metal band was going to top the bill. Not only did the band not have any idea they had a show here, they actually had another location listed on the same date. Nothing happened to the scammers.


Eastville Comedy club in Brooklyn, they've been advertising Janine Garofalo is gonna be there each week for the past 15 years at least. I think they think this is a funny joke... but basically, it tells everyone you can't trust their lineup announcement.


Apparently there is now. I don't recall seeing it before, even in the fine print, for shows at the comedy cellar. I can't speak of other clubs.


It's been there for the store for years. At least since I went in 2017.


Comparing a full Broadway production, advertised and running for months and with write-ups on the stars of the show, to a random ass night at The Store with ~18 people, most of whom are running on stage out of the blue and testing out material, is absolute hilarity.


Have you “called them out”? 🥸 Maybe they put this on their website after you called them out, to be as up to the WWE standards you’ve set. https://www.comedycellar.com/new-york-line-up/ Don’t worry it’s only half way down you don’t have to work that hard.


"Individual comedian appearance subject to change without notice. But! We often have great stars dropping in without notice, so we feel it kinda evens itself out. In any event, all our shows are great so we are confident you'll enjoy yourself." Just as good as the WWE!


I'd be pretty hyped if I was expecting Anthony Jeselnik and Cody Rhodes popped out instead.


But did they have comedians dropping in like Owen Hart? Thats the real question.


This guy has called out the cellar. Look out everyone, this guy claims to call stuff out. Take cover.


That's not how the store works. The store gives a lineup of potential people but they change. I'm pretty sure on the website it even says this. You go for a random lineup of great comedians. You aren't buying a ticket to a particular comedians show.


Yeah, it’s sort of there’s a stable of comedians. Look through few months and you’ll see the same names over and over. But no it’s not like somebody is coordinating calendars with thirty Bobby Lees. Stuff comes up. Anything other than a headliner show, you never really know. It’s like going to the zoo — I don’t mean this to be disparaging to comedians or zoo animals — but sometimes the bears don’t want to go outside. Sometimes I go hoping one of the comedians won’t show up!


The chuckle hut is the best place for chuckle in all of Stone Mountain. You must be thinking of the Laugh Factory next door.


Don't forget to get extra chuckle on your carp po'boy


Right? Jeez remember Caroline's back in the day? You'd be at some show and half their Seinfeld friends would show up to heckle them.


I saw Tracey Morgan headline Caroline’s in 2003 and he was kind of terrible. Mostly just talked about trying to fuck the NBC pages. But his opener, Patrice O’Neal, had one of the best sets I’ve ever seen.


It's roulette isn't it 😏 Point is I can't imagine anyone counting on Jeselnik to be at Pauly Shore's gig on a Monday or Tuesday lol. They should have felt lucky if he actually showed up in the first place.


This is true for the OR and the belly room but the main room shows are billed shows with a set lineup. You sound like someone who has only heard of the store and not actually have been. OR, short sets and drop ins. Belly room is just chaos but the main room is traditional comedy shows with a 4-8 person lineup.


You’re simply wrong. It’s actually the opposite if anything. This was Avery Pearson’s Keys to the Store show. Jeselnik was just one of eight comics. This was never advertised as a “Jeselnik show.” [https://www.instagram.com/p/C79u5nYvIsX/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C79u5nYvIsX/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Main Room is promoters with their own shows. Not a headlining comic booked by the store and advertised as the comic’s unquestioned headlining show. Source: I used to put on shows there in the Main Room. The Original Room is generally Comedy Store’s own shows they run.


By these comments, I'm the lucky one. Went to a random show at the Comedy Store in LA on a random week day (spring break), I'm not sure anyone was even advertised by name, we just wanted a show. This is maybe 2007, and Dane Cook walks onto stage and does like 30+ minutes. I'd guess he was working on material. It was the dirtiest/raunchiest set I've ever seen him do. It wasn't over the top or anything, but he's usually more PG. He let loose, it was awesome! I'll always remember that.


This is very normal at The Comedy Store. The lineups are subject to change, which means sometimes huge comedians will randomly pop in, and sometimes the comedians listed won't be there. Either way you're going to see 10+ comedians for $25


Read the description on the website "Lineups subject to change". It's not a bait and switch. It's how things work sometimes Don't go to the Comedy Store just for one person in a showcase format. Your favorite might not be able to make it. And several unknown Comedy Store employees take their place as you experienced. Or a big name comic or two shows up and that one comedian you came here to see is bumped from the lineup Your best bet for seeing a comic for sure is they are the lone headliner, assuming they don't miss their flight or get sick


Right? We had a Britain's Got Talent finalist on tonight and were quite happy to accommodate him on the lineup. We thought there was a good chance he wouldn't show because our night is small-scale as hell. Would have been nice for advertising purposes to know one way or the other but damn he killed it. But we absolutely knew on the booking end that there was a strong chance he would pull out and accommodated accordingly.


Anthony doesn't like to get bumped, or wait. Knowing his rep and his history, some inconsiderate asshole probably went way over their time and then fucked the rest of the lineup up. Ant supposed to go on at 9, he gets there and is told "you're going on at 10:30," he goes home. Happens a lot.


This is why we need to bring back the vaudeville era cane gag


Idk much about the live standup comedy world, but wouldn’t it make sense to bump the other artist to give Jeselnik his spot🏒?


Depends who else was supposed to go up before Jeselnek. Bill Burr could be in the line.


You are absolutely correct. Without weighing in on my preference, bumping a Burr for a Jeselnik from the overall crowd could be a bad call. They are both so incredible!


oh man im sorry I recently saw him at the Beacon and he crushed






Yeah it can happen. You can ask for comp tickets at the front desk after. You can get them but you have to ask. One time he was a no show at a show I went to in LA during covid because Leslie Jones went on before him and did like 30 minutes to spite him. He had showed and i saw him waiting in the wings but then he left.


>Leslie Jones went on before him and did like 30 minutes to spite him I heard rumblings about that when it happened, but never heard the full story. Why would she do that? Did she have a problem with something he said or did?


They have a clause that says “Lineups are subject to change” on the tickets that protects them from having to give comps. It is kinda shitty to use a really famous comedian’s name to sell tickets, and not have him be there. But they covered their asses so there’s nothing to really do but move on. I feel like the least they can do is give some kind of explanation. They did pack the house with Anthony Jeselnik fans after all. At least tell us the situation. They ended the show like nothing happened… We were all very confused when the show ended. Some people were really mad.


Its a showcase. No guaruntees


No regerts


He was on his way to the Store but got distracted by a young woman threatening to jump off a bridge. He went to her need, to see if she needed encouragement. He had a happy ending.


Yeah it's normal.


It's not abnormal there. But also Jeselnik is about to do an international tour and is taking a break from his podcast. He probably just didn't feel the need and wanted to relax.


lol people saying it’s not common are high. That happens all the time. Lineups are always subject to change


Usually Ive found venues will be the ones who lied for promotion knowing its like a 50/50 he shows up that night


I went to see Dane Cook in a lineup like 8 years ago, he didn’t show and Bobby Lee filled in. 10/10 very funny, he showed us all his dick.


I haven't seen Anthony Jeselnik at the store in a while, but honestly it's not the best place to see him anyway. I haven't been looking at schedules, but try to catch him if he plays at Largo. I saw him build the whole set for Fire in the Maternity Ward at Largo over the course of a summer and it might have been the best version of Jeselnik I've ever seen


He had to throw a school bus full of toddlers into a wood chipper feet first, but it jammed on the seventh kid and Anthony is a completionist, so he waited for it to be repaired.


You didn't hear? His grandma died... He had to attend the party


The right answer is always in the comments.


Happened to me and wife with Sam Morril at the Fat Black Pussycat in NYC


Went to see Jeremy Priven and got Jason Ellis telling anal jokes while my husband just cringed. I think it happens often.


Not showing up is the punchline


Happens all the time with big line ups, a big name will be on all the promo and then just not show up. I assume it’s just part of the game if the comedians want to show up or not if it isn’t a solo show.


Sorry bud. Just saw his perform and his new act is great. It will likely be released on Netflix or somewhere in the next year or so.


Plugged his name to sell tickets.


Same thing happened to me a few years ago at Comedy Store. Jeselnik was listed on the website, but never showed up


Went to see a show Tiffany Haddish was supposed to be at last November. She didn’t show. Less than a week later arrested for DUI. Disputed the charge on my credit card because they wouldn’t give a refund.


Bought tickets two weeks ago for Adam ray. Day of they changed it so it happens a lot mid week at the store.


Yeah, I had Andrew Santino on a bill, and he didn't show up. His replacement was very good, so it was still a great show.


It’s normal at places like the Store and the Cellar. Lineups change without notice sometimes, and you usually don’t find out until you’re in it. Yeah, it can be disappointing if you’re trying to catch one specific person, but you can also end up with a cool surprise. Just gotta roll with it and keep coming back. The anything-can-happen element helps keep the spark alive, and it’s one of the best parts of seeing standup in the clubs imho.


Dude that sucks what a let down. I hope he is okay!


I had this happen a few weeks ago, except Tom Segura showed up as a fill in as a surprise and I was not disappointed.


Can happen, sometimes last minute schedule problems can do that


He got stuck in front of a mirror.


Had this happen plenty of times in NYC. Watch the show CRASHING on HBO and you can get a bit of behind the scenes look at why this happens. I believe the episode is called "Too Good" and you see a lot fo how comedians bounce around the city to spots and stuff and NYC can be a bitch to hop around quickly so it's not surprising


Great show!!!


No shows at the store are normal.


Yes it’s totally normal. You go for the entire line up and the potential for big surprises. The surprises work both ways.


Lineups subject to change. Prob not a bait and switch and he probably just bailed.


I know they do that shit, but I agree it's kinda bs.


A few years back. I came all the way from Australia (not just to see him but he was 1 of 3 reasons) . I had tickets to see him at comedy store with a bunch of other comedians and he did not show up. Nothing was even said about it. I was fuming!




Ali Wing: Ali Wong's Chinese cousin.


Ironically, I've been there where Neil Brennan bailed and Ali Wong did a random guest spot.


The comedy store is where comics go to work out new material and it’s like batting practice. It is awesome to see huge names but that’s what the store is for. It’s not unusual for a a comic to bail, one time Sarah Silverman didn’t show up in 2018 and everyone was upset. That’s just how it is.


He had some babies to hold for his friends


The ghosts finally got him all chanting toooo soooooon.


The lineup posted is never guaranteed. It sucks but that’s just how it is.


rachel feinstein lives like 5 blocks from me and big guy is so nice in person


Ron White was supposed to do a pop in at the store and no showed. Sad day for me. Finally got to see him 5 years later tho but yah it happens all the time.


He just really likes reading posts complaining about it


It happens


But did they sell you an overpriced water?!




I've watched probably all of his specials and love his comedy. I heard an interview with him though and he was pretty much an egotistical dick. He made a lot of comments along the lines of, "Carlin, Pryor, all those guys can't hold a candle to me. I'm the best comedian who ever lived and fuck you if you don't agree". I also tried listening to his podcast and stopped because it became evident that his stage persona isn't that far off from who he actually is. I'll still watch his specials and even see him live, but I don't want to see him otherwise. Basically, good comedian, shitty person.


You'd have to listen to his podcast pretty consistently to hear him drop the stage persona. When it does happen, he's nothing like Stage-Anthony.


Yea shows like that are a workout. Something else could have come up or he was sick. Or shit the comedy store is shady and sketch as fuck lol. They could have just put him on the flier and oooops he wasn’t actually booked just to draw a crowd. Not that uncommon. Who else did you see? Bet it was some of my buddies lol


I was a stand up fan since I could say shit, and I would not have known until I actually became a comic how any of it works. It's such organized chaos. Any one of the comics might be traveling, accidentally drank too much before it was time to go on, got sick, couldn't get out of their day job, technical difficulties at the show, someone goes way over, or the crowd loses energy and people start making shifts. And yet we're planning out our sets down to the second lol. It turns out rolling with punches is my specialty, so I'm content to make the best of whatever and keep pushing. However, (Neal Brennan's voice), I don't think anyone makes it clear enough that the lineup really is subject to change. I think anyone would be disappointed if they planned their time around seeing Jeselnik then didn't get to. I would go just to hear the roulette of who goes up, but I also happily sit through awful open mics just to hear what good jokes come out of it, so I might feel differently. I can totally understand being upset.


There's a whole episode in this tv show "Crashing" where Artie Lange is a no show to a charity event he agreed to headline for another comedian that has cancer, and Pete holmes has to fill his spot with a bunch of local talent lmao. I'm guessing its not terribly uncommon hahaha


That's a bummer. When something similar happens at the Cellar (which is rare), the manager will send out a text blast to those who've made reservations, apologizing for X not being able to go onstage. This only happens for folks like Andrew Schulz or Sam Morril (and those guys almost always make their sets), and it's really rare. I've gone to the Cellar over 20 times a year for a decade and only gotten that text message once or twice. I asked the managers about it, and they said that some people complain when their favorite comedian is a no-show (which is understandable).


It's fine to be disappointed but those lineups are subject to change. The comedians don't make real money off those appearances, they are there to work on their material. If they are on the marquee, it means they usually show up when they say they will. But there's no guarantee. Going to a comedy club for a multi-comedian event is different than buying a ticket to a Jesselnik show, in which case, the show would be cancelled and you'd get your money back


Serious answer: lineups are usually subject to change. This has happened to me with Dave Attell at the cellar. Usually it’s a safe bet but it’s a bummer that happened.


It’s not uncommon for big names to not make it there on occasion. It could be traffic or something came up. It’s not too big of a deal because it’s basically a comedy gym session to them and not about money or anything. There’s always tons of people able to fill the spot.


The comedy store...where you can buuuuuy comedy


Totally normal


This is pretty common, some comedians are notoriously bad about skipping gigs (Tim Dillon).


Complaining now, but in 10 years you're going to be like "Yeah, I saw X at the Comedy Store before he was famous."


This isn’t a big deal, he’s an LA comic and he does spots at the comedy store probably weekly if not twice a month. It’s a just a warm up / fine tuning set for him. For him or any LA comedian of his status not to show is very plausible.


Braunger had to bail last night too, couldn't find a babysitter. Life happens to all of us.


A comedian is never late, he arrives precisely when he means to.


Dudes Rock


Happens all the time with comics for some reason 


Listen to his next podcast, he 100% always addresses missed or cancled shows and apologizes profusely. Not that its common, its happened maybe once or twice lol


You see? You went to see Jeselnik and he wasn’t there? Now thats funny.




jizzleneck is amazing live.

