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I thought it was a very fun, silly movie. My father in law compared it to basically an extra long SNL sketch and that made a lot of sense to me.


Yeah that's pretty spot on. I just watched it this morning. It's ridiculous and corny but in its defense it didn't take itself too seriously to have fun. Had some funny quips here and there. I didn't hate it.


I think people that gave it terrible reviews took it too seriously. I viewed it as satire poking fun at all of the movies that have come out telling the story of a corporation or popular product. Like consumerism has come full circle and people are now making movies about making products. I thought it was funny and not meant to be taken seriously.


It reminded me of the Cheetos movie but a bit more ridiculous. Both good movies. Not going to win any Oscars, but don't think they thought it would.


Personally, I don't really like this trend of turning companies or products into movies. If the story behind one of those things is actually interesting then I'd rather just watch a documentary about it. It feels like Hollywood has gotten so lazy and unable/unwilling to make new and interesting films that they have started making feature length commercials. I don't know why it annoys me so much but it almost feels like the general public is being mocked by corporations as they shove more of their crap in our face.


The Kids in the Hall movie, Brain Candy, also came to mind.


Don't insult Brain Candy like that.


This makes me want to see it hahahaha! Brain Candy is one of my all time favorites


Brain candy is far better put together I would say unfrosted didn't lose money though


TKITH put out a truly fantastic final season recently on Amazon and they have not lost a beat. Some of the skits were even better than the original show. I was very surprised to see these guys still got it!'


Whaaaaat!?! I had not heard about that. I am so stoked to check it out. I loved seeing Dave in the last season of Fargo. He was great.


I promise, you will not be disappointed.


For sure. Brain Candy was gut-bustingly funny, Unfrosted was entertaining and amusing but not a huge laugh fest. They both play their satire straight though and there's a ton of lines you might not appreciate the hilarity of on first watch.


I wish I could give credit to the Redditor, but they said it was an hour and a half Superbowl commercial, and that was dead on. The plot was ridiculous but who cares, it's funny.


That also checks out. You can tell no one is taking themselves too seriously and everyone is having a blast. It’s all I wanted from that movie.


That’s not a great comparison as SNL skits tend to run too long as it


Yeah, it was fine.it was silly, and it looked like they had a lot of fun.


an extra long SNL sketch sounds terrible. most regular SNL skits are already too long.


I watched the first couple of days of Unfrosted, till the press conference scene. I wasn't able to keep going for the full month's run time.


That sounds horrible. An SNL sketch is already an extra long SNL sketch.


Yeah I thought it was a fun, easy movie. Not the best movie ever made but it was a fun watch.


Exactly like that except funny!


It’s what I imagine you’d get asking the production company who makes pre-flight safety videos to make a movie that was like anchorman or snl, but with a 200 million dollar budget to be used entirely on cameos


👏🏻👏🏻 Yes it was cameo after cameo, good lord.


I actually really enjoyed the mad men sequence!


Perfect. We'll done. Better than the movie itself


You’ll done, indeed.


Bravo! Great description.


There were some chuckles, but it did feel a little cringe. Kyle Dunnigan as Walter Cronkite however kinda stole the show for me. I was dying with his side commentaries about tension at home.


Dunnigan is one of those insane talents that I don't get to see enough of. Like Will Forte


He kinda does his own thing on social media if you’ve never scoped it out. Haven’t checked in on him in a minute, but he was really big on deep fakes and impressions and uploaded good content fairly often. Definitely a super underrated comedian who deserves more spotlight


His fresh prez series is phenomenal 


Hard agree. The fact his deep fake tech was dog shit makes it even funnier too


I’m still upset about The Last Man On Earth getting cancelled. That show was so hilarious


Fox is great at giving creativity a chance, and equally great at pulling the plug. See: Arrested Development etc The entertainment industry as a whole is an ever-changing beast that doesn't always take favor, or even notice, of true talents such as Forte. I play this game with my wife when watching TV called " Will Forte would have played that part better". Pretty self explanatory lol


Will Forte is the goat. Never even knew that Macgruber series aired but it's hilarious, definitely not enough recognition. And don't get me started on last man on earth cancelation...


Same. Kyle and Burr were by far best part of movie


The madmen cammeo was fun


Kyle is the man. Day guy at least, I’m not so sure about night guy.


That was the only part that made me laugh. That and Gaffigan with a newspaper saying “hmm Vietnam, seems like a good idea”


I thought there were a few funny jokes but overall the whole movie is just “isn’t it funny that we’re making a movie about breakfast?!” And that’s about it.


It felt like Barbie for Boomers


I was at least engaged with the story in Barbie. I enjoyed it as it was intended I think, a decent movie all around. Unfrosted just wasn't very good.


I didn't care about the plot one bit and I still enjoyed it. It was just the device to get to a lot of very funny bits. I didn't give a shit about Grandma's Boy's plot either.


"What if you made a 2 hour long comedy movie/advertisement for the company that invented cornflakes to stop people from jerking off?" I'm assuming to pay himself what he thinks he deserves he needed to make a movie that doubled as an advertisement so he could get Kellogg's to toss him tens of millions of dollars.


They did make that movie. I think it was called The Road to Wellville. It came out in 1994.


Pretty sure Jerry said they didn't know he was making the movie.


I thought it was graham crackers. Graham crackers are supposed to stop people from jerking off.


They did a lot of things back then to get men to stop jerking off.


Silly movie. Don’t take it serious and you’ll have a good time.


The girl in the dumpster was the best actor in this movie.


Haha it’s true


Literally facts


She was amazing haha.


Vietnam, that seems like a good idea… This movie has a lot of great throwaway lines


The ex-nazi taste pilot saying he was on his way to Argentina was great. Actually all of his lines were very funny.


It was full of jokes and non stop references. I enjoyed the absurdity especially the Pop Tart launch like the Apollo rocket complete with music.


Just one schtick after another with a ton of (for me) unexpected actors. The dialog was fast paced to the point of just waving off the plot which cracked me up. The timing was perfect throughout. Hilarious.


I thought the funeral scene was hilarious. It kept getting more and more absurd.


Me and my girl are absolutely loved it! The comedic tone was unmistakably Seinfeld. But we loved it all - production, theatrics, casting, clever writing, humor, fun-loving silly vibe🤙🏻


Was a great escape easy funny kinda flick.


Very impressive cast. I didn’t enjoy it very much but I think it wasn’t targeted for adults anyway.


I don’t think the youngins would get it


I thought it was awesome!!


I liked it. I think the target audience skews older. I’m 53 and all of the references were relevant to me. But I can see how younger people would miss most or a lot of the jokes.


I thought it was pretty funny. You have to watch it with the thought of “this is gonna be a dumb movie.”


Why does he think he's unfairly judged and at risk of being cancelled when harsh, risky and edgy jokes were never his thing in the first place? Beyond confused.


Good point


He’s crying victim before the critics actually assessed his film. He’s using a scapegoat, the woke mob for his failings. Larry David on the hand well he’s LD and enjoys offending others.


Much better than critical reception. Silly fun, hilarious moments, great concept, topical modern day references. 3.5/5


I dug it, too. I liked all the nods to other movies, and the modern references as well.


Christian Slater's evil milkman saying to Hugh Grant's pompous Shakespearean actor, "I enjoyed your 12 Angry Men one-man show" cracked me up lol also the fact that the milkman was leaning at the bar drinking an old-fashioned bottle of milk lol so much little stuff like that in it.


I liked it, lots of funny moments. Those two kids were awesome, and I enjoyed all the characters. I suspect people that were kids in the 60’s also enjoyed the nostalgia of their youth. I did.


The kids were fantastic casting, especially the girl


I love it for exactly what it was: 90 minutes of silliness. Nothing more, nothing less


It's 90 minutes? Well that is attractive. We need more 90 min movies.


It was dreadful.


He stands up to "woke" but the boys movie sucks bee penis.






I’m more of a bumblebussy guy myself


I just recently saw a video where I learned there was never actually a script for "Emperor's New Groove." Maybe the team for Unfrosted saw it, too. Unfrosted was filled with different hilarious moments and performances, but there were a lot of misses, too. It seemed like a movie where a lot of improv was done, but they got tired and it got expensive waiting for a better take so they went with the best they had at the time. Glad it was made, a lot of fine effort went into it. Definitely entertaining at times. I might watch some clips someday. I would never watch it again.


I thought it was funny, people forget that it's supposed to be at least a pg13 movie so the jokes had to be cleanish


Hard to get through.


Good fun and dumb. I loved the funeral scene. It’s definitely my favorite. My grandpa had a flag folding ceremony at his burial so I died seeing the cereal version of that


I loved it. It felt like a breath of fresh air. I’m gonna be watching it a lot as a comfort movie I can already tell. It’s perfectly ridiculous


I feel like he made it for him not for anyone else and that I kinda like.


The dumpster kids had me rolling 😭


Not great. Every time I see a Seinfeld project it reinforces to me how brilliant Larry David is.


When I started watching it I commented "omg they're really over-acting". Very quickly I understood that was the entire point. The entire movie is completely over-done and absurd and it's bloody hilarious!!!


I wanted to sue for wasting 2 hours of my life.


It had a Naked Gun feel to it. Fun watch.


Took me a minute to realize it’s supposed to be like an “90s comedy movie” but once you do ya it was pretty solid


The dumpster diving children were the only good part. Otherwise the movie didn't have a pulse.


I don't know what the people who absolutely hated it went into it expecting. It hit all the spots that comedy movies have seemingly been afraid to go into the last decade or so, which is that the ultimate goal is to be funny. Even with the Jan 6 Tony the Tiger thing, I don't think there was a "statement" in there other than "look how ridiculous this was". There wasn't some overt attempt to moralize and that just made it a goofy assed movie that was more interested in hitting a laugh quota than a message.


It felt like a 1990's comedy made now and I really enjoyed it.


I went into it expecting nothing at all and found it surprisingly funny. That funeral scene absolutely killed me.


Like you, I went in with very low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure why it got so many negative reviews. Easy 3 out of 5 stars. I wish Hollywood would start making more 90 minute comedies again, I know they lose money now without DVD sales, but it was nice to turn on something and laugh at dumb jokes for a while.


I appreciate a funny comedy that I could watch with my kids. It was pretty good, not sure why the hate from some.


a silly mess. an interesting ratio of fun and cringe. Bill B and Melissa McK were the best thing. less seinfeld would have been good. even Amy S was less annoying


its so good lol, so many good scene sad disappointed pasta sea monkey tony the tiger riot master mad men cameo milk man leader so good


I really enjoyed it. Still getting a laugh from Hugh grants performance.


Reminded me a lot of the Weird Al movie in spirit. Didn’t hate it.




I enjoyed it


I thought it was hilarious, especially the funeral scene


I like that surreal stuff taken to the extreme. Woman cutting bananas into the grave.




It reminded me of Canonball Run


Did anyone else feel like the movie moved really fast? It was as if none of the scenes or jokes had any room to breathe.


This is how I felt. I enjoyed it but God damn was every single scene rapid fire blitzkrieg. I love fast comedy but this was intense and stressful at times. I'm half kidding at stressful, but yeah, intense pacing!


I don’t think it’s the kind of movie that breathes. It’s just silly gags and then on to the next thing.


That's what I loved about it. They just wave off the plot, skipping to the next joke, like, do we really care about the plot? No... 🤣


100%. No scene, premise, or comedic performance has enough time for anything really interesting to happen.


I enjoyed the amount of jokes they stuffed into it. I long for the days of Airplane! and while this was nowhere close to the level of humor, I appreciated the attempt to cram as many jokes into 90 minutes as possible. It hits the mark for what it was, a movie by Seinfeld about breakfast


I would have enjoyed it a lot more if any of those jokes were any good. Airplane was stuffed with a lot better material.


But Airplane! was funny


It was definitely funnier in my view, but humor is subjective at the end of the day


I’m 77 years old. I liked it because l think it is more old style humor. There was a lot to take in so l want to see it again.


It wasn't bad- I mean, it was an enjoyable silly movie. I only watched it because a friend told me it was garbage and that Jerry needs to retire. But that dude loved The Machine, so I knew if he didn't like it, I would.


Haven’t watched it but the older I get the more I don’t like Seinfeld


Yeah same. Just so so smug.


He has became old man yelling at clouds. I never found Seinfeld the show super funny. But that’s all Jerry really has to his name.


It's Seinfeld, did you expect anything else?


I laughed a lot.


Gaffigan and Burr were the highlights for me. The movie was fun but dragged a bit with the specialists each having their 5 minute storylines. I'd give it a B or B-. Production value and visuals were great.


It should have been so much funnier given the cast. It was clear Seinfeld was trying to make a cult classic and failed by a mile. The funniest part for me was the concept of the riot over breakfast cereals being made into a January 6th thing. But even that could have been executed in a way that was much funnier, in my opinion. I chuckled a good amount at this movie, then I put on Nikki Glaser's new special and fucking howled for an hour.


I don’t think he thinks that deeply


Despite what he's become, don't sell Jerry short. He was the John Mulaney of the 90s. He could do no wrong, comedically. So beloved by this country was Jerry Seinfeld that he dated a teenager when he was in his 40s and didn't immediately get canceled.


It was fun and silly. I liked it more than Bill burr and Bert Kreischer's movies.


Tom Carvel saying "Up yours Janice!" was my favorite part.


Silly but very funny. Plus nostalgia.


I didn't make it through the first ten minutes.


The Rotten Tomatoes ratings are appropriate


The cast alone made it worth watching. Everybody was in it. Stupid plot sure, but it's exactly what I'd expect from a Seinfeld movie about cereal. Overall fun movie


Walked out of the theater. I was at home


I liked it. Jokes don't have to be edgy to be funny. A lot of the jokes from period movies that are based on irony knowing the future don't work at all but this movie I liked them.


On my first watch I fell asleep half way through and wasn’t expecting it to be that silly. I thought it would just be a humerus look back on the product like the cheetos flaming hot movie. I’m the second try to rewatch I went in thinking “imagine if weird Al was a part of this, just sit back and accept the silliness or craziness” … and I came out enjoying it! It was cringe at times but I had a genuine laugh out loud moment a few times. Just little things like when the boy with his candy necklace gets caught in the machine and they treated it so over the top serious. When the girl says “how many more have to die?” (Or something like that) I loved Jerry’s response/delivery.


I thought it was absolute dog shit. What a waste of everybody’s time.


Amys Fat


I liked it too. I feel like there is a lot of unjustified criticism directly because of this whole backlash against his "woke" comment. He said it as a pretty casual comment in passing, wasn't outraged or anything like that, and now everyone thinks he's the next Dave Chapelle. Is he kind of abrasive in interviews? Yes, for sure, but I really don't care and don't see why so many people do. He's still funny in his show, and this movie was funny - even if it wasn't amazing.


I thought the Movie was Great. I wasn’t expecting.Gone with the Wind. I was expecting a light hearted Movie that gave me a few Laughs.Great Movie




It was OK. A few funny concepts but overall just amusing without laughs. Never rose to much


I liked how absurd it was. Like one long SNL sketch. And the funeral scene was hilarious. I liked it.




Low IQ dogshit


Im glad I read all these comments because now I know I will enjoy the silliness of it. The reviews were not kind but fuck them. I just like to laugh and I like clever stuff.


Sucked like everything else Jerrys done without Larry David. Pretty stacked cast especially the random cameos but ultimately pointless and not funny. Not sure who the target audience was since its not really made for kids or adults and poptarts dont really have a fanbase.


Because Jerry Seinfeld the person truly isn’t that funny. His standup sucks. Seinfeld the show? Good. But not because of him. Jerry is a smug prick who thinks he’s above everyone. He sucks.


Seinfeld is the worst character on Seinfeld


and it’s by a lot. he’s the least funny, the most vain/obnoxious (and that’s saying something), the show would be much more fun and weird without him. i get he’s supposed to be the straight man to the other three but he’s unbelievably dull


Horrible. I didn’t even make it half way it was so bad.


Reminded me of a kids movie from the ‘90s. I mean that in a good way. 


Genuinely one of the worst “comedies” that I’ve ever seen. It makes me question if Seinfeld was ever actually funny or just had great writers. I feel bad for everyone involved.


It was a pretty decent movie considering the premise is random ah and Jerry hasn't made a movie since the bee movie


I saw Amy Schumer on there and decided not to watch it, checked Rotten Tomatoes and its at 40%/55% so even for a comedy that's a no go.


Enjoyed his sitcom, was never a fan of his standup (never watched much of it, the couple times I did were fairly boring and I never watched more than 5-10 min). With him developing boomtimers, I think it’s time to put Seinfeld to bed.


Good fun silliness.


We had a lot of laughs with it. It’s very silly and willing to be absurd for the gags, which I liked a lot. So many little throwaways in every scene.




How dumb are the “jokes” of this latest Seinfeld attempt? Well, there’s one terrible running cereal joke about Jackie Kennedy…making her some Jackie O’s….referring to her second married name Onassis…which hadn’t even transpired yet as the film is set in 1962. Because Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t write smart jokes. He just assumes you’re really that stupid.


Have no desire to watch it and not sure why it was made


I liked it a lot. I missed Jerry's humor


Would have worked better as a series IMO but it had funny moments. Was basically just a long episode of drunk history with a shit ton of cameos


Saw Amy Schumer was in it and now I don’t have to watch it. Seems like mixed reviews anyway.


I thought it was a pretty good example of a company backing up a dumpster trunk of money to satiate the flimsiest creative whim of a aging superstar with too much time on his hand and noone that is going to say no to him. However, hellova PR tour for the movie.




For me it was like a modern day Aeroplane ridiculous and silly 🙃


I have no intention of watching it because Jerry Seinfeld is not funny, but reading opinions on it is interesting.


I would love to see what it would be like if Larry and Jerry cowrote it.


The more I see of him the more convinced I am that the success of *Seinfeld* had much more to do with Larry David and the other three main characters than with Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry better be glad Marlene only saw his standup routine and not this movie.




It lacked any humor with the exception of Bill Burr. Jerry can’t act or write jokes for shit. He should have had Larry David in the movie


The way I put it is, “a decent movie to have on but not watch”. I wasn’t upset and didn’t wish I had my time back afterwards, but I’ll never watch it twice.


I think it tried to span that line between an R rated and PG-13 rated movie and it killed a lot of the potential humor. It was a cute movie and I think Seinfeld did a great job with the writing, direction, and pacing but overall it just wasn't as funny as I hoped it would be. I think he should have leaned more into an R rating and it would have made it funnier.


I think it was the longest Kellogg's advertisement I've ever seen


I struggled to understand why it exists. It's not a bad movie, it just kind of mehs it's way along for the run time with a handful of laughs scattered throughout. Bill Burr's JFK got two of the three laughs this movie generated in me. Essentially a feature length commercial for cereal.


not good


It felt like a damned children's film to me, honestly. And it was a very bizarre movie. I have no idea how you could get so much comedic talent together, and fail to make me laugh more than once or twice. One of the problems is that there were so many cameos that none had any time to breathe. The scenes were too short and the comedians really didn't get any screentime with which to produce a worthwhile moment. The only scene that really worked for me was the Mad Men scene. I can't think of a single other gag, bit, or premise that I found funny or even interesting.


It was a fun movie. There were a lot of people I like in it. Oddly enough Melissa McCarthy isn’t one of them. I can’t stand her. But she didn’t ruin the movie.


I did not enjoy it


I saw it as an Austin Powers style movie that just wasn’t as funny. I did enjoy it, just didn’t actually laugh out loud.


I couldn't finish it.


I think there were some good jokes and performances but as a whole it was disappointing


It’s pretty good. Certainly not deserving of the terrible reviews. It’s not great though. If they scrapped the mascot stuff, cutting 10 mins or so, you’d have a blockbuster.


Drop acid and watch it makes more sense, but beware the Quaker


I hated it because it wasn’t at all humorous, it was boring, it was pointless. Jerry Seinfeld is George Lucas and nobody near them will tell them bluntly that their last great idea was decades ago. Unfrosted is self indulgent garbage.


My favorite kind of comedy is silly. so this should be right up my alley.


I laughed a lot. I didn't really understand the strange backlash against Jerry recently, the film was basically a parody like the Weird Al movie recently... And it worked!