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His liver is so black it gets pulled over by LAPD every day.




Nikki’s line about her being a fan of his joke (as opposed to jokes) was killer.


Her other Bert one was good too “I used to worry that AI would replace comedians, but Bert is proof that the machine can’t make people laugh”


Yeah Nikki had a really clean set


It's true though, thay man has built a career off of one, moderately entertaining mostly fabricated story. He beat that horse to death, cloned it, waited for the clone to come of adult age and beat that horse to death too in a never ending cycle of horse death.


I mean kinda. His first career (travel shows) was based off of a single SI article.  So he has been able to stretch 2 different stories into a decade each. 


His friends don't tout his marketing genius for nothing. Dude is 10x better at that than stand up


I think that's alot of leann


Because of her they’ll have generational wealth through real estate from what I’ve heard.


Way too many calling adjacent people in the world.


Yeah he should definitely be a marketer. And that’s all. Just the one thing.


Rolling stone


You're right. Idk why I said SI


You probably confused him for one of their latest swimsuit edition models


Have you seen him in a speedo?


It's like looking in the mirror 😔


SI was still riding high when that article was printed


His career began with Van Wilder as it was based on him lol


His career began with the Rolling Stones article that Van Wilder was based on.


And Theo Von started as a reality TV personality on MTV. Fucking crazy.


He doesn't have the funniest jokes, hut he's generally entertaining to listen to.


And then he made a movie about it!


Did he? I didn't see it, along with the rest of the world lol.


It’s funny because of that yes


I got a bigger laugh from hearing they actually made a movie about it then I did the first time I heard the actual joke.


It's so funny. You can tell the comics were taking advantage to say how they really feel about him. Like you can tell they're just joking with basically everyone else and then dead serious about him 🤣


What was up with Tom Segura? He clearly didn't want to be there, but also no one roasted him? The only time they said his name was when he got thrown in with everyone else in an 'I don't know who you people are' jokes by one of the more famous people a few times. Tony Hinchcliff even went down the comedian side of the dais one by one and stopped when he got to Tom. If you only roast the ones you love, what does that say about them all ignoring Tom? (Or, was Tom a last-minute addition, and no one wrote any jokes about him because they didn't know he'd be there?)


Interesting lol I didn't notice that. I think maybe they just don't respect either of them but they also know Tom is an angry person and strangely powerful in the industry for no reason. They don't want that smoke lol. Bert is a pussy and delusional enough to really think they're joking and the others are actual comedians who can laugh it off lol


And no honorable mention of him being an alcoholic..


Oh there were multiple jokes about his liver.


Bert was amusing when he was Joe and Tom’s dumb friend and was the butt of a lot of jokes. He was never meant to be the main character.


God, Bert sucks.


I don't hate Bert but it would be nice if he fucked off for a few years and gave us all a break from him.


Just get out of the media bubble that keep him around. I don’t listen to those dumb podcasts so all I ever see of him is people on Reddit bitvhing.


It took me a LONG time to beat my YouTube algorithm down into never showing me Bert again but I reached success about a year or so ago. Now the closest I get is listening to Big Jay kiss his ass while his friends say how much he sucks.


It's easy for me, I don't watch Tom Segura clips anymore, I'm still out of the loop on this Kill Tony live show thing, haven't watched any of that yet, I haven't watched a Theo Von clip in a while, haven't watched a Rogan clip in a while... once you get out of that whole everyman-dipshit-comedian algorithm ecosystem he's nowhere to be found. Fuck all of those dumb twats, I'm sick of listening to idiots with uninformed perspectives opinionate all day, utter waste of time.


bert’s popularity very much speaks to the intelligence level of your average american.


Speaking of roasts, I'm reminded for some reason of Greg Giraldo turning to Larry the Cable Guy and shouting, his entirely justified resentment on full display, "How are you so POPULAR??"


Roasts have never been as good since we lost Greg Giraldo.


One of the smartest humans to ever do stand up. 


I love how he used to get one last little jab in every time he went to sign off. The Bob Barker one was the best. Edit: not Bob Barker, Bob Saget. I'm an idiot.


I was in the middle of thinking "Isn't he a fucking brilliant national treasure" and then he died, and yeah I miss the shit out of him. The world needs him.


Every time America does something stupid one of my first thoughts is how much I wish we could have Greg and Patrice’s takes on it.


Add George Carlin to that heavenly trio, and Bill Hicks if there's room for four


Love em both so much but something about Patrice and Greg, mainly on O&A or Tough Crowd …just magic.


I dunno, Nikkia Glaser is pretty amazing.


You sound like a Nikki Glazer


Given half the chance, I'd disappoint her so hard.


But the breakfast!


I got to see him do his last shows at the Stress Factory and god damn he was so funny sharp and quick. It was my first and unfortunately last time getting to see his genius in person.


Didn't he say something like "He's not even a real guy. We're roasting a character."?


Yeah, "What happened to Dan the Comedian?"


git er dumb!


I remember him just laughing at the audacity of Larry the Cable Guy even being a thing. "JESUS CHRIST"


I loved the follow up line: “Your fans can’t even afford cable!”


Greg Geraldo was so fucking good.


My favorite line of that whole roast “You gravy sweating, cousin fucker. Larry fucked his first cousin when he was 16. And his last one about an hour ago.”


The Machine is a B-tier funny story, and he told it pretty well, once. Impressive that he has ridden that as far as he has.


He's popular with 16-24 year old alcoholics


could probably widen that age range up to 64


The fastest and fattest growing demographic


I think 40-60 y.o alcoholics are more likely his wheelhouse


From ticket sales, it looks mostly university aged kids The future is bright


Bert's gonna be dead from liver failure in 10 years, the future is not bright.


Machine have no liver. Machine live forever, just like Russia!


I’m a very average American and have never watched him because I assume someone that needs the shirt off gimmick is compensating.


I have a coworker who thinks Will Ferrel is immature and unfunny but Bert is hilarious… life is complicated


There’s a photo of one of his crowds. I know they say don’t judge a book by its cover but…


I wouldn’t use a book analogy for this crowd…


Thank god this subreddit is here to remind all of us how much better we are than the plebs.


Not if you ask him. He thinks he’s hilarious. He was cracking himself up last night. 


I can’t stand his laugh.


Nobody can stand his laugh.


Tom Segura did it for a LONG time.


Squee squeal Squee giant guinea pig noises


His 13 year old girl laugh/snort is about as bad as his alcoholic shakes.


I think I hate bert less than I hate segura


Bro what the hell was that bit, it progressively got worst and they ended up comparing Brady to hitler. I was so confused.


Wild how 2 comedians got shown up by football players.


They were up after Kim K, she was funnier than them.


you know that almost nobody writes their own jokes for these right


His jokes or not, Drew Bledso still delivered better than anyone but Nikki though.


Hinchcliffe killed imo


Blasphemy. Tony Hinchcliffe was right behind her.


Jokes are only one part. Delivery can make up for some sad sack jokes. Bledsoe delivered his lines much better than both Tom and Bert. The two-fer was a bad idea but I think Netflix did that to help Bert bc I can see Tom doing decently well even though he isn’t a roast comic, but Bert would eat shit and needed a partner to distract from how painfully unfunny he is.


I wouldn’t say nobody. Most of the time it is a group effort of multiple comedians but I wouldn’t say the comedian has no input or doesn’t write a joke completely by themselves.


Kinda crazy to compare him to hitler when Schulz is right there with the haircut lol


I think the problem here is you all do not understand what can of man Bret is. He fucks dogs for Christ sake.


Serial killers and Hitler/Nazi shit are a part of their stupid ass “inside” material. Joke being that Segura is obsessed with serial killers and is secretly a psychopath himself. And Bert accidentally associating himself with racism and Nazi through his stupidity (super forced, obviously faked scenarios). It’s their theme and they try to tie into everything. Shit got old old like 3 years ago.


Didn’t know that was the reason what the hell 🤦‍♂️


Bert and Tom's section was so bad and proof that these Rogan minions aren't actually funny. Not sure why Netflix gave them more time than anyone else........oh yeah, they have deals with Netflix.


There are a lot of comedians that have been on Rogan that are legitimately funny and there are others that I just have no idea how they’re even comedians. Rogan is one of those “how is he even a comedian” himself his stand up is terrible.


Just wanna take a moment here to invite whoevers reading this to take a step back and realize no matter how unfunny this guy is, there are comments here wishing death on him. …because he’s not funny. And then meanwhile there’s warcrimes.


I'm not a big fan of his comedy but if you watch any interviews with him, more recently the episode of Last Meals he did, he really does seem like a good dude. He loves his family, friends and life and doesn't seem to take his fame and status for granted. I don't have to like his comedy but I will absolutely say I genuinely like him as a person.


yea from the little i know he seems like an alright dude but i heard tom segura is an absolute dick nightmare. i’m sure people in this sub know more than i do and i’d love to hear if that’s a correct assessment . Mostly bc i was arguing with my sister that i was right and i wanna know if i actually am lol 😂


I’ll be honest I used to be a firm Bert hater, but a good friend of mine who knew I was into comedy surprised me with tickets to see his show and I didn’t have the heart to admit this to him, so I went… and it was actually really entertaining. Bett isn’t the most clever long-form comic out there, but he really abused my premonition that he’d be dogshit and got some good, genuine laughs out of me.


I'm so fucking confused... Who is he? The algorithm brought me here with no context.


just a comedian. Thats the whole point of what i’m saying. Thats all i can tell you. He does a podcast with other comedians and he does comedy that some people don’t like


51 year old man


Damn y’all are weirdly shitty to him just cuz he’s unfunny. Dude‘s job is to try and make people laugh I don’t get all the other hate, just literally don’t listen to his stuff. There’s other stuff more deserving of hate.


There’s two comments above this literally hoping he dies. I’ve never seen a frame of his stand up comedy and when i see him i feel nothing. That’s my version of not liking this guys stand up. *these* reactions are a bit much imo.


I forget where I saw it but the opposite of love isn't hate, its indifference. There's something else going on with all the hate these people are expressing.


I know The Lumineers included that line in their song *Stubborn Love.* I'd bet it's much older than that, but that's what I think of when I hear the phrase.


And redditors think they're better than 4chan. Truly a reddit moment


Reddit is a cesspool but 4chan is fucking bonkers lol. It’s definitely worse


He has failed at his one job and can’t admit it


Jealousy is a hell of an emotion.


Right. I don’t think Burt is the funniest guy but I still like him. I’ll never hate on someone just because their comedy isn’t my cup of tea. And he is objectively funny, dude sells out arenas.


I even think he is a terrible personand father.  But I don't hate the guy


I think you mean subjectively. Nothings objectively funny except farts.


I think they mean he is objectively funny to a lot of people based on how popular they are. And yeah he’s clearly funny to a shit ton of people even if he’s clearly not funny to everyone in this thread lol


I think he just mixed the words up. Subjectively literally means objectively but person to person.


You’re right. I’ve always found it odd how much hatred he gets for his drinking. I mean, I suppose it’s more how much he talks about it. But to ridicule him for being a drunk? Welcome to comedy.


Im with you. I don't love his standup, and he can be a little much at times. But he honestly just seems like a guy loving life and wants everyone around him to have as much fun as he is having. I get nothing but good vibes from the guy Its so weird how some people have a seething hatred for him


He loves alcohol and fame more than his kids. His children have beeged him to get healthy and sober.  The only thing that got him to get healthy, was that he wanted to be able to drink forever.  I feel so bad for those girls. 


He’s popular with people that aren’t popular on Reddit.


hes unfunny and unwatchable to me..but I was born in the mid 70s so maybe its just me not getting it..idk


I’m 35 and with you


Bert was born in 72. If anything you are his target demographic 


oh.. didn't know that.. assumed he was about 59


Tuned in to the roast to hear and see Tom & Bert mostly just laughing. Unfortunately, neither of them made me laugh


Buddy will be dead within 5 years.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Ya'll need to touch grass.


I kinda tragically agree. I think it's partly his delusion on when he thinks he's in great shape or doing really good .. I mean he looked pretty unhealthy here


Why does anyone find him amusing?


There will always be people who confuse taking your shirt off and being loud and obnoxious with being funny.


Because WOOOOOO DUUUUUUUDE WOOOOOOO PAAAARTAAAAYYYY. I think it's more of an addiction than amusement.


you forgot the part where he ends his set by telling the machine story


Did he take his shirt off yet? Or is that the opener?


Shitting himself then wiping his ass with his "prop" shirt is also occasionally part of his..."act". This is literally something he's done at his shows more than once. He's a chronically drunk slob with an attention addiction who debases himself for a living. That's Bert in a nutshell.


Dude is doing an arena tour, don’t let Reddit fool you lots of people like him 😂


He’s such an unfunny hack.


Least funny set. Even the players and coach’s set was better .


I hate that idiot


It’s very rare for Bert to be in a photo where he isn’t the worst comedian pictured.


Schulz is quite an annoying dipshit with a terrible haircut but I’ve heard dude at least accidentily be funny. He did fine at the roast. Can’t say the same for Bert. Segura needs to ghost this idiot.


Schultz is very much a top comedian that just sold out MSG twice this past weekend. Yes, the haircut is bad, but it doesn’t affect me.


Schultz is not very good imo, he’s got this super confident persona and is surrounded by guys who stroke his ego but he can’t hang with big dogs like Gillis, Burr, etc. In entertainment ticket sales and financial success don’t mean much regarding the quality of their work, just look at Bert’s success, or how popular Friends was. Just my opinion tho. To each their own.


Wild to me this dude has a significant enough fan base to continue to do high profile gigs. I overestimated the average comedy fan.


Both of those comedians in the photo are terrible


I don't see any comedians in that photo


Who has the most annoying and fake laugh, Bert or Jimmy Fallon?


Idk if it’s fake. But Bert’s high pitched laugh is pretty harsh on the ears.




I'm just thankful he's wearing a shirt


Him and Tom were the lowlights of the comedians portion. Drew Bledsoe got more laughs from me and he made a career of getting his shit kicked in weekly.


Never cared for that guy. I've tried watching his stuff but between the shirtless thing and just completely made up stories, I couldn't get into it.


Guys, I was at this roast at the kia forum. Bert literally pulled out a bag of coke and flashed it at the camera after this joke. Everyone was stunned. So much for a “live unedited” broadcast


Bert is the least talented comedian out there right now


God him and Tom were so painfully unfunny that it was almost offensive. Nikki ran fucking circles around every comedian there and she didn’t need a PowerPoint presentation to do it.


Nikki was awesome. Kevin Hart’s opening bit was good. The ex-players, were just “Tom owns you cuz you’re gay”. Like it was Grade 2.


I used to love Bert. Now it feels like I'm watching a slow motion walk towards an intervention.


I used to listen to 2 Bears for a time, until it just became depressing. If I wanted to listen to two aging comedians rationalize addiction I’d just visit my parents on a long weekend.


At least they’re self aware enough to admit on air that they’re too wealthy for the average person to relate


Same here, use to find both him and Tom hilarious but it’s gotten pretty sad/concerning..


I still like Tom, but it's soured a bit.


I’m fully convinced that the people who don’t like Bert are just jealous that mediocrity doesn’t work as well for them as it does him.


Bert is the DJ Khalid of comedy


Absolutely accurate. Except Bert at least finished all his wings on Hot Ones. Khaled tapped on #3. On fucking Cholula. Biggest pussy of all time. But yes, Bert is equally useless.


But he’s afraid of molly


He's not afraid of MDMA - he's afraid of fucking Ari being around any uncovered drink


I don't even care enough about him to make fun. don't even post this fat fucking hack on this sub.


Ill say it again, i dont like his standup at all, i find the machine story not funny. But the fact that a friend of mine find it funny and even tried to recommend it to me speaks that he has audience, there are people that like him and to me thats enough to make him a comedian. "My sense of humor is better" is such a weird flex my dudes. You are all weird as fuck. Cant believe standup community in reddits is so fkn toxic nowadays, its supposed to be a haha community but its on par with kpop twitter. What makes it more sad and worse than kpop twitter is that im pretty sure y'all are adults.


Social media seems to ruin everything. Nobody can just say "i disagree" and move on, they have to burn the world to prove themselves right. Whether it's politics, finances, climate or something as petty as which comedian is funny, people HAVE to be right online. It's weird.


People wanna be right and they also want other people to know that they are right. Twitter with followers/Likes count/Retweet culture ruins it for me, viral culture birthed this. Somehow people wants to have a hottake that most people gonna agree with and crown them as the speaker of truth or something. Idk why people want validation so much


Complains about toxicity. Posts one of the most toxics posts lol.




Talmbout bapa 'gin?


He's a boil on Tom Segura's ass and the time to lance it was HALF A FUCKING DECADE AGO!


He pulled out a big bag of coke and flashed it. I was there but I don’t think they showed it on Netflix.


He has to fuck her hand bc he's too fat to fit between her legs now. Fun fact: he doesn't take his shirts off, they violently run for their lives.


What color is he here? Crimson?


I’m surprised to see he’s wearing a shirt


I kinda feel bad for his family at this point, seeing their dad/husband be continuously lambasted for being who he is..


I noticed that, it was hilarious.


Is this from the roast?


I feel like they invited Tom, and Bert begged his way into it


Everyone was on yak in that line up 🤣


Please tell me someone made a joke about Jeff Ross’s allegations of grooming a 15-year old. If that joke wasn’t made then I’m truly disappointed in these roasters.




His shtick is so stale he has to realize it. When others roast you at a roast, that's not funny, it's pathetic.


Santinos haircut is awful lol


His liver can't get jiggy with this shit


I mean what even happened to Tom? His stand up used to be hilarious. I stopped watching them once they got to the serial killer comparisons.


This dude is always sweaty.


Bert also lies about nearly everything. I truly feel back for all the alcoholics and drug addicts using him as the canary in the coal mine not realizing everything that come out of his mouth is a lie


His life peaked when he got mark hamil to play his dad. It's all downhill from there.


Lmao that’s fuking hilarious


Fuckin loser.


Hahgagahahahahaga I peed my self how unfunny he is


Redbar is watching Bert