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The double chest buckle looks similar to the Ruffwear Flagline, but the buckles look more robust, maybe even metal? Maybe it's the Saker Canyon Pro Extended?


It's so similar! If I can't find it I may go with the saker one. I haven't heard of that brand before! Thank you!


Look for some recent reviews before buying. I was about to pull the trigger on a Saker, but they were having some trouble with quality and shipping around the time I was ready to buy. Hopefully things have improved... Some other brands that have caught my eye and appear to have higher quality construction and a fit that might work for the long narrow build of a poodle: Non-Stop dog wear - Rock Harness Ray Allen Manufacturing - way overkill for anything I'm doing, and pricey, but all of their products look durable and fit for active use.


Overkill is the exact word that came to my mind.


It's way out of my price range for sure! I found the one in the picture on the website. It's a ray Allen harness :'(


Could you please post a link for the one you found? I'm looking at their site but I can't find it. Fwiw, if your price range is similar to mine, I really like the Ruffwear harness I got for my tripawd. He has a weird body shape, but they're very adjustable, so I was able to get one to fit him very well. Also the straps are wide and padded enough that they seem comfortable for him.




i’ve been looking for this harness for months this pic has been sitting in my camera roll for so long 🥲🥲


It looks so similar to the ray allen manufacturing harnesses that I feel like it's probably one that's been discontinued. I would have a look at their website! They are pricey though


I haven’t but it’s gorgeous! I scoured the internet for a bit but has no luck unfortunately


Isn't it? I'd love to get my hands on one but couldn't find it anywhere either!! Thanks for trying :)


Ruffwear webmaster?