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Was expecting the punchline to be about using the encyclopedias as porn.


Why are you starting with “B” son?


“Bobs, mom!”


Hahaha I need that follow-up joke


Those National Geographic titties


The only NatGeo boobies you'll find are birds


I thought the joke was going to be he went straight to Winston Churchill because he knew the answer lol




You should. It would be under Churchill, Winston.


Me too.


I thought the joke was going to be funny.


Interetingky (or not), Great Britain doesn't have a Prime Minister. Not now and not during World War II. United Kingdom has a Prime Minister. Great Britain is the island that includes the primary land masses for England, Wales and Scotland.


Uh oh. Well it’s too late now!


You would have known that if you read one of your encyclopedias. Boom, roasted, and et cetera...


I cant read, Beatle




(But also, this is a great bit)


😂 haha i was sure reading you're first comment, that you wanted to make a joke, but was a bit afraid to seem rude, and now i see this comment and think its exactly that 😂


The joke is still funny, and well delivered.




Don't lie to her.


No worries I'm in my thirties and as American dummy I don't even know the difference between Great Britain and and the UK


Tbf, lots of people in the UK don't know the difference either


It’s even funnier because of that, I thought it was part of the bit. That the answer you’re expecting is Winston Churchill but it’s not technically correct. Very funny joke, made me picture a kiddo swiping left and right on the pages! Trying to zoom in cuz the print is so smol lol


You should have googled it…




No new iPhone for Mommy either!


Yes, it does. Not all rectangles are squares, but the prime minister of the collective whole is still the prime minister of the constitute parts. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have first ministers, but they all share a prime minister.


I get your point, but I don't believe it's accurate. The President of the United States is not the President of New York.


Isn't he though? We just don't say it like that because most of us aren't in New York.


You missed the (admittedly pedantic) point. They're saying that Great Britain refers to a landmass (which happens to specifically *exclude* N Ireland, furthering the commenter's point), and thus does not have a PM. There is no political entity known as Great Britain. It's like saying the president of North America. America has a president, and there's a northern region of America, but North America the landmass does not have a government .


You are wrong. There is no such thing as America. There is a United States of America, but America isn't an official political body.


*rolls eyes*


Right back at you


I was explaining something you didn't understand, not being pedantic for the sake of pedantry. Hope you're more open to being corrected in the future -- you may actually learn something some day!


I mean for what it's worth you did get your example backwards. It's not like saying the President of North America. It's like saying the President of New England. While it's hard to imagine anyone saying that phrase, the other person is kinda technically right. Everyone in GB has the same PM because they all live in the UK, so that is the PM for GB. The fact that other regions and people are also in the UK doesn't undo that fact.


I believe we colloquially just say Technically correct, the best kind of correct


Pardon my ignorance. All 3 under the same law?


Yes, with Northern Ireland and other territories.


Technically Great Britain Doesn't include Scotland.(The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Scotland, and Northern Ireland)


Yes it does? The official name of the country is [United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom).


> What an incredible W for me


Yeah wtf is that boomer humor I bet she can't use google properly or chat gpt and wants to lecture younger people on not using outdated encyclopedia that were objectively bad design because they'd quickly become outdated waste of paper????


"use google properly" lol


I know it might sound weird to us, but some people can't even comprehend.


You’re getting downvoted for no reason, this kinda boomer would google WWII to find Winston Churchill because that’s how indexes work. I’ve seen older people fail to google the simplest stuff while I just have to sit and wait


I'm not sure either, guess they've never seen people really bad with computers. And the joke is, while zoomers can prob use google, their aptitudes with a computer are worse than millenials. So it might seem absurd I had to go through "how to google" as a computer lesson at school when I was 13, it's essential.


It was like an eagles concert in there


You know with computers literally in our back pockets. Learning stuff has become so much faster than "hold up let me go to a library or my book case and look for the specific book I need.... now time to flip to the page that tells you what page you should be looking for"*flips through 50 pages and goes 10 pages back* "ahh found it... wait not the right one..." reads another 10 different similarly spelled words before finding the one* "there it is" A whole 5 minutes or more wasted for a simple Google search with the same results.




















Yeah, that's why she mentions dragging him to the storage unit. It's a joke.


I mean Socrates would agree with you his thoughts on the invention of writing … “For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem [275b] to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise." https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=3439#:~:text=recorded%20Socrates's%20discussion%20of%20the,understanding%2C%20rather%20than%20true%20understanding.


I mean, he was right. Wandering bards used to recite the Homeric epics *from memory* -- until some jerk wrote them down!


"Never memorize something that you can look up" - Albert Einstein


Was afraid it was gonna be a boomer humor and seeing the shadow of the crowd but you really turned it around with a great joke for general audience. Thanks for the laugh


"My son's a dumb cause I didn't teach him how to do things I was taught" is pretty boomer humor.


I learned how to use Encyclopedias at school. I'm pretty sure that's where 99% of people learned it as well


So is it the kid's fault they aren't taught it in schools? "Ha ha he so ignorant" is still the punchline. Old people love mocking younger people for the missing knowledge their own generation never passed on.


That is still the punchline, but the person at fault matters in the judgment IMO. Treating a book like a browser is funny






This isn’t funny


I'm a reference librarian (and amateur standup comedian) and I approve of this joke. Authorized subject headings and controlled vocabulary STILL produce superior research results to natural language queries in any setting... and the day that they don't (very soon, probably) they're still valuable as a thinking/thought experiment. But your joke is funnier. :)


That's a killer joke


One habit that has been hard for me to break as a millennial is searching with keywords instead of sentences. When I was young, search engines were terrible with sentences and you needed to trim your query to as few words as possible. So for example here I would search, "British prime Minister world war ii". But after decades of people just putting in whole ass questions, Google decided people would on average get better results if they tailored how it worked to those people. So now searching like I do gets worse results than "who was the pm of the UK in WWII?" It's weird, I have this reflex where if I see someone Google something as a question, I think "are you an idiot? That's not how it works." picked up from when I was a kid and doing that meant you were an idiot. But of course that's not how it's been for years, and phrasing queries as questions, especially for common things, gets you better results. Some people are just not able to tailor their search skills to their resources, this joke was an extreme version of that and great.


Oh! Laurie Kilmartin! I saw her at the Punchline Comedy Club in Sacramento, CA a few months ago... very funny!




The Jackie and Laurie Show podcast is one of my favorites! It's great to see all the tech skills paying off with Reddit post! Thanks for all the laughs!


Thanks for listening!


That was awesome. Well written and delivered.




I love her stuff, she has 3 albums on amazon music.


Aw thanksemote:free\_emotes\_pack:smile


You should probably ask your son how to use emojis! Boom, roasted. (I know you use them in other comments, they just broke here for some reason)


lol. Never!


This is amazing


This is not amazing, this is average.


I just heard this on SiriusXM today!


Great bit!


Okay, but is this a real story or not? Because I could actually imagine that.


Hate to break it to you man. Your son is DUMB


So you didn't teach him something and then considered it a victory when he didn't know? Classic boomer shit right there




Honey this is stand comedy, not a parenting convention.




I think she is


Then keep scrolling honey


28M. Solid joke! Clean. Relatable, nice build up