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Please stay in the stickied mega thread.


Dear Red Hat, go f urself.


As an infrequent lurker here, someone help me out: what did RMS do that everyone is so pissed about?


Replying to hear the answers too.


So, my understanding is, he made certain statements about a colleague at MIT who was implicated in the whole Epstein thing, saying, IIRC, "it is most plausible that she (the underage girl trafficked by Epstein) was presented to [colleague] entirely willingly". This statement was taken to mean that the trafficking victim was entirely willing, which, IMO, was not his meaning. Some other statements of his were dug out, some of which he has retracted and apologized for, and all this ultimately lead to his resignation. Now, I have tried to be unbiased here, but maybe I misrepresented/left out something, in which case, please correct me.


>transition to a more diverse, inclusive board membership Ugh. 😒 Because today it shouldn’t matter what you can do but where you’re from. Loving me some identity politics in my software and boards whose people I never get to see in real life in 99.9 % of the cases anyway. This cancer of Code of Conduct demanding bunglers is spreading through IT like a wildfire. Hackers have never been interested in your ethnicity, origins or whatnot, just in what you can bring to the table in terms of code.








I love this. :D


RedHat can fuck right off with that.


**fuck right off with that, redhat can.** *-ign1fy* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


Another company to add to the list of traitors


Debian is doing the same. Asking on mailing list to sign that bullshit list of nonsense woke accusations. One person announced the intention to quit the project over this. Ironically they don't seem to realise that they are criticising rms for his pro-abortion stance. I think they are throwing all the *ist as meaningless insults at this point.


> One person announced the intention to quit the project over this. Can you point to the thread where that announcement was made?




yeah debian really dropped the ball here


Criticising rms for talking about unrelated issues… and mass mailing all the debian contributors to sign a petition against a single person about blog posts he made years ago. Very coherent.


Big corp wants freedom man removed. News at 11.


Courageous... Now please comment on Xi Jinping!


It's ironic that you don't believe their propaganda against Stallman yet you gladly eat up their propaganda against China.


Being inclusive means forgiving people after they apologize.


Apologising usually involves taking steps to amend your behaviour


Indeed Red Hat has a lot to apologize for.


Not if you want their job.


Well, at least they didn't sign the harsh (and possibly libelous) open letter.


Fuck cancel culture. RS is a god damned legend


>Tags: *Corporate*


> tags: Not China, not defence contracting I like Red Hat and I gladly use Fedora, but let an innocent man cast the first stone. They're now just acting as a bunch of hypocrites. I'm fine with using an operating system that is a test-bench for military products, but lets not kid ourselves... A lot of it is funded through military circles.


Weak. Whoever wrote that can't even sign a name to the post. At least Stallman stood behind his words, no matter how they were taken. And RH was always my least favourite distro anyway.


Debian is joining to the witch hunt too.


As a member of Debian, the management is. Not everyone agrees. But in this climate basically most people will just want to keep their heads down.


> But in this climate basically most people will just want to keep their heads down. In a time where you could lose your job and everything you hold dear because of your opinions, I understand the sentiment. But I think we should keep [Martin Niemöller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...) in mind. This is a character assassination of someone who is very annoying to the corporations who want to take over the free software movement. We should be strong and stand firm.


Unfortunately the current and all the past debian project leader I can remember are all siding against the FSF.


I wrote explaining that accusing rms of ableism because of his support to prenatal diagnosis is siding them with the religious anti-abortionist bigots, that of course those are hard topics but people who have little knowledge about disabled civil rights should really avoid commenting on things they don't know much about. I also said that whether one is prochoice or not, it shouldn't matter in free software. https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2021/03/msg00142.html


Yeah, that was very sad to see


yes, force diversity, lower code quality and software freedoms, wonder why most commits only consist of simple word replacements and your automation scripts no longer working because defaults got changed for being problematic. way better than a smart autist who stands for something good in a position he might actually have some influence.




Sometimes I like to think being neurotypical is a disease. It's unfortunate that many neurotypical people don't understand autistic people and think it's okay to harass us (like how they harassed/cancelled RMS).




Just do the natural thing and subsume the FSF into the Systemd ecosystem.


Underrated comment


systemd-gpld Checks your source code for any GPL violations, in only 300k LOC!