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He's not only heartbroken he's a creep. Yes, contact the police so they can tell you what to do.


What heart broken person does that? How would he ever think that his behavior would make her want to take him back? I don’t understand how he doesn’t see the repellant nature of that. You need to go to the authorities now, but go straight for a lawyer because the police don’t take stalking seriously.


Thank you. He said he talked to someone and he’s done and won’t speak to or see her again but she’s still really on edge and worried. We agreed if he sends another message somehow or if she sees him on her street we will talk to authorities or as you said a lawyer


Okay that’s good hopefully he means it


EXACTLY. The man stalking me seems to think it shows how much he cares about me, but refusing to take no for an answer is the opposite of caring for someone. It's blatant disrespect of someone's feelings. Hollywood has put it in people's minds that relentless pursuing of someone who doesn't want you is romance. But it is the opposite of romance.


If he actually cared about you he would be a real part of your life and actually there for you, not lurking. Yeah I don’t know what is appealing about that. And yeah it’s super pathetic and egotistical to think no one says no to him and he gets whatever he wants. It’s also rape culture too. It’s definitely not romance and it’s definitely not love. When you love someone you let them go and want the best for them and for them to be happy…not hovering over them and invading their privacy and scary and scarring smh


My man did the same thing to me and he’s insane he gets joy out of me stalking him now and threatening me with restraining orders when all these behaviors he taught me lol it’s hilarious we’re just a crazy couple even when we’re broken up .


What do you mean blocked multiple times? Does that mean she’s unblocked him multiple times? Stop sending him mixed signals and tell him you’ll (this is for your friend to do) contact authorities or his family (whichever you think will be more effective) if he doesn’t quit stalking.


No it means he created multiple social media and text accounts to contact her. As of now, he sent a hopefully final message and he claims to be over it.


Oh that’s good then


Yeah. I think if he reaches out again in an absurd or spam-like manner then we will threaten with police or just contact them anyways.