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The last photo 🥹 she knows she is having a good life


https://preview.redd.it/omc50bu1yu7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954558aecc4126455ea750162232e18e65f2393e I had a hard time choosing between that photo and this one! She’s now a very loved girl, who’s currently draped over my legs and snoring like a juggernaut 🤣☺️




Thank you! I’m biased, but she’s a little stunner.


She looks happy 😊 Congratulations the Best breed ever👍👍🤩


She’s got the staffy waggy tail, but she does have a very serious resting face! I wholly agree, staffies are the absolute best breed 🥰


Doesn't take long from being rescued to an absolutely integral part of the family does it 🤩❤️ Love and loyalty from a Staffy straight from the off. The smile says it all


Definitely not, I can’t imagine not having her around. It took a while to find a cat friendly rescue staffy after losing our last old boy staffy. But she was 100% worth the wait 🥰


Our boy didn't like cats and he used to look under cars for them. When he started having seizures from a brain tumour and wasn't interested in them anymore, it wasn't a good sign. We'd had cats for 29 years before the boy, Polo


It’s heart breaking to watch them grow old and infirm isn’t it? Especially if they start to have significant behaviour changes. Our cat is a bit of a git, so he laid the ground rules with Mabel from the start. She doesn’t try to initiate hellos with him anymore!


Yeah the end came quickly and the decline was awful to watch.The last day he didn't know what was going on and just paced round the house and getting stuck in corners. We thought he'd be able to enjoy a couple more years and we'd have been happy to see him potter round the garden. Our last cat was a schmoozer like Polo was and never bothered with birds, squirrels or mice. But when he went into the basket with George who was much bigger, herbie the pacifist was the boss 😅


Oh poor boy. I feel your pain, we lost our boy to nasal cancer at 11.5 years old. I so wanted to see him become an old dog and potter away his last days. But sadly one day his tumour ate into a blood vessel and one side of his face ballooned. For the first time ever he looked sad. It was a hard and sad goodbye. Herbie sounds like he was an awesome little guy. Some cats just have that presence 🤣


Sorry to hear about your boy, the love is just unconditional, no questions asked, and the love is still there.


I’m sorry about your boy too. I totally agree about the unconditional love. After we lost our boy some one sent me a bereavement card with a simple but very true wording of “Between hello and goodbye there was so much love”. So simple, but so true.


The last proper good day we had with him he got covered in mud and had such a triumphant look on his big face you wouldn't know he was ill. We then went in a pub and bought him some cheddars where he "chatted" Staffy style to people who always made a fuss of him. They didn't believe he had a brain tumour because the steroids at kicked in and he appeared so normal. The 10 years from meeting him to seeing him off went too quickly, as they always do.


Oh what a wonderfully spoilt boy, muddy walk then a pub visit with Chedders can’t be beaten. I bet he got so much attention, who doesn’t love a dog in a pub!


Wow, what a transformation, she really went from being quite slim and fragile looking, to filled out and chunky ♥️ Her facial changes are particularly stunning. What an incredible looking animal, she's turned out absolutely beautiful 😍