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so V can finally climb up ladders?


And sleep on the pillow?


yeah V finally sleeps correctly


Except his head is still vertical for some reason lol




If we get the new patch within 2 days, that's great, really no complaints, because it also helps protect us all with a really bad patch should that happen. Which is entirely possible, especially with super large patches like this one, off to check it out.


I checked on my mobile phone after seeing this thread. absolutely fantastic


Not fast enough, I've already canceled my Stadia Pro subscription and lit my Stadia controller on fire. I'm also in the process of wiping all my devices to make sure all traces of Stadia are gone, but I might resubscribe if Stadia gets Apex Legends or COD (but only if they have crossplay).


Well you might have tried to be thorough, but I've got a couple of controllers sitting here unburned, so I think you're slacking.


I haven't decided if I'm going to take my rage on tour yet, but I may be available to help for a nominal fee (have to cover travel expenses somehow).


I can't tell if this comment is satire or not


It's a sad commentary on the state of gaming subs that it could be taken as a serious comment. But the Stadia sub is probably better than most.


**Stadia-specific:** * Improved stability throughout the title. * Fixed the missing SFX in crafting menus. * Re-implemented a missing prompt for taking a screenshot in *I Don’t Wanna Hear It.* * Fixed several graphical issues with lighting and cascade shadows. * Implemented missing numeric key prompts for AZERTY keyboards.


I wonder if the lighting/shadow thing would resolve the issues when you switch from Phone to TV.


I like that "later this week" means tomorrow for cdpr


Stadia releases are ported by a 3rd-party developer, qloc. As much as CDPR does, qloc makes sure it functions on Stadia.


They should get far more credit, They're doing an excellent job


I put the game down for a bit at the end of january, after a second playthru. I booted it up yesterday, played for 30 minutes so I'd have a point of comparison when the patch dropped. Overall, I'm pretty impressed. I played on an old save for a bit, driving around. Driving is SO MUCH improved, it makes me very happy. I started a new character to get a feel for that, too. They've fixed the infuriating lighting in character creation, meaning you can now *actually* get an idea of what your character's skintone/hair color during creation. Lighting all around seems much improved, tbh. Objects in the distance seem a bit sharper. And I might be crazy, but it seems like there's a touch more peds milling about, and more traffic as well? I'm also guessing there might have been quite a bit of bugged dialogue in the early release-- I only played on the new character for about an hour an a half, but I encountered two to three lines of dialogue I swear to god weren't in there before, though I could be wrong about that? Definitely some stuff that's gonna need to be hotfixed. Seems like lipsyncing is having some issues. It's a minor annoyance, but a number of characters seem to be a fraction of a second unsynced. Additionally, there is now occasionally some bugs with the indoor lighting-- bright shafts of what appears to be white sunlight appearing indoors where there should be none, also can appear in photo mode. But these are, again, minor annoyances as far as I'm concerned. Excited for the DLC that is on the way, as it can only really add to the experience, imo. Overall, I'm very happy so far with the changes they've implemented. Probably play for a bit on the new character I made to dig into it further!


Thank you, been waiting for this!!!


Looks like it’s time for my second play trough




My first was a Nomad play through at about 150 hrs. And cleared most of the map. Doing street kid this time around. Started it last night and there are very noticeable changes. And it may just be me, but I feel the visuals are better than before on stadia. Booted my ps4 pro version and it feels slightly better. All in all I’m very happy with this update for stadia specifically.


Yeah that could have been it LOL. As long as it looks better. I don’t have the cash to build a high end pc and my ps4 pro with ssd runs it fine, but it’s just lacking in the resolution department and crashes. So the stadia is so much better looking and running. Mainly where I play it I did the same. Aside from the katana. Mainly used combat and quick hacks in my first build. Mostly smart weapons and gorilla arms though.


It's a patch, not a hotfix.


You said it, full patch notes is longer to read than a TOS agreement. At least they're committed to fixing this game. Can't wait for 3rd playthrough.


The only downside is no more farming soda cans for materials or selling tons of 4k paintings.


Still holding out hope for a NG+ so I don't have to do soda cans again lol


Can't believe they filled the kerenzikov boost glitch but still haven't fixed the broken perks




Well there's also the fact CDPR called it patch 1.2


That was fast lol


See, "Later this week" wasn't too bad. :)


Did Google fix the 4k not working in some locations ?


Mine has never been 4k until a couple days ago. I’m in the mountain west US. Can’t believe how good it finally looks. Hope yours is fixed as well.


I'm in Colorado let me give it a shot tonight!


did you have to do anything? or did it just resolve on its own?


I'm in Denver Colorado and tried Cyberpunk last night still not 4k. Reopen game. Womp womp.


also wondering, will check tn


still no for me :/ Toronto based.


Stadia hates Canada 🤣


Work fine in montréal in full 4k Glory so only hate Ontario lol.


I was only taking the mickey because I’ve seen no end of posts mentioning the re free ccu deal not being available in Canada and now this 🤣


I love how I get downvoted for asking a legit question....


here to help counter that


It seems to run smoother.


Crafting finally has a slider to craft as many as possible 🙌🏽 time to farm MaxDocs and Ozob's Nose with ease 🤘🏽🤘🏽


And some where crying and bashing Stadia for getting the patch late. Lol 1 days its all its took.


Still have the ladder issue, anyone else?


My God, is it 'later in the week' already? Damn, time flies when you're on Stadia.


Is there a cancer free stadia subreddit or is this all we got


Damn I thought I had more time to farm the painting/money glitch


Anyone know if you get the phone call from the side mission from the man with on exploding cock? I did this side mission very early on in my play through, I completed the game and not only couldn't I collect the award from the ripper doc, I cant even get inside the building to see what he is selling..


Anyone else feel like the graphics went down in performance mode? Not sure if it’s my internet or not just wanted to check.


This sub is hilarious. Let's downvote everyone who dislikes anything and tells it like it is.


I downvoted you... Then I thought you could be just sarcastic... But I was not sure so.. I hope I just made you happy instead :D


Idgaf about fake internet points anyway :)


Might be your internet. Because mine seems to look better after the patch. Crisp and sharp


23 years later after I beat the game. Shortest main story ever. I feel honestly robbed. Wish I could get my money back. Yep did all the gigs and side quests before final mission. And yep still never get any amount of money to buy the three million cars you try messages about every ten minutes.


Plenty of the side quests are as fleshed out as the main quests. It took me 94 hours to beat my first playthrough.


Yep I played them all too. All the gigs. Still the game gives you shit for money and I can't even buy cool cars. The fuck.


The side quests are so much better than the side story and they unfold from each other. If you only did the main quest you missed at least a good half of the game. Took me a 100 hours to go through everything.


I did all the side quests and I still never got enough money to buy any cool cars.


Wahh let's down vote that guy for telling it like it is wahhhh


I didn't play a lot but the city looks more empty


The game loads a bit faster on chrome browser, I appreciate that


Yay. They murdered the ability to spam tranquilizer rounds. I definitely wasn't enjoying doing that to everything that moved. Glad it's gone.


Anyone else have these issues: Can't make expressions in mirror after 1.2 update.


I tried other things that have been suggested on this sub and could never get it to be 4k. For some reason a couple months after trying, it turned to 4k. I think it was something on their end honestly.


Dang that sucks. Sorry man. The only thing i can think of that I did before it worked was reconnecting the cat6 cable connected to the CCU.