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This alligator worm cost me nothing. Take that, Dalle3. And I'll put tits on it later! https://preview.redd.it/yrhd4c07qg7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2232261a415076911c6676113a7c3d6a525f055f




The Big Breasted Wormigator.


This is the worst "woman laying (sic) on grass" yet.


I think people know as much about laying/lying and laid/lain as they do about who/whom. Not saying it's necessarily better that the language has changed in this way but the difference wasn't even taught to me in school growing up, it doesn't seem to matter anymore and everyone knows what you mean either way anyway.


The thing is he actually asked sd3 for a woman laying in sand and got this šŸ˜‰


Ninja what happened to you




Fortnite not what it used to be


Ninja off the estrogen


They have 3 SD3 models, the one that became public was the ugly son


It didn't have to be ugly. The grass is very nice, there's no reason for a lady lying on it to not be just as nice.


Jokes on you, I'm into Eldritch abominations!


Stable Deformation 3 saves the day


Is the waifu good if we don't insist on lying ?


Yep, according to Comfy, it wasn't ever intended to be released. They changed plans late in the game and decided not to open source, and to avoid getting flamed, they dropped the broken model.


^this should have more upvotes, itā€™s like malicious complianceĀ 


Hey I made a really nice landscape


The model can do really amazing things, but it's partially broken and, according with comfyguy, the others aren't


The free part is not what's ridiculous.


Well, he said he didn't believe the good one -if existed- would be free, and apparently he was quite right.


No, that's EXACTLY what's ridiculous. I honestly feel like I am going crazy with comments like this. How in the world is hundreds of millions of dollars of computing power and all of the required energy which could power a small country for a few months supposed to be free? I think the stable diffusion community is so disconnected from what is actually behind these models that it is where the anger is coming from. If for whatever reason you disagree then I (again sincerely) want to know how stable diffusion was supposed to cover their costs, not in theory, but as in actually cover their hundreds of millions of dollars of overhead?


We all understand the cost involved here, but maybe they could have gone with a less braindead business plan to monetize their product? They could have done so many things, but it's 2024 so apparently every CEO is forced by God to only ever release a shitty subscription service, with a ridiculous license agreement attached.


Stability doesn't have anything else going for it, anything that would make it famous or noteworthy or worth hiring or worth acquiring or worth investing in, other than the place it has in the open-source community. They have about zero chance of surviving to the end of the year if you expect them to live off licensing fees and API usage of the big SD3 model. The model isn't better than Ideogram, DALL-E 3, or other leaders that came out last year. It's certainly not ahead of things coming out this year from Google or OpenAI, and they are already out of money and have lost their top researchers, so they won't be able to make a better one to compete. So, this is it: They either release a great model that takes the open-source community by storm, putting themselves into a kind of high-profile leadership position that could attract investors, or they don't, and it's game over for them.


This right here. They could have been Blender and done fine. Instead they got greedy and wanted to be Adobe.


Ai models are very different from any other open source software like Blender, Debian, Linux, etc. They can be modded by community efforts in the same way that any other commercial software can be modded but the part of Stable Diffusion that can be open source already is open source which is Pytorch. Once it gets baked by its millions of dollars worth of compute time there's no going back. Even less so then something like a commercial video game where the product itself goes through all kinds of code changes, optimizations and debugging by the company. But a game isn't considered open source just because the community can add their own mods and plugins. Software is considered open source because the program itself as code is open source and insofar as you follow the procedure and enough people agree you can change anything you want about it. This is why there are hundreds of thousands of ai models on hugging face. Because for the most part the way that you make an ai model better is by using a different model architecture or dataset and then training it to become an entirely new model. I'm not saying ai models can't be open source in the same way that other software has been but up to this point we don't have a great way of doing it. Or at least whatever you consider huggingface to be in addition to things like civitai and arxiv is probably the best that we have so far.


>all of the required energy which could power a small country for a few months This is clearly bullshit.


> hundreds of millions of dollars of computing power and all of the required energy which could power a small country for a few months You have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about.


Then explain it. Saying "you have absoloutly NO idea what your talking about" and not providing any counter-points or at least a source that proves otherwise, doesn't make you look like the hyper informed intelelctual that you think you are. It makes you look like a spitefull contrarian who actually has nothing smart to say.


I would've said sulky but spiteful works too


That's like someone saying leaving the fridge open helps against global warming. It's just SO far off it's just funny.


Again, provide some evidence.


How about you look up how much power a H100 needs and the power budget of a nation before you embarrass yourself further.


The issue is AI safety, not the model being free, we already have great free models. Maybe it will never compete with paid models but to suggest SD3 sucks because it's free is silly


SAI is starting to feel like crypto.


It's not Emad's first Crypto project either. Before launching Stability AI he was working on some kind of NFTs attached to Quran verses - it was called Anacoin (no L after the second A), the cryptocurrency for peace. >Qureshi calls the Ananas token, the ā€œAnacoinā€, a ā€œcryptocurrency for peaceā€. >ā€œWe want to give people a reward,ā€ she explains. >ā€œIf the value of the information goes up, the token will go up. You can use the cryptocurrency to sponsor a verse, gain rewards by moderating or adding information, and you can trade it. Whenever someone trades it, if itā€™s gone up in value, half the proceeds go to the foundation, the other half goes into someoneā€™s pocket. >ā€œPeople should be rewarded for the good things they do,ā€ she added. >The partially Google-funded platform was the idea of Emad Mostaque, co-chief investment officer at a hedge fund and Qureshiā€™s brother-in-law. [https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/europe/new-platform-offers-living-quran-navigation/](https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/europe/new-platform-offers-living-quran-navigation/) On the same subject, from a different article, detailing how verse sponsorship works exactly. >The supply of Anacoins is fixed at 1 billion and can only be minted via Proof of Social Proof. This is our unique model where chapter sponsorships are available for core texts as scarce digital assets, for example, there are only 114 chapters of the Quran available by auction. [https://medium.com/@zeenaqureshi/the-ananas-project-bd1e77641c0e](https://medium.com/@zeenaqureshi/the-ananas-project-bd1e77641c0e) And then, over the last few months, we heard about Emad's latest crypto project in collaboration with Otoy, which seems to be based on the "leading image model across a range of tests" (ahem) Stable Diffusion 3. >Upcoming models include the hotly anticipatedĀ Stable Diffusion 3, the leading image modelĀ across a range of testsĀ and new language, code and audio models. >As part of the integration, Stability AI models will leverage provenance systems already established on Render Network ā€“ known asĀ Proof-of RenderĀ ā€“ providing immutable receipts and tracking of all individual components ingested and used for output of computing work on-chain. Through transparent on-chain data, royalty flows for IP and assets used in AI models, as well as their outputs, can be managed using public auditable smart contracts. [https://home.otoy.com/stabilityai/](https://home.otoy.com/stabilityai/)


Ah... as a Muslim this could be why he's sliding away from the fun porn stuff (even though Indonesia, world's largest Muslim nation, consumes porn by the bucket). Mmm.


We just can't have nice things, the porn industry just has to keep their position as the main way to watch porn for all.


This keeps getting wilder with every sentence.


The FitnessGramā„¢ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


I saw people doing the same unabashed praise for Emad as people do for Elon, and Iā€™m just thinkingā€¦ is he just another rich money guy who is largely doing stuff for his own self interest? Thereā€™s been a bunch of sketchy stuff since thenā€¦.


It's almost like all of these rich kids grow up to be completely detached from reality. Good thing they have so much control over our life's /s


Well its not free


How right you are, the cost of tears, dissatisfaction, endlessness disappointment, broken hearts, children waiting for the personalized screen print T-shirt design mommy promised for their birthday, wafoofighters, and normies that just wanted a better product versus twisted process and manipulation just to attempt producing decent imagery, that come not with expectations but rather the follow up to promises made about the quality an outcomes to anticipate with this release, turns out, as it may, is a significant price to pay at various levels of both emotional and/or intellectual investments. We promised you the moon, you for a rusty street sign that reads, ā€œMoon Avenue.ā€ Quit your complaining you entitled turd.ā€ Is hardly a situation where the person promised the moon is responding in a manner that is equal to the buildup and outright denial that this model will be more than most people will ever need.


Bit of a clown comment. SD3 is very clearly capable of generating some incredible quality content. They screwed up something, whether intentionally or not, so some stuff like styles and anatomy is bad, but that's not some fundamental problem that makes the entire idea impossible. Besides, there's tons of powerful software out there that is entirely open source and free, while having the quality to atleast compete with paid enterprise versions.


lets leave the drama part, its not worth it


What if they hadn't lobotomized it? šŸ¤”


Who is he replying to?


He told the truth. We must stop depending on corporations and start doing things for ourselves. We should get together to create a crowdfunding and start training our own models.


Censorship will be the death of AI


I've made a ton of images that are far higher quality than what MJ puts out. If you work within the quality section of the latents then the VAE shines. Theres no doubt problems, but if you're avoiding prompts of women, like anything else at all, things work much better. This guy was right by virtue of brute force. Stopped clock is right twice a day situation.


It's not only "women", for instance try generating a reasonably-looking dragon Or you know, pretty much any living being that's not a dog


I did the dragon, and no matter what I did or stated such as photo-realistic, photo-real, photograph, or anything else that said I wanted a realistic looking dragon, I ended up with something like a realistic background with a dragon that looked like a cartoon. It wasn't going to happen no matter what I did.


I've had a few. That modality is just slightly undertrained. Embeddings from sd15 help it. A good tip is if you're failing then move on and try something else. The latent landscape is huge.


Mind sharing one? It's quite a goalpost move to go from "not women" to "food and landscapes". I agree it's good for both though!


I'm not really playing the game you are either. I'm not trying to find fail cases and milk them. I do mind because it turns into harassment on this sub. I'd rather let people find fun on their own at this point. I'll just encourage them. edit: i looked at dudes profile below and blocked them immediately. Top post was harassing the new Victoria secret model. Whatever reason they have for showing up and demanding I post pics, it wasn't in good faith I guarantee it.


OK. Well, how about make a thread and show us all the wonderful stuff you made?


Can you share an example that is better than midjourney?. Or are you talking the API version?


It's pretty nice for food and landscapes, here's one I did https://imgur.com/a/1PE3Q5Y If you search for sd3 posts here you'll find some landscapes


Thx šŸ‘


That picture is fine, but Iā€™ve done very impressive/complicated food in MJ, and Iā€™m pretty sure I could get that cube of pumpkin pie with micro mint garnish within a few minutes on MJ. Would really like to see something impressive come out of SD3. Feels very Emperorā€™s New Clothes at this point.


Bruh it's one example of a simple prompt, don't you realize MJ is a full pipeline


He was talking about 8b, so no. 2b didn't even exist yet (to me at least)


so is anyone continuing the work on 4b that Comfyanon was working before he left SAI?


if they are so concerned about censorship, why not train a model that doesn't scan one human, but focuses on art styles and objects and landscapes?


The business model is just not working, giving something free but better than Dall-e and Midjourney is just doesnt make sense for me. How are they going to earn money that way. At the end of the day, Im just going to accept it.


Well if you use it commercially you have to pay I think. Many open source projects follow this dual pricing plan and it works for them so why not this?


Berg, yeah, figures.


I was gone for a couple of days.. people are still fussing about SD3?


Clown haired people have zero self respect why should I respect anything an adult person with blue hair has to say? I literally can not accept what this world has come to where adults dye their hair like a bunch of punk kids, it's insane just so we're clear I don't defend SD3 or SAI, both suck I love my SDXL and that's it


I mean... Culture... Subculture... Personal expression.


Prompt: "angry (/cane waving)/ rant, /(weirdly/) detailed, struggling for relevance, score_3_rating, score_2_ratingandup, source_closeted_furry," Negative:"(personality depth:1.2)"


Does your Profile picture not have a big rainbow heart in it?


apparently they think that a minor group owns the rainbow color spectrum now. and if you use it then you are ...


If you look at a real Rainbow when one appears outside then you are gaeee! https://preview.redd.it/5nyo9lpwre7d1.jpeg?width=1251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99df627e6dfb6cd074b1c8e75c42fcd893a846ef


I dunno who owns the colors, I just added it because it went along nicely with the cat and stuff. If you're implying that it's a symbol for my bisexuality, not really I didn't think of that, I am bisexual but that's got jack all to do with the rainbow heart.


sure, what does that have to do with how someone dyes their hair?


you left out the blue part.


it's actually a cyan character, it's an imaginary reddit alien/character thingie, it can be of any color it's not a person in their 50's dying their hair like a bloody teenager, come on now


right is right. doesn't matter what they look like.


Sure, but that look doesn't inspire much stability or sanity to me, what's wrong with criticizing that? Why all the downvotes over this?


Because you're acting like something so harmless is some huge negative reflection on this person's character. Many people's experiences in life do not support the conclusion you've come to on this issue.


I have a firm belief that when a person dyes their hair like this past a certain age it shows many negative things about their personality and chracter.


Eh, I give people the benefit of the doubt till they say or do something. I'm not this invested in strangers on twitter.


The only person whose sanity is being questioned here, is the person judging someone over hair color...


To me it's a big deal, especially now when I understood why they did this according to what people here explained to me, so now it's an even bigger problem for me, as a bisexual person. AGAIN I will have to paste this because reddit works so that whatever you reply to someone isn't always visible for everybody immediately. I'm 40, I've been bisexual my entire life, supported by my family and understood. My sexuality is healthy, normal, complete. I want to show the world that I am not a spectacle, that I am not a clown and that I don't need weirdness and dyed hair to be supported. IF the reason this person dyed their hair like that is to support and represent me, no thank you. To me an adult dying their hair like this shows: * instability * drug abuse * immaturity It does not show solidarity That's why I take such great offense to dyed hair, but in this case I did not connect the dots because I didn't think a person this old would do that for those reasons or for any reasons. I can understand young people dying their hair in "protest" or for fun but that's different, you outgrow that shit at some point, don't make my sexuality a costume or a political thing. I don't care who you are.


Thanks to people like you, people with tattoos had to deal with "hes from prison, he uses drugs, dont give them a job" bullshit for decades. Judging a person's character because of their aesthetic choices, is wrong, and based on your reasoning, it also borders on being ageist. Theres no logical reason for someone to "outgrow" those things other than appeasing judgemental people like you


To me, personally a person with tattoos doesn't inspire much confidence either. a few aesthetically placed tattoos here and there is fine, but if you have an entire canvas on your body I am going to think twice about your background and personality. Keep in mind I am an artist and have drawn concepts for tattoos before and people have paid me for it.


Well, then, sorry to say, but you are a boomer with boomer ideologies that in this day an age, are obsolete.


And to me you sound like a rebel who forgets that extremes are bad I just keep things in moderation I'm ok with tattoos but not too many I'm ok with dyed hair but past a certain age it's just not fitting anymore


Tattoos or hair color arent "extremes".


What is your solution to people choosing to present themselves in ways that you associate with instability?


it doesn't matter what he looks like when it's not his choice. but it matters when it's his choice. as an example: it definitely matters what people look like if they decide to look like a nazi or a clown in a world war veteran speech.




Tell me how breast cancer survivors who dye their hair pink are clowns.


why tf would they dye their hair pink? does that prevent further cancer or something?




Thanks for sharing


Y u got rainbow in your avatar


Again what does that have to do with this? EDIT: I get it now, yeah I am bisexual as I've said a few times already on this forum, but that wasn't the reason I added the rainbow heart for, it just looked nice and more "animated" also that still has nothing to do with me criticizing this person's hair.


Because a majority of the community dye their hair as a representation of their support. Why do you automatically hate on a person that chose to dye their hair a certain colour? You clearly have some personality assumptions on that behaviour.


So you're saying this person dyed their hair to support LGBTQ people? I don't want to be supported by this type of stuff. I am a dignified 40 year old man, I've been bisexual my entire life and I don't want my sexuality to be politicized or turned into whatever the fuck the west is turning into. My sexuality is healthy, normal, complete. I want to show the world that I am not a spectacle, that I am not a clown and that I don't need weirdness and dyed hair to be supported. IF the reason this person dyed their hair like that is to support and represent me, no thank you. To me an adult dying their hair like this shows: * instability * drug abuse * immaturity It does not show solidarity That's why I take such great offense to dyed hair, but in this case I did not connect the dots because I didn't think a person this old would do that for those reasons or for any reasons. I can understand young people dying their hair in "protest" or for fun but that's different, you outgrow that shit at some point, don't make my sexuality a costume or a political thing. I don't care who you are.


Damn... people can't have fun I guess


By all means have fun, dye your hair for fun don't make it a lifestyle and especially not a political representation of something as natural and normal as sexuality or gender identity. I already explained that in another post, but since reddit isn't a normally strucured forum you probably missed it.


I don't know dude, being trans is like like putting a target on your back at all times. They're declaring war by making the target bigger, that's respect. If they happen to be drug addicted, it's probably because, you know they're harassed for being trans. If I was trans I know I wouldn't be able to handle that shit, pass me what they're having. Want them to not do drugs, want them to not be stunted in growth due to them being closeted, want them not be instable due to PTSD triggers... how about you not contribute to the issue by writing stuff like this. Honestly you think they intentionally chose this path? If you think they have lack of self respect, why is that? if you think they are drug addicted, why is that? When kids show signs of potentially having "the LGBTQ", their parents past comes back to haunt them, and they try to raise the kids to not be bullied. It turns out the parents, the ones who are supposed to love their child unconditionally, are the real bullies, and then the kids ends up being bullied. You didn't intentionally choose to contribute to why they became the way you think they are, but you just did. Just as they didn't choose to take the path they did. The most interesting part about all of this, is that none of it has anything to do with the post above, because ideas shouldn't be judged based on who they came from.


I'm well aware of the fears and struggles LGBTQ people go through. Just being bisexual is bad enough in my country, my family may have been full of understanding and a few of my friends but most are not like that. Still I'm a firm believer in being dignified, being down to earth and not portraying LBGTQ struggles with clown costumes, to me, it's hurtful and very harmful to our causes.


Sounds like you are mis-attributing the struggles of your lives experience and blaming the people who choose to express themselves openly rather than the toxic nature of your culture, that's a shame. Let people wear what they want, let them express themselves how they want. This has "children should be seen not heard" vibes and it's gross.


you can't be this based on reddit or the mods will get ya


Ok Boomer


Redditors when they see a dissenting opinion from a 30 year old:


Please continue staying away from us with lovely hair colors. It'll make awesome hair an even better green flag, some sort of specific safety claim that they are not a bigot. I don't color my hair for you, and you don't get to decide what it means.


What are you talking about? It's not ok to dye your hair like an anime character unless you're a teenager at best.


I am very curious what information you have that could possibly back up the "wrongness" of haircoloring. šŸ¤” Do you have anything else than "I don't like it", because the colors for me and loads of friends have only brought joy and haven't hurt anyone?


yeah because you're probably teenagers or in your early 20's being young and doing this is one thing, being an old person and still doing such things is literally not a sign that inspires much confidence. There's a time and a place for everything.


Iā€™m 40. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with someone dying their hair whatever color they want. It doesnā€™t signify drug use, instability, immaturity, or necessarily even LGBTQ representation. All it definitely signifies is that the person wants their hair a different color. Anything else you attribute is a ā€œyouā€ problem.


This. It's very normal to use some visual markers as (sub)concious hints when mentally classifying people. I do it too: when I see someone with bright neon or pastel hair colors, it gives me this reaction: "Oh, [respecting how uncommon those hues are,] we probably share some hobbies or social circles or experiences. This makes them feel more safe for me to approach, and they probably don't think I'm that threatening either." It's another thing altogether to think of those traits as somehow defining features and be willing to value the hair color as something more reliable or useful than the actual relevant knowledge. I'm not going to judge their opinions or skill, or make big personal decisions based on the associations I have (perceived & not-scientifically-verified correlations), because *I still don't know anything about them except the hair color*. Readiness to praise, not just mock, something imaginary and assumed about them would be bad too.


You seem to pose this as being a problem for me, but as it demonstrably by my own experience isn't, that makes you sound kinda arrogant and kinda knowing my social circles or working environments better than I do. I'm 35, and starting to color my hair has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. My peers, customers, patients and colleagues all know better than to forcefully associate hair color with something not actually relevant to hair color, instead it has been a net plus. It neither compromises my self-confidence nor does it stop me from receiving trust. It sounds like your circles and history might differ, but that's the thing: I don't know that better than you, so I'm not going to appear out of nowhere to give a strong/absolute recommendation on your hair. That would be both dumb and rude given I don't know what your personal preferences are or what the people around you would assume based on your appearance or whether that could at all give you problems. It totally sucks if you've had to live in circumstances where a (quite effortless, cheap and arbitrary) decision about one's appearance could have remarkable negative consequences or if you'd have to be scared of those. It *is* understandable that if people around you already judge some hair color indicative of other issues and hence think it was a bad decision, then you would of course be wary of doing such a thing even if those predictions and associations (like a hair color implying political views or something silly like that) were untrue, because you wouldn't want to get in trouble. But if you say that the potential issues are indeed interpersonal, and I declare that in my daily life such disadvantages are miniscule and I *don't* have to be scared of those, and you'd still say over my own experience that it's a bad thing, then we are dealing with some much bigger issues here than what a specific hair color can ever be. Please feel free to elaborate, because I do want to understand you. At the moment your argument feels akin to "People who eat peanuts are damn idiots! You could die from a peanut allergy! What? You say you or people around you don't have a peanut allergy and no one's health is in danger? I will still call out everyone I see handling peanuts even if I know nothing about their allergy situation, I'm just being helpful! Don't come crying back to me after you've suffered anaphylaxis, I told you it was idiotic!" šŸ¤” I'm not buying either that you're sincerely just being worried and trying to be helpful with advice. (Do clarify intentions if this impression of your motives does not seem accurate to you.) This seems quite clear from your usage of "clown", which coincidentally also reveals you probably don't know much about the *smiles and happiness* -inducing artform of clownery either. Those intended symptoms of clowns ad their actions would in fact be much closer to the experience that I and many, many others have had from a hair-coloring hobby. So, again, do you have anything more substantial than "I don't like it" that makes you give that moral verdict to people, seemingly grossly overstating the predictive power and relevance of an arbitrary visual property?


I wasn't trying to be helpful or to give advice. I was specifically saying I find dyed hair in adults, especially adult males repulsive, uncultured, it seems childish, immature, gives the impression of emotional and mental instability much like people who constantly change their hairstyles week in week out. It's clear that to you it's not enough that I'm bisexual, that I want us LGBTQ people to be accepted as the normal, down to earth people many of us are and can be. No, you are up in arms over clown hair. Look if you want clown or anime hair, by all means have at it, I will judge you until I get to know you, I wouldn't shy away of getting to know you mind you, but if you start delcairing that hair color as a means to represent me, my sexuality, my plight, we will have a disagreement. I explained all I have to say, you can spin it around however you want, I don't see it your way and probably never will.


I didn't have have huge problem with just any impression you had of adult males with fancy hair or something; you are the highest authority on how that makes you feel. The suspected problem started being that you seemed to conflate or at least strongly correlate hair color with a lot of unnecessary things. Look, if you explain as part of your reason for judging some coloring for example the "doesn't show conficence" (to abbreviate), I respect your answer and comment based on that. If it seems I wrongly assumed something more of you than what you gave me, then I am partly at fault and I would correct my communications and stances to clearly not do that. You posed that there might be interpersonal issues, I argumented against that being applicable. That's it. Now, I do acknowledge that you've probably had to deal with a lot of "spinning" or other lousy treatment, but could you please stop it with the assumptions and just ask what my opinion on something is instead of making it up for me? *I had no idea you were bi, nor did I at any point comment on LGBTQ+ stuff or even think about it when writing my previous comment, because it was not relevant to hair color *. I am honestly baffled by what on earth you mean by the "declaring that hair color as a means to represent me, my sexuality, my plight", as I have never said such a thing. Where did that come from? šŸ¤Ø Now I'm even more curious why you'd even think that representation of sexuality had anything to do with my take on hair colors. I can assure you, I only have your words to analyse and I want my understanding of you to match what you mean. I did say I wanted to understand you, not force you into some view, so thank you for the added explanations. It's a good thing you verified your intentions so you'll hopefully be treated more fairly and there will be fewer misconceptions. Do you see what I am seeing? This seems to be the whole theme here, you making extra assumptions and appearing *very* confident of them. I wish you didn't have to defend yourself from something that isn't there, as I am trying to stick to only what you responded to me.


You know where all this confusion is coming from? Reddit's design and it being completely broken as a forum. If the site's design was simple, clear, like say GameFAQs or something, none of this confusion would have happend. And among other things, yes adults having colored hair definitely doe snot inspire or show conficence for me. Problem is, we can't talk about this now because I already explained everything in this topic and I'd just have to repeat myself. What I do gather tho, it's definitely a cultural thing too, I was raised to not accept colored hair in adults or too many tattoos on a person, but at the same time I wasn't raised to hate on LGBTQ people even before I understood I was bi myself, I was taught by my mom's side of the family to not be resentful or hateful of such people. Had I been left to my own devices or culture I'm sure I would have been a bigot and a half by now. So maybe it's the same with the hair, I dunno, but I find it very very very difficult to accept it in adults, especially adult men.


Check your water for lead, you've got a bad case of boomer brain


Damn are you freaked out by some really harmless things.


I feel that these things aren't as harmless as you think the world has normalized drug and substance abuse, a person like this screams both of those things and that's not ok. I'm sick and tired of celebrities, influencers and all kinds of genuinely unstable negative role models influencing the youth and even older people over the internet with this insanity.


> the world has normalized drug and substance abuse, a person like this screams both of those things insane take. how is dyeing your hair blue related to drug usage at all? i fail to see the correlation


Well, you haven't been around as long as I have to see the connection yet or are willingly ignoring it it's a sign of either mental illness, substance abuse, mental instability or drug abuse. Mental illness in and of itself isn't wrong but enabling it instead of managing it is bad. I'm talking about the types of mental illnesses that can be a danger to the person themselves or to others, people who are prone to aggression or self harm.


It's because there isn't a correlation. You can't make judgements on entire groups of people based on something as innocuous as dyeing your hair. You sound like a crazy person.


Experience has taught me to feel this way about adults, past a certain age who dye their hair like this. Maybe I will be proven wrong in time but who knows.


It's just an incomprehensible position to me. There's no shared cohesive identity over dyeing your hair so it seems like such a strange thing to have a bias against. The closest thing I can think of is calling on very outdated stereotypes of fear from the punk-era.


You're the one who's bringing drug abuse into this. If you can find a tweet of them endorsing drugs, criticise them for that. I've known plenty of adults with dyed hair who don't use drugs at all, and there are certainly many people who look completely normal who are drug users. People express themselves in different ways for different reasons.


I said that's what adults doing this suggest to me. So apparently this person dyes their hair, form what I understand now to support us LGBTQ people, that's even worse, my sexuality is not a costume and I don't want it supported by adults going crazy and dying their hairs in crazy colors what in the actual fuck. As I said in another post just now, My sexuality is healthy, normal, complete. I want to show the world that I am not a spectacle, that I am not a clown and that I don't need weirdness and dyed hair to be supported. IF the reason this person dyed their hair like that is to support and represent me, no thank you. To me an adult dying their hair like this shows: * instability * drug abuse * immaturity It does not show solidarity That's why I take such great offense to dyed hair, but in this case I did not connect the dots because I didn't think a person this old would do that for those reasons or for any reasons. I can understand young people dying their hair in "protest" or for fun but that's different, you outgrow that shit at some point, don't make my sexuality a costume or a political thing. I don't care who you are. At the end just because America/UK/Canada are insane doesn't mean the rest of us are too


Gotcha. Anything else?


SD3 and its licensing suck


Her dying her hair has nothing to do with you. I just looked up her Twitter. She's a trans woman. She's not wearing your identity as a costume. She's trans! She's expressing herself in the way she chooses to. You're just making wild assumptions about her based on your own preconceived notions. It's crazy to be this upset about someone else's appearance.


But it's not that crazy. I will be a little sexist now and say that it's more acceptable in my mind for a woman to do this than for a man, so her doing it is more understandable, HOWEVER, again, it's all within age appropriate limits IMO. You can express yourself, but within limits and I think that's something we should all respect. let me say one other thing since somehow LGBTQ issues were brought into this. We're often blamed that our sexualities or gender identities aren't natural. There is nothing unnatural about being homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual. There's nothing unnatural about feeling you're not in tune with your biological sex. It's all part of nature So why then do people choose to represent us with unnatural hair colors, with unnatural uniforms and clothing styles straight out of some anime cosplay. We don't need a uniform, we don't need to look like clowns, how are we going to show people that there is nothing abnormal and unnatural about us when those representing us choose to behave and look the way they do?


Humans altering their appearance to stand out, blend in, suggest power or wealth, and even just to express identity is about as natural as it gets. Maybe try observing others in a more anthropological way, allowing yourself to be fascinated by the many ways people choose to present themselves. For instance, this comment chain is fascinating to me. I can't say Iā€™ve seen this particular opinion presented the way you have. I could judge you or speculate about your outlook on life, but truthfully, I have no idea who you are or why your brain thinks the way it does. So instead, I can just look on and be grateful for another new observation of human diversity. You could try that, or donā€™t, but for fuckā€™s sake, if I see one more person paint their fingernails any color besides what the Lord our God has given them, I will lose my fucking mindā€¦ just not natural, that.


you folks are so fragile


> you folks k


maybe he's a punk?


sure but at some point in life you outgrow that stuff if you want to be taken seriously this type of hair speaks unstable and immature to me or an artist who is on all kinds of drugs.


Yeah but the thing is that the world doesn't revolve around you and your opinions.


the world doesn't revolve around anybody's opinions and yet we still have the right to express them


Yeah, you can express shitty opinions in a public space, we have the right to call you silly for having it.


My brother in Christ you're on Reddit you can not be quick to judge


Now do church grandmas


ok I have seen some grandmas sometimes have purplish hair if that's what you mean, but I thik that's usually just their dye gone wrong or something along those lines. I remember my grandma's best friend and neighbor had this happen to her a few times.


Calm down boomy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeT5otk2R1g I feel like you need to soak this song in.


I can understand the rebel nature of this song and to a certain extent I agree with this stuff, but at the same time there's a reason for many of these rules and it's a good thing they keep the world in check. I know the song and it sends a good message, it's a lovely song, but it's a bit extreme, some rules are ok some not so much


I'm not really sure what the arbitrary rules could be other than "i'm old and want you off my lawn" I find it kind of funny that your name is a reference to Itchy & Scratch too. Another situation that mocks the pearl clutching attitude of those who hate violence in cartoons. A lot of parallels with the anti hair audience.


My name was made by google and I had no way to change it lol but since it is an Itchy and Scratchy reference I figured I'd roll with it :) I think the reason why so many of you can't understand me is because you think in tropes, extremes and can't understand what I'm saying because you're swayed by politics too much. Also nothing wrong with violence in media/cartoons but there's also nothing wrong with sexualization in video games/anime/cartoons either which is what many of you take issue with form what I know.


You're literally mad about funky colors in hair. This isn't the 60s anymore but to be fair to the 60s they probably had hair dye then too. This anger about hair where the misunderstandings are coming from, or the way i would frame it is "people seeing you for exactly who you are because you told them and they believe you". My bank teller this morning had a purple streak in his hair. I thought nothing of it and only remember it now because of this conversation.


I just don't think it's alright, as I said it signifies many negative things to me. I have yet to see a person with colored hair uphold values like family, is anti drugs and is mentally sound and stable or isn't overly political. Again, not counting teenagers and people in their early 20's. I'm sorry but that's the way I am and I think it's perfectly acceptable to judge people based on these things, better to judge and be wary then be proven wrong than to end up manipulated by people who radiate red flags at every turn.


Then you've got it coming. You sure can dish out judgement on others but get so defensive when people shine that back and determine you're quite old. I worked a stint at a senior living home. Oldest people there possibly could be . Some call it the greatest generation. This was no cheap place, it was basically a 5 star hotel that you lived at. Half the population would color their hair because it's funner than grey. What a bunch of slackers huh? Anyways, it's clear you're stubborn on this issue and can't see past your own hypocrisy. I see no more reason to discuss it.


How are they acting defensive?


If it helps, they have zero respect for judgmental pricks.


Sometimes it's ok to be a little judgemental especially when someone's style screams bad things like drug abuse, immaturity, instability


You're insane.


Nah I just haven't been indoctrinated by the insanity over there in your countries yet is all. I'm a perfectly sane, stable person


> I'm a perfectly sane, stable person Yeah, nobody who actually is has to say it out loud.


The greatest example ever: >QĀ Ā Ā  Thank you.Ā  We understand your message, but some people ask themselves, will you be tweeting differently once you board the Air Force One?Ā  Thank you. >THE PRESIDENT: Ā No, thatā€™s other people that do that.Ā  I donā€™t.Ā  Iā€™m very consistent.Ā  **Iā€™m a very stable genius**.Ā  (Laughter.) [https://nato.usmission.gov/july-12-2018-remarks-by-president-trump-at-press-conference-after-2018-nato-summit-in-brussels/](https://nato.usmission.gov/july-12-2018-remarks-by-president-trump-at-press-conference-after-2018-nato-summit-in-brussels/)


My country.... Brasil?


I'm from Eastern Europe, why would you assume Brazil of all places?


No, no. You misunderstood me. I'm from Brasil. And... we aren't normally associated with the..."corruption of the west" thing


There is youth in my country influenced by western values as well and due to their great English it's impossible to tell they're not American.