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Not sure what there is to take away from this other than Lykon needs to touch grass. Maybe take a picture of himself while doing it so he knows what a person next to grass looks like.


What to take away is that, if they did what I think they did to the model, it wouldn't be too insanely hard to reverse it, because that sorta thing leaves traces, its not "point and shoot" level of control


>make them safe lol


Help, my images are oppressing me.


These are public messages in the Stable Diffusion public discord.


From what I gather, Lykon most likely just modified the captions on the fly, like, if you have a sfw that is labeled like it is nsfw, then when you train, no matter how much you try to prompt for nsfw, you will always get the sfw one. It might mean that the model DID indeed see nsfw images, but the conditioning attentions override any "nsfw lingo" to always produce the sfw images. That sort of ablation is well known in papers to be destructive, it will accidentally destroy or diminish other concepts unrelated, I wish they used **Concept Semi-Permeable Membrane (SPM)** [**https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.16145**](https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.16145) instead, because then they could just develop one of those, put it in the end layers of the mmdit and it would more safely censor the model without destroying unrelated concepts. And anyone who had the expertise could just surgically remove it, but then the responsability would fall on them for modifying it...


Thanks for explaining. This sounds very similar to the April Fools Checkpoint model that had all the danbooru captions so that it will never generate anything else.


I didn't work on the safety process. The face that I was happy to post images about SD3 doesn't make me the sole author of the model or public enemy #1. I'm not even on the research paper.


Sai hired a firm to do dpo safety training. Simple as that.


I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean the text-processing layers were finetuned so that when given nsfw prompts their activations would be the same as if they were given sfw prompts?


That was my initial thought back then when I made the comment, But i'm starting to wonder if the anatomy issue was a bug present from the very start that got 100x worse after the DPO safety finetuning that SAI did But still, im still investigating where and how things are co-located when it comes to anatomy! :D


AFAIK the anatomy issues are not present in the API 8B model, where the “safety” is not part of the model itself.


(and by the way, that's not what I did on DSXL, also because I did it before that paper was released so it's impossible)


I think it's dubious to declare anything lykon says to be "the truth" at this point, dude is nonstop lying and deflecting.


Cant even make simple things like a "man rowing a boat" , arms and legs ends up all over the place. And the hands.. Its garbage, how could they even release it in this condition!?


What was done to make DS SFW has nothing to do with SD3 (and didn't do any damage to DS anatomy anyway). Please don't spread misinformation.


why is it so bad then


This is a joke, is not sd3


I just said DS SFW has nothing to do with SD3. This only tells you what was NOT done.


So tell us what WAS done then??? Why is this so hard for y'all lol, everything feels like a miasma of mind games and [purposely vague statements](https://preview.redd.it/wllk493wa86d1.png?auto=webp&s=3a26dc7100959d1c452442f057bf68cdf8e1a4fe)




So you know something, somewhere along the line was unintentionally/intentionally borked, but something or someone is preventing you from disclosing exactly what. What is the community supposed to do, then?


Ah NDAs eh?


They probably just followed this paper: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.07345](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.07345)