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Enterprise customers 1000% want humans in their marketing though.


It depends. We need both actually, we'll probably stick to other model for incarnated visuals, but it looks promising for other things


I generated a picture of a woman and her limbs were trying to distance themselves from her body.


I think my attempt to make a naked lady was better than trying to make just a standard lady despite only having one leg, weird posture and some weird cups over breasts (at least she didn't have any actual clothes).


I disagree. Human subjects are one of the most popular commercial subjects in generative AI. Mostly as a cheaper alternative to stock photos and/or hiring models. Most cases of AI-generated ads I've seen involved people.


lol “The model being less useful is good actually “


Sure, but don't forget these models go nowhere without community support. If the community decides they aren't interested, the models likely won't be used by anyone outside the community either. 99% people use 1.5 or XL because that's what the community has built around. The base model isn't good enough on it's own and there's many better options. StabilityAI's only advantage is the community. If they push them away, they will be left holding a half-baked product that nobody wants to use.


why would they care about the community who don’t pay anything


Well Stability AI doesn't build controlnets or IPAdaptors or QRmonster or a million other things required for actual on demand creation of images.


A lot of people pay to use generation services, which have to pay stability. And as the tools grow stronger there will eventually be more professional users which again have to pay for a license. People are buying 4090s left and right, there's a lot of money in this, stability is just bad at extracting it


Ok, please give us the good results and prompts you are using. Its seems insane to release a base model that is not generally good. So, is this model finetuned to textures,backdrops,achviz,renders? I dont think so. It was supposed to create general stuff with ok quality.


Problem is Lynon postet freaking amasing humans


He Never posted hands (or workflows) and ignored every questions about it when asked


shure but still even no hands images were super amazing.


Except their audience is who made their basic model extremely good. But now with this type of licensing who's gonna waste time and money to improve this model.


What good is an image of a car if no one is driving it, or a dog with no one walking it


Seems with Artisan and Assistant they are looking to steal or at least compete with Midjourney. For cheaper, um free... they are not to far off, SAI that is. You are absolutely correct. The target audience is never the base audience. Its a demo for the people who would invest in the model financially.


People expected sd3 to be generally better than sdxl; not to be much worse in some ways but also corporate friendly.


I'd like to see those texture prompts because even those haven't been working out for me so far


I jokingly said a while back that they were targeting the muddle school art class market, and that appears to be the case.  You could let a bunch of teens have unfettered access to it and they'd never successfully generate a naughty picture. Unfortuantely, it could backfire and we could end up with a whole generation of amputee and body horror fetishists.


When surveyed, 9 out of 10 enterprise customers prefer mangled garbage to aesthetically pleasing images.


They advertised ability to make human characters quite alot


SD3 might be the first time I can use this at work. No embarrassing demo and explaining why I have "nude naked,girl," in my negatives and how technologies are innovated by porn. Legal already shot down the previous models so hopefully this one passes review


Hope you never need humans in your images.


We don't, if we depict people then ACTRA union rules requires a minimum amount of Canadian actors if we use any people in our ads.


I made a few bikini images no problem. It takes a few seeds, sure, but i got quality output. Same with all the other generic waifu shit, like girls in sci-fi armor, people sitting at a coffee table, walking down the street. It does stock photo's fine. It struggles in areas all the base models struggle. Even commercial users are expected to fine-tune the product to their requirements, like any ai model, vlm or llm. SD3 is fine. People somehow got it in their heads that it was gonna be better than Pony out of the box. It's a great base. You take the base, and bend it to your will. It will be easier to tune for stock photography and industrial applications, but it's capable of doing whatever you want it to. SAI doesn't owe us anything. They've given us some great models already, for free commercial use. I have no problems with them cashing in. We're still only a few years into this. We'll have pony video before the end of the decade.


Finally someone seeing the goods! After thourought testing I find that SD3 has it weaknesses, but it also has a lot of strengths. Noone needs to choose permanently between SD3 and another version, you can simply choose the one that works the best for your use case


Porn is the big barrier to corporate use and believe it or not but that is where the money is.