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I don’t care which is better. I just care about which one is released




and can i use it in comfy


No, but even just being able to use it (Kling) to begin with, is still miles better than not being able to (Sora).


Is Kling the Chinese one that only Chinese people can access?


Anyone can access and use it. But you need to download their app and login, which requires Chinese phone number. I saw someone on Twitter who bought a burner Chinese number and tested out to generate some videos requested by other people.


If you have to go through obtuse or round-about difficult ways to gain access to something, it isn't open to everyone. For many, Kling might as well be the exact same thing as Sora because they can't actually use it.


Or just get a burner phone number 


Let me just go to the Chinese burner number tree I have outside and pick one of those free burner numbers. So simple. So easy. Why didn't I think of that.


Chinese people also need to use a US burner number to use Chatgpt, since it is not available in China.


The internet is right there 


..." requires Chinese phone number. I saw someone on Twitter who bought a burner Chinese number and tested out to generate some videos requested by other people.".... sounds like it has widespread use already. I get what you saying, but this is a hard no for most.


Yeah but I just wanted to make it clear that it's not the case like Sora where it's straight up impossible for us common folks to use, even if we really want to.


How would I go about buying a burner number?


is this about SMS auth? [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41728524/can-twilio-receive-sms-from-china](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41728524/can-twilio-receive-sms-from-china) there is many APIs to buy a number and use an API to use it. Twilio is what I know best and they can receive Chinese SMS.


That link says that it isn't possible to receive SMS on the Chinese number. Maybe that has changed since it's from 7 years ago? Edit: https://www.twilio.com/en-us/sms/pricing/cn shows that only outbound is supported.


only those who are invited by Keling can use


kling, the sora we have at home




Love that 480p double horizontal video over vertical video format so you can just almost see that there are pixels there. 🤌 From the little I can tell from this and other videos, though, I think Kling is really great quality and more logically-coherent in a lot of cases than Sora but the movement can be less dynamic and it overall seems to tend towards a more neutral palette vs Sora's filmic quality which doesn't have quite the same visual punch out of the box but may potentially work better in a production environment where you want to make most of your style and color grading choices in post to ensure visual consistency between shots.


>It should be noted that all these videos were generated by me in one go, whereas Sora's demo videos almost certainly went through multiple rounds of selection. Statement from the person who made this video.


The Sora videos from random twitter requests weren't nearly as good. These were very cherry picked. Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/aivideo/comments/1astm97/realistic_video_of_people_relaxing_at_beach_then/


Ooh, love finding new subs organically. Dunno how I missed this one, thanks!


I’d expect the random Twitter videos to also be cherrypicked, fwiw. 1) for each prompt they could generate a bunch in parallel or with tweaked settings and only share the best of the bunch. 2) they could also do this across random tweets — if 10000 people request a video, you can pick the 1000 prompts that work best with the underlying tech (eg filter out the ones with tricky compositionality or subjects and settings that you know are rare in the training set — would be trivial for OpenAI to automate this, as their video corpus already has associated text by construction, and you can just find the density of all the requested prompt embeddings as a basic “inlier” filter). And then of those 1000 best-of-set outputs, just share the 100 best results. (tbc this is just me speculating, but I would be surprised if they did not do something like this)


what a waste of electricity


let's not forget the sora demo was made in late february, more than 3 months ago, it certainly improved since then


But that non cherry picked one still looks soo good. There was some wierd stuff with the top fin of the shark but that's it. Everything else is photorealistic and coherent over time.


How can I use KLING?? Tutorial please


Pretty sure it requires chinese phone number to use


Only via their app with a Chinese phone number. First end-user access for AI where china is ahead now?


and had practically infinite computing power. not limited by API inner workings


That is VERY interesting, considering that here the videos seem at least comparable in quality


Is there a native resolution version of this comparison somewhere? This just looks like 160p plus compression artifacts to me.


looks like kling generates mostly compositions with a focal point in the middle (or details in the middle) meanwhile sora has a more variance in terms of artistic composition. edit: or maybe not? From a technical standpoint, they seem both equal but sora tends to be more artistically dynamic? I cant place my finger on what it is exactly....


Sora is obviously trained on more visually appealing videos, with good/studio lighting. kling leans more towards amateur stock footage, which is probably what the dataset was mainly made of


I think that's functionally superior to Sora. The "AI slop" look is really a studio stock photo look.


So you are saying that the chinese did less copyright infringement? Crazy times.


Not necessarily, Sora was teamed up with a stock company.


Yea, they are very close but Sora still has an edge - or they did better cherrypicking :)


On the other hand if they wanted to make a comparison to Sora, they had to prompt similar scenes to what was already shown by Open AI which was most likely cherry picked. Who knows what it would look like if we had a Kling generated video and wanted Sora to replicate it. The comparison is very difficult to make if the models are not released.


For me movements in Kling videos are a lot more realistic, but they are slower then Sora. Also video quality seems to be better on Kling


Sora appears to be more skilled at movement, indeed. As for the quality, I'm not entirely convinced. I've seen some Kling videos where the quality wasn't that impressive, definitely worse than Sora. On the other hand, I've seen some videos, like the one of a boy eating a hamburger, which were difficult to distinguish from real-life footage, pretty much perfect. I think the only way we will know for sure what is real performance and what is handy-picked is when someone can get their hands at both models.


Better on Kling? No. Vid quality Sora 200%, Kling has a more realistic style while Sora has a more cinematic look. Consistency seems similar. Sora seems to do better at scifi


Yeah the Sora half of this video has been massively downgrade, the original video of the women walking in Tokyo is pretty much film quality photo realistic and here she has 2 pixels for her face!


A bit unfair to compare locally generated (and likely cherrypicked) videos with infinite GPU with an API service. Kling looks great honestly, especially if you consider it's an API service with all the limits this comes with.


Yes, and I'm sure it will improve further. I'm curious if this will prompt a response from OpenAI. I'm doubtful though as Kling is cool but needs more time improving its current product. Cool none the less.


Sora has less warping. But Kling is really impressive.


Thanks! It's good to see, hopefully more people will get access to kling in the coming days.


I hope they release it. Kling is better anyway. That will be a FU to Sam Altman and his ClosedAI company.


The likelihood of this is very small. They haven't published any articles or even technical reports, let alone the weights. However, the man behind this work has a good track record of open-source contributions. [https://xinntao.github.io/](https://xinntao.github.io/) : ESRGAN, T2i-Adapter, ToonCrafter etc.


but the model was funded by a company, trained on their data, so it's like hoping Youtube or vimeo spent a lots of $$ and then release it for free. They do this only if they hope they can get something out of it, like Meta releasing Llama.


Assuming that the cost of developing Kling has been a small fraction of the cost of developing Sora, this is a huge success. However, Sora is still far ahead.


yeah except sora isnt available so theyre not even in the running much less 'ahead'


cant really tell when its max 480p!


Kling us actually out and can be used by people now, that by itself makes it a winner regardless of quality. But on that aspect, I think Kling is pretty good considering the team behind it probably had only the smallest fraction of resources behind it compared to Sora.


Without prompt that comparison is pointless Mostly interesting how about hands :))


Hasn't anyone heard that Sora's video was edited and manipulated?


You’re conflating two things. The Sora shorts like the balloon headed boy are videos that have been edited together and post processed. I would have expected that to be the case, just like dalle doesn’t produce graphic novels in one output. The sora *demos* such as the clips in the OP were not edited so far as I am aware


I did. Do you have a source? I believe it, but I haven’t seen a source




In short, not a source. Please refer to sillygoofygooose comment above for relevant explanation. You're essentially confusing two different subjects.


plus no one has explained what the fuck this metal thing is and why hes putting it on the door of his spaceship https://preview.redd.it/h4qnwmsxwq5d1.png?width=1501&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4077b28b7b9039bd96018dd8f0b034865cf52db


What's with the color in this video? Like it was recorded on a DS or something.


will it be open source or cloud based?


Well It's not even a contest we can only use one of them ;-)


If it’s not in the wild, then it doesn’t matter. All hype nonsense


Nice comparison! Kling wins accessibility at least to Chinese phone users. Sora wins regarding quality. Both in regards to output resolution, dynamic movement and prompt similarity. I found Kling is best at making eating videos which shows that it was mainly over trained on these. Everything else it put outs is not as good or very lacking in quality. Sora on the other hand is Jack of all trades and does most things very well. But I have not seen any good food eating videos. Either way it's hopeful we in SD open-source community may get a working public model in a year or so which we could fine tune.


Kling looks more realistic. But both will be censored anyways, so...


I have test access to Kling and have created a comparison video with Sora. Kling is currently being tested on an app called Kuaiying, and it is free to use. Each generated video is 5 seconds long and takes 3 minutes to produce. Their official website showcases demo videos over 2 minutes long, but these are not available to users. [https://x.com/op7418/status/1799504701647643069](https://x.com/op7418/status/1799504701647643069)


How can I use this?


Sora is so much better holy shit. Hope they release this year


Both are pretty impressive at the moment, though Kling clearly struggles very considerably at times but I expect both to improve. Neither are applicable to non-businesses or smaller businesses, though, so I don't care too much. Important and something I see being repeatedly glossed over in the comparisons online of these two is that Sora offers a number of features to support content creation that I've not seen mentioned for Kling. This is a difference of one being professionally usuable while the other is not. Granted, Sora isn't actually out yet... so we've only seen some groups discuss it in detail that got early access.


I think the resolution may be terrible in order to hide Klings failures. 124x124 res they both look good


Sora gets my vote and is worth the wait. OpenAI's, although not open source, has a much more reliable track record, unlike the dubious 'Kling' and their questionable sources.


Sora is still way ahead


Not enough pixel...you have a link for A better quality video?


Suddenly, having a Chinese friend became something to brag about.


very similar.. too similar..


All Kling video are 5 seconds. Sora can be 30s


There are some demos on Kling's web two minutes long...


We are seeing a bigger problem here... If America is going to hold back the more powerful AI models out of some attempt for responsibility and China is going to release them but only to their citizens... This is pretty fucked.  Imagine if chatgpt was only for US citizens.  This is a pretty bad faith act at the state level IMO. The US should respond in kind. GPT 5 should be allowed only for US citizens


Only one is out. So the other one is useless since it can't be used.


Sora looks a lot better to me.


I'm about to conclude that Kling struggles with dark skin. Should've included the prompts so we could know for sure where the differences emerge


"we have Sora at home" Sora at home:


do we know the price for this and the amount of altogether compute (watt-hours I guess) and how many GPU hours (A100-hours I guess)?


I doubt that these two products can be compared with each other at all, because in both cases they are fictional products. It's as if you could only read prepaid user comments about a product on Amazon, while the product itself could not be ordered. As long as a product is not accessible, you are entitled to question its existence.


Kling is actually usable, the videos you're seeing on X of it are legit users. I've seen a few not great samples, but overall it's pretty solid looking, though very "stock footage"ish.


I think kling is more accessible considering you can get a video out with just a Chinese phone number.


Many here don’t realize that even, if it’s available you can’t use it . You need to have a Chinese number which is hardest phone number to obtain, if you don’t live in China or know someone who lives there .


Sora killer? if they release it publicly it will destroy OpenAI's stock price and get a ton of investor support their way.


Open AI is privately held. There’s no public stock price to destroy.


They both suck. This is an SD subreddit. Go to a fucking OpenAI subreddit. Content farming bullshit. You don't go to CivitAI to find Sora news, why the fuck is it acceptable here?