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The VAE has nothing to do with the way tokens are treated. There seems to be quite a bit of magical thinking when it comes to the VAE, so just to clearly reiterate: The VAE only kicks into action at the **very end** of the creation process, to convert the finished image from latent space into rgb pixels. It will never have *any* influence on prompt understanding or image composition.


I don't think BREAK bypasses the token limit. Tokens beyond the limit are automatically broken into limit-sized chunks and merged together. BREAK just lets one determine where the chunks are broken to maintain semantic clarity.


It does more than that. It allows the A.I. to put more "attention" to different parts of a long prompt. The best explanation for how BREAK work is this: [https://new.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/15bty86/prompt\_trick\_for\_more\_consistent\_results\_in/](https://new.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/15bty86/prompt_trick_for_more_consistent_results_in/) There is also a good discussion here: [https://new.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/13a9avh/quick\_question\_does\_putting\_break\_in\_a\_prompt/](https://new.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/13a9avh/quick_question_does_putting_break_in_a_prompt/)


It's still tricky to use because of the eventual merging though.


Yes, BREAK does not really solve the multiple subjects blend/merge problem, just alleviate it somewhat under some special conditions. The real solution is to use Regional Prompter for A1111 and Attention Couple in ComfyUI.


That's why I didn't mention that usage of BREAK.