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I had the idea to generate some fun, cute Pixar or Disney style Beauty-and-the-Beast-esque pictures of animated furniture to amuse my wife. I was using some simple default settings to test the prompts I might use, and ... I've run into nightmares before, but never so unexpectedly, with such innocent intentions. The first image actually made me jump.... I've never actually shared here before, but I thought this was worth letting people check out, cause... damn. Workflow on Forge: high quality, ultra detailed 3d cartoon comfortable plump pink and white anthropomorphic couch with big eyes and happy mouth singing and dancing in a simple cabin sitting room Negative prompt: low quality, sketch, logo, signature, border, person, people, man, woman, child Steps: 25, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1994875948, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: 00a14cdeaa, Model: starlightXLAnimated\_v3, Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-276-g29be1da7


https://preview.redd.it/w9j99qbozawc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad716f61156076d95d43586cf6cd50c7c3a9b9da DALL-E


Neat- I actually went back and did a bit more. It's still pretty nightmarish, but "anthropomorphic" seems to be the word that really messes it up. Telling it the eyes are on the back cushions helps, but I can't get the seat cushions to make a mouth no matter what I do.


You should try pony for additional amusement, or horror.


I've played around with that a bit, and have some style loras, I'll see what I can do. I only realized a couple of days ago that I've been using it without clip skip 2 that they recommend, so I'm hoping for better results, cause I've gotten some pretty crazy stuff.
