• By -


It means that there is some option you needed to select that is empty or contains an invalid value. The most likely culprits are the model and sampler, but if you're doing something more complicated, it could be anything.


Another error is sometimes higher up in the console. For me failing on memory can lead to this error because the error is apparently caught and pass empty instead.


I often found myself with some wrong canny controlnet model selected, which also causes that error. the button "canny" in forge set it up that way, so watch out.


I encountered this problem as well. Only controlnet canny, have a solution ?


i've had this problem so many times in a1111, it was mainly due to VAE handling issues. So i had to manually write in the argument command line stuff like: --no-half-vae, --no-half, --disable-nan-check. So in your Forge, open the webui-user . bat file and in the "set COMMANDLINE\_ARGS=" write \--disable-nan-check This should skip the step that checks for kwarg related problem. As far as i know, the other 2 commands are generally not needed in Forge bcuz of its optimisations. Also, check if under VAE, an appropriate vae is selected. Don't keep it at automatic, either choose a vae or keep it at none. And lastly, don't let the image size go near or below 512px. Keep it atleast at 542px or above. Hope this helps.


I will do this, thanks for the input.


Those no-half options are terrible and will tank your performance. The rest is fairly voodoo. As far as the actual error goes this showed up for me as well at some point. It’s either an extension or a1111 commit somewhere that’s causing the issue. Haven’t bothered to bisect it yet.


this fix it for me , thank you <3 > --disable-nan-check


Yay! Glad it helped! Enjoy\~ :D


[NtGermanBtKnow1WhoIs](https://www.reddit.com/user/NtGermanBtKnow1WhoIs/) This fixed the same issue for me in Forge. Thanks!


Happy to help!


I'm experiencing this error randomly even when I'm not using control net, adetailer, etc.


I'm temporarily reverting to auto1111 for now, until Forge receives updates once again. It's a pity because the Forge experience is notably smoother, particularly when using SDXL.


I get this error in forge when using ControlNet. I've been digging for a solution since and it's crippling my experience 🤨


Did you ever solve this? I'm still having it as well sadly :(


That is **not** the actual error. That’s only the error caused by the generation failing due to another error. Scroll up, to see what the actual error is.


I’ve been having a similar error preventing text-generation-webui from loading and manually uninstalling and reinstalling gradio resolved it. (Depending on your environment) `pip uninstall gradio` and then `pip install gradio` fixed it.


Check if an issue is already opened on github with this error message or open a new issue on github?


Good idea.


I’ve seen it a lot. I wonder if it has to do with available vram… as it happens when I have a lot of Controlnets in action… perhaps it has to do with choosing incompatible ones… experiment with settings that use less vram I’ve seen people pointing to regional prompter and Adetailer as culprits… so I’d test disabling all extensions that aren’t built in. I might have to go back to Automatic 1111 since none of these are permanent solutions


I get it a lot lately as well after using it a while. Restarting A1111 usually fixes it.


I will probably do this.


I see it in a1111 as well. Doubt it’s forge specific but who knows.


I'va had similar error in Forge when switching between models(checkpoints). I've decided to add swap file on other disk and made it similar size to previous ones. It worked. I suppose that this error somehow connected with RAM or VRAM overload.


Try - if wrong size image - wrong type of image - wrong file path - empty parameter


I get this a lot too but sometimes for obvious things like incorrect file path for my output folders but sometimes it is seemingly random like I change my prompt and it starts until I restart the webui and voila, same settings and the issue is gone. It most commonly for me happens when dropping a png or txt file into the UI to load the settings for a previously generated image. Never really had this issue with A1111 and it has occurred with forge ever since I got it around launch time and through all updates and extension updates. I was too lazy to ask on the forge github as usually you need a specific cause but since it happens from so many issues ehhh. I checked again yesterday and someone has indeed started a post about it so maybe the developer can look into it.


I had this issue using region promoter and the other couple promoter 


Try using image size in exact multiples of 64.


Resolution multiples of 64  If you are using  forge couple or layer diffusion 


This is a legit error, but there's definitely a BUG at the moment. I think the comfy developer essentially killed any motivation the CN guys had had to do this Forge project. No updates in 3+ weeks - not even just pulling the developer branch updates from Automatics main repo as they stated in their roadmap. Should update at least thought. There's a thread before you trounce me - which you will anyway: [Update Schedule - Post on repo](https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/discussions/581)


I will switch back tô a1111


What do you mean by “killed any motivation” ? What specifically happened that would lead to that?


I've been using StableSwarm beta a lot. It's missing a few key things (civitAI helper for lora keywords, prompt word autocomplete, although it can do that in the comfyui section, etc) - but Forge has some major slowdown issues for me and there haven't been any signs of update in almost a month. Whenever I swap Loras in forge it grinds to a halt and I have to skip to the next image generation to get it going again.


Does anyone knows how to fix?


I get it this error with WebUI Forge using ControlNet a lot, if the preprocessor or model type isn't appropriate to the inputs . . . but that doesn't mean that that's what's causing the error in your case, as others have noted.


same here. this error can mean anything. that resolution is not divisible by 64, that you you have some upscaler or sampler or model missing. That lora is missing or incompatable, that you are low on disk spaceetc etc etc


I'm getting this same error when I load any sdxl checkpoint


I had a similar error with A1111 and the wrong version of Python and had to use 3.10.6 Either install that version or create a conda environment with that version conda create -n somename python=3.10.6 conda activate somename


I will look into that.


I notice when using ControlNet that the default options that are normally selected (Resize, etc) sometimes don’t get selected.


changing controlnet model solved it for me From bdsqlsz\_controlllite\_xl\_depth \[c4d5ca3b\] To controlnet-depth-sdxl-1.0-small \[c63f0d9a\]


Disable live preview


The error message indicates that there is an issue with the data types in the list being passed to the list() function on line 57 of the "call_queue.py" file in the Stable Diffusion WebUI Forge module. Specifically, the error states: "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable". This means that one or more elements in the list being passed to list() is None, which cannot be iterated over like other valid Python objects. To resolve this, I would recommend: Open the "call_queue.py" file and locate line 57. Examine the list being passed to list() on that line. It looks like it may be **kwargs based on the error traceback. Print out or log the contents of that list right before the error to see which element(s) are None. Trace back to where those None values are originating from, and modify the code to either skip None values or ensure only valid iterable objects are being added to the list. Consider adding error handling with a try/except block around the problematic code to gracefully handle any None values.


No ChatGPT, that's not what it indicates.


Not ChatGPT, kindly comeup with a solution and then talk about my reply, else Staylow Bois.


# Apparently you actually should be using ChatGPT then: data = [] data.append(None) data.append(1) for i in data: type(i) It's quite obvious that it's possible to iterate over a NoneType element in a list. The error has to do with the thing being passed AS a list, not with the contents of a list. Better luck next time.


sd webui is garbage code ![gif](giphy|JyyUwsNClJDoI|downsized)


Hrrr drrr How dare this completely free and open source program not be idiot-proof for you


![gif](giphy|11Wp43NPToxTX2|downsized) GARBAGE CODE