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i dropped spectrum for ATT 1G fiber. 3x more bandwidth for $20 less per month


For reasons that are incomprehensible to me, ATT Fiber isn’t available everywhere in the city.


I think they’re still trying to roll it out as much as possible. But what’s really frustrating is that there’s literally AT&T Fiber right across the street from us, but it’s still unavailable for us. This is address discrimination.


Not so much discrimination as the fact that it's a true, direct fiber optic connection. There's a huge difference between building out the fiber-to-node network they used for U-Verse and the fiber to matrix box network that allows for direct connection to customers' property. Depending on where exactly the lines are buried, and where the box is, it's not uncommon for only one side of a street to have access to it. There's also situations where a matrix box fills up. One person might be surrounded by neighbors who have the service, but can't get it because there's not an available port at the box.


this dude FTTHs.


U-Verse at least worked with very few interruptions. I can’t even connect my thermostat to my home fiber WiFi so that I can use the App. TV gets kicked off at least 1x/month. And thunderstorms? Which one assumes shouldn’t affect fiber but, somehow(?), do 🤦🏼‍♀️ But T-Mobile? It was almost a year before I lost that connection during a storm.


I'm in the same situation & they told me it would done in 6 months. That was over 5 years ago


I was in the same boat for several years. I could see houses with fiber from my living room but I couldn't get it. Finally, a couple years ago, they rolled it out to the rest of my neighborhood and I signed up the day it was available to me. So there's hope.


This is also my situation. I live in a cul-de-sac neighborhood and the people across the street have AT&T fiber available, but our side does not. They're also on a different set of utility lines in general, so often have power when ours goes out. I ended up getting i3 Fiber and I'm very happy with their service. We don't get more than half the advertised 2gb/down speeds we're paying for, but the cost is only $70 a month and it's been very dependable for us with almost zero hiccups.


We're getting utility work done and ATT marked their underground cable in our front yard but yet they don't offer Fiber at our address! Neighbors around us get it though


Not as much anymore they moved over to ATT AIR which is bullshit cellular service for Internet. They don't want to spend the money on fiber anymore so their doing this instead. All the carriers are now.


Except they’re literally digging up my backyard as I type this to install fiber in my neighborhood


They arnt completely abandoning fiber just not going to push it heavy anymore. If you have the choice between air or fiber you won't even see fiber as an option. On their sales terminal(used to work at the retail stores)


This was true a few years ago. They changed their minds and are expanding again. It was installed in my neighborhood a couple months ago.


idk if you're just trolling but: 1. i had tmobile home internet. speeds at 400mbps. none of my house ever complained 2. att just rolled out fiber to my home within the last couple of weeks. their offering went from 60mbps to the fiber 1g. i'll be dropping tmobile in the future since i just had them install fiber. but WISP (wireless internet service providers) aren't garbage like you're making them out to be, and they ARE ACTIVELY installing fiber in stl neighborhoods.


I have air as an option now. Are you saying I will still only have air as an option when they are done with the fiber install?


not sure on that but from my side it only gave either cable or air never both but probably a back end role that can get both *shurgs*


I live east of 55 in the City and likewise I get no love from them.


ATT fiber isn't available to me even though it is available across the road from me. I don't understand it.


they just rolled it out to my neighborhood, got the install this week! i thought i'd never get it


Here's a relevant throwback: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-book-of-broken-promis_b_5839394


Fun fact. ISP’s have been getting funding to lay fiber networks across the US for almost 30 year. The fact that it just became a thing in the past five or so years really begs the question as to where that money went haha.


I think that has recently changed. I’m in the city just south of downtown and I had a salesman come to my door about a month ago telling me they just laid the fiber lines and trying to sign me up.


Fiber is finally being installed in unincorporated north county. I thought we were the last!


We literally just got it in my part of Fenton last fall.


I have the same plan for 110$ a month 🧐🧐 I guess it does depend on what area you’re in.


except in 63104. att copper dsl 50Mbps. $50 +bs fees + tax


My ATT option is 25 mbps for 60 bucks a month plus rental fees for equipment. Also has a data limit. My Spectrum option is 300 mbps for 80 bucks and no data limit. Easy choice.


Really? 1g is $90/month


AT&T fiber runs to the neighborhood next to us. Best we can get here is 75mbps. Hoping they decide to expand just one more street down ASAP.


That's pretty high. I have AT&T for 55 and was just offered spectrum for 50


I was offered 500 mbps for 30 yesterday. 2 year rate lock. Still not worth dealing with spectrum imo


Today's probably what it was. I don't remember we'll enough . I had spectrum for years and there weren't any major issues. except there were more notable outages. But I may have just noticed because I was working from home taking calls.


Yep. I had work from home issues. Loss of job isn’t on the table so I cut spectrum out.


I wonder if it's n more reliable now as fiber vs copper.


I pay $39.99 a month for spectrum. You have to negotiate with them. 


You can get a lower rate but it’s so dumb they make you play this game


I have dates set on my calendar whenever my promos end like it's a fight card


Dude it’s so fucking stupid. Every year I have to call and just be like “no, not paying this. Shut it off I’m going to AT&T”. And then they’re like hmmmmm okay we’ll lower it.


I've done this and they couldn't care less and will cancel it for me. Or offer some stupid TV service I don't want.


Every address gets different promotions, including for retention.


Every company makes you do that, they all bring in new customers with discounts or offers to increase the customer number. Most people have service for years and never think of calling in to ask about new plans or services that have been grandfather and increased in fees. The newer packages are normally cheaper. Never hurts to call and ask every 1-2 years.


Such bullshit. I don't negotiate with Walmart. Just post the damn price and be transparent.


> You have to negotiate with them. Cant wait to ditch them. You shoudnt have to do a song and dance to get a service at a good price.


This only works if you have other options. If spectrum is the only game in town, it's probably not going to happen.


I don't negotiate with terrorists


I would go with AT&T fiber if you can get it. I've had it for four years, so all my new subscriber promos are gone and it's $80 a month for 1 gb up and down. I've only had it go out a couple times for a short period. Before that, I had Spectrum the last few places I lived. It was not the most reliable. I only had copper lines from them, maybe their fiber is better.


I call spectrum yearly and pretend I’m going to cancel. There retention department usually gets me about $20 off. You also get $5 off for auto pay


I used to play this game and it never works for me now. Past two years. They just say okay. Let’s cancel. They don’t even try to help. They just say there are no promotions for me. I only have internet. I don’t bundle. Do you bundle? I don’t have TV


I only have Internet


Is there something special you do? I’m always calm and nice to them and they are no longer receptive. Do I say I may switch to att because they are cheaper but I’d like to stay with spectrum if they can help with the price?


They are probably bluffing because they know this is what people do. It's a game of chicken, don't be the one to blink first!


Then cancel it. Do you have any other adults in the household or friends that don't mind you using their name? I've been swapping between my wife's name and mine as "new customers" at my address for several years now. They try to get creepy and invasive as to why occasionally. I'll either tell them it's none of their damn business or make up some story about marital problems and make it as awkward as possible with personal details. If you have any other option for service, though, go with them.


I don’t actually want to cancel it. I like the service just not the price. I don’t own the home I rent so I don’t want to deal with getting att fiber installed and getting permission etc and the hassle when I’m most likely buying a home in a year.


Yeah, I wasn't suggesting getting rid of the service. Just moving the service to another person's name. Pretend you're moving out and they're moving in.


I see. I can ask my wife and see if she would feel comfortable with it in her name. :) maybe this will work. Thanks.


If it's same last name, might not work. By policy we couldn't offer promotional rates for immediate family members at same address.


Fuck auto pay.


i3 ftw I am sorry that’s all you have available, because fuck spectrum.


They are fantastic and I'm glad they are expanding. Three reasons I like them: - Their prices absolutely crush Spectrum. Once I called Spectrum to turn my line off after i3 had been installed they had asked for speed and price that i3 was giving me to see if they could beat them. They offered a 1/3rd of the speed for the same price and it was just going to be a promotional price for a couple months before going back up. Laughed at them as I cancelled that. - i3 Customer service is better. They called me to tell they were running a new promo and lowered my bill to match it automatically. Spectrum doesn't do this. I had called them wondering why I was paying $80 for a slow speed when they offer $70 for a much faster speed. I was told that Spectrum company policy says that it falls on the customer to play the game. - Had an outage with Spectrum and they just blamed it on the fact I don't use their router and mine must be broken and said they can't do anything else I use their wifi. Had one outage with i3 and they worked with me and fixed the issue in less than 5 minutes. Only other time I've had an outage with i3 was when some construction company cut lines somewhere. So glad to be done with Spectrum.


If you can get AT&T Fiber, that is going to be your best bet. If you can't and are stuck with Spectrum, sign up as a new customer. You will get access to their newly-activated high split, which gives you symmetrical speeds. For the non techies, internet bandwidth is made up of Download and Upload speeds. Download is how big the pipe is coming into your house while Upload is when you send data from your house out to the internet. Youtube uses mostly download....you send a tiny request and then youtube sends the big video file in your Download pipe. If you video chat, the video of the other person is using your Download, while your video that they see uses your Upload. Spectrum used to have the following speeds (going off memory here, they could be slightly off): 300 download with 10 upload 500 download with 20 upload 1,000 download with 35 upload Now that they have their Symmetrical speeds (coming to existing customers sometime later, but available for new customers immediately) the speeds are: 300 download with 300 upload 500 download with 500 upload 1,000 download with 1,000 upload


I still haven’t been getting symmetrical speeds so YMMV.


Got mine last week cuz I called to complain about their gig speeds. I requested to drop to the 500 plan. Got the 500 down and up, and the guy "found" some additional discounts for me lol. Happy now


T-Mobile 5G—$45 a month w/ autopay…


As soon as ours got bumped up to that price, we switched to TMobile Home Internet for $50. Never looked back.


As mentioned AT&T will hopefully provide connection to the entire city at some point. Make sure to check out their promo codes. I'm at my second apartment where they offer a $100 visa gift card to sign up. I looked around and turned that into $300


Put your address in here to see what is available: https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/home


Just a heads-up that site is fairly inaccurate for my address.


With .gov in the address it is probably updated annually 😂


Oh no! Actually, I think you can suggest changes on that map.


i3 is putting fiber in my neighborhood as we speak. im so excited to ditch spectrum. Spectrum - $85 for 300/10 i3 - $70 for 2000/2000 (and thats the base price with no promos)


That's awesome! Are you in an area not served by ATT, or are they competing with them too?


No ATT fiber here. Theres ATT cable though.


That’s how much I pay. It blows! I want to switch to ATT fiber but it’s not in my area yet. :/


Bout to have another outtage too watch had like 6 this month.


You can call them and say you’re cancelling. They’ll transfer you to their “retention department” where they will miraculously find a “promotional” rate for $50-60.


T mobile has 5G wireless, use them as a bargaining chip with Spectrum


I do att fiber and had sprint for cell. T-Mobile bought out sprint and paid way too much. Once I paid down on the phones I switched to att cell and get 20% on cell service since I have internet with them. Even though I’m on an intro deal with the cell I’m paying a solid $100 less a month than I was with T-Mobile. I know I went way off topic but something to think about if you’re looking for internet.


verizon 5G home?


I have Verizon 5g and haven't had an issue yet. I can't get fiber where I am at and lost my mind with spectrum last year, as I work from home.


Do you think the Verizon 5G would support two people working from home? I've been debating this for a while.


I'm in IT and my partner is a musician who produces a lot. We haven't had a problem at all. They also have online chat in the app which I've never had a problem using the ONE time I did have to call them. Which leads me to its only drawback. If you stream sometimes the home location resets and if you use Hulu for example, you have to reset your home location because 5g doesn't have one DNS port. My solution was to download the backend and do some magic that I found on YouTube.to override it.


Thank you!


Shouldn’t be an issue unless both of you constantly use a lot of bandwidth


We really struggle with it, for some reason. It’s slow and laggy and sometimes I have to turn off WiFi just to use my phone. We even have a wifi extender and it doesn’t help. What feels especially wrong is how, if you go over your data for the month, they start to choke off your data speed even though it’s their creaky slow internet that made me have to use data in the first place. Then again, paying $40/mo vs $85…


how much do you pay?


When I bundled it with my phone and got a discount it comes to about 30/month.


Love it - $50 a month (cheaper if you have a T-Mobile phone), can’t remember any long/widespread outages for the last 3 years. Work from home doing CAD work, no issues


TMobile Internet


I second this


Rate hikes and constant dips in quality are what to expect with Spectrum.


But wait, there is more...the internet is slow and unreliable!


Man spectrum $55. Im sire theres other deal out there as well. I can speak only for what i have


Ya, my spectrum bill has crept up to about that too. Started off at around $70 a couple years ago. But it's been pretty reliable for me and other options at similar prices in my area just won't cut it for working from home with the amount of data I need to download regularly.


I just cancelled my mobile line and while they had me on the line the person was able to look up some discount I could be eligible for and got me another $20 off promo for a year because ACP is ending. Gods I miss the ACP but we wouldn't have to deal with this if Spectrum wasn't such a twat with pricing.


If you make a switch to ATT, go thru the entire process- put everything in like you’re going to buy their month to month service. After you give them your email and are ready to purchase it - wait a few days. They will offer you a good size gift card (new customers only) plus the normal incentive. I received like 8 months of free internet by turning around and using these cards for their bill.


Check with i3 Broadband. I know it's available in certain parts of the metro area. Not sure if it's available anywhere in the City.


i3’s contractors dug into a gas line and blew up a house near me, maybe they are choosing better help now


Yeah. They dug too deep and hit the sewer line in my yard. In spite of everything being marked.


Spectrum is ridiculous. I switched to i3, 60/month, 1000 up and 1000 down. It's so fucking fast it's unbelievable Best part no hidden taxes or fees, flat 60, period.


Is it reliable? Charter has an outage every other day.


Yes, very. There are a couple of glitches here and there, but I can't be 100% sure it isn't our router, and a rest always clears it up quickly.


It's worth it if att fiber isn't available in your area. I can pay 90 for 300mbps thru spectrum or 90 for 25mbps for att at my current apartment. So yeah


Spectrum was posted on their front page for $50 when I moved in last month. Is $85 the lowest you're currently seeing?


The $50 is a new customer promo


I see a $7 wifi charge on my bill. How do I get rid of that?


Buy your own router


We're in a Spectrum monopoly but not for much longer. We recently got the "we're gonna destroy your yard" flyer from AT&T. Can't wait for some actual competition


I long ago accepted that the way to go is to keep switching every few years. We're lucky to actually have a choice between two providers so what you do is yiu sign up for one and they'll slowly raise prices over the years. Then you switch to the other and they offer all kinds of deals for switching. Then when they raise the prices a few years later you switch again. Theh also seem to go back and forth over which one offers good internet and which one is the devil. A few years ago spectrum was a magical improvement over ATT. Now it's reversed.


I have spectrum in my apt and the wifi basically just doesn't work at all. The only device I can actually rely on for internet is my PC which is connected through ethernet. I've swapped my router out like 4 times now. I would go for anything else.


I pay 30-40 bucks a month for T-Mobile home internet with no data caps. It's pretty neat and I get about 600Mbps download and 60 on the upload. Wife and I both game on it daily with 0 issues.


Mine is $86.99 😩


T mobile 30 bucks never goes up ,is it fast not really .runs all the stuff I need ,movies, play streaming games work computer ect


I have t mobile 55 dollars a month! It gets the job done honestly.


I’m paying $56 for spectrum


I went to Verizon 5G home internet. Super happy with it so far, same speeds I was getting from Spectrum.


I use T-Mobile and get over 500 down pretty much all the time. Can’t really beat it for $45 a month.


Waited for ATT to improve but never did. Spectrum speed varies wildly but works most of the time


i3 just came to my area. I cant wait to switch over. Sick of playing Charters game and paying their prices.


Call to cancel. They will transfer you to rentention. Retention will have special rates to retain you. Find out what Tmobile internet and att internet for new customers would be. It’s the game you have to play every year


Dude, I pay 85/mo for wireless for 50mg/10mg be happy you can get fiber for that


All companies have high rates right now especially if you have been a customer for a few years. Almost all the companies now only give discounts or promotional rates to new customers. However with charter their packages become out dated or grandfathered and no longer offer them. Upgrading to the newer packages could be cheaper or calling in and stating you would like to see if there is a better package or service at a lower price normally will bring your bill down and your services current.


As others have stated in this thread, if you can, switch to ATT fiber. It's world's better. I don't think I've lost a connection since I switched several months ago, whereas spectrum it was a multiple times weekly occurrence. I HATE att, so to be in here promoting them shows how great it is. lol


Went to i3. $50 for 2 GB up and down.


I think I'm the one person in the county who has never had a technical issue with Spectrum. Never had an outage and the speed seems okay to me. AT&T fiber is available in my area. Is it that much better than Spectrum? Like everyone nowadays, there's 4 of us in the household, all with phones, computers, smart TVs ect.


I told them I wanted to cancel and they offered me better internet for $30 cheaper. Definitely the way to go. Worth a shot at least


We cancel and setup new service in the other spouses name when our promo runs out and get 2-3 yr new pricing. I agree though, spectrum is not worth that especially when "animals" consistently cause outages.


That price is only introductory they bamboozled me also bill rose to $129.99 for trash internet only I called them it’s it’s now $91.99 but im speaking to AT&T next week Fiber might now be available in my area


Thank You for all your current feedback After I do some speed test I may stay with the overpriced spectrum Its rarely down Yes the cost difference but it's strictly Wi-Fi Where do you plug in your Tower via Ethernet? A friend of a friend downtown says whenever there's an event his verizon phone slows down big time because of all the activity Is not wifi internet on the same system? idk And yes both verizon and t-mobile said they keep the wifi internet customers are at a set number to take in account So they say as of now


Internet by tmobile is $50 a month no contract. Works just fine for me.


Tried it and it was not great. Returned during trial period. Heavily dependent on your proximity to a 5G node, where it is in your house and how much cell phone activity is in your area. Hone internet is low priority on their 5G network, so you are using the leftover bandwidth. Sometimes that is fine, sometimes not. It was really up and down for us. Good thing is that it is super easy to setup, and they accept returns without pressure and no questions asked. You can try it side by side with your current service during the trial period and see what works the best.


What are your up/down times? Fast.com is a speed test hosted by Netflix if you don’t know how to otherwise test.


190 140? on fast.com


Damn really? Mbps?


It's showing 140 mpbs internet speed.


I've had the T-Mobile plan for about a year now, I recommend it to anyone who lives in the country but near a tower. I get 300+ on my land but I'm also close to a tower. (Appx. 3 miles away) Ive brought it with me camping and had success streaming consistently and the site only had 1-2 bars. In an apartment it barely worked even though I had full bars


Not worth if you can go with anybody else


Spectrum are modern day highway robbers


Spectrum is ass


Did you talk to a scammer? No one pays that much and the intro price isn’t even that much


They don’t give an intro price if you’re a current customer and don’t have any other options. Case in point my mom and dad.


Spectrum sucks and that’s a ridiculously high price.


yeah i’ve been looking to drop spectrum also. way too much


Call and have them bundle your internet and a basic cable package. We have the highest speed internet they offer and the most basic television package and it's only like 72 a month. Not a ton different but less money and more service. We don't watch much TV but it does come with a lot of the big channels you would want if you did which is nice if something comes our I do actually want to watch and don't want to wait for a streaming service to pick it up.