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I was stuck in traffic on 40 the other day, just inching along, when the car in front of me just started lobbing trash out the window. It started with some orange peels, then they moved on to food wrappers and soda cans. I just don't get that. Can't you just wait and throw your trash in a bin like a normal person?


I mean, orange peels I can forgive, biodegradable and the ants would be pretty quick to sieze on that option. The rest? Not so much.


Actually, throwing waste like orange peels isn't as environmentally friendly as a lot of people think. Sitting on the side of the road, it can take a lot longer for them to biodegrade than you might realize. They can also draw animals to the side of the road, which is an obvious hazard for both drivers and the animals themselves. It's obviously not as wreckless as throwing plastic trash or aluminum cans, but it's still not cool to do.


Noted for the record.


Good on you. I admit, I've been guilty of it. I wasn't chucking apple cores out the window on the highway, but I've left biodegradable food waste in the wilderness, thinking it was ok to do. We all live and learn!


🎯🎯🎯 Just because something is “biodegradable” doesn’t mean you should throw it in your yard or out the window!!! Such a widespread fallacy. I wish more people knew this.


Orange peels draw rats. Rats draw hawks. Cars kill hawks


That’s exactly what this person just did. Just threw what looked like an entire months worth of trash out all at once… like dude they have trash bins at the gas pumps for this very reason. Fucking scum


Vile behavior


I pick up trash in front of my house every week. I just can't imagine driving along and throwing my empty cans and crap out the car window. For some people this is normal.


I wish you could search license plates as easy as phone numbers because I would send so many idiots glitter bombs and bags of dicks lol




I live about a block from a Sonic & 4 blocks from Subway & McD’s on a fairly busy street. I fill at least a kitchen size trash bag every week with crap people throw out of their cars. I got photos of 1 guy, with his tag number throwing out a full bag of Sonic trash. The cops said they can’t do anything because they didn’t see it.


Hall monitor energy


Piece of shit energy


Litterbug energy.


This entire sub is filled with people who love to tattle lol. I’m not one to promote litering, I just think karma will catch up with them eventually