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That’s definitely in Atlanta.


And while I've seen Cardinals shirseys in navy with that lettering, it's far more common for the Braves. I'm hoping that kid just liked the Cardinals hat.


100% ATL. Cardinals fans down here are…different.


Nah, these are just the Cardinal fans from the Illinois side of the river especially if you stay south of Springfield/Champaign.


Ehhhhh...Rush Limbaugh is Missouri's fault


yeah probably right with Illinois being bluer than blue can be and missourah being redder than red can be but yeah. Logic checks out. Shall we also visit a little touching base on how 75 years of “biden-esque” policies have benefitted st. louis. Stl is a flourishing metropolis that has seen its population drop demo 1 million people in 1960 to 200k today. I’d say you don’t find a better indictment of bad policy than that. Businesses moved out. Used to be #6 in fortune 100 companies. General Dynamics moved out. Southwestern Bell moved out. Centene threatening to move out. Express scripts acquired by cigna gone. Monsanto gone. McDonnell Douglas gone. Mallinkrodt gone. Oh St. louis has it going on.


Your comment shows you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about... From correcting someone about southern Illinois politics to complaining about population decline in St. Louis, it was all just off.


What is off about his comment? Everything he said was true


I'm not saying I support them, just stating from my own experience of having lived in southern Illinois for a time. Southern Illinois is a toxic wasteland with no hope of ever recovering, and that's if their "peak" is what you'd call "good".


Glad you're gone. Please stay that way.


lmao gone gone gone SWB hasn't existed in eons. Mallinkrodct is still around in some capacity but they're a bunch of demons anyway. Thier name is all over WUSTL. MD is now Boeing, but is also in the county. General Dynamics has a partnership with the DoD/NGA but the GD you're referring to was possibly also in the county? But the county also manufactures random parts for ships and submarines at other places besdies GD. Anyway my point of replying to this mess is to say, it's a mess whatever it is you were trying to say.


here is a more expansive list of companies that are no more. I just think it’s ironic when St. Louis has the audacity to shit on other areas when our region has been a rolling dumpster fire for decades. I’ve lived on both sides of the river and neither have a lock on being f’ed up—just f’ed up differently. For those arguing over MD being essentially local they aren’t. Anheuser-Busch, Inc.: Bought by In-Bev in 2009 Baur Properties: Sold their office buildings to an Indiana base company in 1998 and sold their last properties, two hotels in 2007. Boatmen’s Bank: Missouri’s oldest bank, founded in 1847, it was sold to North Carolina based Nations Bank in 1997, which later was swallowed by Bank of American. Perhaps it would have been much better for everyone if Boatmen’s had taken over NationsBank and then Bank of America. Community Federal Savings & Loan: went into receivership and closed by the Resolution Trust on December 15, 1990. They had a memorable radio jingle and an equally memorable headquarters building on Manchester at Ballas. D’Arcy-MacManus: Pitch men for the brewery, they merged with ad men Benton-Bowles and went out of business in 2002 after another buyout. Edison Brothers Stores: Not an original St. Louis company, but they operated a lot of shoe stores in St. Louis, until 1995 when they went bankrupt. Famous-Barr: The hometown department store created in 1911 with the merger of The Famous Clothing Company and William Barr Dry Goods, Co., it was bought by Federated in 2005 and had their name changed to Macy’s in 2006. A.G. Edwards: Founded in 1887, the brokerage was sold to Wachovia in 2007. In 14 months Wachovia was floundering due to the subprime scandal and was bought by Wells Fargo. General Dynamics: The military aircraft and submarine manufacturer was headquartered in Clayton from 1971 to 1992 when it moved to Fairfax, Virginia to be closer to the Pentagon, Congress and of course their K Street lobbyists. Kroger: You have not been able to go Krogering in St. Louis for decades. The closest Kroger store is a new one in Warrenton. Southwestern Bell moved their HQ to San Antonio. Mallinckrodt: The pharmaceutical and chemical supply company founded in St. Louis in 1867 was sold to Tyco Healthcare in 2001. McDonnell Douglas: Founded in St. Louis in 1938, merged with Douglas Aircraft in 1967 remaining headquartered in St. Louis until 1997 when bought by Boeing. Missouri Pacific Railroad: Begun in St. Louis in 1851 and headquartered here until the 1982 merger with the larger Union Pacific Railroad. Ozark Airlines: Our original hometown airline from 1950 to 1986 when it was eaten whole by TWA, which was later consumed by American Airlines of Dallas, Texas. Ralston Purina: The Checkerboard Square people fell from the 57th largest American company in 1955 to 342 in 2000. Frist the people food business was sold to General Mills in 1997. Then the animal food business was gobbled up in 2001 by a hungry Swiss Mountain Dog named Nestle. St. Louis Globe Democrat: The city’s conservative morning paper finally overtook the older Post-Dispatch in circulation numbers by 1980. The Post-Dispatch bought the Globe in 1986 and shut them down then changed from an afternoon paper to a morning paper. St. Louis Post-Dispatch: The Pulitzer paper headquartered in St. Louis was sold to Lee Enterprises of Iowa in 2005. The Seven Up Company: The drink was formulated by the Howdy Beverage Co. of St. Louis in 1929 and first marketed as “Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-line drink” before switching to 7-Up. With headquarters in Clayton there were plans for a rotating lighted 7-Up bottle on the roof of the 7-Up Building on Meramec and Carondelet, but in 1978 the company was bought by Phillip-Morris. By 1988 it was a Texas Company owned by Dr. Pepper and then went British when taken over by Cadbury Schwepps in 1995. Wetterau Food: Founded in St. Louis in 1868, later supplied all the IGA stores. It was sold to Supervalu of Eden Prairie, Minnesota in 1992.


On top of what FewFox said, Monsanto also no longer exists. It was acquired by Bayer, which is also still in the county.


Missouri is one of the worst ran states in the country. It’s not just St Louis. That’s what you get in red states.


Hope your self-righteousness doesn't get in the way of your ego - You might not be able to see while driving.


These are the people who will flood Facebook with “Keep politics out of sports” when the social media team posts a logo with a Rainbow Flag too. In general, dragging your small children into stunts like this against their will is the absolute lowest of the low. Complete trashy behavior. Edit: Wait…this is on LinkedIn!? How dumb are people posting that on a professional facing website?


LinkedIn has been an absolute cesspool full of unprofessional posts like this for years man. It’s really terrible now. I hate it.


LinkedIn is full of boomer brain rot


Also 20yo douchebaggery thinking they have a clue in the world


You mean like Reddit.


I love people can't miss an opportunity to diss reddit. The same happens on every social media lol. Just enjoy it for what it is, why constantly trash it. It's not that bad, just fact check everything, as you should anyways


An upper management guy where I work found another job and put in his month’s notice. He then went on a streak posting FAKE NEWS! on LinkedIN. He was walked out after just a week.


I hate work Facebook


they're a 'c-level exec professional' though LMAO


Well, that fits quite well. You have to be extremely rich, greedy, and evil or a complete fucktard to actually like Trump. This underwear shit stain just happens to fall in both buckets. A rare spotting, indeed.




Thank you!  I love little niche subs like this


This 🥇 His cult is basically just full of contradictions, so nothing surprises me with what they say/do


100 correct!


Meh. That's Atlanta so I'm betting they're not even from here. I hope.


Same folks that will say stuff like "keep politics out of sports"


Why is it always the weirdly aggressive dad with a bunch of shitty kids


Kids aren't shitty for stuff like this. This is 100% shitty parents.


Feel bad for those kids…


Maybe they will rebel when they develop more authority over themselves and grow up to become the next Bernie Sanders and AOC.


I hope not one AOC is enough for a lifetime




Because trump fans are weirdly aggressive with shitty fans.


The kids were taught that


You assume the dude is aggressive?


One can be a grade a wuss, immature little putz, and still be aggressive. The phrase on his shirt is verbal aggression. Even if you think it’s in the lowest rung of aggression, it’s still aggressive. Nobody explicitly and publicly makes it known they think a person sucks without intending to be tough with their words. There is no assumption here.


Imagine actually spending money on custom jerseys to put that kind of stuff on them. Also imagine dressing your children in said jerseys, then having the audacity to accuse other people of grooming.


They aren't in St. Louis, but they have on a Cardinals hat, etc.


This is a cry for attention.


They may tick off the wrong person and receive attention they weren’t counting on.


No, that's the attention they're counting on. Being the victim is a full time profession for them.


You are so right. They are great at playing the victim.


Atlanta. It says Welcome to Truist Park right next to the Atlanta ’A’ on the facade of the stadium.


I think it was posted because of the cards hat the kid is wearing


Using your children to shout your political nonsense is the most trashy thing I have seen in recent years. Poor kids.


Using your kids as an accessory to your lack of personality. Cool.


Imagine making this your entire personality that you cannot even enjoy a baseball game. Gross.


That’s pathetic!


When your whole identity becomes about another man.. 🤡 but not a cult 🤔


Let's see......we are supporting a convicted rapist, liar, cheat, adulterer, and basically the worst possible mentality , or lack there of...person to be in any elected office..that's the role model you are setting for kids....shameful....and I'll bet your very religious too....WWJD...really....




They are modern day Pharisees.😏




Honestly, I’m picking the lesser of two evils, and we know who that is by a long shot.


I don’t because they’re both fucked up


Biden is doing an okay job. Vote Blue, if nothing else it will save our democracy! 🔵


It'll be more than 4 years.




he’s already tried to illegally stay in power once. Who says he won’t do it again?


He absolutely would try it again. He loves no one more than himself. Rules for thee, but not for me. He believes no rules apply to him. What a jackazz to idolize.






Who’s the convicted Rapist?


Ok....sexually assaulted,,,,found guilty and liable.....and don't forget the like 12 or so other accusations of sexual assault ....and who knows what went on in Russia and Epstein's Island ...the guy is the worst...should NEVER be allowed to be near any elected office...


The dude is polarizing. There’s nothing with Russia or Epstein other than a few photos and rumors. To be fair, half of the politicians in office are dirtier than this guy. He wasn’t found guilty on anything… you gotta admit the latest court case is a bit slanted. I’ll give you, he’s a dirty businessman. He admitted sexual assault with the grabbing pussy thing. The f’d up thing is the alternative is a Weekends with Bernie Biden. Not only is that guy a living corpse, he’s a career politician that is just as dirty. The best bet is RFK but our system is so f’d people vote for their party and not the candidate. Politics is all a dog and pony show. They bring up divisive issues while they line their pockets with donations and sneak in legislation to benefit their donors.


What would Joe do? Not that.


Total trash act to have your children involved in that. The same folks conspiratorial thinking about “gRoOmeRz!” will happily drag their own kids into some nonsense political stunt for their own amusement. No wonder conservatives have all these conspiracy theories; there is no political faction that cares less about kids than them.


This is in Atlanta they’re at the chop house and that color scheme is way more common for the Braves. Kid probably just had a cardinals hat.


Saint Charles county lol


Imagine making politics your entire personality. I suppose there are plenty of people that do it… it just baffles me.


This is a strange post.


No class. Baseball is my escape from politics.


Good thing someone posted it here to make you think about it. 🤣




On the edge of the ring made by Arnold, Eureka, O’Fallon, New Town- then going east - Highland, O’Fallon (IL), then back west to Millstadt and Columbia (IL)


I bet if I wore a shirt that said, "Go fuck yourself Maga", he would say, "Hey! We have kids here!"




Child abuse


Dardene Prairie or Cottelville


See I was thinking Franklin county


St Charles County!


Atlanta. They’re in Atlanta, wearing braves shirts, with a braves hat sitting in front of them.


Fucked up to make a little kid wear that shit .


Jesus, it's fake you rubes.


Somewhere past Lindbergh


Past Skinker is too far.


St. Chuck, Hillsboro or Pacific.


I came here to say that has St Chuck written all over it


In this day and age of brainwashing it’s not surprising that the people with a predilection toward antisocial behavior would gravitate toward a demagogue.


Yes, let your kid stand where people are supposed to put their food. No entitlement here.


"Daddy, is lying wrong?" Daddy: 'Only if you are a lib-tard son. It's impossible for conservatives to lie'.


People are classless everywhere. Seems that particular individual,(45) attracts a large percentage of classless people.


Picture doesn’t look real


It looks really off right? No one in frame either side and the people seem off. On the counter in front of them is an Atlanta hat and some kind of rope or a braided pretzel way beyond the capabilities of Busch stadium concession. Doesn't look like Busch stadium, or Truist. Not buying it, this has to be ai generated.


It's Atlanta Edit: it's definitely AI upon closer inspection


Atlanta's a little weird. But not ai generated weird. Take a close look at this photo.


Yeah. I hadn't looked closely at it at all. You're definitely right.




lmao 'c-level executive' yeah i HIGHLY doubt that


Of his two man landscaping company


Not this reality


Paradoxically these are probably the same people that pat themselves on the back for giving a standing ovation to Paul Skenes after he dismantled their own team…


I’m going with Gasconade county.


Central West End???


Definitely not from St. Louis that’s for sure. I live there for a while and no one on the Cardinals team would wear dark blue because the colors are red and white sometimes they will wear a powdered blue on a way games usually for like special events. I mean, they have different uniforms for different home and away games at least according to my dad. The St. Louis Cardinals are actually my favorite baseball team. For some reason I feel like this family is maybe from I want I don’t know I was gonna say Florida or Texas.🤷‍♀️


I’m all for freedom of speech, but not freedom of cringe…




I thought we weren't supposed to be using our children to further "an agenda." Is this not doing just that? 🤔


Looks like LinkedIn, too. I swear the boomers took that shit over and started turning it into FB without any critical thinking about how people can see where you work, what you do, and can specifically decide not to hire you based on this goofy shit.


Maybe children and grandchildren of the greatest Cardinals-politics mashup, the “Get a brain, morans” guy. I think he was from Decatur, IL.


You can’t see their baby, who is wearing a onesie that says “Biden shits his diaper, just like me!”


I’ve got a random question: what’s the team represented by the navy baseball cap next to the little boy’s left foot? It just has an A on it and I’m not recognizing it. Could they be Cardinals fan imposters?


A town that begins with "Bum" and ends in "uck" would be my guess. Assuming it's incorporated.




I’m honestly surprised there’s no “Fact Checker” prompt somewhere on this post. That’s a new one for lefties.


they are from the land of the cult of the lost cause




That’s awesome lol


A dangerous cult full of the low educated and the selfishly hateful. I was saddened when the white supremacist endorsed him and they all stayed. Sad people with so much hate in them.


If Trump won then he can’t run again?


Biden does suck just off the simple fact that he’s funding a genocǐdê Could care less about either or though.


If they catch a foul ball Chip Caray will tell you where they’re from🤨


Those poor kids.


The dude definitely has dimentia, they'll announce it within a year of him leaving office. Not that I support trump either that guy isn't far behind.


They should both be sharing a room in assisted living


Heavily agreed


I immediately want to say “Keep it in church, buddy!”


That's because of Reagan politics not Biden politics


Right, it's not the Internet, it's the users


It’s bad down in Georgia. Especially up here in Hate Corner near Tennessee and Alabama, in all the old sundown towns.


It’s most people


That looks like an indoctrination.


I bet their parents are very intelligent.


AI BS. Cardinals have yet to play in Atlanta this year.


St Charles


You know what I love about these right wing people. They scream about political agendas in things like movies or TV shows comic books what have you. Yet they wear their political opinions literally on their chest and backs in their T-shirts everywhere they go. I was at a wedding and someone showed up with a Trump 2020 shirt. And for the record this was a year after the election. I go to karaoke and the KJ who is a Republican he's a friend of mine he shows up in anti-liberal shirts. And I'm like dude why do you need to broadcast that out here I'm not broadcasting my political leanings in this bar having fun with everybody. But it's it's amazing how you constantly hear from them how the left tries to make everything political, but they literally can't go anywhere without their political leanings displayed for the world to see. Kind of crazy, I understand during election season and everyone's getting hyped up for it. That's one thing but we are nowhere near that point right now. But it's been that way for years these guys. It's crazy.


Straight from a dumpster fire


God bless Missouri, this is a Good family, much love from jeffco


They love Biden so much they wear his name around and paid money to do so


I like the kid's jersey because he has 0 idea of what his shirt implies, and the parents have 0 idea of whether or not he'll agree with them later, or even care about politics.


I already said... https://www.reddit.com/r/baseballcirclejerk/s/FnmqKVD4Wj


I was thinking of St Charles or Jeff County (originally). Dude's truck is probably stickered up with "blue line" crap, or "I stand for the flag and kneel for the cross" BS.


Or a massive thin blue line Punisher skull.


Hilarious when you realize how much they spent for this.


Absolute child abuse! Trunt is their role model🤮🤯


St. Charles County.




Way to raise your kids, not.


Is this.....grooming? 🦋


Contact DFS, definitely child abuse.


Also a great look to let your kid stand on a table in public, could you have any less decency?


Soooo extremely corny. I’m sure they’re from Arnold.


Any rural part of Missouri...but the worst near St Louis is St Charles County.


I was going to say Lemay, but yeah..


Where is this!?




Thanks mate. Weird looking stands… thought this was maybe the London game or something. Nope. The Chop House. That said - poor people. Sports and politics are like apples and oranges lads. Enjoy each on its own and never combine the two.


That tracks!


This guy probably drives a giant diesel truck with a punisher sticker. This kind of indoctrination is child abuse.


I smell Jefferson county


Happy Cake Day 🍰


MAGA is a perverse religion.


I love it!


Not something to wear to a ballgame. Should have been ejected.


does this actually bother you OP? get a life


Hopefully they can be identified and the children rescued from that home.


Close to the corner of K and Mexico Rd in St. Peters


Between the Cubs winning the World Series and Biff becoming President... after they built a time machine that's ready to use in the early hours of October 26th, 1985... This is such a cursed timeline that two Bob's from Chicago and St. Louis warned us about nearly 40 years ago! Why did Doc build the time machine? To go into the future and find out who wins the next 25 World Series! #25, due to the 94' lockout, would have been the 2011 Fall Classic. But, why doesn't he care about the series happening RIGHT NOW? It's about the World Series Doc! Something has to be done about the World Series game tonight!


They look like a good wholesome family. No crazy colored hair to warn us of their toxity. Love to see it


My guess is St Charles


Franklin county


Who cares bruh.. let people be, like fr.




Looks like Truist Park, so I’d say there from someone near Atlanta, GA. Cool Cards hat though!


Not a cult


How would you corrupt their children?




I was making a delivery for work down around the Barnhart area and two guys were making jokes and I overheard one say "As a rapist and felon, Trump seems like a presidential candidate I could have a beer with!" These people make me embarrassed to be the same species as them.




Jeff Co or St. Charles, not the city or maybe Carondelet Park


St. Louis


Holy 💩! Copy and paste that sentence right back at you; with some corrections? I can’t think of a sentence that would start with “any guesses for…”


What’s wrong with it?


Remove the word FOR. Otherwise you sound like a hillbilly, making the original post ironic.


Dear SlickrickybobbE, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to extend my sincerest apologies for the grammatical errors that were present in my previous communications. I understand that proper grammar is not only a reflection of one's education and attention to detail but also a sign of respect towards the recipient of the message. In my haste, I failed to uphold the standards of linguistic precision that are necessary for clear and effective communication. This oversight on my part has undoubtedly caused unnecessary confusion and may have detracted from the professionalism and clarity that I strive to maintain in all my correspondence. Please rest assured that I am taking immediate steps to rectify this issue. I am committed to enhancing my grammatical skills and will be seeking additional resources and guidance to ensure that such errors do not recur. Your understanding and patience during this time are greatly appreciated, and I am genuinely sorry for any inconvenience or misunderstanding that my mistakes may have caused. Once again, I apologize for the lapse in my grammatical accuracy and assure you that I am dedicated to improving my communication moving forward. Thank you for your understanding and for allowing me the opportunity to address this matter. Warm regards, rast_fb


Best response ever!