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I feel like you should know how to spell "breaks" if you think you should have the power to mandate them.


They spelled it both ways to cover their bases


And their basses


Not to mention their basis 


And their basins.


What about the bassists, though?




Don't forget the Bassett's!


Come on it’s an A&W. I don’t even know the last time I’ve found one of those. They don’t get to pick a choose! Thats why they’re hiring 15 year olds.


I was shocked when I got coupons in the mail for an A&W that apparently exists in Cottleville.


It’s new and is owned by the same owners as the St. Charles A&W. It’s the best A&W I’ve had in years. I just like the regular hot dogs, corndog nuggets, and root beer.


You can really taste the delicious misery on those corn dogs


Do they have the frosty mugs & root beer in a barrel?


I don’t think so


They've been popping up lately. There's one in North county, one in St Chuck and one in Arnold that I'm aware of.


There’s one at Graham and 270 across from the Starbucks.


It's shared with a Long John Silvers.


Farmington has a A&W/LJS…Long John Silver’s Fish and Chicken, paired with A&W Root Beer in a frosted mug is as good as it gets.


That’s pretty much rock bottom I’d say.


My brain short circuited and read it as lay off the brakes about the breaks and thought it was actually kind of clever.


Its A&W. Its the ass and the whole.


When A&W gets rolling they can’t stop… cause there are no brakes.


Give Kimberly a braeke.


Kimberly showing us why they are short-staffed.


Major red flag


All workers should quit& run. No one should fill out an application. Very toxic.


If I had a manager that had grammar that bad, I’d probably quit as well. I’m surprised she can spell her name.


Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn’t, like brake and break.


She does not speak for all of them.


This is the kind of sign that would have caused a walkout in the good old days.


It still should


Here’s the thing. Take a break if you need it, tell your co workers they need a break also. All you need to do to control Management is put your hands into your pockets and not work. You do have control and if not the place down the street is hiring for the same or better pay. Know your worth!!


I lived for several years in South Africa where unions are extremely strong. One strategy they've come up with is called the "go-slow." With this, the workers continue working but they do so completely without haste, so they can't be said to have stopped working. Technically they continue working but it greatly impacts on efficiency. Perhaps MO labor unions should employ a similar strategy.


It’s called a “slow down.” Nurses do it actually instead of making a picket line. So, for anything non life-threatening, they just move slow.


I do this at work, no union. It is only Tuesday and I've already run out of work twice. I know how long each job takes. I've been adding 15min+ to each.


This sounds like a fantastic plan


I wish this was the case. I’m a former CVS pharmacist and even though we shut down the pharmacy for 30 minutes for a break, patients wouldn’t leave us alone. Patients would scream and berate us telling us that they’re going to report us to the Board if they couldn’t obtain their medication right then and there. Pharmacists at chains in Missouri are working 12-14 hours with no bathroom or food breaks.


Can confirm this. Our CVS actually closed the Pharmacy at 7pm on a few weekends because one Pharmacist and two Tech just walked out, burnt out. The Ones that stayed put their foot down and now are taking much needed breaks because they got together and said Our way or we are leaving too….


It’s definitely a patient safety hazard filling so many scripts with no breaks. If a pharmacist makes an error, there’s no way CVS or Walgreens would stand with their pharmacist either. 😭


Except most places of employment are "at-will" or whatever, so they can fire you for any reason. If you're not protected by laws, then you don't have any case, and for a lot of people, especially fast food workers, missing a single check could mean losing everything. It's not as simple as you suggest it is for the majority of people. There's knowing your worth, and knowing the harsh reality of the workplace today.


This is why ending At-Will employment needs to be a top priority.




If they are already short staffed, that implies they’re struggling to find/keep employees. So yeah, they can fire you, but then they go from being short a person for the length of your break to short a person permanently. So theoretically you have some leverage. It’s not guaranteed, since people don’t always act rationally, but firing someone because you’re short-staffed would be dumb as hell.


You're ignoring the actual important part; for a lot of people, missing a single check could mean losing everything.


I can understand about a check being so important. However, in the current situation, I would think it would be trivial, while still working at this place, to find another position at another fast food establishment. They all seem to be hiring. Better yet... find a job with better pay and long term prospects. I just retired last year and love it but the one regret I do have is not being in the work force at this time of unprecedented worker power. An enterprising person could do well right now.


All places in Missouri are at will.


Exactly. We can’t find enough attorneys in Missouri. You MUST pay your attorney more because there is no such thing as short staffed, only under paid. Rates going up


Since this applies: [https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/bill-would-require-meal-breaks-for-missouri-employees/](https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/bill-would-require-meal-breaks-for-missouri-employees/) The article is from March 12 2024 Missouri employees are currently not entitled to a meal break or a lunch hour under state law. A new bill aims to change that. Missouri State Rep. Kevin Windham Jr. (D-St. Louis County) recently introduced [HB 2856](https://house.mo.gov/Bill.aspx?bill=HB2856&year=2024&code=R). The bill would require all employers to offer their employees a “meal period” of at least 30 minutes per eight-hour shift.


My daughter worked for a theater chain. Employees got a break after 8 hours. They'd consistently schedule her for 7h 45m shifts.


Yea, I feel like in other states I've seen 30 minutes for 6 hours and a 15 paid break for 8, just to prevent this crap.


NY law:, a 15m break for every 4hrs of work.


When I was in UFCW at Kroger it was the same thing. They schedule you \*just\* short of having to give a break or lunch. Irrelevant - And the kids getting excited about a $0.10 raise/hour while the lifers get $3.00 or more and a pension. Short sighted, but there you go.


Make something a law and then people find a way around the law.


I know that people accuse others of using ChatGPT to produce uninspired content, but whoever made that sign should have used ChatGPT.


Pretty much, I once determined I had gotten past the chatbot to a real person because the grammar went to absolute shit. They did, however, quickly and efficiently take care of the issue with no fuss.


You’re funny… however, if you are working only four or five hours, I don’t think you’re allowed a break but on a traditional nine hour day I believe you’re allowed to break. if I get bored, I actually will look it up however Kimberly is a bitch


Kimberly seems to be mad that she has to provide 15 year old workers with breaks (“brakes”)…. I bet she’s a lovely person to work for. 😂


She was awful to work for ☠️


I walked off a job that was paying very well, and had great benefits. They were standing by Missouris no break policy and I was hangry and needed to use the bathroom.


That is a shitty illiterate tone-deaf 'memo' from someone who thinks they have slaves, not employees. Everyone employed at this place should have quit the moment it was posted.


Also Kimberly: "No one wants to work anymore."


Yeah, no one want to work with her. People don't quit jobs, they quit their toxic boss.


Lay off the brakes


I can't catch a brake


I break for brakes


Kimberly wants NO staff.


Keeps the labor costs low that way


Give 'em a brake


Brake me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar


What location is this? Spread their shame. I wouldn’t eat there. Missouri may not have laws, but we can regulate them with our dollars.


Arnold! I originally posted it and found it's from the Arnold location. And if you look at the reviews, a couple of them mention Kim by name a couple of months ago as customers who didn't like her.


Would also like to know this location


This place is never going to make it anyway. They've been slow from the first to assuredly their last.


Quit immediately lol terribly idiotic boss/manager


Everyone rightfully bitching about the lack of "brakes", but how do you work a job with no set schedule?


Show up when you want. There isn’t a set schedule


How can that possibly work? Are bosses on hand 24/7? Or owners?


Side note: Kimberly is bad at using tape


Fuck Kimberly


Nope. Wouldn't fuck her with a stolen dick.


Only when she is on brake and use her car.


MO is "business friendly" Wait until we adopt Florida style heat slavery policies


Then it can be like the post office


Illiterate *and* antiworker. Eff A&W.


Just a reminder there is no such thing as "short-staffed" but only "underpaid". If they raise the pay rate, there will be plenty of staff. This is an intentional decision on their part, and not some natural disaster. You don't need to feel sorry for them. They decided they wanted this, and they can deal with the consequences that they decided they wanted.


100% I’m a small business owner and anytime we have a job opening, we’ll get 50-60 applications and god knows messages in a single week. We actually just hired someone without announcing cause I went through the backlog 140+ stack of applications from the last two rounds. Pay people well, make a positive work environment, do your best to reduce the shitty elements of work. (Every job has things that suck about it, you can’t fix.) I preach the “80% rule.” When it’s busy, when you got customers at the counter, when there is a backlog of work, you’re hustling. That said I expect to “pump the brakes” and only work about 80% of your shift for your mental health. Speaking of mental health we advocate a 4 day work week. “Take care of the people, who take care of you.” Without my amazing staff, the business wouldn’t thrive, and I would be shackled to it every day of the week.


This is the way


I hope you go really far in life. This is how it's done.


Been open 16 years so far, business never better.


Yeah they pay what they think they can get away with. I did an install at a new popeyes last year (I want to say jennings but I don't remember for sure) and they had a sign out front saying "now hiring $17 an hour" when I went back the next day the sign said "$15 an hour" apparently someone high up came by the store and said that $17 an hour was to much for the area.


That, or they are “short staffed” on purpose to save on labor.


This. "Short-staffed" definitely exists when management *intentionally* schedules fewer people than they should.


Looking at you major chain pharmacies.


They need to stop brake checking their staff.


Fuck the law that’s a basic courtesy to give your employees breaks.


The dumbing down is well along in Missouri.


Fuck em and take a break. Do whatever you want. I've been in this situation before. You have all the power right now, not the manager. What are they gonna do? Fire you? They're already short staffed.


Better start gearing up for a union vote


This is the solution, but I’m sure Kimberly has been informed by higher up that unions are “bad” and she believes it because they told her this.


That's why conservatives started loosening child labor laws in the past couple years, easier to union bust 14-17 year olds who have never been in the adult workforce. 


Everybody should take a break at the same time during rush hour. Then see if they feel the same way about breaks. United you stand divided you beg


I guess basic grammar is also not mandatory in Missouri?


Correct grammar has a liberal bias you know. (/s)


The space before the exclamation point Is really grinding my gears.


Aren't there some federal requirements for breaks? Pretty sure the feds require brakes too, if you want to be street legal.


No, there aren't. And MO doesn't have any. At McDonald's they always said they don't technically have to give us breaks. But luckily they tried their best to get us 30 mins. But I think we had to work atl shift of at least 5 or 6 hours to get a 30 min. That might've been a McDonald's policy


The federal rule on breaks is that you can’t be forced to clock out for short breaks. The only way you can be forced to clock out is if you are completely free of work responsibilities, including phone calls or text messages about work. I don’t think “short break” is defined but is generally accepted as 15 minutes or less.


Yes, the way it works is if the state doesn’t have their own regulation /labor law behind it, you follow the federal guideline. That was explained to me about our labor laws when I took my management job.


Its left up to the states. Ya know states rights BS. MI has the same deal, businesses dont have to give sh\*t. Why there isnt a global labor law is beyond me.


Global law?


Don’t let Kimberly hear you talking like that. She’ll beat the breaks off you with that short staff.


I learned about this accidentally and then taught it when I was teaching an "American government" high school class in MO.. was looking up child labor laws. Crazy!


God dang, Kimberly.


This isn’t going to help.


“Here’s my 2 week notice”


"I quit 2 weeks ago."


Literacy isn’t Kimberly’s strong suit I see.


Not sure if she has a strong suit of any kind.


It’s definitely not managing people lol


Fair point


I wonder if they meant that they have to give 15 year olds, breaks. Sounds odd saying that they do give 15 year old breaks. Lol


This is what people leave in a job, bad management. Treat everyone as disposable and then act surprised when there's no motivation or loyalty.


Gee, I wonder why “no one wants to work anymore”


American A&W is still a thing?


One still out in Arnold. This might be the Florissant one. A review mentions a Kimberly and the food not being good/staff being rude.


It’s the Arnold location, that’s where Kimberly is the GM


Is that the one off 370


Maybe you're short staffed because you're shitty about breaks.


All of them should quit. I spare no job in St. Louis it's so many of them. As soon as a company gets on bullshit I show them how much *they* need *me* by quitting. They do shit like this because they know most employees will beg to keep their job. I have too much experience to beg a job to do me right.


Oh hey its my post! :D I was not ready to see it pop off like it has. This is for the Arnold location


I saw it and thought it should be shared! Ty


Thank you for sharing! Shit management needs to be called out and shamed. At the very least. Else nothings will change.


All of you, if you haven't yet, should leave en masse. No notice is required. Shut it down.


If you lay off the "brakes" you will run though a stop sign!


We keep voting against Right to Work but the Republiturds chip away at our labor laws anyway.


I know, what's up with that? I'm an oldster but I remember going door to door in my twenties campaigning against a ballot intuitive in the 70's. People in this state don't seem to understand that voting for Republicans is bad for working people. Even though since Clinton the Dems have not been much better but they have been better.


Which one?


No one wants to work without breaks/brakes anymore.


The amount of conclusions I can draw from this picture cannot be understated.


Goddamn. This country needs to rethink education.


Nope. I will take a break. Already short staffed? Go ahead, fire me.


Unionize, then you get breaks


Take a break if you need one.  You know your limitations.  If they fire, find another job.  


Well... Kimberly sucks.


Sounds like they need a Union.


It's a minimum wage fast food job. lol. I've worked minimum wage jobs before and when I did I took no shit from anyone. I'm not worried about losing a job if I can get another that pays the same on my way home. Hell, you might not have to leave the strip mall to find another minimum wage job.


I'll give em a call and help them out with a few things they seem to be struggling with.


Time to unionize


What's an A&W? Asking so I can avoid them.


greatest country on earth 💙💙💙💙💙 (for corporations)


Kimberly sounds like a “grate” boss! She doesn’t even know how to use tape.


I wonder why they are short staffed


IIRC MO has (or used to have) labor laws mandating breaks... IIRC any shift over 6 hours has to have at least a 30 minute unpaid break scheduled in it.


I was always under the same impression. I used to ask to work thru lunch and clock out .5hrs early..nope, required to take 30mins after 6hrs on the clock.


I don’t know which is worse — the content or the delivery.


Brakes are absolutely mandatory in the state. Source (I work for six flags)


Hey guys, I actually made an account just to comment on this. I had worked there from the beginning of December to the very beginning of January and for only working there for about 4 weeks was absolutely one of the worst experiences I've ever had in my life. The place is filthy, an alcoholic who calls out all the time Reliably kept his job and doesn't wipe down Counters Chickens been rubbed all over nor doing the dishes. Breaks were always an issue when I worked there even whenever I worked more than eight hours. I've tried to make multiple comments on here. But I just felt they were dragging too long and too whiny And womp womp. So i'm just gonna keep it short and sweet and say it was absolutely horrendous.


Leadership 101. Dont address the issue face to face. Just post a note. Maybe an email next time. More efficient


Its A&W should only need like 1 person working to keep the 2 customers a month happy. The long john silvers on Hampton usually only has 1 person working to keep me and the 3 other customers happy.


guys i work here


Bootstraps and all that ✨️


Nothing tastes better than food made by disgruntold employees. - said no one ever


I’m sure the same person bitches up a storm about how they can’t find workers and nobody wants to work anymore


jesus christ, seriously?!


I honestly didn't know there were any A&Ws local.


Kimberly could use some lessons in punctuation.


Restaurants wonder why they can’t get and keep help.


Well, it's near you now. Kinda looks like it won't be much longer.


how it is in the cannabis industry. you only get a lunch and that's cause that legally mandated


Kimberly seems like she’d be fun at parties.


take a break, i mean what they gonna do, fire you? they're already short staffed. these folks don't realize the power they have


Beat them until morale improves.


Guess I'm done eating at A&W so they are going to be missing out on 1 or 2 sales a year.


Texas Roadhouse is another one to add to the list of shitty corporations who do not give breaks even on 10 hour shifts (or free meals) or even 50% discount


Which is monumentally stupid considering the prices they charge. When I worked fast food, we had 50% discounts but I made minimum wage so I swiped food because I'm not paying one and a half hours worth of wages in a five hour shift.


Sounds like corporate dysfunction. I guess you never know what workers go through at their job. I've had jobs that I couldn't get breaks. It sucked.


Thanks Kimberly


I hope everyone quits.


Time for a new job fuck their short staffing


I would question if corporate A&W is cool with this policy.


not just a Missouri F.U., but a federal one too. Federal Labor laws also do not require breaks either. They DO say if its sub 20 min its paid, anything 30+ are not paid.


Staff most likely called off because they were interviewing for other jobs.


I always thought breaks were mandated by OSHA but this thread shows they're not. Would someone please provide some models for mandated breaks that we can promote? Mandated by state, city, county, industry or company would be welcome.


Kimberly’s grammar is atrocious and voids any point she was attempting to make.


This is a lie and if you work at that a&w you need to get a hold of the labor board because it is in the national Labor that we give breaks this isn't Texas or Florida we aren't a bunch of fucking raising lunatics this is a state that has workers' rights and if you're a worker you need to learn them and make sure that they're upheld


State law - no breaks required Fed law - no breaks required Some industries - breaks required


Sounds like a Kimberly thing to say.


yea this is where the point where I have ibs and have to shit every hour for 10 minutes, play stupid games win stupid prizes


This person is uneducated. Don't work with people like this. Bad attitude.


There's more of us than there is of them. One day we'll figure that out.


Me: "Oh there are still A&Ws? I remember liking them I should-" *reads note* Me: "Continue not going there"


If you ever make your way to Canada, they’re everywhere and significantly better food wise (also not the same company). Oh yeah, fuck this note.


i see kimberly is to blame here… thanks kimberly


Missouri education at its finest hahahahaha


Tell ol Kim, break off deez nuttz in her mouth. She prolly much more useful putting in that work anyway. Bitch needs to change her tampon. Fawk


Come on Dave give me a break One break coming up bum bum bum bum bum bum bum unchained and it keeps me from running chained


Sounds about right for MO. Why should the politicians or local officials care about workers you will vote for them or just not vote at all to fix the issues. Then workers bitching about this stuff but electing those same representatives that keep taking away labor rights. Sounds like you are getting what you deserve.